This document is an extension to the FAQ for

We request that no one post images belonging to the photographers and websites listed in this document. This is for the benefit of the poster as well as the photographer. We want to respect the requests of the photographers and we want to protect the posters from possible problems, legal or otherwise. Enforcement of this extension will be limited to a reminder in the group and/or via e-mail not to post the material. The moderators will not report you to your news server or ISP, Be advised, however, that many of the photographers on the list or their representatives do watch YAB and likely will report you or seek other legal action.

This list is only for those that have requested their pics not be posted and does not include series that would be off-topic due to content. Everyone is reminded that pornography (adult or child) and persons 18 years old and over are not allowed.

There are some that may allow posting if you ask them first.

If you have additions for the list please post in the group. Third party information MUST be posted in the group! Owners of pictures may contact me or another moderator by e-mail, but it is strongly suggested that they post in the group.

If you have questions about these series or others, please ask in the group.

It is strongly suggested that you do not post unoriginal material unless you know the original source and you know that they don't mind. It is okay to post an index or two or a pic or two to determine the source.

WARNING: Absence from this list does not mean that the owner has given permission for anyone to post his pictures. A poster could still have a complaint filed against him by the copyright holder even if he is not on our list.

Criteria for placement on list:

A website owner (who does not post to Usenet himself) must have a notice specifically prohibiting "newsgroup" or "usenet" posting and it must be on the first page of the free portion of the site. A gateway page that has only "enter" and/or "exit" links (a "cover page" so to speak) would be exempt as first page. If you have to use a link to "legal notice" or similar it does not qualify. Neither does a notice available only to members of a pay site. A website owner may also post such notice in YAB or other newsgroup, or may contact a moderator by e-mail. The moderators will not contact the owner unless there is a dispute among members of the group as to the owners wishes or in special circumstances as determined by the moderators. Requests relayed by a third party may or may not be added depending on who the third party is, and may require verification

Anyone who regularly posts to usenet and has indicated that his material not be re-posted by others.

Anyone who is known to have prosecuted, filed a complaint with a news server or isp, or who has warned or threatened a poster with such action.

Presence of a copyright notice on a pic or website does not constitute a no-post notice. ALL images are copyrighted by someone. Copyright will be used only to identify the owner. We are not enforcing copyrights! Be advised however that some copyright holders will contact your news provider and may cause your account to be terminated if you post their images. We will not do that.

Remember one thing: Posting images that the originator does not want posted, may cause that person to cease publication of his images (it has happened many times, people). So if you enjoy someone's pictures, it is in YOUR best interest to respect his wishes no matter how unreasonable they may seem!

The No Post List:

This document is an extension to the FAQ for and will be enforced the same as the FAQ is enforced.

Black Cat (aka Yossi and Chat Noir)
David Hamilton
Dmouser (Precious Visions, Lindsey, Taylor, Brittany, Kari and others)
Don Marcus (this includes all the Magic Scans except the Babinsky drawings)
Jacqueline (Jackie) Mann
Jacques Bourboulon
Jessi The Kid
Jock Sturges
Jonathan Gontar (Sara, Jennifer and others)
Katia (Henry Herbert aka Gege. Exception: Papaka pics and vids)
LA Stanaman (Exception: Morena Park Vidcaps that were originally posted by Alessandra's Smile)
Larry Trone (Danielle, Jerica and others)
Lazaras (W.W. Smith, Joseph Paul Photography, Cindi, Nikki, Bran, Shelly, Ally, CJ, and others)
Loraine (the ones by Photo-San)
Michael McCabe (Twins and others)
Molly-Model (Gary Smith)
Most Posters to ABP.Children and ABPFY (Shadetree, Uni,Little Rascal, etc.)
Mxphoto (Reanna and others)
Pammy (Pammywebs)
Paul Jones (Whitney, Abby, Rachel, Holly, Erin, Jenny, and others. Now includes Terry Callahan's Britnee, Karlee, Ashley and Kacey)
PhotoStudio17 (Gary Smith)
Randy L. Varner (, Melissa, Jessica, Christine, Kaci and others)
Sally Mann
Steve's CDs (Mary, aka Marianna, Nicole, Jennifer, Mandy, Amanda T, and others)
Terry Callahan (Britnee, Karlee, Kacey, Ashley and others)
The Siberian (Amanda - not Highwayman's Amanda)

Last modified on August 13, 2002

No Post Guide
Posting Modified Images