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Do you feel life is a spiritual experience?
Do you believe in the power of positive energy?
Do you believe in the power of intention?
Are you learning to create your own reality?
Do you believe in following guidance?
Do you believe the most important thing is Unconditional Love?
Do you believe in the power of Unconditional Love?





The Blueprint of Your Soul

 Planetary Origin ....Where Are You Really From? Visit the planetary origin pages.


Light Anchor Project  join Light Workers around the planet in focusing Unconditional Love energy on Earth, her gridwork, and all of us upon her. Every Thursday where ever you are. 

                 Visit the Light Anchor Project page and post your location on our world map of Light Anchors!                                    

Light Connection is intended to be a place where information can be shared, understanding can be found, and connections between those on a spiritual pathway can be created. is a project guided by The Teachers of The Universal Mind and brought into physical by Blessing Feather.  


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      Light Connection Mission Statement:

  By linking our energies together a gridwork of light is created around the planet.  Energies joined together increase their power through a shared focus.  Our focus is working with the energy of Unconditional Love, which is the energy of creation. It is our intention to build the light anchor gridwork, to aid the planet and one another in our processes of transformation and development.  Through this joining of energies and light, we will create of planetary transformation.  We link our energies to create our personal and shared reality of choice.


   If I am online and free to chat , I will be on one of these IM's. These are my id's: 

  •  yahoo messenger as lightconnection

Or if you're like me and think there are way too many IM's, try Trillian.

  and talk to buddies on all the IM's at once.  




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1-Poor is created and maintained by Blessing Feather.  

Thanks for visiting Light Connection and come again!!

Light was last updated Wednesday, March 05, 2003

























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Last updated: March 05, 2003.