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(1)Wednesday, 24 May 2000
[Open session]

--- Upon commencing at 9.40 a.m.

JUDGE RIAD: Good morning, ladies and (5)gentlemen in the courtroom and in the visitor's gallery.
[The accused entered court]

JUDGE RIAD: I apologise again today for this ten-minute delay. There are more urgent matters which (10)have to be settled as soon as we come to the Tribunal. Mr. Harmon, you have the floor.

MR. HARMON: Good morning, Judge Riad. Good morning, colleagues. This morning, Mr. President, and all day (15)today, we will not present any live witnesses. We had scheduled a witness for today but because of problems in respect of passport and securing a passport, the witness was not able to arrive in time for her testimony.

(20) JUDGE RIAD: Is she arriving in the near future?

MR. HARMON: She's now arriving today as opposed to her scheduled time of arrival which was two days ago. (25)So in lieu of that, the Prosecutor proposes

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(1)to present video testimony film of testimony that had been given in 1996 at the Rule 61 hearing involving Karadzic and Mladic. I have discussed this with my colleagues from the Defence long before today, and they (5)have agreed that in lieu of calling the witnesses who will be shown on the videotape, they would accept the transcribed testimony and the video testimony of these same witnesses. So today we'll be presenting the testimonies (10)of Colonel Karremans, Lieutenant Koster, and a gentleman from Bosnia named Pasaga Mesic. We will play those videotapes from the previous Rule 61 hearing and then we'll seek to admit those tapes into evidence. During the course of the presentation today, (15)I'm going to ask my colleague, Mr. McCloskey, to remain in the courtroom as the Prosecutor's representative, and with the Court's permission I will excuse myself and return at the end of the day. So that is the agenda we have proposed for (20)today.

JUDGE RIAD: But you're on the tape too.

MR. HARMON: I am on the tapes, yes.

JUDGE RIAD: So we'll have you with us. Is Defence counsel agreeable?

(25) MR. PETRUSIC: [Int.] Good morning,

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(1)Mr. President, dear colleagues. The Defence agrees to the proposal made by the Prosecution so we concur that the video cassettes be viewed and admitted into the file.

(5) JUDGE RIAD: Thank you very much, Mr. Petrusic. Mr. Fourmy.
[Trial Chamber and legal officer confer]

(10) JUDGE RIAD: Mr. Fourmy is asking whether Colonel Karremans had been here before us in this trial. I don't recall that.

MR. HARMON: He has not been in this trial.

JUDGE RIAD: I know he has not been here.

(15) MR. HARMON: He has not. As I said previously, I discussed this matter with the Defence and they agree that the testimony that he had given under oath previously would be --

JUDGE RIAD: Is he coming? Would he be (20)coming?

MR. HARMON: He will not be.


MR. HARMON: The tape will substitute for his live testimony.

(25) JUDGE RIAD: That answers Mr. Fourmy's

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(1)question, perhaps. [Int.] Your preoccupations have been satisfied, Mr. Fourmy.
[In English] You can proceed, please, Mr. Harmon.

(5) MR. HARMON: Thank you very much, Judge Riad. If we could put the first video, the testimony of Colonel Karremans, on the screen. If I may be excused, Judge Riad.

(10) JUDGE RIAD: How long do you think it will take?

MR. HARMON: The video of Colonel Karremans is two hours and, I believe, twenty minutes; the video of Lieutenant Koster is 59 minutes; and the videotape (15)of Mr. Mesic is 29 minutes.

JUDGE RIAD: So we can have the break after Karremans.

MR. HARMON: We, perhaps, may want to have a break in between Karremans given the fact that it's two (20)hours and twenty minutes.

JUDGE RIAD: Good. We'll see to that.

MR. HARMON: Thank you.
[Videotape of 3 July 1996 played]
[Court reporter's note: Transcription (25)of videotape is as follows:]

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(1) JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Prosecutor, the Tribunal accepts that evidence, all the documents, and accepts that a photograph of the map, according to the technical facilities that we have, will be added. (5)We have now Colonel Karremans before us. We have to give him some headsets. Can you hear me, sir? Can you read the statement which you have in your hand? Can you please give Colonel Karremans some (10)headsets. I think that you must give the headsets each time and that the usher should be told of that. Please read the statement that you have in your hand.

THE WITNESS: I solemnly declare that I will (15)speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Thank you, Colonel. Please be seated. (20)Can you hear me, Colonel? Can you hear me?

THE WITNESS: Yes, Your Honour, I can.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Colonel Karremans, the Tribunal, dealing with Mr. Karadzic and Mladic, wanted to call upon you here so that we can see (25)what you have to say in light of the indictment. I

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(1)think it is the Office of the Prosecutor who will introduce you. You have the floor.

MR. HARMON: Thank you, Your Honour.

(5) • EXAMINED by Mr. Harmon:

• Q.: Colonel Karremans, could you please state your full name and spell your name for the record.

• A.: My last name is Karremans. I will spell that. K-a-r-r-e-m-a-n-s, Karremans. My first name is (10)Thomas, T-h-o-m-a-s, and middle name, Jacob.

• Q.: Colonel Karremans, what is your occupation?

• A.: My occupation now is that I am taking over an assignment in the United States.

• Q.: Are you a member of the Dutch military?

(15) • A.: I'm a member of the Dutch military.

• Q.: Did you participate in UN peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

• A.: Yes, I did, sir.

• Q.: Where were you assigned in Bosnia and (20)Herzegovina?

• A.: I was assigned in Bosnia-Herzegovina last year, from January up to July in Srebrenica.

• Q.: What were your duties and responsibilities in that particular assignment?

(25) • A.: My mission was -- I was the battalion

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(1)commander of DutchBat in the safe area of Srebrenica.

• Q.: What was the UN mandate that you received in relation to your assignments?

• A.: The UN mandate especially for the safe havens (5)or safe areas like Srebrenica was based on one of the United Nations resolutions. I can remember 819. After there was a ceasefire agreement between General Morillon and General Mladic in 1993, after that agreement, the Canadians went in in the safe area and (10)we took over the year after that, in 1994. My assignment there was commander of the Dutch Battalion.

• Q.: Colonel Karremans, did the Bosnian Serb army interfere or obstruct with your unit's ability to perform its mandate after you had arrived in (15)Srebrenica?

• A.: I think not at the time that we arrived but they did during our stay in the enclave during, let's say, the last five months, as of half February.

• Q.: Can you expand on that, please.

(20) • A.: I can expand on that but then I have first, let's say, to explain what the mission was of the battalion.

• Q.: Please.

• A.: That was twofold; one was the purely military (25)side of the mission and the other side was the

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(1)humanitarian one. The military was to look to the ceasefire agreement between both warring factions, of both parties, to assist the civil authorities in the opstina of Srebrenica, to maintain negotiations between (5)the BSA and the BiH, and of course trying to reject the BSA from attacking the enclave. On the other hand, the humanitarian side of the mission was to support the refugees within the enclave as much as possible by medical, by food, by, (10)let's say, the infrastructure within the enclave, to enhance that, and that was, let's say, the second part of the mission of the battalion. When we took over in January 1995, from, let's say, the second battalion, we were the third (15)there, we had no problems, let's say, during the rotation. We had no problems in the beginning with the BSA. There were some problems with the BiH, the Bosnian forces, in the enclave.

• Q.: What problems developed with the Bosnian Serb (20)military? Could you describe those, please.

• A.: Those problems started actually on the 18th of February when the last convoy came in with diesel, gas, which we needed for the performance of the mission. I can a little bit expand on that. Normally (25)we used 4.000 to 5.000 litres a day for our vehicles

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(1)for patrolling, for resupply of the observation posts, et cetera. As of the 18th of February, the last diesel convoy came in and that meant that we had to reorganise our mission, our work, because you don't -- you need (5)that amount of fuel for doing a mission. At the end, during February, March, April, up to July, the amount of diesel we had became less and less and that meant that at the end we did all our patrolling, and this is just one example, by foot. We (10)were not able to resupply our observation posts, we were not able to do the patrolling by cars or combat vehicles, and that meant we had to do all the patrolling by foot, with all the possible problems of the mining around and within the enclave. That was the (15)example of diesel. At the end of April the real convoy terror, as we called it in those days, started because as of the 26th of April no convoy came in at all, and that meant no personnel which was on leave in the (20)Netherlands came back. They were stuck in Zagreb and they never returned. Under those persons, the military from our battalion, about 180 at the end were stuck up in Zagreb. There were some quite important persons, for instance, my ops officer, a major, and most of the (25)deputy company commanders, and some other persons

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(1)working in my battalion staff. That happened as of the end of April. That meant also that at the end of April, not allowing convoys coming in, that I had no resupply of (5)medicines for the battalion but also for the population, the refugees within the enclave, no food supplies, no spare parts for my vehicles, the weaponry, no engineer equipment to assist the opstina and the people living in the opstina for repairs of (10)infrastructure, and no equipment to test my ammunition vehicles. That happened, let's say, until the last day I was there.

• Q.: What effect did this have on the civilian -- did the Bosnian Serb blockade have on the civilian (15)population within the enclave?

• A.: Yes, sir, it did, because almost, let's say, 25.000 persons living in the enclave were refugees, as there used to live about 8.000 in the village of Srebrenica. So you can imagine that the civil (20)authorities had a mighty challenge to bring under all those refugees in a city with an infrastructure for only 8.000 persons. But also the food for all the people living in the enclave was a problem because the UNHCR was responsible, or at least was -- they were (25)responsible for bringing in the food. Also the UNHCR

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(1)had the same problems with getting in their food for the inhabitants of the enclave.

• Q.: Now, were complaints made to the Bosnian Serb authorities about the blockade and its effects?

(5) • A.: Yes, we did, sir. Every day, at 6.00 in the night, we sent our information, daily sitreps, to the higher echelons, and that started in sector north-east in Tuzla, going up to Sarajevo, the BH command, up to the force commander in Zagreb. They were aware of, (10)let's say, the problems within the enclave; on one side with the battalion and on the other side with the population. We noticed that and we put all the information, let's say, on a daily basis to the higher echelons. (15)On top of that, I have written a lot of reports during my stay over there, let's say once in two days, in describing the poor situation of the people over there. Also after the meetings we had with the local authorities, they always mentioned what their (20)problems were towards the people. We mentioned that in our daily reports, and I mentioned that quite some times in my, let's say, own reports up to the force commander in Zagreb, and also to the Crisis Staff here in The Hague.

(25) • Q.: Now, Colonel Karremans, did you have contacts

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(1)with the Bosnian Serb military officials from Bratunac?

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: In your contacts with those officials, did you complain to them about the effects of the blockade?

(5) • A.: Yes. Every time when we had a meeting with, let's say, representatives of the Bosnian Serb army -- I think we will come to the persons later -- we made our complaints given by the civil authorities within the enclave, what happened with the population, not (10)only in providing food for them but also on the medical side of the whole support for the people. In the beginning we supported the population as much as we could, in combination with MSF, Medecins Sans Frontiers, by ambulances in the area, by giving them (15)medicines, giving them medical care, picking up wounded persons or sick persons and bring them to the hospital in Srebrenica or, if that wasn't possible, to our own field dressing station. That was, as of the end of April, also stopped. The same applied for, let's say, (20)the normal, daily living within the enclave. All those complaints we told several times when we had meetings with representatives of the BSA to those representatives.

