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Rany's party ~Wonderland~Sault Trip 2004!

date - saturday may 15, 2004

Alia, Serena and I went to Rany's Catholic School Boy/Girl party in Oakville. We hadn't seen Rany since she left Turner (well I'd run into her once at Pacific Mall but that hardly counts) so it was really great to see her. Her and her friends and roommates were absolutely awesome, although we were a little anti-social and kept to ourselves. There was yummy food, good drinks (they've all done bartending school!) and some fun karaoke! Good times. :) Yay Rany!


above: Our beautiful hostess Rany, shocked at our atrocious behaviour!
far left: Alia and Serene get ready to hit the bar
left: Alia and I do tequila shots (mine came back up though...which is alright since I'm allergic;)



right: Serene and me get a little 'friendly'
middle:Serene's evil tattoo
far right: Serene teaches Alia a lesson!


left to right:
Alia, Serene, and Rany feign innocence~My lovely ass ;)~I seem to know every Carpenters and ABBA pathetic~Obligatory drunken picture of Serene and me!


date - sunday may 16, 2004

Alia, Serena, Neil, and I went to Wonderland the next day (first time there for me since OAC). Lots of fun. Alia took some great pictures of us on the "swings of the century" but has yet to figure out how to get them off of her digital camera. I'll help her out when she gets back from Australia. ;)

    strangling each other...but are you surprised?
right: serene, me, and alia, ready to go on some rides and cause some trouble... ;)
left: alia, me and alia try to take our own picture, neil and serene @ wonderland
neil and alia ready for drop zone and riding the drop zone!
making funny faces in line! :)

date - saturday may 21, 2004

Trip to Sault Ste Marie was awesome. I will love the Sault forever and ever. :) Our second day there started off with lunch at Muios where we had the 'best chicken fingers ever'! (chicken fingers with their chicken on the bun sauce, I loved it!:), we bottled wine, toured the soo locks, went horseback riding (our horses were a little mean though!;), and then relaxed in Tyler's hot tub. The day ended with us 'watching' Crocodile Dundee

me and allison start the wine bottling assembly line ;)
left: adrienne, allison, me, and tyler bottle wine  
right: adrienne corks the wine by hand!
right: us @ the soo locks :)
left: adrienne & allison before horseback riding!                  
    right: tyler, michelle, lindsay, adrienne, and me enjoy the hot tub, then we pose in bathing suits :)  

date - sunday may 22, 2004

Day 3 of our trip to the sault involved a short ride trip to Lindsay's camp on Lake Superior where we went three-wheeling. :) It was also Michelle's 21st birthday (very exciting since we never really get to celebrate her birthday since it's after school ends). We went to a Mexican restaurant for her birthday where they gave her a sombraro to wear (and a lovely sparkler to hold, but no cake!). Then we went "across the river" to Sault Michigan and enjoyed a bar called "The Back Door". 75 cent drinks when Canadian money is at par with American money means happy us. ;) We toasted Michelle several times (at least I did:).

happy birthday michelle!!! :)
above: me and adrienne on lake superior, spencer walks adrienne and lindsay @ camp ;)

above and left: lindsay, mei, adrienne, and allison take turns riding the three-wheeler
below: allison & lindsay before going out, boots loves adrienne :)

above: allison mixes cold water and hot water to make warmwater!
below: me, adrienne, allison, and lindsay before going out, is the curling iron on adrienne? ;)
left: adrienne and i drunk @ 5am? maybe a little ;)
left: allison and me before going out, pretty in pink and wearing other people's clothes!

date - sunday may 23, 2004

Day 4 in the Sault and we weren't even hung over! ;) Allison and I finally got to see the famous Soo cows, we had tea with Lindsay's grandma (who gave us the yummiest squares to eat ever!). However we didn't eat too much because we had a delicious BBQ with Michelle and her family afterwards in order to celebrate her birthday. :) Yay Michelle! The food was wonderful and I probably ate a little too much (but couldn't resist that cake...mmm...) and then Michelle opened her presents. Glad that she liked the card, the Jersey sheets, and the skirt (among other wonderful presents:). Lindsay and I then documented our horse wounds. ;)

above and right: michelle & tyler and lindsay become the unfortunate victims of drunken picture taking!

above: michelle reacts to the card we give her "you look bad, are you sick?" ;) and shows off her new jersey sheets!
left: me and allison pose underneath the Soo cows :D
top right: lindsay shows off her horse bruise (she was bleeding too!)
right: me and my horse bruise (evil jasmine the horse had a fit!;)

below: tyler and tianna working hard in the canada store!

date - monday may 24, 2004 (Victoria Day)

Day 5 of a wonderful trip and we had to go home. :( Stopped off in Mackinaw on the way back and finally got to see The Canada Store! Adrienne and Lindsay also bought some delicious candy apples (Adrienne informed me and Allison that we were going to regret not buying one too and I kind of did;). We also stopped off in Birch Run where we bought the cheapest clothes ever! Graphic tees, 4 for $10 American? $12.50 capris? And I can't remember how the sweatshirts were...$20 I think. Anyway, we loved it. Then we said good-bye to Michelle (for now) and drove home. The Sault was great though, I'll definitely go back and visit again. :)

me, lindsay and allison on the ride home (the picture of adrienne didn't really turn out, so it's not here)