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All we can do is give our souls. We can play the music....we can express all that we are....we can take pride in riding upon the vessel that will float upon the streams of melodies! Under no circumstances can we ever call ourselves the lords of its grace. Water flows from the veins of the earth....It is the essence of all things....Everything upon the earth relies on its cool embrace.....Water has the unique ability to penetrate the hardest of substances...It can destroy or create at will....It separates continents and cleanses the deepest of wounds. what is more powerfull than the calm cool water!! Music is a sister to the powerful water....the younger sister who follows her older siblings lead....mimics all her strengths and flows from one body to the next. like water she can only be contained in small amounts...her vastness is beyond our water ;however, she can be directed to fullfill a purpose...all of her vastness can be orcastrated to cleanse not only the deepest of wounds...but the deepest of souls! we cannot be her.....we cannot controll her....we cannot own her...or steal her....we can only be with her.....we can only be "AT-WATER" A gift from all of all of you....our souls.... Jeff....Ryan...James...& Ray... AT-WATER

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