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• Page 3674 - RICHARD WRIGHT

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(1)Monday, 29 May 2000
[Open session]
[The witness entered court]

--- Upon commencing at 9.39 a.m.
(5) [The accused entered court]

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Good morning, ladies and gentlemen; good morning to the technical booth; good morning interpreters.

THE INTERPRETER: Good morning, Your Honour.

(10) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Good morning legal officers, court reporters, Mr. Harmon, Mr. McCloskey. I see Mr. Cayley is not here. Good morning, Mr. Petrusic, Mr. Visnjic; good morning, Professor; good morning to the accused. (15)Have you had a good rest?

THE WITNESS: I have, thank you, Mr. President.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Even with this storm we had?

(20) THE WITNESS: I stayed indoors.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] I should like to remind you, Professor, that you are continuing under oath and you will now be answering some further questions put to you by Mr. McCloskey. (25)Mr. McCloskey, you have the floor.

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(1) MR. McCLOSKEY: Thank you, Mr. President, and good morning; good morning, Your Honours; good morning, Defence counsel.


(5) • EXAMINED by Mr. McCloskey: [cont'd]

• Q.: Professor Wright, if we could, I'd like to go back just briefly, and if you could place the Exhibit 196 on the ELMO, the exhibit of your computer-generated graves. (10)All right. I just want to clarify one point. I know that previously we went over the dimensions, the length, the width, and the depth of each of the secondary graves you exhumed as well as the dam, and I noticed that -- we also discussed the ramp (15)that was present in these graves, and I wondered, could you discuss the depth, how accurate that depth figure is for these graves, how that relates to the ramp?

• A.: Yes. The ramp on the Cancari 12 site which we're looking at here is at this end, and the graves (20)get deeper as you go towards the end. That's the very nature of the machinery digging them. So the depth that I gave in my testimony on Friday relate to the maximum depths that are at the far end of the grave from the ramp.

(25) • Q.: So in order to determine the volume of

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(1)basically the size of the grave, you would have to have the exact or a better size of the actual depth of the grave than the deepest side?

• A.: Yes. I didn't present any testimony on the (5)volume of the grave, merely the maximum depth. The only exception to that is the grave of Zeleni Jadar, which was not dug in this way. So that was a fairly even depth all over.

• Q.: Now, also in your probing of all the (10)secondary graves, were you able to link any of the secondary graves to each over merely by this brief process of probing? Especially I'm referring -- were you able to link Cancari 3 with any of the other probed graves?

(15) • A.: The content of glass at -- of broken glass at Cancari 3 and at Cancari 1 led me to think that they had both come from the same source, which I considered to be the site of Kozluk.

• Q.: Thank you. Now, the Liplje sites. Clearly (20)the exhumation at Liplje show these very large, cut boulders as you've described. Did you notice anything like that in the other brief probings you did on the other sides around Liplje?

• A.: The point about the Liplje grave is they're (25)not boulders in the geological sense. They are

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(1)actually quarried rock at Liplje, and that's unique to Liplje and to the dam site.

• Q.: Did you come across any of that quarried rock as you were probing the other two Liplje sites that you (5)probed?

• A.: No. I've never seen it anywhere else.

• Q.: Again, could you -- but the probing process is not a detailed archaeological study in any way, is it?

(10) • A.: It's not a detailed archaeological study, but the content at Liplje of large, fractured rocks is such that had it been present in any of the other sites, I believe I would have seen it during the scraping process at the top of the filling of the grave.

(15) • Q.: We hope you have a chance to get to those graves the upcoming summer. Well, let's now get on to the following summer, where you were able to look more into the Kozluk site, which you were led to, the Kozluk site, by (20)the investigation. And you described briefly what you found there the previous summer; the area near the bottling factory, the surface remains and such. But let's put Exhibit 201 on the ELMO, if we could. If you could describe what that photo depicts.

(25) • A.: This is obviously an aerial photograph taken

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(1)of the site of Kozluk. The area that we excavated in is this area here. This is the River Drina which forms the boundary between Republika Srpska and Serbia. This is Serbia.

(5) • Q.: And for the record -- excuse me, Professor Wright -- the area of the exhumation was the large sort of disturbed dirt area on the left of the photo, and the area of Serbia is in the top of the photo on the other side of the Drina River from the excavation?

(10) • A.: Correct.

• Q.: Can you tell us what you -- a little bit about the area and what you discovered as you excavated this particular grave?

• A.: I first went there in 1998, when I suspected (15)that the Cancari 3 site had come from near Kozluk. And when I went there, I found the whole area covered in soil, but in one place there were human remains. There was a leg and, I think, some other part of the anatomy, and some clothing lying around, also shell cases from (20)rifle fire. But there was nothing else to be seen. I returned with my team in 1999, in -- I don't have the dates with me, but it was sometime in the summer, late June, July of 1999, and we brought some heavy earth-moving equipment with us. And there (25)were three things that we discovered at Kozluk.

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(1)Firstly, all traces of the burial of the bodies had been covered up by soil, and I'd like to divide the observations into three. Firstly, we discovered places where bodies had been totally removed (5)by heavy machinery at some time before we got there. Secondly, there were places where attempts had been made to remove bodies, but my interpretation is that the attempts were given up. Some bodies had been taken away, but there were many parts of bodies (10)that were left in the soil and then covered up again with clean soil. Thirdly, there were places that I interpret as places of execution. That is, we uncovered bodies that had -- where the executed people had dropped on (15)the spot, and that had then been covered up with soil and had been left entirely undisturbed. My interpretation of those bodies as having dropped on the spot after being shot is based on the lack of any disturbance to the limbs, and also we recovered, by (20)means of metal detectors, bullets embedded in the clay that was under the bodies.

• Q.: Now, we have some exhibits, I think, that will help explain your conclusions, and if you could put the next exhibit, which is 202, on the ELMO. (25)But before we get to that, let me ask,

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(1)generally as you excavated this grave, did you notice this tell-tale green glass all throughout the grave fill?

• A.: Yes. I think there was nowhere we didn't (5)find the green glass. I should qualify my use of the word "grave". There was little or no sign of dug graves of the sort that I have been giving testimony about. This area at Kozluk is an area of sloping (10)ground. There are places where gravel and sand have been extracted for commercial purposes. Nearly all the bodies lay on the slopes and were then covered up with dirt. So they are graves, yes, but they are not big, excavated graves of the sort which we have been talking (15)about in previous testimony.

• Q.: Thank you. All right. And if you could put Exhibit 202 on the ELMO, and if you could explain that and how that fits into the conclusions you were just speaking of.

(20) • A.: This is the third type of deposit at Kozluk. This is the place where we found -- this is one of the places where we found bodies lying on a surface, this surface from which we have removed the covering dirt
[indicates] These bodies are lying individually, were (25)originally about a metre below the surface of the soil

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(1)that had covered them up. They are skeletonised because they are so close to the surface, and therefore, I decided in this case to expose the whole width of bodies. Normally, we don't do that because (5)exposure of the fleshed bodies to oxygen causes more putrefaction. But in this case they were virtually skeletonised, so I made an exception to my normal practice. And here are bodies lying on a surface embedded in which we found many bullets.

(10) • Q.: So just to clarify, your normal practice is to, as you uncover a body, you take it away so it's not open to the elements?

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: But in this case, because they were (15)skeletonised -- and this is a good exhibit of what happened -- you just uncovered all these bodies and left them lying?

• A.: Yes, much more like a conventional archaeologically excavation.

(20) • Q.: And you spoke of people that you thought were shot in the grave. Are those people depicted in this particular photograph?

• A.: This is the place that we called Kozluk 2 and where there's a limited number of bodies. The main (25)area I'll talk about later of Kozluk 3.

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(1) • Q.: And what can you tell us about the bodies that you see in this photograph?

• A.: Several of them in this photograph, I think about half of them, had their hands tied behind their (5)back or their hands arranged in such a position that I believed their hands were tied behind their back. And because these bodies are so close to the surface, natural materials like cotton disintegrate as the bodies disintegrate, so in other parts of the site (10)where the hands were behind the bodies, where they were protected from destruction, we almost invariably found ligatures, the actual ligatures themselves.

• Q.: Some of these bodies were actually blindfolded, were they not?

(15) • A.: In this particular photograph, I can't -- I couldn't say -- speak to the numbers, but my memory is, yes.

• Q.: In the Kozluk grave generally there were a number of blindfolded bodies?

(20) • A.: In the Kozluk grave generally there were many blindfolded bodies, I think in the order of 16 per cent.

• Q.: From this photograph, can you conclude whether or not any of these individuals in the (25)photograph were shot in the grave?

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(1) • A.: I saw injuries that are consistent with gunshot wounds, but, of course, the mortuary team determined that. But I saw, in the case of these, at least one of these individuals, a bullet embedded in (5)bone.

• Q.: I believe yesterday [sic] You testified that you discovered bullets underneath some bodies. Was that this group or another group?

• A.: In two places we found bullets underneath (10)bodies and this was one of them.

• Q.: Okay. Could you point out that and try to describe, on the ELMO, which bodies you're talking about, for the record. You may need to pull the photograph or the ELMO may need to come up a bit to (15)include the entire photograph.

• A.: I do have an exhibit designed -- which shows the distribution of bullets coming up, but essentially they're embedded in this surface. This is the original surface that was exposed at the time of execution. It (20)had, underneath the bodies, plant remains preserved that were actually growing in place, had been growing in place, so this was a land surface on which the people had fallen when they were shot.

MR. McCLOSKEY: All right. And for the (25)record, Professor Wright has pointed to the five bodies

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(1)on the right side of the screen, that are separate from each other, as well as to the cluster of bodies as you move over to the left of the screen.

• Q.: Is that correct?

(5) • A.: Yes, that's correct. At the bottom right of the illustration is a -- where the surface suddenly stops, this is an area where subsequent robbing activity took place.

• Q.: How do you know that?

(10) • A.: Because of the tooth marks and the disruption and actual removal of the bodies that are on the edge of this distribution. In other words, as you move towards the bottom right of the photograph, there is a sudden break which is where the robbing trench cut (15)across and removed some bones from bodies.

• Q.: When you say "tooth mark," you're talking about the tooth marks of the digging machine that robbed them; is that correct?

• A.: Yes.

(20) • Q.: Could you point out what you believe to be tooth marks on this photograph?

• A.: Not on this photograph. I think they are showing in this portion, but I have another illustration to show that better.

(25) • Q.: All right. And the -- where this trench

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(1)comes across the bodies, were those bodies actually cut by this trenching action?

• A.: Yes. One had lost a leg by the trenching action.

(5) • Q.: I believe the next exhibit is a better exhibit on the tooth marks that you're speaking of, and that is Exhibit 132/107. That is the same group of individuals but a larger view; is that right?

• A.: Yes, at about 45 degrees the view. But we're (10)looking at the same bodies as we looked at in the previous photographs, and the distribution from the right-hand side to the left-hand side, something like 16 or 17 bodies.

• Q.: So the teeth marks on this, can you describe (15)that?

• A.: Yes. In the foreground of the picture there is trench showing. It's common in these graves to find that either tyres or the teeth on the machines or both have compressed the soil at the time of the removal of (20)the soil so that subsequent soil falls into the hollows of the tooth marks. It's much looser and it's, therefore, possible to remove it and to display the machinery that was used to do the robbing.

• Q.: So how were you able to take the dirt off of (25)these bodies and these scrape marks without disturbing

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(1)the bodies or the scrape marks?

• A.: It's done in the normal archaeological way, with trowels and with brushes.

• Q.: So your backhoe never got -- didn't get near (5)these bodies or these scrape marks, this was all done by hand by you?

• A.: This is done by hand.

• Q.: Is there anything else in this photograph of interest to your conclusions?

(10) • A.: I think the fact that the bodies are skeletonised shows up well. Some items of synthetic clothing have survived well. The -- most of the natural materials have been destroyed by the weathering process because these bodies were quite close to the (15)surface.

• Q.: Now, we don't see the individual number markings on these bodies that you usually photograph next to bodies, but in some other of your photographic records, each of these bodies will be identified by (20)number; is that correct?

• A.: Each of these bodies has been assigned a sequence number, and that sequence number will be included in the photograph of each body, and that sequence number would have gone down with the body to (25)the mortuary.

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(1) • Q.: So this would allow us to ask the pathologist, if necessary, to identify these bodies and give us the conclusions of the autopsies of, for example, these five that are on the right-hand side of (5)the picture?

• A.: Yes. The individual -- the bodies are treated as individual bodies for the purpose of analysis.

MR. McCLOSKEY: For Your Honours, we have (10)asked one of the pathologists who will testify to go over the results, particular results of these five, just for your recollection, when we get to the pathologists in a day or two.

• Q.: All right. Now, you mentioned other parts of (15)the grave. Can you discuss other parts of the grave and how that fits into your conclusions?

• A.: The main area of discovery of bodies is what we have called Kozluk 3, and in that area, we recovered some 270 bodies, together with about 200 body parts (20)left over by the attempts to move some of those bodies.

• Q.: Can you describe how you found them and any conclusions you might have reached?

• A.: They are some 20 or 30 metres to the west of the picture that you have on the screen. We discovered (25)it by scraping down the covering of soil over the

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(1)bodies until we first found them and then the work changed to being done by hand.

• Q.: Do these appear to be on, like you said before, some kind of a slope?

(5) • A.: They are on a slope. They are lying on probably hundreds of thousands of pieces of broken glass. In other words, before the people were executed, the bottling factory had dumped many hundreds of broken bottles down that slope, and all 270 bodies (10)at Kozluk 3 lie on that broken glass.

• Q.: Were you ever able to make any conclusions about whether or not the people were killed where they were lying or whether they were dumped there later?

• A.: On the margins of the distribution of the (15)270 bodies, where you're dealing with individual bodies at the extremities of the body mass, the bodies looked like they do in this photograph from Kozluk 3; that is, they're lying on surfaces just beyond the glassy edge, on their own, and where there are bullets embedded in (20)the clay.

• Q.: How about the large cluster of the group? Were you able to determine anything or would that be speculation?

• A.: I considered whether or not these people (25)might have been shot on top of the slope and then

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(1)pushed by machinery down the slope as opposed to being shot on the slope itself, on the glassy slope itself, and I wasn't able to conclude one way or the other what had happened. On the fringes of the main distribution (5)of bodies, however, they had definitely been shot in place.

• Q.: You found many shell casings throughout this grave, didn't you?

• A.: Amongst the bodies and to the side of the (10)bodies, we found many shell casings.

• Q.: Could you put Exhibit 203 on the ELMO and explain what that is?

• A.: I mentioned in my testimony on Friday that we surveyed each of the bodies, taking 12 anatomical (15)landmarks. This allows us to produce maps of the distribution of these bodies, of which this is the map for the site of Kozluk 3 that we've been talking about. Kozluk 3 -- in the case of Kozluk 3, the (20)bodies had soft tissue very well preserved, and here we had to remove them as we found them, because it was the height of summer and bacterial decomposition and destruction by insects was beginning to start within two or three hours of their exposure. So we removed (25)them one by one. Therefore, our survey is the only

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(1)record that we have of what the total mass of bodies looks like, and this is a representation of the bodies at Kozluk. There are 270 complete bodies represented in this diagram. I haven't represented the body parts.

(5) • Q.: The bodies are the little black stick figures?

