Posting of modified images

This document is an extension to the FAQ for

Modification of on-topic images in order to correct colors, brightness, sharpness, etc. is allowed as are modifications that make an image more interesting. This would include removing a model's clothing or combining models from different images and altering backgrounds. We will not prohibit any modifications because we or anyone else thinks they aren't good enough or not done properly. We do strongly recommend that you obtain permission from the original poster before posting modified images.

Be aware that there are some photographers and scanners who do not prohibit reposting of their images, but do prohibit posting of modifications without prior permission.

The first paragraph below applies to ALL modified images, including those done by the originator of the image. All other items apply only to modifications done by others.

Posting of modified images that are off-topic before modification is prohibited. Modifications that would render an on-topic image off-topic are also prohibited.

Posting of censored images, unless they are scans of images that were censored as published, is prohibited. Any image that must be censored to be legal would be off-topic in the first place (see previous paragraph)

Posting of a large portion (more than 10%) of a series of images with a website logo or URL removed is prohibited. Removing any logo or URL is strongly discouraged, unless there are other modifications done to the image or unless the logo obscures a portion of the model.

Removing a copyright notice is prohibited.

Using any portion of an off-topic image to modify another image is prohibited.

Modified images MUST have one or more characters added to the filename to indicate it's not original, BUT no portion of the original filename is to be removed. It is strongly suggested that characters be added to the end of the filename and before the ".". Some suggestions are "m" for modified, "r" for resized, "c" for corrected, etc.

Modifying images strictly to make them smaller in size (dimensionally or byte-size), commonly known as squashing, is strongly discouraged. Also making an image significantly larger than the original is discouraged.

In MOST cases, other than those mentioned above, modifying filenames and knowingly posting of images with modified filenames is prohibited. Exceptions are when the original names are too generic and would cause confusion with other similarly named series' (a common example is those with only numbers for a filename such as 001.jpg, but two different series named Jenny001.jpg would not be exempted).

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Posting Modified Images