
Subject Index


NIV: - (Bible Version) - (New International Version)
. . - NIV NT missing verses list
. . . . Matthew - 17:21 • 18:11
. . . . Mark - 7:16 • 9:44,46 • 11:26 • 15:28
. . . . Luke - 17:36 • 23:17
. . . . John - 5:4
. . . . Acts - 8:37 • 15:34 • 28:29 • 24:7
. . . . Romans - 16:24

. . . . . .NIV Bibles usually have footnotes mentioning these verses
. . . . The NIV, has been called by some pastors:
. . . . . "New Incorrect Version" and
. . . . . "Not Inspiried Version"


Noah's Ark:
. . Picture of Mount Ararat from space.