• A.: Yes. On the bottom left where this individual is on its own, here where its on its own you can see the effect, but, of course, within the main (10)mass of bodies where they were sometimes four thick, you lose resolution, you lose detail.

• Q.: What are the little red marks?

• A.: Red dots are the shell casings that we found as the bodies were removed. These are mixed up with (15)the bodies, lying to the side of the bodies, on the surface on which the bodies lie.

• Q.: Now, is there anything else, any other major conclusions you wish to share with the Court? And, of course, the total number of individuals represented in (20)the grave, as you've received information from the anthropologist, would also, of course, be important.

• A.: The anthropologist will have to testify to that, but we removed -- my records show that we moved from this location that is illustrated here some (25)270 bodies and some 200 body parts. I'm not aware of

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(1)how many individuals the anthropologist reconstructed from these 200 body parts that are additional to the 270 shown here.

• Q.: All right. And just finally, Exhibit 223 is (5)your resume or your CV, and you've had a chance to review that and that is an accurate copy of your CV; is that correct?

• A.: That is.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Your Honours, I have no (10)further questions at this time.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Yes. Thank you very much, Mr. McCloskey. Professor, you're now going to answer questions put to you by Mr. Visnjic, the Defence (15)counsel, is going to ask you. Mr. Visnjic, you have the floor.

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Thank you, Mr. President.

• CROSS-EXAMINED by Mr. Visnjic:

(20) • Q.: Professor Wright, in your statement about the exhumations in 1998, within the frameworks of your conclusions you state that none of the 857 individuals were wearing military uniforms. Can you tell us -- can you explain to us what you mean by the term "to wear (25)military uniform"? What do you consider that term to

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(1)mean in your statement?

• A.: By that statement, I mean that I did not see essentially khaki jackets and khaki trousers of the sort that I associate internationally with military (5)wear.

• Q.: Did you mean that some individuals had a complete uniform or only parts of an army uniform? Is it possible that individuals were wearing both civilian and military clothing at the same time, parts of these (10)different types of clothing?

• A.: No, I was referring to items of military clothing. I did not see, in 1998, nor in 1999, for that matter, an item of military clothing in the grave, though I have expressed in my report some caution there (15)because the clothing is covered in mud in many instances and so the final conclusion about the nature of the clothing we found is done by the mortuary staff after washing the clothes. But I did not see, in the course of exhumations, an item of military clothing.

(20) • Q.: In the same report, within your conclusions you state that on the basis of the findings by Mr. Mills, that it was possible to ascertain the time of the execution as being Thursday, the 14th of July, 1995. (25)My question is the following: In your

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(1)report, you mention that you found ten watches, eight of which are in keeping with a certain mathematical procedure and is incorporated into this term. Bearing in mind the two watches that don't fit, is it possible (5)that in the same site, grave site, people were buried which were executed earlier on or later on and then introduced into the sites, into the graves, later on?

• A.: On the basis of the watches alone -- on the basis of the watches that I observed in the course of (10)excavation, I was struck by the fact that eight out of ten showed either "Saturday 15" or "Sunday 16" in the windows. My understanding of these watches is that -- because I actually own one myself -- is that they -- you do not have to set the day or the date in order for (15)the watch to work as a timepiece. So although one possible conclusion would be, from a watch that did not show ""Friday [sic] 15" or "Sunday 16", one possible conclusion would be that its user died at a different time. It's not a necessary conclusion, because the day (20)and the date may never have been set.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Excuse me. Perhaps we could clarify which grave you're talking about. I believe that these watches are specific to specific graves, and that may make more sense.

(25) • A.: I'm talking -- in my report, I list the --

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(1)I'm sorry, were you addressing the question to me or --

MR. McCLOSKEY: No. That was just an objection to try to clarify the record, because the question is vague as to --

(5) THE INTERPRETER: Microphone, Mr. McCloskey.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Excuse me. It's an objection as to vagueness, because we don't know which grave site he's talking about.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Yes. (10)Mr. Visnjic, could you specify and tell us exactly what you mean in your question so that we can follow the discussion. So when you're talking about watches, perhaps it would be a good idea for you to indicate what the grave site is that you're referring to where (15)the watches were found. Otherwise, it is difficult to follow.

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Mr. President, in the question -- that is to say, we are talking about two watches found at the Hodzici grave site, A-4. That (20)is what it states in the professor's statement, at least.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. McCloskey, is that precision sufficient for you?

MR. McCLOSKEY: I think Professor Wright has (25)a whole section on the watches that he, in order to

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(1)shed light on this during testimony, may want to discuss, because it doesn't make any sense if discussed without the knowledge of which watches were found in which grave, and of course each secondary grave is (5)associated to a primary grave, and we have evidence on the record of when the primary graves were created. And so I think in order for this discussion to make sense, we need to definitely get back into the particular grave, the particular watches, because (10)watches were found in different graves, both primary and secondary, and it's difficult to understand this particular discussion of the analysis of these particular artefacts unless we go back to the beginning, to some degree. But Professor Wright knows (15)all about this and he can discuss it, so I merely say that.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Yes. Very well. Perhaps Mr. Visnjic could ask the question in a more precise way, and then Professor Wright can answer (20)and explain. And at the end, if there are any difficulties, you can take up the matter, Mr. McCloskey, later on in your redirect. I think that that is the way to proceed.

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Thank you, (25)Mr. President.

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(1) • Q.: Professor Wright, can you tell us the following: When you located the secondary grave sites, were the aerial photographs, for your purposes and investigation, were they decisive in determining their (5)exact locations as well as the other indicators such as the Hodzici road?

• A.: The aerial photographs were, in a sense, precise. But the area that they showed was an area of general disturbance, which was much larger than the (10)grave itself. So the area of disturbance might be in the order of 100 metres by 100 metres, but within that there was a grave that might be 30 metres long and five metres -- and three metres broad. So the aerial photographs allowed us to go to the general area, but (15)exploratory work with a backhoe had to be done to find the exact grave.

• Q.: My next question is linked to that answer of yours. Is it a logical assumption that underneath the larger surface that was dug, that you find the largest (20)number of bodies? Was this assumption borne out and confirmed in practice?

• A.: I didn't do any formal analysis of the relation of the disturbed area shown by aerial images and the number of bodies. I couldn't answer that (25)question.

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(1) • Q.: Can you tell us how it was decided which of the secondary grave sites in a certain location -- let us take, for example, the Hodzici road -- would be exhumated and which did you leave for a subsequent (5)date?

• A.: One of our considerations was that we could get to the site the heavy equipment and the -- or set up the camp with washing facilities and analytical facilities and so on. Some of the sites were suitable (10)for that, some were not. All of them, except for Hodzici 1, were by the side of a good gravel road. We decided, on the basis of the ease of work -- the separation, for instance, in Cancari road between number 12 and number 3 was a sample of two that were (15)well separated. So there were a mixture of factors that made us decide which ones to totally exhume and which ones to probe.

• Q.: During your testimony yesterday [sic], you said that on the basis of your experience from Bosnia, (20)you were able to conclude that the blue and green colour of the soil indicated that below the soil it would be probable to expect bodies. My question is the following: Based on your experience, did this refer only to the Bosnia area as a (25)geographical region, to Bosnia itself, or -- bearing in

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(1)mind the climate, the soil composition and so on, or did other factors influence you to draw that conclusion based on your previous experience?

• A.: In terms of my own previous experience in the (5)Ukraine, we saw dark soil associated with the bodies, but we did not see this bright green/blue soil. That is unique to my Bosnian experience, though I have read textbooks on homicide investigations, and the occurrence of such blue/green soil associated with (10)bodies is commonly mentioned.

• Q.: Were there any differences in colour with the secondary and -- primary and secondary grave sites in terms of soil colour?

• A.: No, I can't say that there were consistent (15)differences. The primary sites that I saw were the dam -- that I investigated were the dam site, Petkovci Dam site. Around the bodies were certainly this -- around the body parts was this greenish soil. And the other primary site I have worked on is Kozluk, and (20)again around the bodies that still had flesh associated with them was this green soil. I don't remember any differences between the general properties of the soil in those two primary sites and in the secondary sites.

• Q.: Judging from your experience, what level (25)above and below the bodies does this colouring of the

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(1)soil take place?

• A.: It extends to beyond the bodies, perhaps to 20 or 30 centimetres beyond the bodies, even into the undisturbed soil alongside the bodies. I should say 20 (5)or 30 centimetres.

• Q.: Above and below the body level, you say; is that correct?

• A.: And to the side.

• Q.: Thank you. This experience of yours, does it (10)relate -- is it the same for primary and secondary grave sites?

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: Does the same colouring in the soil -- would the bodies of animals produce the same soil colouring, (15)animals or some other putrefaction, decomposition? Would it give the same soil colouring?

• A.: I imagine that's so, but I don't have any direct experience of digging where there's a mass of animals buried. But I don't think it's something (20)peculiar to human remains.

• Q.: Professor Wright, with respect to your experience as far as secondary grave sites are concerned, your experience in that field, what would you say determines these sites of secondary grave (25)sites? What led the perpetrators to choose a

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(1)particular secondary grave site? Was it the configuration of the soil, whether it was soft soil which would be easy to dig, or would you say there were other elements that led them to choose a particular (5)secondary grave site?

• A.: The only answer I can give to that is that the sites were accessible to trucks. I can't speak for the people who dug the secondary graves, but I did observe that all of the sites could be driven to by (10)vehicles, by heavy vehicles.

• Q.: Professor, during your testimony today in the examination-in-chief, you said that you found the bodies -- parts of bodies of two individuals at the surface of the soil in Kozluk in 1998. According to (15)your assessment, what was the age of the body parts on that surface; that is to say, how long were they on the surface?

• A.: I couldn't say, in number of years, but they still had flesh and tissue holding the bones together. (20)They were clearly not very old. But just looking at those bones on their own, I couldn't say how old they were. The body parts, I couldn't say how old they were. Can I add to that? Now I have studied the (25)site, I know they must be later than the executions and

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(1)the main burials, because they're lying on soil that was put back over the disturbed remains.

• Q.: Were these body parts damaged in any way?

• A.: By definition, because they're body parts, (5)they must have been removed from complete bodies. So to that extent they were damaged.

• Q.: At what depth underneath these body parts were the rest of the bodies in the grave site located?

• A.: At the exact spot where we found those body (10)parts on the surface in 1998, immediately below that there were no other bodies. The other bodies were to the west and to the east of those two remains. There was something like 20 metres separating the site of Kozluk 2, the grave of Kozluk 2 from Kozluk 3, and they (15)are on the surface between those two areas.

• Q.: Could you say whether in that locality, whether there were more exhumations at one particular spot, whether the primary gave sites were dug over several times?

(20) • A.: No. I think that the observations we made only require one episode of robbing of the area. I didn't see any indications that led me to suggest that it had been dug over many times.

• Q.: On the basis of your experience, again can (25)you exclude the possibility of there being many

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(1)diggings, that is to say that the bodies had been buried many times, several times?

• A.: At Kozluk, yes, because most of the bodies were totally undisturbed. It was only near the top of (5)the main mass of the bodies that there were body parts and disturbance. Most of them were totally undisturbed.

• Q.: Within the frameworks of that same report of yours, you say that a number of body parts were pulled (10)off from the bodies during the exhumation and in the attempt to cover up the primary grave site, that they were severed from the main body. Do you know -- I know that this does not come exclusively within your field of expertise, but do you happen to know whether the (15)pathologists, when they made the identifications, whether they discovered any of those body parts and were able to incorporate them? Did they find them in the secondary grave sites and were they able to link them up to the bodies that were found in the primary (20)grave sites? Were they able to put two together?

• A.: I think you're referring to the Cancari 3 site and the Kozluk site. I don't know whether they were able to fit them together. I have not been -- I have not taken part in the mortuary operation, so I (25)don't know the results there.

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(1) • Q.: During your testimony today, you said that certain casings had been found below the bodies. When a bullet penetrates a human body, how deep can it go below the body and what does that depend on?

(5) • A.: I'm not a ballistics expert. I should say that the shell cases at Kozluk were found mixed up with the bodies as well as below the bodies, that is, the shell cases. The bullets were both on the edges of the Kozluk 3 site, that is, the main mass of bodies, and at (10)Kozluk 2 were embedded in the clay below the bodies to a depth of about 5 centimetres. The shell cases were not found embedded in the clay underneath. The shell cases were found on the surface on which the bodies lay, amongst the bodies, (15)and on top of the bodies. But I cannot -- not having any expertise in ballistics, I cannot comment on the significance of that except to say where I found them.

• Q.: The number of bullets found, did it correspond to the number of persons executed?

(20) • A.: Can I ask you if we're referring to the number of shell cases or the number of bullets?

• Q.: Number of bullets.

• A.: I don't know how many bullets were found altogether. A lot of them will also have been found in (25)the mortuary. And although in the site logs we

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(1)recorded all the bullets found by ourselves, you would have to add to those the bullets that were found in the mortuary operation. I don't have that number with me.

• Q.: Also in your report referring to Kozluk, you (5)stated that the bodies were transported by trucks. I think that this is to be found on page 12 of your report, just to help you. Page 12, paragraph 2, last sentence.

• A.: Yes. That conclusion was based on the (10)observations that we made in 1998, that there was a slope which had clothing and some body parts on it that -- where there were body parts spilled down the slope, and I interpreted that as being the remains of the removal of the bodies after the robbing of the (15)primary grave. I didn't, however, see truck marks or any other evidence. That is an interpretation based on my knowledge of the Cancari 3 site, to which I attribute the bodies in the Cancari 3 site to having come from Kozluk. And knowing the road distances, I, (20)therefore, assume they must have come by truck, and I identified at the Kozluk site a place in the landscape which had clothing and body parts and which I think is consistent with the place where the bodies were loaded into the trucks.

(25) • Q.: Professor Wright, I should like to go back to

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(1)your previous testimony regarding the primary grave site at the dam at Petkovci. During your examination-in-chief, you said that because of the composition of the soil, which is (5)rocky and allows for oxygen to pass, that the putrefication of soft tissue was speeded up.

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: Could it be that for the same reason, because of the circulation of air, that bodies are mummified (10)more quickly too?

• A.: For a body to become mummified, in my opinion, it has to be dry, and the site at the dam is far from dry because of the rainfall that falls on the surface of the ground. So I would not expect bodies, (15)under those circumstances, to become mummified.

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] I should like to ask the registrar to show the witness Prosecution Exhibit 22/8. It is a photograph. So could it be shown to the Witness, please. (20)I should also like to ask the registrar, Mr. President, Mr. President, to facilitate proceedings, this is a page of the transcript in which the Professor is explaining this photograph. I'm sorry, not the Professor but Mr. Ruez. Mr. Ruez was (25)commenting on this photograph. It is page 742 of the

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(1)transcript, on the 15th of March, 2000, when the investigator of the Prosecution's Office, Mr. Ruez, was explaining this photograph or, rather, Exhibit 22/8.

• Q.: Professor, the part that I should like to (5)refer to has been highlighted in yellow, and it has to do with the following: The ligatures or the cloth, as Mr. Ruez said was like a ligature, was found on the surface or immediately below the surface of the soil at the dam. (10)My question is the following: How long is it possible for a piece of cloth of this kind to remain on the surface without decomposing, in view of the composition of the material?