• Q.: What was their reaction, Colonel Karremans?

(25) • A.: None.

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(1) • Q.: Can you identify some of the persons in the Bosnian Serb army with whom you had contact and with whom you liaised on?

• A.: Yes, I can, sir. In the first place, and I (5)met him in the first week when I arrived in Bosnia, in Srebrenica, I met Colonel Vukovic. He was the so-called liaison officer between the battalion and the Drina Corps commander or the Drina Corps. He was also the commander of one of the brigades, the brigade in (10)the southern part of the surroundings of Srebrenica. The second BSA representative which we met quite often was Major Nikolic. He was the liaison officer from the Bratunac Brigade, and the Bratunac Brigade was the brigade in the northern area, outside (15)the enclave. He was the representative of that brigade and he was also the LSO which we dealt often with. Those two persons, we met during not daily meetings but sometimes a couple of times a week, sometimes even once a month, when they liked to have a (20)meeting and not when we liked to have a meeting. A third person I know is Petar. Petar is an interpreter who both of the just named officers used all the time.

• Q.: Colonel Karremans, during your contacts with (25)Major Nikolic, did he ever express an opinion to you

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(1)about his attitude toward the Bosnian Muslim population of Srebrenica?

• A.: Yes, sir, he did. Actually, that was in one of the meetings, from what I can remember, in (5)February. We had always our meetings either on OP Echo, that's an observation post in the southern part of the enclave, or OP Papa in the northern part. This was on one of the occasions which I can remember in February in which he told me, you could see it on his (10)face too, that the hatred of the Muslim people, especially those who were living in the enclave, and he said he had a reason for that because half of his family had been murdered during the Second World War. Secondly, he told me that, in his opinion, (15)all the Muslims should leave Bosnia-Herzegovina. Thirdly, I think looking in those days, at that moment to his face, that he meant that, and that there was quite some hatred in his eyes, and also in the words, I must say.

(20) • Q.: Colonel Karremans, you mentioned that a number of Dutch soldiers were stationed inside the enclave of Srebrenica. Let me show you an exhibit which is a map of the enclave. It will be presented to you and then I would like to ask you some questions (25)about it.

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(1) MR. HARMON: Your Honours, we have copies as well for Your Honours which I'd ask the usher to please take up to the bench.

• Q.: Colonel Karremans, there should be a monitor (5)in front of you that -- there should be that particular exhibit appearing in front of you on the monitor. Can you please point to the map and identify the locations where Dutch soldiers were stationed within the enclave.

(10) • A.: Yes, sir, I can. If, Your Honours, you look to the map, you can see a dotted line in there, with a "C" on top and a "B," Bravo, in the south. What we did when we took that over from the previous battalion was that we divided the area in two parts; the northern (15)area was the responsibility of our C Company and the southern part of the area was the responsibility of the B Coy, the Bravo Company. We started off in January with eight observation posts from which we could see a great part (20)of the area. In the beginning, in January and February, both companies had some observation posts. I start with the one here on top, OP Papa, that was the observation post I just was referring to when we had our meetings with BSA representatives. We have here OP (25)Quebec and OP Romeo on the east side. We have OP

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(1)November on the north. Those four, November, Papa, Quebec, and Romeo, belonged to the C Coy, including the Alpha observation post, so that means five observation posts when we started off. In the southern part of the (5)enclave, OP Charlie in the west, OP Echo here in the south, and OP Foxtrot also in the south. That meant eight observation posts when I took it over. What I explained before, Your Honours, is due to the convoy terror, if I may say so, and lack of (10)gasoline, diesel, we changed our mission, let's say, daily by daily, but especially our main mission, working from observation posts and patrolling between observation posts within the enclave to more observation posts and less patrolling by cars, and (15)later on only patrolling by foot. We decided to build more observation posts. We did that in contact with the BiH forces inside the enclave and we also discussed that with the BSA representatives, and they all agreed to that except observation post Kilo over here, but I'd (20)like to come to that one later on, if I may. During our stay there, we made OP Mike, OP Delta, and OP Hotel, that's the old one, and at the end of our stay, OP Hotel in the direct vicinity of the village of Srebrenica. (25)There have been a lot of problems about OP

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(1)Kilo, that was our last one, and Delta, because OP Kilo and Delta, we projected those observation posts on smuggle routes, if I may say so. During our stay, and also during the stays of both previous battalions, we (5)noticed that there was a lot of smuggling between the safe area of Srebrenica and the safe area of Zepa, and they used a couple of routes from the southern part of the enclave, in the southern direction to Zepa. That's why we put Delta and Kilo on those routes. (10)From the Bosnian military side, they had, let's say, quite some problems that we established those two observation posts. At the end we did.

• Q.: Let me ask you, Colonel Karremans, how many soldiers were stationed in each of those observation (15)posts?

• A.: We started in January with, let's say, ten soldiers per observation post. But after the end of April, when the left convoys didn't return to Srebrenica, and we made more observation posts and we (20)did less patrolling, or let's say it in another way, another kind of patrolling, we changed a little bit the manning of the observation posts and went to six in some cases and ten in other cases. We had some observation posts with ten persons just for observation (25)and doing the patrols and we had some observation posts

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(1)with only six persons on it just for observation. In total, at the end of our stay, on 12 observation posts I had about 90 to 100 soldiers working day by day on the posts.

(5) • Q.: Colonel Karremans, had the Bosnian Serb blockade not taken place, what was the normal number of soldiers you would have had in Srebrenica?

• A.: The battalion consisted of 780 persons, soldiers; 180 were situated in the Tuzla area, one (10)company, a large company, I must say, and I had 600 soldiers, including 50 of the field dressing station, at my disposal within the enclave, 600. But at the end, let's say in April, about 150 to 180 didn't return, so I had about 400, 420 soldiers at my disposal (15)as of the end of April till the end of July.

• Q.: Of those 420 soldiers, how many of those soldiers were infantry men?

• A.: About half; 100 on the observation posts, about 100 for doing the patrols, special patrolling in (20)the enclave along the borders of the enclave, for the guarding of both compounds in Srebrenica itself and in Potocari, and the other 200 soldiers were all for manning the three company staffs, the battalion staff, for all the logistics and the field dressing station.

(25) • Q.: So by the time the invasion started in July,

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(1)less than half of your available military personnel were infantry soldiers; is that correct?

• A.: That's correct, sir.

• Q.: Can you describe to the Court what type of (5)weaponry was available to your troops at the time the invasion started?

• A.: Yes, I can. Our government has chosen for a so-called light option and the weaponry we had in those days were small arms. Every soldier had his own arm, (10)either a pistol or a light machine-gun or a rifle. Then we had light machine-guns, guns on the observation posts and also on both compounds. We had the heavy machine-guns on our armoured personnel carriers. Besides that we had six mortars, 81-millimetre. They (15)were on the observation posts, let's say on some of the observation posts. I had at my disposal anti-tank weapons, medium range and long range, amongst them, for instance, the tow wide anti-tank systems, and some small anti-tank weapons as well. I think that is what (20)the main armament was of the battalion.

• Q.: Did the Bosnian Serb army blockade of Srebrenica that started in April have any effect on the amount of ammunition or the quality of weaponry that you had at your disposal?

(25) • A.: Not really. That had already happened when

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(1)we entered -- let's say the first battalion entered the enclave, because we had to work -- I gave you that example with small arms, our personal arms, which we took over from the previous battalion and they took it (5)over from the first battalion. Those weapons, small arms, they were -- although they were maintained daily, they were used a lot. The same applied for the anti-tank systems I had. Every half a year, for instance, a tow rocket should be in a test bed. You (10)have to test it if it works well. I didn't have that test equipment so I couldn't rely on my anti-tank weapons. Another thing is when the battalion came in, the first one, is that I had only 16 per cent of the (15)ammunition I normally should have, and that ammunition was, after more than a year, in bad circumstances as well.

• Q.: Colonel Karremans, did General Mladic have good intelligence about what was happening in the (20)enclave?

• A.: Yes, sir, he did. In the first place he could notice, by all the troops that he had around the enclave, what was going on within the enclave. He could say what we were doing, when we were patrolling, (25)when we are leaving compounds with vehicles, or by

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(1)patrols, when we were resupplying the observation posts. He knew everything that we did internally. Secondly, he was well aware of our supplies in the battalion because he was the person, or let's (5)say his staff were persons who refused, especially after the end of April, refused all our convoys. And those convoys which came in, we used so-called loading papers on which you have to describe what you will have or receive. So they know exactly what was on supply in (10)the enclave for our battalion: food, medicines, spare parts, engineering equipment, et cetera. In the third place, he was well aware of what was going on in the enclave on both sides of the battalion and also on the population and civil (15)authorities because -- and he mentioned that to me in one of the meetings that I had with him, that he was well aware of what was going on in the enclave every day, every minute, by persons he had posted in the enclave.

(20) • Q.: Okay. Now, when the Bosnian Serb invasion of the enclave started, did the Bosnian Serb army attack the outposts that you've described?

• A.: Can you repeat the question, please.

• Q.: When the invasion started in July 1995, did (25)the BSA attack your observation posts?

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(1) • A.: That already started in June, the 3rd of June. I'd like to recall or go back to the end of May when the air strikes were executed in the Pale area, with the result that I think over more than 300 UN (5)soldiers were hijacked in those days. After that the problems in the safe areas of Gorazde and Zepa, with all the British and Ukrainian observation posts, and that happened also in the beginning of June. On the 1st of June, I had to come to OP Echo, (10)that is, just at the southern part of the enclave. There was a telephone call. We had a land line between the observation post Echo and one of the posts or -- yes, one of the posts of the BSA, and it was a land line which we could use for making telephone calls when (15)we'd like to have a meeting with them or they'd like to have a meeting with us. I used the telephone and I got the interpreter on the other end, Petar, I referred to him, and he, in the name of Vukovic, asked me to consider leaving OP Echo. I asked him for a reason (20)which he didn't give me, and that was it. I stated that I won't leave OP Echo at all. Two days later, and that was on the 3rd of June, in the early morning, I think it was about 9.00, all of a sudden, after a warning of a couple of (25)minutes, the BSA attacked OP Echo with about 60

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(1)soldiers heavily armed with mortars, hand grenades, with anti-tank weapons, and the manning of the observation post were ordered, under fire, to leave OP Echo. They happily succeeded in that without leaving (5)persons behind, but they left behind a lot of equipment. What they took with them was the vehicles, the communications systems, some personal stuff, and weaponry. The rest was left on OP Echo. That was the first observation post we lost in the beginning of (10)June.

• Q.: Colonel Karremans, how many Dutch soldiers were manning OP Echo at the time of the attack?

• A.: In those days?

• Q.: At the time of the attack.

(15) • A.: I think ten persons, ten soldiers.

• Q.: Please continue describing the attacks on the observation posts.

