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Excellent Enzymes
Awesome ATP
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Cellular Respiration
Aerobic Respiration
Anaerobic Respiration
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Light Reaction - The 1st stage of Photosynthesis

Light energy gets converted to chemical energy and makes oxygen as a waste. This occurs in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplasts' grana.

Chlorophyll A - Participates directly in light reaction. It is green like grass because it reflects green light.

Chlorophyll B - Broadens the range of light that a plant can use by conveying absorbed energy to chlorophyll B. It absorbs Blue and Orange light, and reflects yellow green.

Photo systems - The combination of antenna molecules, the reaction center, and primary electron acceptor.

Chemiosmosis - the production of ATP using the energy of H+ ions, gradients across a membrane to phosphorylate ADP.

The Calvin cycle is how chloroplasts produce glucose.


C4 Plant - a plant that saves water and prevents photorespiration. When hot, the plant keeps its stomata closed, conserving water. An example would be Corn, or Sugarcane.

Cam Plant - a plant that has adapted to dry climates by only opening it's stomata and admitting CO2 at night. An example would be a pineapple.



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This site was last updated 01/07/04