• A.: My experience of these sites is that the (15)answer depends on the type of the material. If it's a natural material such as cotton or wool, then it is destroyed very quickly. If it's an artificial material such as nylon or polyester, then it will last for many, many years. I don't know the composition of this (20)particular item, so I can't answer your question directly. I can only distinguish between -- in answering that general question, I can only distinguish between natural and artificial materials, and they have different -- they have different lifetimes in the (25)soil.

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(1) • Q.: I should like to ask for Prosecution Exhibit 131/1.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Visnjic, excuse me for interrupting you. Are you (5)going to use other exhibits? In that case, you can tell the registrar the exhibit numbers in advance so that she can prepare them for you.

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Mr. President, I had thought about it, but in view of the fact that we (10)didn't ask for a break between the examination-in-chief and the cross, and I'm close to ending my cross, so I think this is a more rational way to proceed.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] I understand. Thank you anyway, Mr. Visnjic.

(15) THE REGISTRAR: Excuse me. I'm having a problem finding it. If we can take a break perhaps.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Perhaps I see that Mr. Harmon is going to find the exhibit for us.

(20) MR. VISNJIC: [Int.]

• Q.: Professor Wright, my question is: Is this the type of material that can last for a protracted period of time?

• A.: Yes. I have seen this material in the sites (25)we've exhumed. I identify this as a polyester twine.

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(1)Therefore, it being polyester, I would expect this to last for a protracted period of time.

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Exhibit 131/1 also has a first page containing explanations, so could (5)I ask for that to be shown to the witness as well, please. Yes, yes, that's it.

• A.: Do you want me to display this?

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Yes, please.

• Q.: Professor Wright, can you just explain to us (10)these two numbers that appear here in the left-hand corner, lower left-hand box?

• A.: I can't explain those numbers from my direct experience. These numbers are assigned to that object after I have handed the material over to the mortuary. (15)So I don't know the significance of those numbers.

• Q.: Professor Wright, according to your report and findings, how many hand ligatures were found at the dam grave site?

• A.: To answer that, I would have to consult my (20)report, and then I would also have to consult the log that was taken of the remains. I have my report with me and I can have a look at that, but I do not have the log which has been tendered in evidence and is part of ICTY's records. I don't have it with me, but I will (25)look first in my report and see if I made mention of

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(1)these things.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Visnjic, would you like a break now? Would that be convenient? We have been working for an hour and a (5)quarter. Perhaps we could have a break now. You are about to finish, are you?

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Mr. President, I only have one further brief question for Professor Wright, so I can put it before the break, or it's up to (10)you. If you decide to have the break now, it's fine.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] In any event, as we have questions by the Judges later, perhaps it would be better to have a break now so that Professor Wright can have a chance to look through his (15)report. And then we can resume, because we need to have the re-examination and the questions of the Judges. So we'll now have a 20-minute break.

--- Recess taken at 10.48 a.m.

(20) --- On resuming at 11.13 a.m.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] We're resuming the hearing. Mr. Visnjic, you may continue, please.

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Thank you, (25)Mr. President.

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(1) • Q.: Professor Wright, would you be so kind as to put Exhibit 22/8 onto the ELMO.

• A.: This is the one?

• Q.: Professor Wright, based on your experience, (5)if we were to compare the ligature shown on this photograph, 22/8, and the ligature shown on Exhibit 131/1, the one you described earlier on, which of these two materials can have a longer lifetime on the surface of the soil?

(10) • A.: I can't answer that because I don't know the material from which this ligature was made. If it was made of polyester, then it would last a long time. If it was made of cotton, I wouldn't expect it to last very long. (15)Can I just clarify one point too -- at one point as well, that in the testimony that I was shown, that is, in this page, the time of discovery of this item is said to be April 1998. I think it should read "April 1997", because it was found before I went to (20)the site.

• Q.: Thank you for the explanation. Professor Wright, my next question has to do with the part of your report dealing with the potential grave site at Potocari. You carried out some (25)investigations there, but you didn't find any bodies or

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(1)remains there?

• A.: That is correct.

• Q.: However, in your report, if I understood you correctly, you do express a certain doubt or (5)suspicion. So could you comment on that in a little more detail, please?

• A.: Yes. I was asked to go to an area behind the bus station at Potocari where there were aerial images of disturbed soil. I looked in two of these places. (10)In one, I could detect nothing. In the second one, a hole -- a large hole had in the past been dug and refilled, but it had no human remains in the refilling, no body parts in the refilling. What I did see near the top were some lumps of this green putrid clay, but (15)there were no body parts adhering to them, and I am unable to come to any firm conclusion about the Potocari site.

• Q.: Thank you, Professor Wright. Professor, could you exclude the possibility of certain grave (20)sites -- I'm talking about primary grave sites such as Kozluk, for instance -- after bodies had been buried there, bodies of people who were executed en masse, that there may have been additional burials of other bodies from other locations? Is this a possibility?

(25) • A.: No. We studied the stratigraphy, that is,

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(1)the layers of soil, very carefully, and I saw no evidence of subsequent burial at Kozluk. And in my opinion, that's not a possibility.

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Mr. President, (5)that ends my cross-examination. Professor Wright, thank you.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much, Mr. Visnjic. Mr. McCloskey, any additional questions?

(10) MR. McCLOSKEY: Yes, briefly, Mr. President.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Please go ahead.

• RE-EXAMINED by Mr. McCloskey:

• Q.: Professor Wright, I believe you have Exhibit (15)5/22 [Realtime transcript read in error "522"], the aerial image of Potocari, and could you place that on the ELMO. So after the season of 1999, you were asked to go explore a site behind the Express bus compound in (20)Potocari; is that correct?

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: Could you point, with your pointer, to the area that you actually took a look at and excavated?

• A.: There are three areas marked by an arrow. I (25)looked at this area, and I looked at that area, and

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(1)this is the area in which I was able to identify that a large hole had been dug in the past.

• Q.: You're referring to the area, the large hole, is the middle arrow.

(5) • A.: The middle arrow.

• Q.: And you looked at the arrow to the bottom of the area -- of the arrow at the bottom of the picture and didn't find anything but you did find a hole under the middle arrow; is that correct?

(10) • A.: That's correct.

• Q.: And how big was that hole?

• A.: I would need to consult my report. My memory is that it was about 6 metres by 4 metres, but the dimensions are given in my report, if I may consult (15)that. Eight metres square by 2 metres deep was my estimate of the size of that hole.

• Q.: Were you able to get any indication of whether it was dug by hand or dug by machine?

• A.: No direct indication, no.

(20) • Q.: Do you recall how deep in the hole the green clay or the green soil was that you found that is usually indicative of some sort of organic body flesh?

• A.: I saw these scattered lumps of this green clay near the top of the filling of the hole.

(25) • Q.: All right. Thank you. Now, getting back to

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(1)the watch artefacts --

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. McCloskey, I apologise for interrupting you, but for the transcript, the exhibit that you showed (5)Professor right was 5/22, was it?

MR. McCLOSKEY: According to my records, yes, Mr. President.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Because I see on the LiveNote it says "522." So it needs to be (10)corrected; 5/22.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Thank you, Mr. President.

• Q.: Now, back to the analysis of the watches. I think if we use the example of the dam, which is, I believe, the first time in the Srebrenica case that you (15)found and analysed a watch; is that correct?

• A.: That's correct.

• Q.: Okay. Can you explain the circumstances of finding that watch and the information that you gained in your analysis?

(20) • A.: The watch from the dam site was found as an isolated artefact within the filling of the grave, because the bodies had been mostly broken up and we were finding artefacts in the filling of the grave. This particular watch is a mechanical, (25)automatic watch that stops about 36 to 48 hours after

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(1)the last movement of the individual's wrist. If any memory serves me correctly, the watch at the dam site showed, in its day/date window, the combination of "Sunday" and "16th."

(5) • Q.: So you found out the information that if it had stopped, you would just make some simple arithmetic and determine the date that it actually stopped moving; is that right?

• A.: Yes. One watch on its own, even perhaps two (10)watches, don't take on significance. Only at the end of the season was the significance clear to me, and that is that the remarkable coincidence had taken place if these eight out of -- if all ten watches had stopped at random, the chances of eight out of ten showing (15)either "Saturday 15" or "Sunday 16" can be simply calculated as several millions to one. So some event -- I believe some common event had caused this tendency for watches to stop on Saturday 15 or Sunday 16. That was my conclusion.

(20) • Q.: So basically you had eight watches that if you do the subtraction, would have stopped their natural movement around the -- on the 14th or 15th; is that correct?

• A.: Yes.

(25) • Q.: And you were told by the investigators that

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(1)there was indications that some mass executions occurred on the 14th and 15th?

• A.: That's what Mr. Rhodes told me.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Nothing further, Your (5)Honours.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you, Mr. McCloskey. Judge Fouad Riad.

JUDGE RIAD: [Int.] Thank you, (10)Mr. President.

• QUESTIONED by the Court:

JUDGE RIAD: Good morning, Professor.

• A.: Good morning, Your Honour.

JUDGE RIAD: I have a question really in the (15)light of information you gave this morning, in the testimony of this morning, as I was not present before. You mentioned that, and I quote you, "On the fringes," when you're speaking of Kozluk 3, "On the (20)fringes of the main distribution of bodies, they had been shot in place," and they could not have been shot on the slope itself or on the top of the slope and pushed down by machinery, according to your assessment. (25)Then speaking also of Kozluk 2, you mentioned

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(1)that they had -- or some had their hands tied back, and then you mentioned later that 16 per cent were blindfolded and that none were wearing military clothes. You mentioned something like 875 were not (5)wearing any military clothes. Some of the information I would like to base my question on, and to ask you if you are in a position to determine whether the killing or some of it took place in a fight or took place in an execution.

(10) • A.: Well, Your Honour, if I can just distinguish one or two points there. The absence of military clothing that applied to 800 and something individuals is for all the sites that I have exhumed. At Kozluk there were some 280 individuals, none of whom had (15)military clothing. At Kozluk, on the fringes of the site, I was able to conclude that the people had been shot on the spot because they lay on this vegetated surface and we found bullets embedded in this surface. (20)In the middle of the main mass of bodies at Kozluk, because they lay on glass, on broken glass, and because bodies underneath would have absorbed some of the bullets from above, I was not able to determine directly that they had been shot on the spot, but the (25)arrangement of the bodies is consistent with their

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(1)having been shot on the spot. At Kozluk, I -- where the evidence was of a sort, where the location of the bodies was of a sort that would allow me to determine whether they had been (5)killed on the spot or been brought from somewhere else, I concluded that they had been shot on the spot. I saw no positive evidence that the bodies had been brought from anywhere else.

JUDGE RIAD: And being shot on the spot (10)excludes being shot in a fight, the arrangement you mentioned?

• A.: No, I think being shot on the spot does not exclude people being shot in a fight. However, at Kozluk, 42 per cent of the 280 individuals had their (15)hands tied behind their back, and in my opinion, that does exclude people being shot in a fight.

JUDGE RIAD: And there were no weapons -- no kind of weapons around these bodies which suggests that these people were carrying weapons or using them?

(20) • A.: No, I don't remember, at Kozluk, any weapons whatsoever. We found the discarded shell cases from rifles and we found bullets, but I don't remember finding any weapons.

JUDGE RIAD: Thank you very much, Professor (25)Wright.

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(1) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much, Judge Fuad Riad. Judge Wald.

JUDGE WALD: Professor Wright, if you come upon a mass grave or a grave with many bodies in it, (5)and this is to be based on your experience generally, is it possible to tell if the bodies in those graves have been put in there at different time periods? I mean maybe not within a day or so, but within weeks or months, at different time periods, or whether they were (10)all put in there at approximately the same time.

• A.: I think I haven't found any graves that I have interpreted in that way. In my experience, I have two sites, one in the Ukraine and one in Bosnia that is not part of this current case, where I have concluded (15)that bodies were put in on two occasions, but there was a small amount of time between them. At what I would expect, yes, it should be possible, because if bodies were put in, say, in -- talking generally, if they were put in in May, the (20)month of May, and then covered up with some soil, and then more bodies were put in, that would be an indication. If they were put in in May and not covered up with soil, I would expect considerable destruction of the tissues and evidence of survival of insects and (25)beetles, which we commonly find on bodies that have

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(1)been left exposed for some time. So, yes, in general, I would be able to tell whether bodies had been put into a grave and, sometime later, new ones added.

(5) JUDGE WALD: Right. And in the case of the bodies that you exhumed about which you testified here, did you see any such indications that bodies had been put in at significantly different times?

• A.: No, I saw no indications that would require (10)me to conclude that.

JUDGE WALD: And the second part of my question is: In the case -- this would probably be primarily secondary graves -- you were able to tell, I gather from reading your report and some of the others, (15)when bodies have come from different locations either because they have different soils or in the case of the glass; is that generally true? If a secondary grave contains bodies from two different primary sites, you would be able to tell that?

(20) • A.: Yes, I should be able to tell that.

JUDGE WALD: Okay. Thank you.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Professor Wright, I have a question of a general nature. You have seen several mass grave sites. Are (25)you able to have an idea of the means of organisation

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(1)required? Let us say the means and the organisation that was used in order to arrive at the results that you were able to observe.

• A.: Yes, I would have two comments to make on (5)that. Firstly, the organisation of the digging of the grave is manifest by whether or not machinery was used. If it's dug by hand, it can be done quite casually. If it's dug by machinery, then obviously (10)it's a bigger organisation required. My second comment is, that having related the primary graves to the secondary graves, I can conclude that the bodies were not taken by hand over several kilometres but were taken by truck, and that again (15)bears on the question of the level of organisation.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] In your opinion and from your viewpoint, is there a difference between organisation for primary grave sites and the organisation required for secondary grave sites?

(20) • A.: Yes, Mr. President, I'd say there is a difference in level of organisation. In the case, for example, of the Kozluk site, some few hundred living people were taken there and executed. That would require much more organisation than the removal of the (25)bodies from the Kozluk site to secondary graves.

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(1) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Are you also able to reconstruct the organisation required on the basis of the results observed for, let us say, the primary mass graves and for the secondary mass graves? (5)Can you reconstruct -- repeat the type of organisation that was used?

• A.: I think the answer to that question bears on whether or not the event took place in a very short period of time, and my conclusion at all the sites is (10)that -- or rather I should say my conclusion at Kozluk and the secondary graves is that both operations took place over a very short period of time. The shorter the time, the greater the level of organisation required.

(15) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much, Professor Wright, for coming here to speak before us. I should also like to thank you for cooperating with the international justice system. We thank you very much and wish you bon voyage back to (20)your country, and every success in your continuing work.

THE WITNESS: Thank you, Mr. President.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Mr. President, I do have some exhibits to tender, and they would be 188, 189 through (25)194, 196 through 205, and 223.

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(1) [The witness withdrew]

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Visnjic, do you have any objections to make?

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] I do not, (5)Mr. President.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] I think, Mr. Visnjic, that it is not necessary to tender that copy of the transcript, because we have our own references, and so we have -- you have tendered the (10)evidence and it has been admitted. What are we going to do now, Mr. McCloskey, or perhaps Mr. Harmon?