• A.: After that attack, executed, what I stated before, by about 60 persons, leaving with the APC the (20)OP Echo, we did two things, actually three: In the first place, we made an immediate report for the higher echelons what happened, what was going on. Secondly, we asked for a meeting with Colonel Vukovic or Nikolic to ask them what was going on, the purpose of that (25)attack, that we'd like to have back the observation

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(1)post and that we'd like to have back the equipment left behind on that observation post. The second thing that we did immediately after losing that observation post was establishing OP Sierra and OP Uniform, that is to (5)say, 200, 300 metres north of OP Echo. That gave a remarkable reaction on the BSA because they, I think, didn't expect that reaction. So also we lost OP Echo. We had two observation posts nearby.

• Q.: What was the reaction of your Bosnian Serb (10)liaison officer when you asked for the observation post back and for your equipment back?

• A.: It took quite a while when we had a first meeting after the loss of OP Echo. I cannot remember when we had the first meeting after, let's say, the 3rd (15)of June. But the reaction was that we couldn't get back the equipment and we couldn't get back the observation post at all.

• Q.: Were there additional attacks on the observation posts prior to or during the invasion of (20)Srebrenica?

• A.: No, sir.

• Q.: Okay. As a result of the attacks on the observation posts, were Dutch soldiers taken prisoners by the Bosnian Serb army?

(25) • A.: Not on that occasion.

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(1) • Q.: Okay. Can you tell us on which occasions they were taken prisoners?

• A.: Yes, I can. That happened, Your Honours, on the start of -- let's say on the 6th of July, and that (5)was already a month later. In the period between the 3rd of June, OP Echo, and the 6th of July, it was rather quiet in the area. Also there was a tense situation, I must say, but it was really quiet, except one occasion somewhere in the middle of June, what (10)happened in the vicinity of Srebrenica itself. On the 6th of July, in the morning, about 3.00, the war started over there. It started in our area, the compound of Potocari, by shooting over the compound with some rockets. The attacks started in the (15)southern part of the enclave, in the area of OP Foxtrot. That was on the Thursday, Thursday, the 6th of July, and those attacks were carried out, let's say, during six days. The first OP which had been attacked really (20)by small arms, by mortars, and by tanks was OP Foxtrot; that one on Thursday, on Friday, and on Saturday. And it was on Saturday, I think by noonish or 1.00, that I ordered to retreat the manning of the OP and leave it during a pause of shootings.

(25) • Q.: How many men were stationed in OP Foxtrot?

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(1) • A.: Just a moment. Seven men. Seven.

• Q.: Thank you. Please continue, Colonel Karremans.

• A.: On Saturday, in the afternoon, when OP (5)Foxtrot had been attacked for a third day, and I asked, I can remember, for a second time for close air support, things were going on rather quickly, because on Saturday and Sunday I lost quite some observation posts in the southern part of the enclave here. (10)There were two possibilities for the soldiers on the observation posts -- actually, there were three possibilities: Just leave the observation post and go back to the compound; secondly, stay as long as they could, making use of defence walls, making use of the (15)shelters within the observation post; thirdly, retreat from the observation post knowing that the BiH should make problems because they, not ordered us, but they thought that we should stay on the observation post and not retreat it or not leave them. There was another (20)possibility: just to end up, let's say, taken away by BSA forces. In most of the cases, leaving the observation post, the last thing happened. The observation posts were attacked by BSA forces, they were encircled by forces, and the only thing soldiers (25)could do is hand over equipment, use their vehicles,

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(1)and they were sent, let's say, to Simici, or later on to Bratunac.

• Q.: As a result of those actions by the BSA against the observation post, how many Dutch soldiers (5)were taken into custody by the BSA and detained?

• A.: At the end there were 55 soldiers taken in custody and detained from seven or eight different observation posts.

• Q.: Now, those 55 soldiers were all infantry (10)soldiers; is that correct?

• A.: Yes, sir, they were all infantry soldiers.

• Q.: If my mathematics are correct, that represented about 25 per cent of your infantrymen available in the compound at the time of the invasion?

(15) • A.: That's correct.

• Q.: Okay. Now, do you know how many Bosnian Serb army soldiers participated in the invasion of Srebrenica?

• A.: Not at the moment.

(20) • Q.: Did you subsequently find out?

• A.: Yes, because Mladic told me, General Mladic told me, at the end that he had quite some troops around the enclave of Srebrenica. Those were not the original troops around the enclave but, let's say, (25)fresh troops, fresh brigades. He used one brigade for

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(1)the attack in the southern -- from the southern direction, from south to north; he had another brigade from east to the west; and he had one brigade in reserve north of Bratunac. Bratunac is the city (5)somewhere over here. Actually, what he told me, he had three brigades or brigade-sized units of which he used two.

• Q.: How many men are in a brigade?

• A.: I don't know, but I think that in every (10)brigade there were between 1.000 and 1.500 soldiers with this heavy weaponry and other weaponry than we had in those days.

• Q.: Now I want to ask you specifically that question: Colonel Karremans, what type of weapons were (15)available to the invading Bosnian Serb forces?

• A.: They had all the equipment from the former Yugoslavian army, at least that was left out of it. They had quite some artillery pieces. We had noticed those pieces already around the enclave during our stay (20)over there. Sometimes they changed the position of those artillery pieces; sometimes they changed the positions of mortars they had, heavy mortars, light mortars. Quite a lot, I must say. They had some main bell tanks, the old T-55s, (25)and even some new types which we had noticed and which

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(1)they had used; some anti-aircraft vehicles which they didn't use for anti-aircraft but for the attacks on the villages in the southern part of the enclave, I mean, in direct line, and a lot of anti-tank weapons.

(5) • Q.: Did they also have multiple rocket systems?

• A.: They had a couple of multiple rocket systems, small ones, all on wheels, of which we had noticed at least three north of the compound of Potocari, around the hills. And he had, let's say, a larger multiple (10)rocket system in the city of Bratunac which he used as well, shelling the city of Srebrenica.

MR. HARMON: Your Honour, I am looking at the clock. Perhaps this is an appropriate time to recess for the day.

(15) JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] I share your view. This is a good moment to have a recess. We will stop the hearing for today, and the Tribunal will resume tomorrow at 10.00.
[Videotape of 3 July 1996 completed]
(20) [Videotape of 4 July 1996 played]
[Court reporter's note: Transcription of videotape is as follows:]

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] First question: Can everyone hear me? Mr. Harmon, can you (25)hear me? Can you hear me, counsel for the

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JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Great. Can the registry hear me? Interpreters can hear me? Everybody (5)can hear what's going on? The visitors' gallery, everyone can hear all right? No technical problem. Fellow Judges hear me? Terrific. Now, Mr. Harmon, we can proceed with Colonel Karremans' testimony, and I would ask the usher to (10)bring him in.

MR. HARMON: Thank you, Your Honour.
[The witness entered court]

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Colonel Karremans, good morning. You can hear me?

(15) THE WITNESS: Yes, I can, Your Honour.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Fine. So we shall resume with your testimony. You've been called by the Prosecution in the case of the Prosecution against Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. (20)Please proceed.

MR. HARMON: Thank you, Your Honour.


• EXAMINED by Mr. Harmon: [Cont'd]

• Q.: Colonel Karremans, yesterday you described (25)the Bosnian Serb army blockade that slowly strangled

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(1)the enclave as a convoy of terror. What effect did this have on the occupants of the enclave?

• A.: I'd like to stipulate some things which I have said yesterday concerning the circumstances, I (5)must say, the miserable circumstances for the inhabitants of the enclave, but also for my own battalion. That could explain something on the circumstances up to the 6th of July. All those, let's say, miserable circumstances (10)in April, May, and June were caused, what I said yesterday, by refusing the incoming convoys either for the battalion or by UNHCR for the refugees. Thus, we had to do with a strangulation of the enclave or, so to call, an isolation, a total blockade. (15)That meant for the population, for instance, that their situation was poorer than poor. There was starvation for the refugees. Some died by starvation. There was no medical treatment at all for the population; no doctors, no dentists, no medicines. The (20)Medecins Sans Frontiers, MSF, was not able to fulfil its job in the local hospital. We couldn't do anything about the infrastructure to support the local authorities, like housing, like generators, power and electricity, water supply for the population. (25)It ended up, for instance, that hundreds of

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(1)inhabitants of the enclave lived literally on the garbage collection point. There was no travel allowed both for the population and for the battalion. What was agreed in the beginning, in 1993, the so-called (5)freedom of movement, there was no freedom of movement at all. Our conclusion for the inhabitants, the population of the enclave, was that the situation was hopeless, inhuman and a lot of suffering for the (10)people. On the other side, for the battalion, I'd like to describe that a little bit too, if I may, and I'll use a couple of parameters which I also put in my reports for the higher echelons, and also for my (15)national authorities. In the first place, the logistics, I have told you, Your Honours, a little bit about that yesterday on the diesel, the lack of diesel which implied that we have to live in the dark with my battalion for a couple of months. We had no (20)electricity for water, for heating, and the weather conditions in those days, until the end of May, were extreme, a lot of rain day after day. So we couldn't use our vehicles, one side, because of lack of fuel, but the other side, the roads we had in the enclave, we (25)couldn't use them.

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(1)Because of the lack of diesel we had to patrol by foot, with all the consequences of the mines all over the area. There was no possibility of resupplying my observation posts, and that's why we (5)used horses from the locals. What I said before, there was no heating especially under those extreme weather conditions. We had no medicines, we had no spare parts, we had no engineering equipment and no food, except our combat rations, and we lived on combat (10)rations a long time. We called that in the end a logistical regime. Then of my own personnel, the soldiers, I had a lack of personnel because they couldn't enter the enclave as of the 26th of April. They got no mail from (15)home. There was no freedom of movement. We couldn't leave the enclave; we couldn't enter the enclave. The third parameter were the operations. We had adjusted the orders for the battalion several times, and I explained that yesterday, from eight (20)observation posts to 12, and even 13 at the end, patrolling by foot instead of using armoured personnel carriers. We made contingency plans as of, let's say, the air strikes in Pale, the end of May. Contingency plans were for the observation post one-hour notice, (25)and one-hour notice meant that the soldiers on an

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(1)observation post, after an order, should leave the observation post within an hour, and that was 24 hours a day, the time we have been there. Humanitarian support, I just explained that (5)to you, we were not able to support the population within the enclave. One of the other parameters was the psychological effect on the soldiers, but also on the population; the morale of the battalion, but also from (10)the population. The terrain conditions were bad and the weather conditions were even worse. That ended up on the 25th of May where I informed, in a long report to all the higher echelons and to the national authorities, that I was not able to (15)fulfil my mission any longer. That meant end of the mission, period. Then we started with making all improvisations. Using those improvisations, we could handle the mission more or less until the 6th of July. (20)That was it.

• Q.: Colonel Karremans, based on the Bosnian Serb blockade and its effects, as well as the capture of 55 of your soldiers by the Bosnian Serb army, did you feel that you had the means to fulfil your mission?

(25) • A.: Not at the end. In the beginning, when we

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(1)started in January, I could fulfil the mission based on the mandate, based on what I had, personnel, equipment, the incoming convoys. But at the end of my stay over there, the answer is no.

