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   Located at  915 Paseo Ranchero, Chula Vista, CA 91910                                                                                                                                     Contact us at 619.656.2525
About Us Get Involved Kid Zone Youth Preschool Worship Musical Arts Spanish
    “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Mt 18:20

The ministries of First UMC do not begin and end with weekly worship.  Service to our Lord and Savior begins with prayer, is nurtured through worship and study, and continues to grow as we strive to like Christ-centered lives and share our gifts through love and servitude. 
Everyone is warmly welcomed at our church, and no one is required to do anything that is not in their heart.  Everyone learns and grows at their own pace.  We can provide the tools and the environment through worship, study and prayer...the change takes place only through the transforming grace of God.  Join us in His name, and He will definitely meet you here.
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