MR. McCLOSKEY: Mr. President, it's still me. We have Dr. Bill Haglund, the chief of the (15)exhumation season for 1996, who is a forensic anthropologist as opposed to Professor Wright, who is an archaeologist, and he will be able to tell us, much in the same vein as Professor Wright, about the exhumations and the results from 1996. He is ready to (20)go.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Have the witness brought in, please.
[The witness entered court]

MR. McCLOSKEY: I believe we had his exhibits (25)ready to go, if we could put them next to him.

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(1) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Professor Haglund, can you hear me?


JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Good (5)morning to you. You are now going to read the solemn declaration that the usher is going to give you. Please go ahead.

THE WITNESS: I solemnly declare that I will speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the (10)truth.


JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Please be seated. I think that you are quite familiar with procedure in the courtroom, so I can take it that you (15)feel at ease, Professor.


JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you. And thank you for coming, to begin with. For the moment, you're going to answer questions put to you by (20)Mr. McCloskey. Mr. McCloskey, you have the floor.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Thank you, Mr. President.

• EXAMINED by Mr. McCloskey:

• Q.: Could you state your name and spell your (25)last?

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(1) • A.: Yes, William D. Haglund, H-a-g-l-u-n-d.

• Q.: And what is your profession?

• A.: A forensic anthropologist.

• Q.: And can you give us your educational (5)background?

• A.: Yes. I received my Ph.D in physical anthropology at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington State, United States.

• Q.: Prior to that what was your undergraduate?

(10) • A.: My undergraduate, I received also a masters degree in physical anthropologist and a bachelor's degree in biology.

• Q.: Could you give us a brief outline of your employment history?

(15) • A.: In forensics, for 16 years I was employed by the King County Medical Examiner's Office in Seattle, Washington. That's an office that has jurisdiction over all unexpected, sudden deaths; homicides; accidents; suicides; natural deaths that are (20)unattended; and those deaths of suspicious or sudden nature.

• Q.: What was your position there?

• A.: I was the chief medical investigator. In that position, I supervised the death scene (25)investigators who actually went to the death scenes,

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(1)the autopsy staff; and as an anthropologist, I would respond to outdoor scenes and assist police and protect our office's interests in the recovery of buried skeletal remains, scavenged remains, and remains where (5)there were identification problems.

• Q.: All right. What kind of field experience have you had and employment after leaving Seattle, the Seattle office?

• A.: Well, I took holidays and went on some (10)foreign missions. In 1993, I was a member of the expert committee and went to Croatia. I then, on a yearly basis, once or twice a year, would go to Honduras, where I would do exhumations and identifications of individuals.

(15) • Q.: When did you first start working for the International Criminal Tribunal?

• A.: In an official capacity, other than missions, in December 31, 1995.

• Q.: And can you describe to us what the term (20)"forensic" means and especially as it relates to anthropology, your expertise?

• A.: Well, let's first look at physical anthropology. Physical anthropology basically deals with the human skeleton, its development, its (25)maturation, and how skeletons of some populations

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(1)compare with other populations. The forensic physical anthropologist, also in the United States, takes courses in human genetics, archaeology, and palaeontology. (5)Forensic anthropology is the application of that skeletal component, the development, maturation of the human skeleton to the medical-legal context, and traditionally forensic anthropologists have been called upon to identify human remains, skeletal remains (10)usually, decomposed remains, remains where there's a question of identity. They've been asked to analyse and examine the skeleton, determine the sex, the race when appropriate, the age, stature. Sometimes we could tell about handedness, what side the person favours (15)when they use their hands. Do interpretation of skeletal trauma, and sometimes we can tell something about how a person lived their life or what kinds of traumas they may have suffered during life. More recently, in the last two decades in the (20)United States, forensic anthropologists have become more involved with fleshed remains, burnt remains in the autopsy setting, as well as in the recovery of remains at crime scenes.

• Q.: Where does your expertise, which is forensic (25)anthropology, fit in with the actual exhumations

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(1)which -- we've heard, as you know, from an archaeologist who's a digger. How does a bone man, an anthropologist, get involved in archaeology?

• A.: Well, it's a crime scene and that's part it. (5)I do have a smattering of archaeology, but, of course, the work that we do in these sorts of teams are great endeavours with many, many people involved, and so I did have very good archaeologists working with for me and with me, Becky Saunders from the United States, (10)Fronimis Coso [phoen] From Guatemala, and, you know, various people with other skills. So they could compensate my lack of certain skills in areas.

• Q.: You mentioned that part of your job as an anthropologist was the examination of bones, bone (15)trauma. How did you work with the forensic pathologist? Can you explain what a forensic pathologist does and how you connect with it, realising that we're going to be hearing from some pathologists soon?

(20) • A.: A forensic pathologist is a medical doctor. I'm a Ph.D, Doctor of Philosophy. The forensic pathologist, of course, performs autopsy examinations and makes the medical opinion as to the cause of death. But the pathologist routinely deals with (25)fleshed remains, and more and more as the flesh

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(1)disappears and the bones come forth, the anthropologist is more involvement. So we actually compliment each other. For skeletal remains, we may assist the pathologist in the interpretation of trauma, and then (5)they take this information from us and they incorporate it into their determination of the cause of death. But for the most part, what we're doing is reconstructing fragmented bones, putting them back together, determining the sex, the age, stature of them, the (10)bones themselves.

• Q.: Now, can you give us a little bit, just a brief rundown on what you were doing in Rwanda before coming to Bosnia? A little bit about those projects.

• A.: Okay. In September 1995, I did an assessment (15)for the International Criminal Tribunal in Rwanda, for ICTR, to determine what -- of the Prosecution's priority of graves would be, lend themselves to excavation and forensic investigation.

• Q.: Go ahead.

(20) • A.: And then subsequently, from the 15th of December through the 22nd of February, 1995/1996, we excavated and did the examinations on a large grave in Kibuye, Rwanda, a grave that contained or involved 496 individuals, and then another smaller forensic (25)investigation was gone in Kigali, Rwanda. At that

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(1)time, I was the forensic advisor or the ICTR.

• Q.: Then in the summer of 1995, did you come over to be in charge of the exhumations for Bosnia?

• A.: That's correct.

(5) • Q.: Now, as a person that was associated with the pathologists, can you give us a little background? We've heard about the archaeology site and the procedures there, but can you give us a little background on what happens once the bodies arrive to (10)the morgue, especially in relation to your expertise as we'll leave some of the medical information for the pathologists?

• A.: I think, as the Court appreciates, at this time the bodies arrive in varying conditions. (15)Sometimes they're parts of bodies, sometimes they're skeletons, and sometimes they're bodies with a significant amount of flesh on them. Once the bodies -- the bodies are removed from our refrigerated containers from the numbered, (20)sealed bags that they were regularly placed in, and they're photographed as they're opened, and then the pathologist and the radiologist look through the remains and pass them under a fluoroscope to find any projectiles that might be in the remains. (25)Then the pathologist proceeds with their

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(1)autopsy examination, removing clothing, evidence, and doing their external and internal examination. The evidence then is passed on to evidence technicians and photographers for their processing. (5)At that time, if it's a skeletal remains, the anthropologist gets involved relatively soon doing an inventory and cleaning the bones that are necessary for us to make our determinations, or reconstructing bones. If it's a fleshed remains, then at the behest (10)of the pathologist, we'll do any reconstruction that they wish us to do, and then we have a set group of bones which we do remove from the remains and clean and use for our estimations of sex and age, et cetera.

• Q.: In the situation where you just have body (15)parts and it's difficult or impossible to tell from that part alone how many people are involved, do you determine a minimum number of people from the various body parts?

• A.: Yes. That was an issue in a few instances in (20)1996, but it has become a great issue since then.

• Q.: All right. So I think --

MR. McCLOSKEY: Your Honours, Mr. Jose Pablo, who has dealt with these issues previous where there were many more numbers involved, I think we would like, (25)at this point, to leave the explanation of the minimum

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(1)number calculation to him. Otherwise, we'll be repeating ourselves, and it is more important to Mr. Pablo, but of course, Dr. Haglund can discuss that should the need arise.

(5) • Q.: Now, could you -- we have your report which is Exhibit number 207/1, and could you open that to page 32 and place that on the ELMO so that we can see that. Now, you were speaking generally of some of (10)the work that you do in the morgue. Can you explain that photograph and how it would have been incorporated into your work?

• A.: Yes. This is a fragmented cranium or skull minus the lower jaw, and what we've done here is placed (15)the pieces together and glued them together. You can see there are multiple fragments. Here's one, here's one here, here's one here, and et cetera. By conjoining these fragments and putting them together, then the pathologist can look at this gunshot wound, (20)and tell its sequence relative to other trauma that might be in the cranium and to get a better idea of entrance wounds versus exit wounds, et cetera. It helps them in their analysis.

• Q.: So an anthropologist would have assembled all (25)these various parts and glued it together?

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(1) • A.: Yes.

• Q.: And can you point out on this particular exhibit where you see particular wounds, and describe how you know that?

(5) • A.: Well, this is an entrance gunshot wound. If we could just see the back side of it in a good picture, you would see that the back side of it and the direction the bullet is proceeding has a bevelled contour around the circumference of the entrance wound.

(10) • Q.: And you're referring to the skull on the upper part of the frame, the small hole?

• A.: Yes, to the small hole here. Then there was some other trauma that went on in this, and not seeing the front, I can't appreciate what it is. But the (15)fracture lines emanating from this gunshot wound ran like in a piece of glass. If you have one trauma to a piece of glass, the lines radiate out. If you have a subsequent trauma, the lines would radiate out but stop at the line made by the first trauma. And you see this (20)kind of phenomena here.

• Q.: And the bottom photograph, is that the same skull?

• A.: That's the same skull, and it shows the exit wound derived from the trauma on the other side of (25)the -- at the entrance.

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(1) • Q.: And this is the kind of thing you do to assist the pathology in the cause of death?

• A.: That's correct.

• Q.: All right. Well, let's get you to Bosnia in (5)1995. You did a series of exhumations of mass graves, and let's start with the first grave you did. Can you tell us a little bit about that and what you were able to conclude from the excavation?

(10) • A.: This is looking westerly down a dirt road that runs through the Cerska Valley here. We have a high embankment down the northerly side of the road, and we have a slope or an embankment off of the southerly side of the road. (15)Quite briefly, for 30 metres along this road there were bodies that had been placed on the surface and buried for an extension -- for about six metres down the slope. Our investigation of this site first involved looking at the surface. And on this side of (20)the road, more dense, next to the embankment on the northerly side of the road --

• Q.: Could you indicate, when you say "this side of the road", for the record --

• A.: On the northerly side of the road. On the (25)far side of the road from the grave were cartridge

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(1)casings strewn along the whole 32,5-metre length where the bodies had been deposited. After clearing the vegetation from the grave on the embankment side and collecting these cartridges, (5)we then exhumed 150 male individuals. They were men and boys. They -- 149 of them died of gunshot wounds. The majority died of multiple gunshot wounds, some of them with six, nine, and one with upwards to 20 gunshot wounds. They were all males. Their mean ages range (10)from 14 to men in their 50s. Two of the youngest were between 11 and 15. We do their age assessments as ranges, because it's not an exact science. There were ligatures used to bind many of these individuals' wrists or arms behind their backs. (15)We recovered 48 such ligatures. Twenty-four of those were in place, still holding the arms behind the back, and 23 were associated with other remains. I think the story that this grave tells is that 150 men and boys, maybe all at once or separately, (20)were lined up along this side of the road; that their killers were on the opposite side of the road next to the bank; that they shot these individuals in a spraying-type fashion; that the cartridges were ejected from their weapons, where we found them and collected (25)them from the road. And when this was done -- you

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(1)can't maybe appreciate it -- but there's a large gouge of earth that has been removed by machine from this side of the road, and that --

• Q.: For the record, that reflects the opposite (5)side of the road on the left side of the photograph?

• A.: On the northern side of the road. It was borrowed from the northern side of the road and used to cover up the bodies that now lay on the surface of the embankment.

(10) JUDGE RIAD: Excuse me. Can I understand what's the meaning of a sprayed shot, "in a spraying-type fashion" as you expressed? Thank you.

• A.: I'm using the -- coining the words of the pathologist who did this summary, about his assessment (15)that because of the multiple gunshot wounds that covered many, many body areas, that the weapons were sort of just not aimed specifically but sort of just like this [indicates], and he called that spraying.

JUDGE RIAD: So they were automatic?

(20) • A.: Yes. It would be automatic weapons, yes.

JUDGE RIAD: Thank you.

MR. McCLOSKEY: And also for clarification I should note that --

• Q.: Dr. Haglund, you work in close connection (25)with the pathologists, and you have reviewed these

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(1)final summary reports of the pathologists. Unlike Professor Wright, who stopped at the grave, you're dealing with a lot of pathology issues here; is that correct?

(5) • A.: Yes. I collated the reports.

• Q.: And you also assisted the pathologists, as you've shown us, with bone trauma and other issues?

• A.: Yes, with the caveat that I'm not a medical doctor.

(10) • Q.: This has been on ongoing debate somewhat between the two professions over the years, has it not?

• A.: Yes, that's right, but I refer to medical doctors for medical opinions.

• Q.: And what do you base your conclusion of the (15)story on? Can you tell us why -- did you see any marks of heavy equipment used, or how do you know that heavy equipment was used to get soil from that side of the road?

• A.: I think just a magnitude of the soil removed (20)and the reach that would have to have been made to get the soil down, I assume it was a machine. And it's the cartridge casings -- the distribution of the cartridge casings and the fact that as this dirt was removed by the machine from the northern side of the road, many of (25)those cartridge casings were also picked up and

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(1)included in the fill of the grave, along with the bodies, and subsequently there have been some connections made, I believe, with those.

• Q.: Were you able to tell from the wire ligatures (5)whether or not -- well, you've got 150 bodies total and about 48 wore ligatures. Were they bunched together, the 48, or were they separated throughout the grave? Can we make anything of those details?

• A.: The individuals with the ligatures were (10)randomly disbursed in the grave above, below, and in between other bodies. As the individuals were shot, they either fell over the side or subsequently were rolled over the side. So many of them rolled further down the hill, where they piled up, and some of them (15)still remained on the hillside.

• Q.: So is it your opinion that this is a primary grave?

• A.: This is a primary, undisturbed body disposal site. I think as the previous witness pointed out, (20)technically it's not a grave, no hole was dug, but it is a repository with human remains, yes.

• Q.: And what do you base your conclusion that it's not disturbed on?

• A.: The remains were relatively intact, as we (25)would assume they would be, if they were deposited in

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(1)that location as fleshed remains. This was a grave where decomposition was accelerated more than we would expect in deeper graves that are more protected. The decomposition was (5)accelerated for many reasons. One, it was a shallow grave. This surface of the embankment was exposed to the sun for much of the day, which warmed up that shallow environment and then accelerated the decomposition process. (10)The cover -- the soil and the cover was relatively gravelly, and so that it was relatively loosely compacted also. And also located on a slope like this, the drainage was very good, which also kept the remains more dry than they would if they would have (15)been on a flat surface and other environments that we've experienced in Bosnia. So many of the remains were well advanced in decomposition and partially skeletalised.

MR. McCLOSKEY: And for the record, this (20)exhibit is 16/3.

• Q.: Let's go to the next exhumation, and that was the exhumation known at Nova Kasaba 96, since it was -- excuse me. Nova Kasaba, yes, 96. You have put what has been marked Exhibit (25)14/4 on, the only piece of photography we're using for

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(1)this particular grave. But again can you tell us the results of the excavation and the results of your examination of the bodies?

