Don't Threaten Me

The way it is...

Coming back to school was some kind of miracle. I'm back, and I feel like life has given me something that wasn't mine for the duration of the summer. My social life gives me happiness--I don't wallow in the four corners of my own humid summer universe--the fall is beginning. Cooler temperatures bring cooler heads, I hope.

I feel beautiful. It isn't necessarily a good feeling, because there is a lot of unwanted attention that comes with that self-confidence. I would like to thank a friend's mother for, this summer, giving me insight as to what could potentially happen in the future. Thus the name of this issue: don't threaten me. There are enough restrictions on my existence without having to worry about what one might be thinking during late-night bicycle rides.

This is dedicated in a way to the people in my social life now, to the way I felt during the first few weeks of reentry to college--bewilderment, confusion, endangerment, anger, sullenness, and joy in a radiant mix. Being alive feels like a low-budget foreign film in a naturally gorgeous country; I understand what is going on through translation only, but I know that I am the heroine at last. Sometimes, I conjecture, you get that for which you ask.

Looking over my shoulder,

Issue 2:
It's All in the Smile
The Most Popular
Rational Love
no adjective

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