(5) • Q.: Now I'd like to turn your attention to the actual invasion itself. What was the effect on the civilian population once the invasion started?

• A.: As you know, Your Honours, the invasion started on the 6th of July. It started with heavy (10)fighting in the southern part of the enclave, in the direct vicinity of OP Foxtrot, and by shelling the city of Srebrenica itself, the compounds and some other observation posts. But actually it started in the south. (15)In the southern part of the enclave, there was the so-called Swedish shelter project, a lot of housing built under Swedish authorities. In that Swedish shelter project there used to live about 3.000 refugees. As soon as the attacks started in the (20)southern part, all those refugees fled in the northern direction, towards the city of Srebrenica. You can imagine there was panic, chaos, in those days, what I explained before, no food, and there was no way to give them houses in Srebrenica itself. Panic, I must say.

(25) • Q.: Where did the people flee to?

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(1) • A.: They fled to Srebrenica.

• Q.: Did they flee to the UN compound in Srebrenica?

• A.: Not in the beginning. That was, I think, on (5)the 10th, on the Monday, and of course at the last day, on Tuesday, the 11th.

• Q.: How many refugees were in and around the UN compound in Srebrenica?

• A.: I don't know exactly, but there must be (10)hundreds at the compound and maybe thousands around it. They were all gathered together.

• Q.: What happened to those refugees in the compound around Srebrenica?

• A.: Do I have to refer to the 11th, the last (15)day?

• Q.: Please.

• A.: Because at that day and the days before, Srebrenica itself was already shelled quite some times. At the 11th, well, while all those refugees (20)were gathered together, at least most of them, the BSA started shelling the city, it started shelling the compound of Srebrenica itself, and that ended up with a lot of wounded persons, death. Also in the morning and -- on the morning of the 11th, we already evacuated (25)the local hospital and we brought all the wounded

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(1)persons to the compound of Potocari. As soon as the shelling started in the afternoon of the 11th, just before the air strikes, or during the air attacks, all the refugees fled in the (5)direction of Potocari, in the northern direction, to the compound of the battalion staff and staff company.

• Q.: So, Colonel Karremans, some of the BSA artillery shells landed in and around the UN compound itself in Srebrenica; is that correct?

(10) • A.: That's correct, sir.

• Q.: Did that cause civilian casualties?

• A.: That caused civilian casualties.

• Q.: Now, you mentioned as a result of the attacks on the city of Srebrenica itself there was a large (15)exodus of civilians that fled to Potocari; is that correct?

• A.: That's correct.

• Q.: Did those people who fled from Potocari come to the UN compound in -- I'm sorry. Did the refugees (20)who fled from the UN compound in Srebrenica flee to the UN compound in Potocari?

• A.: Yes, they did.

• Q.: Approximately how many people gathered in and around the UN compound in Potocari?

(25) • A.: It's just an estimation, of course, but we

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(1)were forced to split up the group of refugees because there were so many thousands. We put, let's put it that way, or invited, that's a better word, we invited about 4.000 to 5.000 refugees within our own compound (5)of Potocari, and then it was completely full, filled up, with refugees and our own personnel. Then we had another 15.000 to 20.000 persons still outside of the compound of Potocari and we used two or three shelled factories just in the vicinity of the compound of (10)Potocari.

• Q.: What was the percentage of women to men in the 25.000 refugees that you say congregated in and around the compound?

• A.: Of those 25.000 refugees, most of them were (15)women, children, and elderly people. I think, and that's what I stated before, there were about two to three per cent men between 16 and 60.

• Q.: Could you please describe the general conditions that were present in and around the (20)compound.

• A.: Yes, I can. The general conditions from the people, the refugees, it's what I explained before, was poorer than poor. They hadn't had food and water supplies during the six days of war over there. They (25)were in very bad condition. We had no means to supply

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(1)them, only by the water we had left into our own compound and some food and some medicines left. But the general condition of the people was miserable, more than miserable.

(5) • Q.: Amongst those 25.000 refugees, were there some pregnant women who were delivering their babies?

• A.: Yes, there were. What I heard later on, there were five pregnant women with their little babies. What I heard was that one man hung himself (10)during the stay over there. And life was, let's say, going on during the two days that we had all those refugees around us.

• Q.: Okay. Now I'd like to turn your attention to air strikes. Can you please describe those air strikes (15)to the Court.

• A.: Yes, I can. As everybody knows, I asked several times for air strikes, looking to the mandate, the mandate which asked in the beginning of the establishment of the safe areas of Srebrenica, Zepa, (20)and Gorazde, that one needed about 40.000 soldiers for that, and that was diminished after negotiations to about 8.000; that they changed the mandate in that sense, that they combined it with air strikes or, let's say, close air support, air support in general. (25)That was one of the parts of the mandate and

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(1)that was what I am referring to, that as soon as the attacks started on the 6th, I asked for close air support because one of the OPs was attacked, UN troops were attacked, the city of Srebrenica had been (5)shelled. There was no close air support available on the days that I asked for that, except at the last day, on the 11th, on Tuesday. I asked that in the very early morning, I expected that at 6.00. I had a meeting during the night, from Monday (10)to Tuesday, with the local authorities and the military authorities. We discussed that even, and I told them that we expected air strikes or close air support in the very early morning, on the 11th. That didn't come, didn't show up. (15)After noon, about 2.00, the air strikes started. It had no effect on the population; it had no effect on the mission of the battalion because everybody knows that the air strikes or close air support was too late and too little. It had an effect (20)on the way General Mladic reacted.

• Q.: Before I get to that point, let me just clarify one point with you, Colonel Karremans. It was your understanding when you were the commanding officer of the DutchBat unit in Srebrenica that air support was (25)supposed to be a significant part of the protection

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(1)measures available to you and to the population of Srebrenica; is that correct?

• A.: That's correct, it was.

• Q.: Okay. Now, you mentioned that there were air (5)strikes and that they were too little, too late; is that your testimony?

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: What effect did those air strikes have on General Mladic?

(10) • A.: The effect was that through the hijacked soldiers, about 30 in Bratunac, on one of the BSA kazernes over there, Mladic or one of his officers used the communications equipment of the vehicles over there and ordered me to stop immediately using air (15)support. And if that was not the case, if I wasn't able to stop that immediately, he should use all his weaponry, that's what he said, to shell the compound of Potocari, to shell the refugees within and around the compound, and kill the 30 hijacked soldiers.

(20) • Q.: Did General Mladic have the ability to deliver on those threats?

• A.: He could. He had the ability because he had gathered a lot of weaponry around the compound, on top of the hills, like mortars, two main bell tanks, (25)artillery and, what I explained already yesterday,

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(1)multiple rocket launch system from different types, all in direct sight or direct direction of the compound, and he could use that.

• Q.: In fact, he had already used that on the UN (5)compound in Srebrenica.

• A.: Yes, he did.

• Q.: I'd like to turn to another topic now, Colonel Karremans, and that is the meetings that you had with General Mladic. (10)Can you explain the circumstances of your first meeting with General Mladic, and explain when it occurred and where is occurred.

• A.: Yes, sir. The first meeting I had with General Mladic was on Tuesday night, at half past (15)eight. I was notified by my ops room, they got a message, again through the same communications systems, that I had to show up in Bratunac for a meeting. I didn't know what kind of meeting that should be but I expected with somebody from the BSA, maybe Colonel (20)Vukovic or Nikolic, or whatsoever. I wasn't before in Bratunac but my LO, liaison officers, had a couple of times been there talking about trade, about military options with the BSA, so they came with me, two liaison officers, and we (25)went to the hotel in Bratunac. There was a crowd of

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(1)military persons, all in combat wear, gear, and clothes. There I met for the first time General Mladic. I didn't know that he was there. I had not met him before, not in life. There was also General (5)Zivanovic, the corps commander of the Drina Corps. We were all standing there at half past eight. There were a lot of press around, television, and General Mladic started accusing me of all things that happened in the last six days; that I was (10)responsible for the air strikes or the air support, killed some of his people, soldiers; that my soldiers had tried to kill him because of shooting at him; that we were not able to disarm the BiH forces within the enclave, and so on and so forth.

(15) • Q.: When he was addressing you, was he speaking calmly?

• A.: No, he was shouting more or less.

• Q.: Then what happened?

• A.: Then we got our famous glass in our hands, (20)water --

• Q.: Would you describe how that occurred?

• A.: Yes. We just got a glass of something in our hand and didn't toast with that, but the circumstances were, if you can imagine, bad at that time because we (25)too didn't sleep for five nights and had hardly no

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(1)food, no water, lived in shelters and bunkers, so we were all, let's say, not well for a meeting like that.

• Q.: Was there a camera crew present at the meeting?

(5) • A.: There was a camera group present, and they put everything on tape.

• Q.: After the glass was put in your hand, were pictures taken of you and other Dutch officers?

• A.: Yes.

(10) • Q.: How long did that meeting last, Colonel Karremans?

• A.: Not too long. I think three-quarters of an hour. I was able to explain the poor situation of the refugees, which I did. I asked him for a supply of (15)food, water, medicines, and then he said to me, "You will have to -- you should return for a second meeting at half past eleven, just before midnight," that I should take with me a representative of the refugees, if it was possible, one of the civil authorities of the (20)opstina. That was it.

• Q.: What did you then do?

• A.: Then we went back to -- we left the hotel in Bratunac and drove back to the compound. The first thing I did there, I had a quick talk with my deputy (25)battalion commander and we were desperately looking for

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(1)a representative of the refugees. One of my officers knew, and he saw him, that the head or the director of the secondary school of Srebrenica was amongst the refugees, was in the compound of Potocari. We found (5)him and we explained the situation, that I had had a meeting with General Mladic and that he ordered, more or less, me to bring with me to a second meeting one of the representatives -- a representative of the refugees. I asked him if he was willing to go with me (10)to that meeting, and he was.

• Q.: Did you then return to Bratunac that evening?

• A.: I returned to Bratunac that evening, just before midnight, with my same two liaison officers and with Mr. Mandzic. Mr. Mandzic was the representative.

(15) • Q.: Who were the representatives of the Bosnian Serb army at that meeting?

• A.: The second meeting?

• Q.: Yes.

• A.: More or less the same which I met in the (20)first meeting: General Mladic, General Zivanovic; there was an interpreter which I referred already to yesterday, Mr. Petar, a couple of BSA officers, and one or two civilians who I didn't know.

• Q.: At that second meeting --
(25) [Videotape of 4 July 1996 paused]

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(1) JUDGE RIAD: Can we stop here at this point for a break? There has to be something where you can end a phase. Is this a good end here now?

MR. McCLOSKEY: Yes, Your Honour, I think (5)it's fine.

JUDGE RIAD: Thank you very much. We'll resume in half an hour, at 11.30.

--- Recess taken at 11.00 a.m.

--- On resuming at 11.35 a.m.

(10) JUDGE RIAD: Mr. McCloskey, you can proceed.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Yes. We're ready just to continue playing the tape of Colonel Karremans.