• A.: Just to orient ourselves, this is the main (5)road, highway. We're looking at two fields, one field to the right and one field to the left [indicates] It's separated by a hedge row of bushes. You see some light-coloured areas. These are areas of disturbance.

• Q.: And that's -- if you could just note for the (10)record where the arrows are pointed in KS-1 and 2.

• A.: Yes, and the arrows are pointing and the letters indicate four graves, NSK -- Nova Kasaba grave number 1, grave number 2, grave number 3 and grave number 4. You can see the location of each of these (15)graves is marked by a smear of disturbed surface soil; a very large smear on this side to the right, and to the left of the hedge, a more medium-size smear, and a very small smear up here. Nova Kasaba grave 1 was a shallow grave. It (20)contained seven men. Nova Kasaba 2 was a deeper grave, about one and a half metres. It contained 19 men. Nova Kasaba 3 contained six men. And when I'm saying "men", men and boys, basically. I should correct myself. And Nova Kasaba 4 contained one elderly man. (25)The seven individuals in the grave number 1

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(1)all had their hands bound behind their back. They all died of gunshot wounds. Of the 19 males recovered from Nova Kasaba 2, six -- 13 of the 19 had their hands bound behind their backs. The six -- there were six (5)males in Nova Kasaba 3. Five of the six had their hands bound behind their back. And Nova Kasaba 4, as I previously stated, was a single individual and a skeleton. In summary, all the individuals were males. (10)The mean age ranged from about 17 to men in their 50s. Thirty-two of the thirty-three individuals died of gunshot wounds, and there was a real bias towards gunshot wounds, multiple gunshot wounds, and gunshot wounds in the head. The 33rd individual died of (15)massive head wounds, but according to the pathologist's report, he was unable to determine the instrument that caused that death but that the head wounds, he was sure, was the cause of the death. And 27 of the 33, again, all had their hands bound behind their backs.

(20) • Q.: Were you able to make -- come to any opinion regarding whether or not any of the individuals died or were shot at the location of the grave?

• A.: In grave number NSK-2, the grave containing the 19 individuals, some were in kneeling positions, (25)some were in sitting positions with their heads slumped

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(1)forward, and these were positions that, in my experience, would not be -- we would not encounter by individuals being thrown into a grave. It would be my opinion that they most likely were in those positions (5)in those graves and shot in the grave.

• Q.: And were you able to determine whether these graves were dug by hand or by machine?

• A.: They were relatively shallow graves, but the smear, the disturbed area, if we were digging graves by (10)hand, I would expect -- for instance, the Nova Kasaba 1 grave was just probably two times bigger than the pointer size [indicates], and the grave Nova Kasaba 2 maybe covered three or four times the pointer size
[indicates] If they were dug by hand, I think we (15)would see localised activity in the area where the grave was dug. The smear to me indicates the driving around of machinery, the movement. And this is -- gets relatively damp, and the first, oh, possibly several centimetres of this soil is muddy and churned up from (20)this activity, and I believe that's what we're seeing. We also see tracks going into the area from the road.

• Q.: Yes. What is that? Were you able to make out what that big area of disturbed earth is above NKS-4? It's not where the grave is pointed, but just (25)above it there is a very large area relative of --

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(1) • A.: Well, that's a relatively steep embankment, and if a machine was used, it would have had to slide down there and enter it that way, I believe.

• Q.: And were you able to see any indications (5)whether this was a primary or a disturbed grave?

• A.: I'm sorry, these are all primary, undisturbed graves. And by "primary", I'm meaning that these are the graves that the individuals were placed in or were killed in and is the original position -- at the (10)original location at which they were buried.

• Q.: Let's talk about the next graves which were referred to as Lazete, and we now refer to that as Lazete in the area of Orahovac. And the first photograph is 20/2, and if you could put that on the (15)ELMO and tell us the story of that grave.

• A.: Here we have an overview of the area of the Lazete graves. There's a main road that's traversing up from the right-hand corner towards the centre --

• Q.: Excuse me, Dr. Haglund. We need to pull (20)that -- look at it on your screen and centre it.

• A.: I can see it just fine. Thank you. There's a road that traverses towards the centre of the picture from the upper right-hand corner. That's the main road. We see the label (25)"Lazete 1" here, and this was noted by -- was

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(1)designated by the original investigators that looked at the site. So this is a separate grave. We're interested in the grave that comes along a small rural road, crosses under a raised railroad track underpass, (5)and is located in a field behind that raised area. So now we're looking at a large area of disturbance that directly abuts and is alongside a wooded hillside which is this dark area off to the right of the picture.

• Q.: That's designated --

(10) • A.: LZ-2.

• Q.: -- in the photograph. Thank you. Okay. And what can you tell us about this particular excavation and what did you find?

• A.: This particular excavation was actually (15)located in a drainage area where it had a very high water-table and where water ran down from the fields and the hills above it.

• Q.: Why don't we look at the next exhibit, 20/8, for that explanation.

(20) • A.: From this view now, we can see the raised railroad track bed, the underpass which you need to access this site from. The road, the little road to the farm, passes across the midline of the section running left to right here. (25)We can see a large disturbed area here

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(1)towards the centre on the right-hand side of the picture, this darker coloured area, and this is an area -- the area of disturbance that we saw on the former aerial imagery.

(5) • Q.: Could we go to the next exhibit, which you should have before you, and could you tell us the exhibit number as it's marked on there? It should be "OTP," on the back.

• A.: It says "IT9833T."

(10) MR. McCLOSKEY: Just one second. I'm sorry.

• A.: Okay. I'll do it myself now, thank you. OTP Exhibit 213.


• Q.: And Exhibit 213 is just out of your report, (15)is it not?

• A.: That's correct. It's an overall map that shows the Lazete 2 general area. To orient you, running from the top to the right here is the railroad embankment; again, the field road; and we're looking at (20)the disturbed area that's outlined in blue towards the lower left-hand area of the disturbed area that we saw in the aerial imagery. You'll see one, two, three rectangular trenches which were test trenches that were dug to (25)locate the graves. Then you see two red localised

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(1)areas, and those are the graves we've designated Lazete 2A, and Lazete 2B.

• Q.: Now, let me ask you, do those reflect two separate pits or can you explain that?

(5) • A.: We were unable to determine if this was a large trench that was made to deposit the remains in or if they were two separate pits. It was an unseasonably wet year in 1996, and we ran into the rainy season, which is not the best conditions under which to do some (10)of this work, and so it did, I think, obscure some of our findings. So the answer to that question is no, that's ambiguous to us at this point.

• Q.: And can you explain those two designations and what they reflect?

(15) • A.: Yes. As I just said, grave A is what we call in our report LZ, Lazete 2, grave A; and Lazete 2, grave B.

• Q.: Why don't you tell us about each one.

• A.: If I might show the next exhibit. Would that (20)be possible?

• Q.: Certainly.

• A.: Okay.

• Q.: And that's Exhibit 214.

MR. McCLOSKEY: And if the ELMO could focus (25)on the photograph and not at the drawing underneath.

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(1)Focus and maybe blow-up on the photograph. So if we could have that photograph so it's taking up the whole screen, so we get a bit of a blow-up on it, please. Zero down on that photograph.

(5) • A.: It's relatively blurred, but ...

MR. McCLOSKEY: Just go down towards it and centre it in there. It should be able to fill the screen. There we go. Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back it off a little bit so we just get the (10)photograph.

• A.: Okay. That's excellent. This is looking down into the grave pit. It's about a 5 by 6 metre area or mass of bodies.


(15) • Q.: Is this A or B?

• A.: This is LZ-2A. You can see individual remains, this individual here lying face up, for instance, and basically underneath this whole area are bodies below it. This is just the top layer of bodies (20)before they've been fully exposed and removed. This mass of bodies extends to the floor of the grave, which is approximately 2 1/2 to 3 metres deep, depending on what area you measured it. It contained 112 individuals. These (25)individuals were relatively complete remains. This

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(1)whole site was -- contained these two separate assemblages of bodies, A and B. It contained one skeletal remains on the surface, and it also contained about 98 separate units of body parts, parts ranging (5)all the way from pieces of bodies, like an arm or whatever, to bones, individuals bones and fragments of bones, and their distribution is quite telling as we go on. But this was a one single basic pile of bodies of 112 individuals. (10)The next pile of bodies or group of bodies in the grave, LZ-2B, is significantly different. And that's Exhibit OTP 215. We'll need to back down again but not right now. What we see here, LZ-2A, was an undisturbed (15)primary grave. Here we're looking at a disturbed primary grave. In this particular grave, what we're seeing is groups of bodies that are separated from each other. We have a group here. If we could just back off, I think, a little (20)bit so I can get the little schematic up in the corner that would be helpful. Thank you so much. I'll move this down. This little shaded area, the shaded areas up here, represent isolated islands of human remains or (25)bodies. So "A" would be this isolated island in the

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(1)centre towards the top. "B" would be this isolated group of remains here, and on and on. We have one here towards the left. And what we see here also is that along the (5)margins, between spaces there is no bodies at all. And along these margins, for instance, the lower boundary of "A," we see a relatively straight line. And what we have here is the evidence of bodies having been removed from the grave, removed with a machine, most likely a (10)backhoe, a machine that would reach down into the body mass, encounter it, press them into the ground, transect whatever bodies it happened to encounter, and pull them out of the grave. So in these voids or empty spaces between where the bodies are, bodies have been (15)removed. I might also point out the discolouration of the soil, this bluish/green discolouration that contrasts with the surrounding soil, and that's from leaching of decomposition products around these -- this (20)group of bodies, phenomena that's been referred to, I think, previously. But if we might look closer at that individual who is extending out into the areas that the bodies have been removed from --

(25) • Q.: I think we have in the next exhibit a little

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(1)better shot of that.

• A.: Yes. This is remains number 6, and then subsequently we'll look at remains number 13 and 14, which are under number 6. (5)This is Exhibit 216. To help you appreciate this, this is a belt, and these are the lower extremities and pants of this individual.

• Q.: For the record, can we show that he's talking about the body marked number 6.

(10) • A.: And his legs extend into the body mass towards the upper part of the picture. Below we see his waist and his chest, and we see about the area of the breast that this body has been transected, basically chopped apart, and that the (15)upper part, the arms and the neck and the head have, been removed from the grave. All along these sharp margins in this grave that separate groups of bodies from areas where bodies are not present, we see this phenomena; transected (20)bodies from this removal process. When body number 6 is removed -- it was positioned right here between body 17 and 13 -- we find the same -- a similar phenomena for these bodies. In this case, this man's head and upper part of his body (25)is still in the body group, and his legs have been

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(1)severed as the body removal process removed the bodies on the other side of him.

• Q.: So could you give us the basic conclusions as for numbers and blindfolds for the people in the (5)primary undisturbed grave, Lazete 2A?

• A.: Well, the undisturbed grave LZ-2A, had 112 individuals, and they were all males. They -- I haven't separated these all out. I think I have them as a composite. A hundred and twenty-seven of these (10)165 bodies from this site -- incidentally, I neglected to mention that LZ-2B has a minimum number mostly -- a minimum number of 52 people. Fifty-two plus the 112, plus the 1 skeletal remains that we found at Lazete 2 was the total of 165 individuals. Their ages range (15)between 16 and 45 years of age. A signature of Lazete 2A and B were that there were a total of 104 blindfolds recovered from these remains. Seventy-seven blindfolded individuals were removed from grave A, and 26 or 50 per cent of the (20)individuals in grave B were blindfolded.

• Q.: How about cause of death?

• A.: Well, the cause of death, 158 of these 165 individuals died of gunshot wounds, in seven cases, the cause of death was undetermined, and multiple gunshot (25)wounds accounted for wounds in 108 of these

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• Q.: Okay. Now, let's go to your -- the next grave site, which you refer to as Pilica, and now we call it -- refer to it as the Branjevo Military Farm. (5)And you're now going to Exhibit 24/4.

• A.: This aerial imagery depicts a view of the buildings of the farm proper and surrounding fields. The buildings are labelled -- next to the road here, and they're at the mid-right of the image. Then if we (10)proceed towards the left, past an area of brush, through the field, we come to a -- labelled a burial area, and that's the location of the grave at the Pilica grave site. The grave measured 28 by approximately (15)5 metres, and it ranged from 2 1/2 to 3 metres in depth.

• Q.: Could you go to the next exhibit, 217. It gives us a shot of the sort of finished product of the empty grave.

(20) • A.: If that could be sharpened. We're looking from one end of the grave to the other, and with these individuals standing on the floor of the grave, you can appreciate the depth of the grave, which is about in excess of 3 metres, about 3 metres. You might also (25)appreciate -- I don't know if the colour shows up --

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(1)again this discolouration that's associated with the decomposing flesh in this environment and soil here. Although the grave space itself was 28 metres long, only 14 per cent of it was occupied, the floor (5)space, was occupied by a pile of human remains, a minimal number of 132 individuals. Also, throughout this fill were some body parts. This gets a little complicated, but the grave itself had 53 complete individuals in this group of (10)bodies, 23 nearly complete individuals, and another -- let's see -- hundred and -- over a hundred body parts. Actually, about 170 body parts. To give you an idea of what we were labelling as body parts, ten individuals were individuals that (15)were missing their heads; five body part units were just upper extremities; sixteen were individuals who were transected at the torso, and so on; and then there were individual bones and bone fragments.

• Q.: Would you go to the next exhibit, 212. That (20)also gives us an idea of the size and scope of the grave. Tell us a little bit about what this is. We need to back it off again.

• A.: Well this depicts some of the -- actually, we could back off a tad more and we can see the lip of the (25)grave. You can see the workers down in the grave, and

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(1)what you can see above is the archaeologist who is doing the mapping, and at this time, the laser-generated mapping equipment is hitting a target in this pole, and we're actually delineating a body. (5)We're measuring where the head is, where the knees are, a procedure that Dr. Wright has previously mentioned. One of the things you need to appreciate, I think, with these remains that are in deep graves that are for the most part fleshed, in fact, so well fleshed (10)that they actually have pristine tattoos, its a very preservative environment in deep graves, but bodies are very pliable, but they're very chaotic and entangled amongst each other, with arms underneath another body and maybe legs overlapped with another body. So (15)it's -- to remove them from the grave involves maybe reaching beneath several bodies to extract an arm and a hand, and rolling the body over so that another body could be moved out of the way and so on, and this is the process by which we need to extract them. It's not (20)as simple as one might envision with a skeleton that's just lying there and you can expose the bones and then remove it. It's a wicked game of Pick-up Sticks, only the Pick-up Sticks, if you've ever played that childhood game, have arms and legs.

(25) • Q.: Could you go to the next exhibit and could

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(1)you explain that? It's 218. If we could zero in on the top half of that exhibit. Can you explain what this represents?

• A.: Well, this was a questionable luxury of (5)having a very damp environment, that we were able to expose many bodies. Of course, when bodies are so entangled, you need to expose several surrounding a particular individual because one individual may be entwined with other individuals around them. (10)But we see, looking down into the grave, the top of an assemblage of approximately 130 persons. We can see, for instance, the individual labelled number 3. He's lying sort of on his side with his face facing towards the upper part of the picture, so you (15)can see his hands are bound behind his back. We have another individual over here that's bound, another one down here. All told in this group of remains, 77 people had their hands bound behind their back. To give you a little -- the ages of these (20)people actually -- of course, they're all males, and I won't give -- when you're dealing with minimal numbers, sometimes you have more males than you do have bodies, and sometimes you have more causes of death than you have bodies, because you may have had causes of death (25)for different parts and you don't know what parts go

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• Q.: Is this the only grouped mass of bodies in that whole grave?

