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Meredy, Animal-Lover Extraordinaire!
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What is a Syrian?


Buying a Hamster

Taking Care of Your Hammy

Boy or Girl?


Hamster Gallery



Welcome to the Hamster Pages!

Hamsters are delightful little treasures and make good additions to a family. These pages focus on Syrian hamsters because they are what I own, know, and love.

The links at left will take you to the various pages in this site.

Featured Picture!

This is a photograph of two lovely sisters, Angel (left) and Shirley (right), who are enjoying some banana bread crumbs. They were born September 18th, 1999, along with 7 other babies. Unfortunately, Angel died recently. Shirley lives with my cousins.


We will be moving soon, so our breeding and adoption of hamsters is at a standstill. Currently, we only have one hamster, and it is my sister's hammy Eleanore. The rest have passed on or been adopted. This is very strange because we are used to so many of them. Also, I am going to college in the fall so I cannot have small animals in my dorm (AAAACK!--I will need to find a way around this!). I regret to say that my "Hamster Apartment Complex" project has been postponed until I have future need of one.


Do NOT leave your hamsters alone at home for more than three days.

While it is generally ok to leave your pet at home for the weekend with two bowls of food, fresh water, and a clean cage, it is not ok to leave him for longer than that. Hamsters in the wild are able to survive on occasional food supplies. However, domestic hamsters are born and raised with a constant food supply. Illness can arise in your pet or even starvation if left without food. Dirty cages promote Wet Tail and other diseases. SUGGESTION: Call a friend that (preferably) owns hamsters too and would be willing to babysit your hammy. For sitters who do not own hamsters: it might be a good idea to draw up a list of things your hamster will need while you are away. Again, NEVER leave your pet alone for more than three days.