[Videotape of 4 July 1996 continued]
(15) [MR. HARMON:]

• Q.: At that second meeting did you request permission for convoys to pass through and to ask permission for some form of relief of the refugees who were in and around your compound?

(20) • A.: Yes, I did.

• Q.: Would you please describe that second meeting.

• A.: The second meeting was a little bit more friendlier than the first one, I must say, and I was (25)able to explain again the very bad circumstances and

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(1)the situation in and around the compound concerning the refugees. Again I asked for support on medicines, water supplies, food, the wounded. I had about 100 wounded persons in the field dressing station, all in (5)shelters. He made note of my requests without saying if he could do something about it. Then he started with his demands in, let's say, a kind of monologue. He asked me, and also the representative of the refugees, Mr. Mandzic, that all (10)Bosnian soldiers should lay down their weapons and deliver those weapons into the hands of the BSA. He said that he had a clear attitude towards the BiH soldiers: survive or disappear. He asked me and the representative to come (15)back the next morning at 10.00 to have a third meeting. He promised that there would be a ceasefire, which I had asked for, until 10.00 the next morning, Wednesday, and if there won't be any support of the BiH in delivering their weapons, action should be taken by (20)him by again shelling, what he stated before, of the compound and the refugees. He said something about Mr. Izetbegovic, the President of the Muslim people in Sarajevo, that he killed more Serb people during the last years than the (25)Bosnian Serb army did. He stated that he was not

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(1)willing to use power against women and children. He asked me if Naser Oric -- Naser Oric was, let's say, the commanding officer of the BiH forces -- if he could show up, I mean, if I could take him with (5)me to the next meeting. I explained to him that we hadn't seen Naser Oric since April, he hadn't been back in the enclave since April. He stated that he was prepared to take over the about 100 or 110 wounded persons, and he guaranteed (10)that if he had taken over -- should have taken over the wounded, he guaranteed that they would have the same treatment as what is normal for treating the wounded, according to the Conventions of Geneva, the Geneva Conventions. (15)Again he stated or said or demanded that we should come back the next morning with a delegation of the people -- a delegation of the refugees, and if it was possible, these civilian and military authorities from the enclave. (20)Again he stated that the handing over of the weapons by BiH soldiers would mean the survival of them. "If they should keep their weapons," he said, "that will be their death." He stated that if the BiH soldiers should hand over their weapons that they will (25)be treated according to the Geneva Conventions. And he

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(1)stated at the end that the destiny of the Muslim people was in his hands.

• Q.: Did he also make any statement with regard to whether NATO or the UN were capable of guaranteeing the (5)existence of the safe area?

• A.: Yes. He quoted some words on that subject, but that he already did in the first meeting. I'd like to say a "meeting," between brackets. He stated that the UN forces in general were not able to fulfil, let's (10)say, the arrangements made by the ceasefire agreement and the UN resolutions as of 1993. I refer to the demilitarisation of the enclave. He said that in the first meeting and also in the second meeting, that "Your United Nations forces (15)were not able to fulfil their mission."

• Q.: Now, after that second meeting did you return to the UN compound in Potocari?

• A.: Yes, sir. We did return in the middle of the night. I think that meeting lasted one and a half (20)hours in total. We went back to the compound of Potocari. I had a telephone call with sector north-east, told them what happened that day, what happened during those two meetings, what was demanded by General Mladic. Then we started looking for more (25)representatives, to have them prepared for the meeting

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(1)of the next morning. I had a long talk again with my deputy, with some officers of the battalion staff, how to find those specific persons, and at the end we found them. We (5)found a woman and one other person. So I had, the next morning, three persons for the committee of refugees.

• Q.: So the next morning there was a third meeting, is that correct, Colonel Karremans?

• A.: Yes.

(10) • Q.: Where did that take place?

• A.: The third meeting took place again in Bratunac, in the same hotel.

• Q.: Approximately what time did that meeting take place?

(15) • A.: 10.30.

• Q.: Can you describe the circumstances of that meeting.

• A.: Yes. It was more or less as the second one. The same persons, at least most of them that I met in (20)the second meeting, and there were some civilians as well who attended that meeting. I didn't know them. They were introduced but I can't remember which jobs they had. They were all from Bratunac and Zvornik. He started welcoming myself and the liaison (25)officers, and also the committee of three persons --

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(1) • Q.: When you say "he," are you referring to General Mladic?

• A.: General Mladic, yes. Then the two other, let's say, the new representatives were able to (5)introduce themselves shortly, starting with the woman. She made some statements, very clear statements, towards General Mladic about the very poor, bad, miserable circumstances of all the refugees, and that the refugees were not responsible for what happened in (10)the enclave during the last two, three years, and that women and children were not responsible for those things which had been happening. She was the representative of all women and children. They were all civilians, and no military and no politicians. (15)Also the man introduced himself and he asked for help, and he said, stated, not blaming the refugees, and that they need a lot of things which I have already stated -- had already stated before, like medicines, food, water, and other supplies. He said (20)that neither he nor my battalion staff or myself were able to make contact with the Bosnian government during that night to ask for specific points for that third meeting, which meant that he wasn't able to lean on mandates or on other things to explain to General (25)Mladic.

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(1)After those statements of the two other representatives, and Mr. Mandzic was already invited to tell something about himself during the second meeting, the day before, General Mladic started his monologue.

(5) • Q.: Will you describe that monologue, please.

• A.: It was a very long monologue. He started with a piece of history, in 1992, that the Bosnian army, the Bosnian soldiers -- and he blamed Oric specially for that -- that they killed a lot of Bosnian (10)Serb families, soldiers, civilians, that they attacked a lot of villages in the surroundings of the city of Srebrenica, devastated a lot of villages, and that according to that, what happened in 1993, as soon as those safe havens or safe areas had been established, (15)that the destiny of poor people was in the hands of the Bosnian Serbs. That was one of his other statements, he said it was too late for help, help either by the Bosnian government or by the UN troops. He said that there was a lot of misery in the (20)last years, that the BiH forces within the enclave had murdered a lot around the enclave by raids looking for food, revenge, looking for revenge, terror. He stated that he was willing to assist the refugees, those 25.000 refugees, but that he needed (25)assistance, assistance by the local civilian and

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(1)military authorities, from which I already explained that they were not available at the moment, not within that group of 25.000 refugees. He again said regarding the BiH forces, the (5)same expression as the day before, survive or disappear. He again requested to the BiH forces to hand over their weapons. Even criminals amongst them could hand over their weapons. The second subject he stated was that the (10)gathered population in and around the compound had the choice either to stay in Srebrenica or to be evacuated, to be evacuated to Serbia, toward the Bosnian territory around Tuzla, or even to foreign countries. He said that the whole former -- at that moment, former safe (15)area had been encircled by his forces and that fighting should stop. We could hear that during the night before, and the day, that there were still fights and attacks going on. He stated that he was not able to assist the refugees as long as fighting was going on. (20)He stated that the BiH forces could hand over their weapons in the presence of UN forces; UNPROFOR, he stated in general. I think he meant DutchBat. He stated that he was willing to assist with the evacuation. That was the first time, in the third (25)meeting, that he used the word "evacuation."

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(1)Then he stated that there used to be a good life in and around Srebrenica and in around the vicinity of Srebrenica, and that he liked to have the same situation, that good life before 1992, and that (5)he'd like to have that situation back. He said that looking back, or referring to that lecture in history, that he didn't like to kill, what happened in 1992 and 1993, and he, as a professional soldier, had no joy in killing either (10)civilians or military. Again he offered his help, and the committee of refugees should think that over, think about how they could assist in the evacuation. He asked for basic needs, I mean, what did we use -- what did the refugees use concerning food, (15)water, medicines, medical support, and so forth. He asked again how many refugees there were and we answered again 25.000, around 25.000. The committee stated that most of the refugees liked to go to their family and be gathered (20)together with their husbands, and he stated that nobody should be forced to be evacuated. On the other hand, he said that if NATO air strikes or air support should be the case in other areas in Bosnia, that he should use his weaponry again and taking sanctions.

(25) • Q.: Can you explain what he meant by that.

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(1) • A.: The same what he said or stated in the first meeting, before the first meeting, that if air strikes should occur again, that he should shell, let's say, the compound and the refugees in and around the (5)compound. He said that he would like to see all the men between 17 and 60, and I asked him, and also both men in the delegation, "What for?" and his answer was that he'd like to see all those persons because he said, he (10)stated, that there were a lot of war criminals amongst them and he would like to speak with them. Again he asked if we were able to come in contact with soldiers whom Mladic knew. He was referring, of course, to Naser Oric, which I explained (15)to him before that he was not available, and some other persons, let's say, the commanding officers of the BiH within the enclave. Again I told him that there were no BiH soldiers available at the moment. So there was no possibility to look for them because we were (20)gathered together with all the refugees in a very, very small area, I mean, the compound and the two or three factories just in the vicinity of it. And we lost our eyes and ears in the rest of the enclave so we were not able to pick up those military representatives. (25)Then he stated in his monologue that the BiH

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(1)soldiers had only 24 hours to hand over all the weapons. After that statement, he asked some very specific conditions of the refugees, and he stated that if he was able to assist, he preferred in a kind of (5)priority to look for the weak persons first, for the wounded persons, and later on the rest of the refugees, women and children. He said that nobody should be hurt and that coordination and cooperation with UNPROFOR, DutchBat in particular, was one of his priorities. (10)What I just stated, that he mentioned "evacuation" during his monologue for the first time, he asked for diesel for the evacuation. You can imagine that I started laughing a little bit because he was exactly aware of what I had for diesel, that there (15)was none, nothing, nil, and that I was not able to support him by giving him diesel. He said that his forces, BSA forces, will give escort during the evacuation. I said, "No. If there should be an evacuation anyway, that my own battalion should escort (20)the evacuation." Then I explained to him in which way I should execute that.

• Q.: What was your proposal to General Mladic?

• A.: My proposal was to put on every vehicle one soldier, not knowing how many vehicles there were. As (25)soon as the evacuation started the same day, at 3.00, I

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(1)think we'll come to that --

• Q.: We'll come to that a little later in your testimony.

• A.: Yes. I was unable to do that, I was unable (5)to put on each vehicle one soldier. Then he said, and it was quite a remarkable expression, that Allah won't help, was not able to help, and Mladic could. He gave his word. He said to the commission not to be in panic, not to be afraid, (10)and asked them to send that message to the refugees. I asked again when that was possible what happened or what should happen with the men between 17 and 60, and he again said or stated that there were quite some war criminals amongst them and that he liked (15)to investigate, person by person, what they have done and what kind of persons those were. At the end of that meeting, all of a sudden he started to tell something about the evacuation again, and he proposed, let's say it in that way, (20)"proposed," that Kladanj should be the point for evacuation. Kladanj is a small village just on the border between Bosnian Serb territory and the Bosnian territory around Tuzla. In fact, Kladanj is the first Muslim city in that area. (25)He repeated that within 24 hours all soldiers

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(1)of the BiH, even in uniform or not in uniform, even war criminals amongst the BiH forces, could hand over and should hand over the weapons. He said, "It's better to live than to die." (5)Then he referred to something, what I said already yesterday or explained yesterday, that he knew everything that was going on in the enclave, what happened in the enclave day by day, and that he had persons in the enclave who informed him every day. So (10)he was well aware of what was going on. Then he showed to us at the end of the meeting a book, that was a book of the opstina, a book in which marriages were assigned by people, marriage, and that the last marriage was on the 29th of June. He (15)had as a piece of remembrance, I presume, a thing from, let's say, the entry of the opstina. He ended with something to say to the woman of the committee, that she was a fine woman, that she was open, or had been open in the way of statements (20)towards Mladic, and he didn't say anything to both male representatives. Last but not least, he asked us, urged us, in finding a contact with the BiH forces and to convince them to hand over their weapons within 24 hours. That (25)was, I think, the whole meeting.