• A.: Yes. Like I say, it occupied -- this group (5)of bodies occupied the far extreme of one end of the grave and the rest of the grave is empty. Just to appreciate a little bit more of the ligatures, if I may, this is also a picture that was previously shown, I believe.

(10) • Q.: This is Exhibit 219. If we could focus on the top half of that photograph.

• A.: That's correct. You can see in this case, this is an individual subsequently identified, and he's lying on his left side, you can see, and you can see (15)his hands are bound at the wrists. This is an individual that has an artificial leg, and here's his hands here, bound behind his back.

• Q.: Okay.

• A.: Then, of course, other parts of the grave had (20)rather gruesome parts of remains. If I might just show this last exhibit, 211. This is the kind of body parts that we were finding in the grave, severed head and neck.

• Q.: Finding these kinds of severed body parts as (25)well as this one clumped group of 132, what kind of

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(1)conclusions did you reach about whether this was a disturbed or undisturbed? Can you tell us about your analysis there?

• A.: I think it was ambiguous. One would think --

(5) • Q.: I think we can turn the -- could you take that off the --

• A.: Yes, let's do that. I think we're done, anyway, with the photographs. One of the questions that arises with these (10)graves is why there is such a big grave space and so little of the grave occupied? That's a question I tried to answer, really not coming up with much result. The group of bodies in the pile --

(15) • Q.: Excuse me, Dr. Haglund. I've just been informed by my legs and by the time and colleagues it may be a good time for a break.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Yes. Thank you, Mr. McCloskey. I was going to draw your attention (20)to this. I think that we need a break, a 20-minute break now.

--- Recess taken at 12.40 p.m.

--- On resuming at 1.04 p.m.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] The hearing (25)is resumed. Mr. McCloskey, you may continue, please.

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(1) MR. McCLOSKEY: Thank you, Mr. President.

• Q.: Dr. Haglund, could you briefly, just to bring us back to where we were, summarise the contents of this grave, where the clusters were, where the body (5)parts were, and then, as you were getting into, give us your analysis of what you believe that shows us?

• A.: Yes. As I previously mentioned, this was a very large grave, 28 metres long, and at one far extremity the major portion of the remains of 132 (10)minimal number of individuals was located. Also in this grave, in parts of it were 188 -- parts of 188 other human remains; bones, fragments, heads, et cetera. The pile, the one massive body, did have partial remains in them, mixed with them, and also in (15)this particular mass of bodies there was vegetation and there was a soil intermixed with and amongst them. The question then is: "Was or was not the grave disturbed?" It's a large area. Only a fraction -- 14 per cent of the area of floor space of (20)the grave was utilised. If it was not disturbed, we need to explain how bodies got dismembered and pulled apart. One possible explanation could be that the bodies were dismembered, many of them, in the process of putting them in the grave. (25)The soil and vegetation intermixed with the

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(1)remains in the major body mass would indicate to me that the bodies were probably placed into the grave by being scooped off of the ground surface in the field, where they had been killed, and maybe a front-end (5)loader machine, and then loads of those bodies were then driven into the grave and dumped into that pile. It's possible, during that kind of process, that maybe in the scooping up of the bodies from where they lay, they could have tumbled and maybe been torn apart. (10)That's possible. Then that might explain how, in the major body mass, you would have complete bodies and then parts of bodies, and that other parts of bodies may have been dropped along the way as the grave was being made. (15)The other possibility is that, of course, that the grave was disturbed. We would still have an explanation for the parts of bodies in the major mass of the body mass. In this loading process, this one single group of bodies does not have the strict (20)delineation where, you know, it looked like somebody had removed bodies and then cut them where there was a margin, as we did at the Lezete grave. But it's conceivable, like at the Lezete grave, maybe we had a large trench and piles of bodies next to each other, (25)separated. That's another possibility, and that if the

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(1)grave was then disturbed, that that mass of bodies that we did find were left behind and that the parts of bodies that we found were residual being left behind from the disturbing effort. And I think it's a bit (5)ambiguous. Other information I've heard lends me to believe that it is a disturbed grave.

• Q.: So at the time you were writing your report, you didn't have access to the information regarding the secondary graves, their analysis and --

(10) • A.: That's correct.

• Q.: [Inaudible] that information?

• A.: That's correct.

• Q.: Now, we do have the cluster of bodies in the bottom of that grave, and I just want to ask you, if (15)you can, if we have a concentration of bodies similar to the cluster that we actually see in the bottom of that grave and that concentration is throughout that grave, is that grave big enough to hold 1.200 people at that concentration that we see?

(20) • A.: Well, this is a rosary of "if"s, and it's rather speculative. If -- if the complete floor of the grave was packed with a density and a height of the bodies that we found in the one body mass, yes, it could hold seven to nine hundred people. But realise (25)the grave was three metres deep. It could hold much

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(1)more. But that is -- I think that tiptoes into speculation, which I don't feel I would like to warrant an opinion on.

• Q.: Now, most of your testimony has been (5)regarding the graves and the excavation, but as a forensic anthropologist, you also supervised the morgue work and spent a lot of time helping the pathologists in actually going through the anthropology work, determining sex, age, minimum numbers; is that correct?

(10) • A.: That's correct.

MR. McCLOSKEY: And I am, Your Honours, not going to have Dr. Haglund tell us how an anthropologist determines sex and age at this point, of course, and would save that for Jose Pablo, although he can (15)certainly answer that question if anyone would like to know about it.

• Q.: Also, at the end of this very long summer, did one or two of your young colleagues have some criticism regarding your supervision of the archaeology (20)work?

• A.: Absolutely, yes.

• Q.: What was that about?

• A.: Well, there was some criticism raised regarding the perceived rate and quality of the work. (25)Basically, that was the crux of it.

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(1)The ICTY convened an expert panel to look at and interview these individuals, to look at their criticisms, and the expert panel's opinion was that the criticisms really had nothing to do with the quality, (5)did not jeopardise the scientific quality of the work, and they added that it wasn't surprising to them to have brought together people from disparate lands and disparate backgrounds and experiences and not have some different perceptions of how things should go.

(10) • Q.: And more significantly, were there -- well, did anyone -- were there any complaints regarding your work at the morgue and your anthropology work?

• A.: Not that I'm aware of, but there was a complain raised regarding the supervising pathologists (15)and the autopsy reports.

• Q.: And were those allegations that the supervising pathologists, in some of the reports, actually reviewed the reports and findings of other pathologists and, in some cases, changed the cause of (20)death without notifying the underlying pathologist that did the report?

• A.: Yes, I think in an effort to make things uniform. But, yes, I think it was proven he did not consult the other pathologists. And the panel, the (25)independent expert panel, also reviewed this issue, and

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(1)before they had reviewed it, I believe ICTY did take all of the original autopsy reports, the autopsy -- the ones that had been amended back to the original pathologist, to have them review it, to make sure that (5)the autopsy reports were consistent -- the opinions were consistent with their original opinions and to verify that. And again the expert panel thought that that was an appropriate way to handle that potential misunderstanding and that there was nothing that would (10)jeopardise the scientific validity of findings because of it.

• Q.: But were you aware that the expert panel did conclude that it was inappropriate for the chief pathologist to change the reports of others without (15)consulting them?

• A.: That's correct.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Mr. President, I have no further questions.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you, (20)Mr. McCloskey. Professor Haglund, you are now going to answer questions put to you by Mr. Visnjic on behalf of the Defence. Mr. Visnjic, you have the floor.

(25) MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Thank you,

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(1)Mr. President.

• CROSS-EXAMINED by Mr. Visnjic:

• Q.: Good afternoon, sir. Professor, could you tell us, in your (5)opinion, whether the number of identified bodies is small, and what is the reason for this small number of identifications?

• A.: I've not been appraised of the actual numbers of the identifications exactly, I've not been following (10)that issue, although I know it's proceeded far beyond what we originally had anticipated. But, yes, it's understandable to me that there are so few personal identifications if you require scientific rigorousness for positive identification. (15)We're dealing -- if I just might give a hypothetical. If we have a small grave in a local community and we knew who should be buried in that grave, that's one kind of problem. It's easier to solve. But if you have potentially several thousand (20)individuals and they are scattered way away from their home territory and they end up in graves that you do not know which grave who ended up in, then it becomes a great feat to interview members of 7.000 families to find them, in the first place, and then to put together (25)a database, and then to find information enough on the

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(1)bodies to help one identify them. One of the problems in these situations, of course, is that circumstantially, you may have leads to a couple of identities, but that's not a positive, to (5)find somebody's name on a piece of paper. That just gives you an idea of who it might be. And the information that's available for these individuals, they are not fingerprints, they are not dental information, they are not hospital information, they (10)are anecdotal information for the most part out of people's memories. And in order to scientifically identify someone, now we're left with the last resource of doing DNA identification. That's expensive and this is a great, large project. I know some progress is (15)being made on it. But, no, I am not surprised at the small number of identifications.

• Q.: Thank you. You have already answered my next question, Professor. Among the bodies, was it possible, and on the (20)basis which parameters, to establish differences between injuries that occurred during the person's lifetime and those that occurred after death?

• A.: Yes, that is possible in many, many occasions.

(25) • Q.: Is it also possible to ascertain with

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(1)certainty, in the specific case of the grave site that you investigated, which were the injuries that may have occurred on the bodies during combat operations and those that would be the result of executions?

(5) • A.: I think one has to look at a mass grave as a contextual situation, and when I look at a grave, for instance Nova Kasaba grave number 4, and I see 19 individuals in that grave, and I see that they're all shot, and I see that 13 of those individuals with (10)their hands bound behind their backs, it defies reason to me that they would have been combat soldiers. And it's similar in the other graves.

• Q.: My next question refers to this particular grave at Nova Kasaba, Nova Kasaba 4. I think one body (15)was found there.

• A.: That's correct, yes. It was elderly gentleman who had no determined cause of death. A skeletal remains which is explainable because of the relatively superficial nature of the body compared to (20)the depth of the ones that were fleshed at the same site.

• Q.: Bearing in mind your previous observation, can one leave open the possibility that that body may have been brought there later on and buried there?

(25) • A.: I think that's possible.

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(1) • Q.: During the examination-in-chief, you were describing the grave Lazete 2. It seems to me that you stated, at one point, that at the top of the grave a skeleton was found.

(5) • A.: It was not over the top of the grave. It was a distance from the actual disturbed site, lying by some bushes by the hillside. We recovered it because it would not have been proper for us to leave a body lying out in the open. (10)Whether it was actually connected with that particular incident, I could not tell, it's just that it was in the same location.

• Q.: Thank you. On the basis of the clothing found on the bodies, is it possible to make any (15)conclusions as to whether those bodies were those of civilians or soldiers or, rather, whether persons in civilian clothes had any traces on them which could lead to the conclusion that they were military men clothed in civilian clothing?

(20) • A.: I don't recall any indications on the remains of the people dressed in civilian clothing that they would have been military. However, in the Cerska grave, in, I believe, Lazete, and, I believe, in the Pilica grave, of all the people that were there, there (25)may have been maybe five or so individuals that may

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(1)have had -- one of them may have had military-type trousers on or maybe a jacket, something like that. But all the individuals were dressed -- of the 480 or so, the majority -- the vast majority, except for less (5)than ten probably, were dressed in civilian clothing.

• Q.: Professor Haglund, is one of the parameters distinguishing injuries in lifetime and after death the colour of the bones, and to what extent is that parameter important?

(10) • A.: Excuse me. Would you repeat that? Are you asking about distinguishing trauma after death or before death; which?

• Q.: The difference between those injuries before death and after death, the bone structure.

(15) • A.: Yes. For dried bones that have been exposed to the soil, yes, you can tell the difference between post-mortem injuries versus injuries that occurred pari-mortem or at or about the time of death.

• Q.: Is a different colour one of the elements?

(20) • A.: Yes, but we're dealing with bones that are completely skeletalised, and for the most part these individuals were not completely skeletalised. Many of them had very much flesh left on them. And one of the indications of trauma that occurred during life, the (25)pathologist will find accompanying gunshot wounds, is

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(1)haemorrhaging around the areas where the trauma occurred.

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Mr. President, with your indulgence, can I have a minute, please, to (5)consult?

• Q.: Professor Haglund, another question related to the previous one. The time factor when determining whether the injury was post-mortem or before is the time when the injuries were discovered after death, (10)does it play a certain role?

• A.: I think if you're referring to fleshed remains, I would like to defer to the medical experts, the physicians, the pathologists who deal with the fleshed remains, and that's their area of expertise. (15)If you want to talk about bones that are skeletalised and lying in soil, then I'm happy to discourse on those, but I'd like to stay within my area of expertise.

• Q.: So we're only talking about bone injuries; is (20)that right?

• A.: In the majority of these cases they had bone injuries, but when they have injuries in the context of flesh, then I think that that's the best area for the pathologist, because some of the questions you're (25)asking me also have to do with the characteristics of

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(1)the surrounding tissue, the soft tissue, and when the anthropologist looks at bone, we clear the soft tissue away so we can see the surface of the bone, and the soft tissue is not a consideration in our analysis. (5)That's the provenance of the pathologist.

• Q.: On the basis of which indicators has it been established that it was an execution, a murder, in the case of all of the bodies? Could causes of death also include suicide or combat?

(10) • A.: Well, I just would like again to point out that -- I have investigated many suicides. I have never seen an individual with their hands bound behind their back shoot themselves multiple times. Many of these people have multiple injuries which are totally (15)inconsistent with the circumstances of suicide.

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Mr. President, thank you. I have no further questions. Thank you, Doctor.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you (20)very much, Mr. Visnjic. Mr. McCloskey, do you have any re-examination?

MR. McCLOSKEY: No, Mr. President. I would merely point out that we also would like Dr. Haglund's (25)CV marked as OPT Exhibit 222, which he has just

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(1)provided me.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] We will deal with all the exhibits at the end. Judge Fouad Riad.

(5) JUDGE RIAD: Thank you, Mr. President.

• QUESTIONED by the Court:

JUDGE RIAD: Good morning.

• A.: Good afternoon. Good morning. It's afternoon. It's morning somewhere.

(10) JUDGE RIAD: In Dutch there is a word for it, but ... I have been listening carefully to your very clear testimony, and I would like just to have a few explanations. One of them concerns the body parts (15)which you mentioned, because you said that you found once 53 complete individuals and then 170 body parts, either missing heads -- or 10 missing heads, 16 transected at the torso, and 5 upper extremities. Now, how -- and you explained that later in some way by (20)saying that it could have been torn apart in the loading or unloading. For instance, the missing heads, ten missing heads, would they be torn apart in the loading or unloading?

(25) • A.: It would seem more consistent -- if you mean

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(1)by "unloading", you mean disturbance of the grave and removal from the grave, then it seems it would be more consistent with that than with the placing of bodies in the grave.

(5) JUDGE RIAD: Were they cut in the same way?

• A.: No. No. It was very random.

JUDGE RIAD: The same thing applies to the transected -- the bodies transected at the torso?

• A.: That's correct. It was very random. If I (10)might refer you -- I don't know what exhibit it is. It's -- the Pilica report, page 60, table 7, might help clarify some of this. Is that possible? Who might I ask?

JUDGE RIAD: It's possible. If not, you (15)might explain it.

MR. McCLOSKEY: I believe you have your report with you.

• A.: Yeah. I have my report with me, and basically this is a table that summarises all (20)264 separate collection units that we took out of the Pilica grave, and it does mention the complete individuals of 53 and the 23 nearly completed individuals, and then it has a part called "Sections of Individuals," and there's ten bodies with missing (25)heads. And if we looked at the individual bodies, the

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(1)heads would have been taken off at different levels of the neck. It's almost like it got caught in something and then something gave way. I might say that with the fresh bodies, it's (5)harder to transect and separate and dismember the bodies, but with bodies that are more decomposed, they come apart easier, and there are natural places in the skeleton that tend to be weaker and so they come apart. (10)So if we went down here, we have transected torsos; missing upper extremities, lower extremities, and then we have maybe just one arm with a hand; a forearm. So it's very, very random and there's no pattern to it. It's like a mindless machine did it, (15)you know.

JUDGE RIAD: Thank you for this answer. My other question, or the last one, you said that there were many causes of death even for one body. What could these causes be?

(20) • A.: These were -- let's see if I can put this in a simple way. We would look at a body part, for instance. Let's say we had a head here and we had a gunshot wound to the head, and it's one of these body parts. We can say that that's a lethal gunshot wound. (25)So that person could have died of that gunshot wound.

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(1)But let's say we also had a torso and we had multiple gunshot wounds of the torso. That torso, that person whom that torso would have belonged to, could have died of those causes. (5)Now, if those are two different people, they represent the parts of two different people, we have a cause of death for one person if we can put them together. But if we can't put them together, we have two causes of death for two body parts that could (10)belong to the same person.

JUDGE RIAD: Because when you said two causes of death I thought one cause would be the cholera, another would be a gunshot, the third would be cut throat, but it is all being shot?

(15) • A.: Yes.

JUDGE RIAD: They are shot everywhere.

• A.: Yes.

JUDGE RIAD: Thank you very much.

• A.: Thank you.

(20) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much, Judge Fouad Riad. Judge Wald.

JUDGE WALD: Professor Haglund, in your first account of the Cerska Valley graves, you talked about a (25)likely scenario being that the 150 men and boys were

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(1)lined up along the side after road and then they were shot by their killers from across the road, so that they all had gunshots. Some had 6 to 9, and you said one had 20. I'm wondering, even under spray shooting, (5)under what circumstances would one of these people have gotten shot 20 times? I thought perhaps there was a hypothesis. Maybe they tried to escape or something?

• A.: [No audible response]

• Q.: Okay. (10)My second question would be whether or not, based on all of your experience with the several grave sites, you would have any explanation or hypothesis of the fact that insofar as I can see, all but Nova Kasaba, you had basically one or in Lazete two grave (15)sites with relatively large numbers of bodies, body parts, at least in one of the two graves. The number has been sometimes 120, 132, numbers like that. In Nova Kasaba you had a total, as I counted up, of 36 bodies but separated into four different (20)grave sites that we saw on the aerial picture. What, if anything, would be the explanation for that?

• A.: There has subsequently been another Nova Kasaba grave that has been exhumed, and I'm not sure how many individuals -- I believe it was less than (25)100. I'm not sure. But I think my experience with

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(1)homicides, basically, is oftentimes, although there may be some systematic approach to some killings, some are more opportunistic and you have a smaller group rather than a larger group. It's as simple as that.

(5) JUDGE WALD: I guess my question is that might be true of the killings, but if you had 36 in the same relatively small area, the fact that they went around and made four grave sites --

• A.: Yes, that's very interesting. They may have (10)appeared at different times. I have no idea.

JUDGE WALD: My next questions may either be out of the area of expertise, and if it is, that's fine, or it may draw upon some of your other experiences. But one question which I find puzzling is (15)that in these grave sites which have been disturbed, theoretically meaning that some bodies have been taken out of them, it's hard for me to hypothesise why, if somebody were intent upon concealing or getting rid of the incriminating evidence, they would take out some (20)but leave relatively large numbers still in the grave, which would be, it seems to me, almost as incriminating. I don't know whether anything in your experience would give you any reason to figure that one out.

(25) • A.: Well, I assure you they don't intend to leave

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(1)parts of the bodies in the graves. That's my impression.

JUDGE WALD: You think it's done in such haste that --

(5) • A.: I think it can be done in haste. I think it could be done at night. It could be done with individuals who were not familiar with where the original graves were and of the extent of those graves. I think there's many, many possible reasonable (10)explanations we could make.

JUDGE WALD: Well, those are some reasonable ones. Thank you.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much, Judge Wald. (15)Professor Haglund, I have two questions. You spoke about the disintegration of bodies, body parts and so on, and you had certain explanations. I would like try out another hypothesis for that list. (20)Is it possible to observe this dismantling of bodies, where the trunk is transected, with regard to the process of killing by gunfire, that the transection of the bodies was related to the process in which they were killed, that is to say, gunfire or whatever?

(25) • A.: Well, if we could just single out, I think,

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(1)the most obvious exception, to have -- let's say bodies were transected by gunfire and then buried in the grave. It's hard for me to conceive somebody would line them up so that the feet of this one, where they (5)were cut off, matched with the head of this one where it came off. Yes, it's possible, and in these circumstances I don't think it's probable.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] My other question: You spoke about, when describing the work (10)and the composition of the teams, that there were people that had come from different countries. The team members had different experiences and different backgrounds. In your opinion, from the viewpoint of results, the results of the work, the scientific (15)results, how do you view this difference? Was it an interesting, substantial difference; was it troubling to the work? How do you see it?

• A.: Well, I think it's a wonderful situation, to tell you the truth. I do a lot of international work, (20)and I prefer to have international teams, and I prefer to have them not just because of their expertise, because I prefer to have different philosophical and cultural views present in a mission. In the main, the pathologists around the (25)world read the same books. They may work under

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(1)different circumstances, they may not be as well resourced or facilitated as others, but they are sound scientists. And I think to have people, as we did, from all mission countries, Switzerland, France, (5)Denmark, Iceland, Guatemala, Peru, Chile, Canada, Great Britain, Sri Lanka, I think it's what an international tribunal is about. And the way the work is organised, the work is usually -- at least in 1996, and I think it's probably improved since then, the administration (10)of the work, policies and protocols are established. The individuals are briefed on what those protocols are. They are made to adhere to international standards and sometimes above those international standards. The people come and they work as a team, (15)and they work very hard and they do the best job they can, and I think the results are very credible.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Therefore, if I understood you correctly, that is a conclusion -- my conclusion, but I would like to hear your opinion. (20)The difference in heterogeneity, does it favour -- does heterogeneity favour truth better than homogeneity, from the scientific viewpoint, of course?

• A.: Well, I don't think that the science is heterogeneous. The science, as I tried to say, is (25)relatively uniform. These people all believe in the

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(1)same science, they do the same work, they are trained in the same way, they read the same textbooks. The heterogeneity, I think in this sense, is very much, and that comes from different perspectives, different (5)political views, different religions, different cultures. But the science itself and that forensic investigative work is fairly uniform.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] I have no further questions, Professor. We have come to the end (10)of your testimony. Before you go, I should like to ask Mr. McCloskey where we stand with reference to the documents and the tendering of evidence.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Mr. President, I would like (15)to offer Exhibit 211 through 219, 222, and 206 through 209. I believe those reflect all the new exhibits that we've discussed in the last two hours.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Visnjic, any objections?

(20) MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] No, Mr. President, none.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Very well, then. The exhibits mentioned have been admitted into evidence. (25)Professor Haglund, I should just like to

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(1)express the gratitude of the International Tribunal for having come here and giving us the benefit of your experience, for cooperating with us, and we wish you every success in your future work. Thank you very (5)much.

THE WITNESS: I would like to thank the Court for their patience, yes.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] It wasn't patience; it was a pleasure to hear you.
(10) [The witness withdrew]

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. McCloskey, are we continuing?

MR. McCLOSKEY: Yes, Mr. President. It's now -- Mr. Cayley is ready to put on Jose Pablo Baraybar, (15)one of the anthropologists that worked on more recent exhumations.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Very well. Thank you very much. We'll have the pleasure of having Mr. Cayley next.
(20) [The witness entered court]

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Good afternoon. Can you hear me?

THE WITNESS: Yes, very well.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] You are now (25)going to read the solemn declaration that the usher is

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(1)going to hand to you. Please go ahead.

THE WITNESS: I solemnly declare that I will speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Please be seated. I think that you're quite familiar with the proceedings in the courtroom, so I take it you feel at ease. Yes. Very well. You are now going to answer (10)questions put to you by Mr. Cayley. Please go ahead, Mr. Cayley. You have the floor.

MR. CAYLEY: Good afternoon, Mr. President, Your Honours, my learned friends for the Defence.

(15) • EXAMINED by Mr. Cayley.

• Q.: Mr. Baraybar, good afternoon. Could you please spell your name for the record?

• A.: My name is spelled B-a-r-a-y-b-a-r.

• Q.: And your Christian name is Jose Pablo?

(20) • A.: That is correct.

• Q.: And you were born on the 1st of October of 1964?

• A.: That's correct.

• Q.: And you are of Peruvian nationality; is that (25)correct?

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(1) • A.: Yes, sir.

• Q.: You have a bachelor's degree in archaeology from the University of San Marcos in Peru; is that correct?

(5) • A.: That's correct.

• Q.: And I think you have a master of science degree from the University of London, in fact University College London. What was that degree; in what were your studies in?

(10) • A.: It was a master of sciences, including many areas. I would say bio-archaelogy was one of them, the application of tendencies of human biology to archaeological human remains, as well as paleopathology, which is the study of pathological (15)conditions in human remains, and forensics.

• Q.: Just one thing to remember, Mr. Baraybar. Because we're being simultaneously interpreted and because we're speaking the same language, you must try and speak quite slowly, and if you can pause between (20)the end of my question and the beginning of your answer, that will help, particularly as you're using very technical terms. What year was that, your master of science degree?

(25) • A.: 1991 to 1992.

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(1) • Q.: Now, you are, I think, a forensic anthropologist. Can you explain to the Court the type of work you do as a forensic anthropologist?

• A.: A forensic anthropologist deals with human (5)remains from forensic contexts, from medical and legal contexts. Forensic anthropologists deal with the recovery and with the analysis of human remains from those kind of contexts. One of the main tasks after recovery of those remains is to ascertain the age, the (10)sex, and the stature, among other things, of the remains recovered.

• Q.: Now, apart from your work for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, where else have you done work as a forensic (15)anthropologist?

• A.: I have worked in Argentina, in Peru, my home country, in Haiti, Ethiopia, Congo, Guatemala. I started to work for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, where the Forensic Unit was actually (20)created, as a matter of fact, and from there transferred to this Tribunal.

• Q.: Was all of your work as a forensic anthropologist concerned with alleged violations of human rights?

(25) • A.: That is correct.

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(1) • Q.: I'm correct in saying that from 1996 and including 1998 and 1999, you worked on exhumations in connection with the alleged events in and around Srebrenica; is that correct?

(5) • A.: Yes, sir.

MR. CAYLEY: If the witness could just be provided with Exhibit 220 and also, in fact to speed matters up, the anthropological report.

• Q.: Mr. Baraybar, is Exhibit 220, the document (10)marked Exhibit 220, your curriculum vitae?

• A.: Yes, it is.

MR. CAYLEY: Mr. President, I simply offer that to the Court. It contains all of Mr. Baraybar's field work, his laboratory work, his manuscripts and (15)publications and papers in conferences and congresses. I don't intend to go through it, but I offer it to the Court as foundation for his evidence.

• Q.: Mr. Baraybar, can you look at the very next document in front of you, which I think is Exhibit 233, (20)and can you identify that document?

• A.: Yes. This is a report I submitted last year and basically describes the anthropological examination of the human remains recovered in this case.

• Q.: Now, am I right in saying that your report is (25)based on both exhumations and anthropology that you

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(1)supervised and also is based upon the work of others, including, in fact, Dr. Haglund?

• A.: That is correct.

MR. CAYLEY: If the witness could be shown (5)Exhibit 140.

• Q.: Mr. Baraybar, if you could look at the top right-hand corner, there are some red index numbers, and if you could go to page 25. No, it's actually -- in fact, if the usher puts my copy on, it will make it (10)easier. I don't want to spend time going through documents. Can that be placed on the ELMO? Mr. Baraybar, did you prepare reports on the anthropological remains of all of the graves that are (15)actually shown on this exhibit?

• A.: That is correct, I did.

MR. CAYLEY: And let the record show that that is the ERN number page 25 up in the top right-hand corner of Exhibit 140, which is an exhibit that went (20)through Mr. Manning. And if the usher could turn to the next page.

• Q.: Now, Mr. Baraybar, in the case of the graves that are shaded green, which were exhumed secondary graves, did you also complete the anthropological (25)reports on the remains from those graves?

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(1) • A.: That is correct, I did.

MR. CAYLEY: And let the record show that the witness has confirmed on page 26, and that's the ERN number in the top right-hand corner of Exhibit 140.

(5) • Q.: Now, you stated in your evidence earlier that the four objectives of anthropological studies of human remains are to determine the sex of the individual, to determine the age, to determine the stature, and I think you also stated to determine the minimum number (10)of individuals within any grave. Now, purely talking in generic terms before we get to any specific grave, can you explain to the Judge how, as an anthropologist, you determine the sex of an exhumed body or human remains from a grave?

(15) • A.: Yes. In principle, the sex of a body will always be determined by an examination of external genitalia. If the body is decomposed beyond recognition or the soft tissues are virtually gone, that is not possible. Therefore, we are left with the (20)bones to be examined. Having a complete skeleton that consists of 206 bones, we will be able to look at three different areas. In order of priority, these areas are the pelvic bones that basically are the hip bones, then the (25)skull, and then the long bones.

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(1)In each of these areas, we will be looking at a set of structures. And if the Prosecution allow me to show some illustrations, I will be able to clarify this.

(5) MR. CAYLEY: If the witness could be provided with the next three exhibits, which are 224, 225, and 226.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Cayley, I do apologise for interrupting, but you mentioned (10)page 25, 26 of the 140 exhibit. This is just a small question, but perhaps for identification purposes we should give IT another number, because we have 926 but we also have 1026. But I'm going to leave it up to you, of course, to do that, and I do apologise for (15)interrupting.

MR. CAYLEY: Thank you for that, Mr. President. Because I didn't have the document in front of me, I didn't know the -- I think it's a seven-figure number. There is, in fact, a page 26 in (20)that document, but these were diagrams and the pages were not numbered. In fact, the only page numbers on these two pages, and I'll put them into the record, the first diagram is ERN number 00950925 and the second number is 00950926. So that will make sure that we (25)don't confuse it with the page 26, which is a separate

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(1)page but has the page number at the foot of the page.

• Q.: Mr. Baraybar, excuse me. If you could first of all show the photograph of the pelvis and explain to the Judges how you would use the pelvic bone to (5)distinguish between a male and a female.