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(1) • Q.: What time did the meeting end, Colonel Karremans?

• A.: I think about noonish, about 12.00, because at 12.30 I had a meeting in the compound with the (5)committee.

• Q.: What time did the first transports arrive to take the refugees away from the compound?

• A.: He said during the third meeting, I forgot to say that, that the evacuation should start about 1.00. (10)But it wasn't well-organised in the beginning, or efficiently organised, so the evacuation started at 3.00.

• Q.: So three hours from the conclusion of your meeting with General Mladic transport arrived in and (15)around Potocari to start taking the refugees away.

• A.: That's correct.

• Q.: What type of transport arrived?

• A.: A lot of buses, I think 20 or 30, vans, big lorries, and small military vehicles. I think the (20)first evacuation was about between 40 and 50 vehicles, and that was also, let's say, one of my decision points to change from one soldier at every vehicle to what we had done later on, put two vehicles with officers to escort the evacuations.

(25) • Q.: So as a result of the number of vehicles, you

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(1)realised that you did not have enough troops to put on one soldier per vehicle to accompany the convoy; is that correct?

• A.: That's correct, sir.

(5) • Q.: Okay. So did you formulate another solution?

• A.: We formulated, indeed, another solution.

• Q.: Describe that solution, please.

• A.: That solution was that we should escort each convoy by two vehicles, two jeeps, Mercedes jeeps; in (10)every jeep, one officer or non-commissioned officer and a driver with communications, up to Kladanj, and then they should return and pick up, let's say, the next evacuation.

• Q.: What happened to those escort vehicles?

(15) • A.: In the first escort or in the first evacuation, I put my personnel officer, a captain, and one of the liaison officers, and they managed to go with all the persons in that convoy to cross the border in the area of Kladanj. The vehicles that left in the (20)convoy returning to Srebrenica disappeared, and that happened with the other vehicles during the next evacuations too. And totally, or in total, 14, they were just picked up en route by -- either by BSA forces or irregular forces.

(25) • Q.: So I understand clearly, the first escort

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(1)vehicle made it to Kladanj, is that correct, or made it to a point shortly --

• A.: Six kilometres --

• Q.: From Kladanj.

(5) • A.: -- from Kladanj, because there was a barricade between the two borders and that meant that all the refugees, and later on also wounded persons, were forced to walk, struggle, I must say, the last six kilometres to the border of Kladanj.

(10) • Q.: Did any other of your escort vehicles make it to Kladanj?

• A.: Some of them in the beginning --

• Q.: Okay.

• A.: -- but they didn't return.

(15) • Q.: Okay. So what happened to those vehicles?

• A.: They were hijacked, stolen.

• Q.: What happened to the equipment that was used by the soldiers who participated in those escorts?

• A.: The same. Weaponry, their personal weapons (20)were stolen. Helmets, flak jackets, private belongings were stolen.

• Q.: What was the consequence of losing those vehicles in relation to the convoys that left your compound?

(25) • A.: The consequences were, I think, threefold.

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(1)In the first place, again we changed the way of escorting those convoys by putting en route, and the route was about 50 kilometres, four different points, let's say, contact points, so that the vehicles (5)standing there on fixed points could see convoys passing, counting the amount of vehicles. What we did in the beginning, as soon as a convoy left, let's say, the road in front of the compound, we counted the amount of vehicles and gave (10)that to the first fixed post so that they could have a look and control if the same amount of vehicles were still in that convoy. The second thing we did is that I ordered troops just outside the compound to work either in (15)groups, armed, with their helmets and flak jackets, or if they work individually, like the soldiers, the doctors, et cetera, that they should work just in a T-shirt, without a helmet, without a flak jacket, and without a weapon.

(20) • Q.: Why did you do that?

• A.: Because in the beginning, especially for individuals working between the refugees, they have been stolen from the BSA soldiers around, there were not so many. They stole the helmets, personal weapons, (25)and flak jackets just by pointing a weapon on the head

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(1)of the soldier and said, "I'd like to have it. Give it to me." They didn't do that when groups were working outside, then they didn't do it.

• Q.: Did you again see General Mladic on the 12th (5)of July?

• A.: That was on Wednesday, yes. At the moment that the first convoy arrived, let's say, the empty vehicles, and turned around in front of the compound and the first refugees were escorted to all those (10)buses, vans, and military vehicles, General Mladic appeared with his own vehicle and all his officers around him, and some bodyguards of course. And the press was there available too; they made nice pictures of him and what was going on over there. A lot of (15)publicity.

• Q.: Did you have any conversations with General Mladic on this fourth meeting with him?

• A.: I had a short conversation with him about the evacuation, about what he stated in the morning, that (20)first priority should be the wounded persons, which he stated, "Yes, that's correct, we should do something about it. Bring them over to the hospital in Bratunac." Then I said, "No, we won't do that. They will stay here in the compound, in our own hands, or (25)they should be sent or brought to NorMed Corps," that's

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(1)the Norwegian Medical Company in Tuzla, "escorted by either the Norwegian Company or by the International Red Cross."

• Q.: What was his reaction?

(5) • A.: None.

• Q.: Please continue your description of the fourth meeting with General Mladic.

• A.: He was so busy during his stay there with the press and impressing his soldiers and the officers (10)around him, and talking to some refugees, that I had hardly any chance to talk with him longer than, I think, those five minutes, and that was it.

• Q.: When was your next contact with General Mladic?

(15) • A.: The next contact was the next morning, on Thursday, Thursday morning.

• Q.: Where did that take place?

• A.: Again in front of the compound, just opposite the gate, the main gate. Again, a short meeting. (20)There was no press available, or present, I must say. He had only Colonel Jankovic with him and Major Nikolic, both officers of the BSA, and of course his interpreter, Petar, and some bodyguards. He offered me, that was on that Thursday (25)morning, he offered me that we could go or leave the

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(1)compound with vehicles after or during the evacuation of all the refugees.

• Q.: In other words, that the Dutch Battalion could evacuate --

(5) • A.: Itself.

• Q.: Is that correct?

• A.: Yes, that's correct.

• Q.: What was your response?

• A.: I told him that I didn't like the idea of (10)leaving the compound because of a couple of subjects. One of the subjects was that I still had some military on OP Alpha, one of the observation posts that was still occupied. The officers and the soldiers from the day before, escorting the convoys that were still under (15)way, I missed them.

• Q.: In other words, they were still missing.

• A.: They were still missing. I was faced at that moment with 55 wounded civilians within the compound, and I referred to the talk we had before, that I'd like (20)to bring them over either by NorMed Coy or by the International Red Cross; that I had my Bosnian local workers on the compound, I mean, interpreters from the battalion, interpreters from the United Nations Military Observers which I had on the compound; that I (25)had all the people of the MSF, Medecins Sans Frontiers,

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(1)with me on the compound, and that if we leave, we leave all together but after some arrangements concerning the wounded persons had been made. That was my answer. He agreed with that and that's why I stayed in the (5)compound.

• Q.: Was there any other significant matters discussed at that meeting, or did that conclude the meeting?

• A.: That concluded the meeting.

(10) • Q.: By the end of the 13th of July, had all the refugees been deported from the Potocari compound area?

• A.: Yes, sir. I will look at my notebook. At 1600, on Thursday, the last refugee was gone outside the compound, and then one started with the evacuation (15)of the 4.000 to 5.000 refugees which were able to stay within the compound. It started at 1600 and it finished about 7.00. That was in three hours.

• Q.: At the end of that -- at 7.00, then, there were no further refugees in and around Potocari; is (20)that right?

• A.: There were no further refugees in and around Srebrenica -- I mean the compound at Potocari.

• Q.: When was the next time you saw General Mladic?

(25) • A.: The next time that I saw General Mladic was

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(1)on the day of our departure, on the 21st of July. It was on a Friday morning. We had eight days to prepare our own, let's say, departure, to rest. On Friday, the day after the evacuation, all of a sudden a convoy with (5)food, a lot of food, a lot of diesel, was accepted and came to the Potocari area. So then we had -- from that day we had enough food, enough diesel, medicines, and we had eight days to recover from what happened in the weeks before. I saw General Mladic on a Friday. He (10)invited me through, I think it was, Colonel Jankovic who came to the compound that morning, on Friday morning, or Petar, the interpreter, he said that I was invited with my liaison officers to that same hotel in Bratunac where I had my three meetings.

(15) • Q.: What happened?

• A.: We drove to that hotel in one vehicle with my liaison officers. There was General Mladic with a crowd of officers; most of them I knew already from the meetings. (20)My own -- well, that's not the right expression. The chief of staff of the BH command, General Nicolae, was there, a Dutch General, and his military assistant and they offered us breakfast, and we had some talks over a couple of things, about (25)weaponry. I asked him again what happened with my

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(1)weaponry and that I'd like to have it back. I knew already that we should leave at noon towards the Serbian territory, and then the way up to Zagreb. Again I asked, "Where are all my vehicles? (5)I'd like to have them back with me." Then he said, after some general things but I have forgotten those, that he'd like to visit the compound, look to our own convoys, how we did that, the vehicles. He asked me to have a talk with the soldiers and that that should (10)occur at 11.00, whether that was possible in the time frame. It was not possible. So I told General Mladic that it wasn't such a good idea, talking to soldiers, not such a good idea, visiting the compound, but he insisted on visiting the (15)compound. He said, "Okay. I won't be there at 11.00. I will be there, escorted by the chief of staff of the BH command, at 11.30." I left the hotel. We went back to the compound of Potocari. I had a quick talk with my (20)deputy, seeing that everything was arranged for our own travel with everything which had been left. That was the case. I asked my deputy, "Are we able to start at noon?" He said yes, he could. I told him that General Mladic would come. He said okay. (25)We went back to the gate and he was already

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(1)there before half past eleven. He was held up by the commander of the guard, a very broad sergeant. He couldn't go around that Sergeant. He was held up. General Mladic had a quick talk with him, and then it (5)was half past eleven. I took him with me to my own briefing room within the compound, had a quick talk -- I think 20 minutes -- about some general things. Then I asked him two specific questions. One question was, "What will (10)happen with my equipment?" I told him what equipment I lost during the last two weeks: all my field vehicles, the armoured personnel carriers, a lot of personal arms, machine-guns, the equipment of most of the observation posts. That was the first question.

(15) • Q.: What was his response?

• A.: His response was that he should sort that out. He was in contact with his Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they should do that in close combination or coordination, I must say, with the BH command. He (20)referred to the presence of the chief of staff of BH command. My second question which I can remember asking him was just a general one. I asked him what should happen or should have happened if, during the (25)stay of the United Nations troops in the safe areas of

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(1)Gorazde, Zepa, and especially, of course, Srebrenica, what would happen if BH soldiers were disarmed totally, completely demilitarised, if they shouldn't have executed raids outside the compound -- outside the (5)enclave, if both civilian and military authorities should live according to the 1993 regulations, arrangements, and ceasefire regulations, then he answered that he -- at least that was his answer -- would not have thought about attacking the enclave. (10)He said it with a smile more or less, and that was also more or less the end of our discussion there in the briefing room. Then we went outside to the entry of the compound, gate, main gate of the compound. The guards were changed. My guards went (15)back to their company. Everybody in their vehicles, and exactly at noon we started leaving the compound.

MR. HARMON: Colonel Karremans, thank you very much. I have no further questions. Your Honours, I have concluded my examination (20)of Colonel Karremans.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Thank you very much, Mr. Harmon. Let me look at fellow Judges. Judge Odio-Benito, I do believe you have some questions. (25)Please proceed.

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(1) • QUESTIONED by the Court:

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Colonel Karremans, after leaving Srebrenica and Potocari, where did the refugees go in these convoys, buses and trucks, you have (5)explained?

• A.: Your Honour, all refugees, which I explained, left the safe area of Srebrenica within an amazingly short time -- that was Wednesday afternoon and Thursday, the whole day -- and they had been evacuated (10)to the Kladanj area, the one -- the first, let's say, Muslim city in the Tuzla area.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: To the confrontation line.

• A.: To the confrontation line, exactly.

(15) JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Do you know what happened to them during the travel?

• A.: No, because they stayed in vehicles. That was one of the things that I'd like to do in the beginning, to put a soldier per vehicle to have a look (20)what was going on in buses or trucks. They didn't inform me what was going on in the buses because we didn't have eyes and ears for that. The only thing we could do, and that was the second option, was just escorting those big groups of vehicles, convoys, by two (25)cars, in the beginning.

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(1) JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: But your vehicles and cars were stolen by the Bosnian Serb army.

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: What did your soldiers do (5)after that?

• A.: You mean the soldiers --

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Yes, because you had soldiers in those vehicles and they lost the vehicles, the helmets, everything. But what did they do?

(10) • A.: They were gathered together during that night, the night of Wednesday and Thursday, by the Bosnian Serb army, or the irregular part of it, I don't know exactly. They were gathered together, I think 12 in total, or 14 officers and soldiers. They stayed (15)overnight two times. Somewhere along that route, the route from Bratunac to Kladanj, they were fed by the Bosnian Serb army. They could have shelter for their own protection, they said. On Friday they returned, through Bratunac, to my compound.

(20) JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Did you or any of your soldiers see Bosnian Serb soldiers beating, killing, raping the refugees in or around Potocari, in those factories that you mentioned?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour, they did. In some cases (25)refugees had been beaten, and as soon as one of my

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(1)soldiers noticed that, they stopped with it. I got two reports from my soldiers on Thursday, after I met General Mladic; one report referring to an execution of one man and a second report about an execution of nine (5)men of which they found the bodies.

MR. HARMON: Your Honour, we will be presenting evidence in regard to both of those incidents described by Colonel Karremans.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Thank you. (10)Did you ever ask General Mladic during your meetings what happened to the people, the refugees?

• A.: No, because the last meeting I had with him was on the 21st, that was eight days later on, and we were not aware of what happened with the refugees. I (15)mean, in general, I know -- I knew that they were all evacuated to the Kladanj area and afterwards picked up by the Pakistani Battalion and by the International Red Cross, by the Norwegian Medical Company. They built tents, shelters, supply points for the refugees. A (20)part of them had been transported to the air base of Tuzla and other parts of the amount of refugees were transported to other facilities. That's the only thing I knew, and I didn't discuss that with General Mladic at all.

(25) JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Would you say, Colonel,

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(1)that you received adequate support you asked for from your superiors?

• A.: Again --

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: During those difficult (5)days before the fall of Srebrenica, you told us that you asked for support.

• A.: Yes.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Did you receive that support?

(10) • A.: Your Honour, I can expand on that for days and days, of course. That's why I was lucky that I could explain yesterday and at the beginning of the morning what happened with the inhabitants in the enclave, the refugees, and with my soldiers. (15)We had our daily sitreps, our daily situation reports, in which we wrote everything that happened that day, what we needed for supplies. Besides that, I reported at different times, several times, I must say, on the level of north-east command in Tuzla and the BH (20)command in Sarajevo, what I needed to fulfil my mission. I was very specific in that, exactly what we needed, medicines, food, diesel, et cetera. I asked for support many, many times during our stay over there. (25)I know that there have been many discussions

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(1)on all levels, above the level of the battalion, sitting there with the population, isolated in an enclave like Srebrenica, but we didn't get any support at all.

(5) JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: I'm going to ask you a last question and ask for your personal opinion, Colonel. Looking back, would you say that the United Nations and NATO did its best to help people, to save (10)their lives?

• A.: On the one hand, yes. If we should have had our freedom of movement, which was one of the points of the NATO -- United Nations resolutions of 1993, and we could travel back and forth to the safe areas in (15)general, and to Srebrenica in particular, for my battalion but also for the International Red Cross, the other non-governmental organisations like the MSF, the UNHCR, and we were able to assist, help, the refugees, I think the answer is yes. But because of the (20)strangulation and because of the isolation and not having had support at all, then the answer is no.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Strangulation and isolation ordered by General Mladic.

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

(25) JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Thank you, Colonel. No

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(1)further questions.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Thank you. I now ask my other fellow Judge if he has any questions.

(5) JUDGE RIAD: Colonel Karremans, throughout these, perhaps, five meetings that you had with General Mladic, did he ever take into consideration your demands, or was it always, as you said, a monologue and he did not respond to any of your objections or claims?

(10) • A.: I have had, let's say, three major meetings with him, but "meetings" between brackets, because in my opinion, a meeting is two directions and a monologue is not a meeting. Indeed, those were monologues. In the second meeting I was able to explain (15)the bad situation, and he made even notes of that, and that was it. The third meeting, on Wednesday morning, the woman and the other men of the committee could make their statements. They made note of it and that was (20)it. So the conclusion, only monologues, no two-way negotiations. He did listen to my requests, if I may say so, but didn't support them at all. He had his own line in negotiating or in telling what he would (25)like to tell and what he'd like to do.

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(1) JUDGE RIAD: Did you express any disapproval of his method of separating men, as you said, between 16 and, I think, 60 or 65 from women and children? Did you object to that?

(5) • A.: Yes, I did, Your Honour. I objected to that already in the meeting when he said that by asking, "What is the meaning of that?" His explanation was what I stated before, that he'd like to have the men between 16 and 60, to look if there were war criminals (10)amongst them. Maybe he thought that all the Bosnian soldiers were war criminals. He didn't explain what he'd like to do with them except that he wants to speak with them all.

JUDGE RIAD: Did he ask you for information (15)about these people, to give him any kind of indication of where they are and who they are?

• A.: No, Your Honour, he didn't.

JUDGE RIAD: So there was absolutely no way of knowing about them through your battalion.

(20) • A.: No, Your Honour.

JUDGE RIAD: In your last meeting with him, you said it was on Friday morning, by that time it seems that you had already known about the executions you mentioned. Were you aware of everything that had (25)happened and the way the refugees fleeing away were

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• A.: No, I think not at all. The information in those days confirmed the information about, let's say, the military side of what was going on in the (5)battalion, resupplying, what had to be done before our own evacuation, if I may say so, and lastly, what happened during our week that we stayed there, and negotiations between some of the officers of my battalion staff and some of the BSA soldiers on wounded (10)persons. I had still one of the colonel surgeons in Bratunac in hospital to see what was going on with the wounded persons over there. We had discussions about the diesel because on that Friday after the evacuations I got a lot of diesel; what we should do with medicines (15)and food. Those were more or less the subjects we discussed in a couple of, let's say, small meetings, not with General Mladic, because I haven't seen him after the evacuation, but with his officers. I think (20)that was it.

JUDGE RIAD: But did you include any mention, not to say protest, against the executions or the things you heard about in this last meeting you had with him, and what was his response, if you did?

(25) • A.: I haven't protested in the last meeting

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(1)because I even didn't expect that meeting. I was not aware of that because we came -- we had a message through our communications systems, the ops room, then had to show up, let's put it that way, again in the (5)Bratunac Hotel. Sitting with his whole crowd over there, we had -- he was again a lit bit monologueing and asking me how the battalion was, how they were doing, and if we were prepared to move and ready to go, and there was hardly any opportunity to evaluate, let's (10)put it that way, what happened in all the weeks and days before. To be frank, I hadn't thought about the idea of asking him what happened with the refugees.

JUDGE RIAD: According to you, he was present all the time and he was aware of all that was (15)happening.

• A.: He was present during the six days there of the attack and invasion of the enclave, at least I presume. He was present during the evacuation. He had been there two times, which I explained, and if he (20)wasn't there, he was at the hotel in Bratunac which he used as a command post, and a kazerne in Bratunac which he used as a command post for, let's say, the other things he had to do concerning Gorazde, Zepa, and I don't know what. (25)After my last meeting with him, a short,

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(1)short meeting on that Thursday morning, I hadn't seen him before -- I hadn't seen him afterwards, except that I got some orders from the higher echelons about our own travel to either the Kladanj/Tuzla area or to (5)Zagreb -- that was still a point of discussion on the higher echelons -- and one asked me if I could, let's say, come in contact with General Mladic to discuss that, because nobody had contact with him since the evacuation, nobody from the higher commands. (10)So I got, let's say, some notes by fax, made a small letter about it and sent that to his interpreter, Petar, who lived in Bratunac, with the request to hand it over to General Mladic and ask for a response. I got a response, I think, on Friday, the (15)same Friday when the first convoys with food and diesel came in. That was the only contact on paper I had with him. In his reply, or his answer, he said, "Yes, I will take your requests concerning your leave, whenever (20)that should occur, and your requests on the lost equipment," he said "lost equipment," not "stolen equipment," he will take that into consideration and asked me to have patience. He should have a meeting with General Smith on Sunday, and I think that occurred (25)on the 19th, and in that meeting he should discuss the

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(1)leave of DutchBat, and then he should come back to, let's say, make all the arrangements for our leave.

JUDGE RIAD: You speak of evacuation, and you mentioned that several times he asked you to assist in (5)this evacuation; that means, really, that the deportation of the people of Srebrenica to the Bosniak side. This deportation, although you did not assist, was very highly organised, and you said that buses came and that everything was very minutely organised. So (10)this was the headquarters of Mladic who did it.