• A.: Right. I am showing Exhibit 224. We're looking at a male pelvis, and in order not to confuse the audience, I will avoid mentioning technical terms or the specific name of each structure. I will just (10)point to you each of the structures we examine in order to determine a sex. If you have a complete and fully articulated pelvic bone such as in this case, you could definitely see there are a number of obvious features that will (15)differentiate this male pelvis from the female pelvis I will show you in a moment. One of the main features is the extent of this area that I'm pointing to here. If you were to have only fragments of this pelvic bone, you would be looking at certain structures (20)such as this one, some of the structures in this area here, primarily related to the angle of these two bones. You would be looking at some other structures not visible on this drawing, that is, basically on the inner aspect of this pubic bone. Then you will be also (25)looking at the position and shape of the sacrum bone;

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(1)that is, this one. If I may show you now a female pelvis. That is Exhibit 225. You see in this case again that this area is much, much wider in the female, primarily (5)because it is prepared for child-bearing. Again, we would have a look at the same structure I just pointed you a moment ago, and you will see that in this case it is much wider again. We look at this angle here. That again proves to be much wider than the previous (10)example, and to the other structures we cannot actually see in this photograph. If we continue with this observation, I will show you now a picture of a skull, a male skull, Exhibit 226. Again, the structures that will interest (15)us are situated in the frontal bone above the nose, about -- close to the orbits, in the chin, in the area below and behind the ear, and in the area of the back of the head in the occipital bone. An observation of all these factors will allow us to determine sex. (20)I am avoiding to show you a long bone, because that would take us quite a lot of time. However, I would like just to mention that in a long bone, we will primarily observe the rubberstisity
[phoen] of the bones and take some measurements that (25)prove to be very different between males and females.

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(1) • Q.: Thank you, Mr. Baraybar. Just as a general question, in a case dealing specifically with your investigations in Srebrenica, where the pelvic bone was not present in mortal remains, how did you describe the (5)sex of the individual?

• A.: We have taken a very conservative approach. In other words, whenever the pelvic bones were not present, sex was not ascertained.

• Q.: So am I right in saying that many of the (10)individuals who are termed as of ascertained sex could have been males?

• A.: That is correct.

• Q.: Now, moving on to the next objective of forensic anthropology, if you could briefly explain to (15)the Judges how you assess the age of an individual from the mortal remains from a grave.

• A.: Well, the assessment of age follow again similar principles as the assessment of sex. A number of structures in the human skeleton change in relation (20)to age. They change in shape, in appearance, in integrity. Sex and age are two multi-factorial, if we can call it in this way, analyses. We have to look at different elements in order to reach a conclusion. The (25)problem with aging, and primarily in a forensic

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(1)context, is that we have to use very robust, very solid techniques that have to be either derived or proved in forensic cases. It is of no use to me to apply a technique that may have been used in a prehistoric (5)population in some country of the world, because I do not know whether the age estimates derived from those population are applicable to the population I'm working in. In order to avoid this problem, we have (10)chosen two robust techniques derived from a forensic population and specifically tested in a Bosnian forensic population. These techniques deal with changes that occur in the sternal, meaning the area close to the sternum, meaning the chest part of the (15)fourth rib, and some other changes that occur in the so-called pubic symphysis that is a structure of the hip bone. Both techniques were derived originally in a North American forensic population and subsequently, (20)between '98 and '99, were tested and so-called calibrated, I would say, in forensic Bosnian population from Tuzla.

• Q.: So to summarise what you're saying, am I right that you are stating that the scientific tests (25)used to assess the age of individuals that were exhumed

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(1)from the Srebrenica graves have been calibrated so that they fit a Bosnian population?

• A.: That is correct.

• Q.: Now, in terms of all of the scientific (5)standards that you employed as a forensic anthropologist for all of these areas, sex, age, minimum number of individuals per grave, can you make a few comments to the Judges on those standards?

• A.: The -- as with sex, what I would like to add, (10)age is extremely influenced by the preservation of the remains. In other words, if I have only a fragment of a body, if I have a body part, my assessment, as age goes, will be very limited. For example, if I am using a combination of ribs and pubic bones, if I happen to (15)have an arm or a leg, I will not be able to apply those standards to that specific body part, in which case I will be able to say only this individual is an adult or is a sub-adult, is a growing individual, or maybe it's simply an adult. It could be 30, 50, 80. I cannot (20)really make a difference of that.

• Q.: We can move on to the next objective of forensic anthropology, and that is the MNI or minimum number of individuals. Now, before I show you any exhibits, can you explain to the Judges what the (25)purpose of the MNI test is?

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(1) • A.: Right. If we were to encounter a grave with complete individuals, one of the first questions that the Prosecution will ask us is: "How many people were in the grave?" In that case, we will do what we (5)normally know as a head count. You can just simply count how many bodies you are seeing. I mentioned earlier that the human body contains 206 bones. Let's imagine for a moment that instead of complete individuals, we have a number of (10)fragments of people, a number of body parts in there. You have seen from the previous testimonies that it is not easy, even while excavating, to be able to count how many remains we have there. And even if we can count them, we still do not know how many people are (15)represented by those remains. Therefore, the minimum number of individuals is a conservative, again, approach as to say at least how many individuals are necessary to account for the number of body parts or bones we have recovered.

(20) • Q.: Now, you've put together a number of exhibits to explain this scientific concept to the Judges. And if you have Exhibit 227 -- the usher can assist you -- could you explain to the Judges what is represented by this diagram?

(25) • A.: Although I am using the example of a left

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(1)forearm in this case, this is basically the same thing as a head count, meaning two left forearms will indicate that at least we have two people, primarily because nobody tends to have more than two left (5)forearms. If I may move to the second exhibit, 229. Right. This actually is more like the cases we've been dealing with, meaning fragments. Let's just assume again that we have two females that are from the same (10)side but are two different parts of the female. In this one we got the top or proximal part of the bone and the mid-part of the bone, and in this one we have the mid-part and the bottom part, that is, the distal part.

(15) MR. CAYLEY: Mr. Baraybar, if I could just interrupt you there. The witness is indicating, on Exhibit 229, that in the left portion of the photograph is the proximal portion of the femur, and in the right-hand photograph, the distal portion of the right (20)femur.

• Q.: Please continue, sir.

• A.: Considering that we cannot actually fit these two fragments and make one femur, we have to take again a conservative approach and say that we assume that (25)these two fragments, although not fitting with one

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(1)another, represent one individual. That would be the way we would construct a minimal number of individuals. Otherwise, we could say that these are two femurs. But we are taking it as only one.

(5) • Q.: But am I right in saying that potentially in any grave site, these two portions of bone could represent two individuals?

• A.: That is correct.

• Q.: So this technique of counting individuals (10)naturally always under-counts the number of people in a grave?

• A.: That is correct.

• Q.: Now, if you could move on to Exhibit 230 and explain to the Judges the process that you went through (15)in either a primary or a secondary grave in order to make an assessment of the number of the -- the minimum number of individuals in that grave. One question before you begin. This is simply a model. This does not represent any particular (20)report that you can completed in respect to Srebrenica, does it?

• A.: That is correct.

• Q.: Please continue.

• A.: Right. As you told you earlier, and I'll put (25)this in perspective so we can understand what I'm

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(1)trying to explain, every single remain that arrived to our mortuary, meaning a complete body, a body part, an isolated bone, was thoroughly examined and an inventory was produced. We had to account for each and every (5)single bone that was present or absent and, furthermore, we needed to account with what portion, what part of the bone was present or absent. So in our previous example with the femurs, we have to tell whether we have the top part of a (10)femur, whether we have the bottom part of the femur, and we did that not only with the femur but with all the bones. So I have prepared this example for you to understand. The first thing we have to do when (15)examining the remains, as I said earlier, was that the determination of sex and age. Once those two things have been done, we have to fit the individual into an age range. For example, we have the age range from age 8 to 12. That basically means that the individuals in (20)that range are not younger than 8 years of age nor older than 12. Then 13 to 24, and then 25 and more, meaning that we have been unable, in some occasions, to specify how old this person was, and again, being conservative would be to say 25 and more. (25)We have scored the presence or absence of the

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(1)bone by placing a 1 or 0 in the proximal, meaning the upper part of the bone, the middle part, and the distal part, that is, the lower part of the bone. I'm using here only long bones for simplicity's sake. (5)The calculation of the minimal number of individuals at the end of the day, assuming that this is a site, takes place by looking at the highest number in each of the age ranges. So, for example, we're going to start with the 8 to 12 category, and we can (10)see it is all 0. This basically means that no individuals between 8 and 12 were represented by any bone.

• Q.: Mr. Baraybar, you need to bring it down. You need to -- that's fine.

(15) • A.: I will slide it as I explain. Right. If we go now to the category of 13 to 24, the number highlighted in red that says "38," is the highest number in the whole column. If I just put it here, you can see that all the other numbers are lower (20)than 38. Therefore, we consent to say that there are 38 fragments of the left proximal femur in the category 13 to 24, meaning that at least we have 38 individuals between 13 and 24 years of age. We can do the same thing for 25-plus (25)category, and again it is highlighted in red the number

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(1)48 that corresponds to the right proximal tibia. This basically means again that 48 individuals, 25 years or more, are represented by the right proximal tibia. If we go to the bottom now, we go to the (5)actual calculation of the minimal number, and we'll see that in the age 8 to 12 range there's 0. In the 13 to 17 we have 38, and in the 25 plus we have 48. By adding those figures, we end up with 86 individuals. So in this hypothetical site, we would say (10)that, at least, we have 86 individuals represented by the bones we have recovered. And again, Mr. Baraybar, to stress what we said previously, there is an assumption that all of these bones essentially belong with each other, so (15)potentially the figure could be a great deal higher than 86.

• A.: Yes, sir.

• Q.: Now, it's not quite as simple as that, is it? It does actually become more complex, where when (20)one is dealing with primary and secondary grave sites. Why does it become more complex when one is dealing with a primary site, which has been robbed and the contents moved to secondary site?

• A.: In the previous testimonies, we have seen the (25)process of disturbance of primary sites and the

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(1)creation of secondary sites. If I may add something to this. When a primary grave was robbed, it was not completely emptied of its contents, meaning that a (5)number of remains were left behind in the primary grave. Then that primary grave produced, so to speak, a number of secondary sites. Because the machine that went in and robbed the primary site was not selecting what pieces to take, (10)the process occurred at random. This basically means that when the primary site was excavated and the remains analysed, we did not know what we would find. Then we have to find out a way to account for the individual that was left behind in the primary site (15)and the ones that were disposed in the secondary site. The only way to do this would be by merging or combining the left others, so to speak in the primary site and whatever was exposed in the secondary site. In order to do that, we have to calculate a (20)merged or a combined minimal number of individuals that would account for the number of people represented between the primary and the secondary site.

• Q.: Can you demonstrate this on Exhibit 231, which I think is another model? Now, in respect to the (25)sites in and around Srebrenica, how did you know that a

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(1)primary and a secondary site were connected with each other?

• A.: I was informed by investigators and then read various reports, such as Dr. Brown's property on soil (5)comparisons, and that is the way I found out which sites were related to what others.

• Q.: If you could use the exhibit in front of you and explain to the Judges the MNI in respect to linked sites?

(10) • A.: This again is another simulation. The first, I have only extracted data for the left femur to make it actually easier to explain. The top part, the top chart in yellow represents a primary site and the bottom one in blue (15)represents the secondary site. We know, because of the information I just mentioned, that the two are linked. The way we would then calculate this merged or combined number of individuals would be very much in the same fashion as we have done it before but with (20)some differences. If we observe the first column, meaning the one from 8 to 12 years, we see that in the primary site, there is a fragment of left distal --

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Excuse me, (25)Witness, for interrupting you.

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(1)I see that the technical booth did not show the picture for the public. Our debates are public. We're talking about something that the public must be able to follow. So I should like to ask the technical (5)booth to pay attention. The witness is talking about something, that is, the witness cannot see -- that the public cannot see. I'm sorry for interrupting you, but you may continue. I apologise, Mr. Cayley.

• A.: If we observe then first the first column (10)from 8 to 12 years, we will see that in the primary site, highlighted in red, there is a number 1 indicating that a fragment of left distal femur, meaning the area of the bone of the thigh bone above the knee is represent. However, in the secondary site, (15)there is no entry for the same category and the same bone. The left distal femur says 0. This basically means that merging the two sites, at least we can say that one individual between 8 to 12 years was represented. (20)If we proceed with the second column between 13 and 24, we will see again that the highest number on the primary site is 49, and is highlighted in red, and --

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Excuse me, (25)Witness. I'm sorry for interrupting you.

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(1)Madam Registrar, are there any technical problems in showing this exhibit or not, because I interrupted the witness once and I see that the matter has not been rectified. Are there any technical (5)problems?

THE REGISTRAR: The technical booth says there's no problem.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Perhaps there is a problem, because if there's no technical (10)problem, then there's another problem, because I do not see on the monitors the picture which the witness is talking about. So I'm -- now I see it. It's there now. So there was no technical difficulty, but again something was lacking. (15)We must deal with these matters in a dynamic rather than a static way. If a witness is talking about a picture or a table, we cannot follow what the witness is saying if we do not see the picture in front of us or the table. So please pay attention. I'm (20)asking the technical booth to pay attention and to make sure that when the witness is talking about an exhibit, that that exhibit should be shown to the public. I apologise to the witness, once again, and to Mr. Cayley. Perhaps we should round off this point, (25)because it is 2.30.

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(1) MR. CAYLEY: Thank you, Mr. President.

• Q.: Mr. Baraybar, if you could just complete your explanation of this particular exhibit.

• A.: I think I left it at the 13-to-24 range, (5)again it is highlighted in red that there are 49 pieces of the proximal left femur, the top part of the femur, and in the secondary site the same -- we have 38 individuals also represented by the proximal left femur. And if we move to the 25-plus category, we see (10)that the distal femur has 68 and 44. The minimum number of individuals then would be calculated at the bottom of the page. You can see that in the first category, eight to twelve, we have one; 13 to 24, we have 49 plus 38. That is 87. And in the last one, 68 (15)plus 44. That is 112. The total number or the minimal number in this case is 200 individuals, meaning that between the primary and the secondary site, 200 individuals are accounted for, or at least -- that would be the right (20)way to say it -- at least 200 individuals are accounted for between the remains recovered at the primary and the secondary site.

• Q.: But again, as you stated previously, there could be a great deal more than 200 individuals (25)represented by these bone fragments?

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(1) • A.: That is correct, and if I may add, that it is paramount to use the same kind of bone in these calculations and to use the same part of the bone in the calculations, because otherwise it would be (5)over-counting individuals. For example, if I use the femur on the primary site and I produce a minimum number of individuals based on the femur on the primary site, and I use another bone, let's say the arm bone, the humerus, on the secondary site and I know that the (10)two sites are connected, if I simply add the two minimal numbers, that is incorrect. I will be overestimating the number I will be having at the end of the day.

MR. CAYLEY: Mr. President, if you wish, this (15)would be a good point in time to pause in Mr. Baraybar's evidence.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Yes, Mr. Cayley, I think it is time. We have been working a little longer. I apologise to the interpreters. But I (20)think we have finished for today, Witness, and we will resume work tomorrow. So tomorrow at 9.30.

--- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 2.34 p.m., to be reconvened on (25)Tuesday, the 30th day of May, 2000,

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(1)at 9.30 a.m.