• A.: Yes, Your Honour. It was -- I think he ordered that himself. What I stated before during many briefings, also open that everything was prepared -- preplanned in advance. And also the massive crowd of (15)buses and vehicles, and I always use the example, in modern Western countries, if you like to have 30 or 40 buses, then you have a challenge, but in a country like the former Yugoslavia or Bosnia-Herzegovina, to gather there 30 or 40 buses, you are not able to do that in (20)one day, that must be preplanned a long time before. So he had a plan and he executed that plan more or less minute by minute or day by day. He ordered for the evacuation. He asked for assistance of the battalion but not more than -- and you will hear that from the (25)next, I think, witnesses -- assist the people to go to

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(1)the bus, prevail -- prevent, I must say, panic, chaos, and supplying the refugees, as much as I could, with water, food, and medicines, at least what I have left over. That was the only assistance I could give.

(5) JUDGE RIAD: You mentioned that 55 soldiers were taken into custody by the Serbs. I think it was on the 6th of July. How were they treated and how long did they stay?

• A.: Your Honour, that was not on the 6th of (10)July. On the 6th of July, on the Thursday, let's say, the invasions started, the attacks or -- yes, the attacks started, the fighting between both parties in the southern part of the enclave, also by shelling compounds and the city of Srebrenica itself. It ended (15)up on Saturday, two and a half days later, on the retreat of OP Foxtrot that one of my soldiers died. After that, let's say, Saturday afternoon and Sunday and Monday, he picked -- or he attacked a lot of observation posts by using force, weapons and soldiers, (20)encircled them -- circled them and took the soldiers hostage and took them with him. He gathered at the end 55 of my soldiers at two points; one in Bratunac, in the northern part of -- let's say north of the enclave, and one in Simici, south of the enclave. At the end, (25)after the evacuation, they were gathered together, all

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(1)55. I had a talk with them, not with all 55 but with 30 persons staying in Bratunac, and I asked, in the first meeting I had with General Mladic, if I was (5)able or allowed to speak with them. "Yes," he said, "you are able to do that, you are allowed to do that." I had a small talk with the soldiers, asked them if they were treated well. They said yes, they were treated reasonably well. And that same applied, (10)which I heard later on already being back in the Netherlands, to the other 25 soldiers from Simici.

JUDGE RIAD: You mentioned several times that you raised the matter to the higher echelons, to your higher echelons. Was there a prompt response, or did (15)they leave you just to your fate?

• A.: Looking at the circumstances at that time and knowing that both commanding officers of the north-east command and the BH command were not available, I had to deal with both chiefs of staff. My direct superior (20)was, of course, the commanding officer of north-east command in Tuzla. What I did was every time I thought it was necessary, in shelters and in my own offices or in the communication centre of the battalion staff, I had direct communications with either the north-east (25)command or BH command.

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(1)We did report -- we did make our reports verbally, at least I did it -- it was one of my responsibilities to the higher echelons -- and we did it every day at 6.00 by the daily situation reports, on (5)paper, by fax. In conclusion, my direct superior in Tuzla, but also the command in Sarajevo, were well aware of what was going on and what happened minute by minute in the enclave, every day of our stay over there. Again, (10)asking for support, logistical support, in the weeks before, or even, which I stated before, close air support, no. The support was words.

JUDGE RIAD: I'd like to ask you also, in one of the meetings where you mentioned Major Nikolic, he (15)stated that all Muslims should leave Bosnia.

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

JUDGE RIAD: That was at an official meeting?

• A.: That was -- no. We had a sequence of meetings with both parties, not together. We tried to (20)have them together around the negotiation table. My predecessor did. He wasn't able to do that one or two times. We weren't because of the quarrels, because of the fights over and over. So we had, every week, a fixed meeting with the civil authorities, with the (25)military authorities, within the enclave, and also

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(1)with, let's say, the commanding officer of the chief of staff of the BiH forces. We should have a meeting, a fixed meeting, every two weeks with the BSA outside, either on OP Echo (5)or OP Papa, but that was not the case. Meetings with the BSA were always when we liked to have that or when they liked to have it, very irregularly. It was at one of those irregular meetings where I was involved, somewhere in the middle of (10)February, if I can remember, that I met Major Nikolic, and it was at that meeting that he stated what I said yesterday, about the Muslims killed half the Assembly during the Second World War, et cetera, and that he hated Muslims and, in his opinion, the Muslims should (15)leave the complete territory of Bosnia.

JUDGE RIAD: Thank you very much, Colonel.

• A.: You're welcome.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] I have some very short questions I would like to put to you. (20)The troops you talked about, where did they come from? What was their composition? You talked about the fresh troops that arrived.

• A.: Yes, Your Honour. We were -- no. Around the safe area of Srebrenica there were three brigades: the (25)so-called Skelani Brigade in the south, the Bratunac

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(1)Brigade in the north, and a third brigade in the west. Those brigades belonged to the regular army of the BSA, the regular Drina Corps. But those three brigades consisted of elderly soldiers, soldiers from that area, (5)an area where they belonged. As soon as -- on the 6th of July the invasion started or, let's say, the attack of the enclave started, which General Mladic stated later on he used three new brigades, one in the south, one in the east, (10)and he had one in reserve in the north. That means that he didn't use the regular forces around the safe area of Srebrenica. He especially used other forces, which we had noticed two days before the 6th of July. In Bratunac there was a lot of battle noise, (15)there was a lot of noise in moving tanks, artillery, military vehicles, all those moves which we had reported on on a regular basis and in our daily sitreps.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Thank you. Did (20)you think there were any militia, fresh people, fresh militia, in these forces?

• A.: Yes. Your Honour, what I had heard, I hadn't noticed that myself, was that the so-called Arkan's Brigade was involved as well. That was a brigade with, (25)let's say, special forces from the BSA. But personally

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(1)I didn't see them during those six days and during, let's say, the evacuation of refugees. That could be possible.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] The evacuation (5)with the Dutch Battalion, was it possibly in the plan with your superior? Was the Dutch Battalion asked to provide that assistance?

• A.: Do you mean the assistance, Your Honour, for the evacuation of the refugees?

(10) JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] I'm talking about the evacuation. You've talked about a meeting with General Mladic, I think it was the second or the third, I can't remember, where all of a sudden he said that you had to proceed with the evacuation. It seems (15)that it wasn't tackled during your first or second meeting in Bratunac. So I had the impression that you weren't surprised, that you knew that there might be an evacuation, or did you decide, as the superior, did you decide that the evacuation would take place?

(20) • A.: During the first two meetings I didn't have a clue about what was going on about the destiny of the refugees. Knowing that we had about 25.000 refugees in and around the compound, one of my major points was to ask support, as much as I could get, from the BSA; what (25)I stated before, food, water medicines, a good

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(1)arrangement for my wounded -- for the wounded refugees, about 100 or 110, and that is what I asked for during the meetings -- the first meetings with General Mladic. (5)In his third meeting he started to talk about evacuation, and that was a surprise for me as well. We arranged a committee of the refugees to cooperate with them about what should be done, or what should we do on the circumstances under which those refugees were there (10)in and around our compound, what could we do, as much as possible, and we needed a committee for that, to talk about it. I used that committee -- and I mean in a nice sense of using it -- I asked them if they could assist (15)me as much as possible, at least to respond to the questions, and they, that committee, went with me to the third meeting. That was the meeting where General Mladic stated or told about the evacuation. I was as surprised as everybody was, because (20)the meeting was at the end of Wednesday morning and at 3.00 Wednesday afternoon the evacuation started already. So I was confronted with something new, an evacuation of 25.000 persons, and then I have to think quickly --

(25) JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Colonel, I'm

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(1)sorry. I heard what you said but what I'm trying to find out is: Faced with that surprise -- you were surprised, you said; the refugee committee was surprised -- did you have adequate time to ask your (5)hierarchial structure to see whether you can proceed in such a way, or did you have sufficient freedom to decide?

• A.: I had no time to -- I had time to inform my higher echelons, which I did. I asked several times (10)what could I do, how could you assist me, what should I do. No answer on that. There was no policy in that either. So I could, let's say, do what was the best thing to do at the moment. And knowing what time was left between that third meeting and 1.00, which was (15)mentioned by Mladic when the evacuation should start -- we were completely surprised, everybody, that such a thing could happen and that he already had organised such an evacuation -- I wasn't able to do anything about it. That's why we decided -- I decided in the (20)beginning to put on every bus, or whatsoever, a soldier, that was the least I could do, and assist the refugees as much as possible in going to the buses, giving them food, water, and medical care, and look for them during the evacuation.

(25) JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Thank you. My

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(1)final question. If you talk about the list -- we talked yesterday to the investigator from the Prosecution, and it seems that there was a list of men in an age range which I did not quite understand. Can (5)you very quickly tell us what happened with this list of men? What was their age and what happened?

• A.: We had, as you know, Your Honour, 25.000 persons in and around the enclave, almost all women, children, and elderly people. We estimated about two (10)to three per cent men, men between 16 and 60 more or less, and we didn't know how many men there were -- in general we knew -- how many men there were outside the compound. We had asked through the interpreters and through the committee if it was possible to note or, (15)yes, set on a piece of paper all the names of those persons, male persons, between 16 and 60 within the compound. There was no time left to do that for all the other persons. There was one person who asked me in the (20)past, "Why didn't you put the names of all the refugees on a piece of paper?" You can imagine, Your Honours, that that's impossible. What we did was we put the names of men within the compound on a list, what I can remember, 239. There were about 70 who didn't like (25)that and they didn't do that. We have done that on

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(1)purpose because we would like to know what could have happened with those persons. What happened with the list, the lists have been faxed to Tuzla and to Zagreb.

(5) JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Fine. Colonel, the Tribunal would like to thank you for your testimony. Last question.

JUDGE RIAD: Colonel, did by any chance (10)General Mladic's office get hold of this list?

• A.: I'm not sure about the answer I should give now, because there are two possible answers and maybe one of the witnesses after me could answer that question. There are two possible answers. One said, (15)or it has been stated that one of my officers offered or handed over that list to one of the BSA officers at the gate. Some others said, no, that was not the case. I am still at this moment not aware of what was going on with the list towards the BSA. I don't know. (20)I can't answer the question, do or does the BSA -- did the BSA receive that list of persons. I don't know.

JUDGE RIAD: Did you ask the officer?

• A.: No.

JUDGE RIAD: Thank you very much.

(25) JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Prosecutor,

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(1)based on the numerous questions we put -- once again, thank you, Colonel Karremans, to have spent so much time with us -- but do you have any wish to add any supplementary questions or not?

(5) MR. HARMON: I do not, Your Honour.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Fine. Colonel, in this Mladic/Karadzic case, we have finished with your testimony, and we will now finish until 2.30.
[Videotape of 4 July 1996 stopped]

(10) JUDGE RIAD: I think it's time for us to have a break.
[Trial Chamber and legal officer confer]

JUDGE RIAD: Mr. Olivier Fourmy has something (15)to say.

MR. FOURMY: [Int.] Thank you, Mr. President. I think I would like to make a general remark at this point with regard to the French transcript of (20)the testimony of Colonel Karremans and with regard to the Rule 61 hearing. I think that it contains a certain number of mistakes with regard to the substance that was stated, at least in the French version. I think that when Colonel Karremans speaks about BH (25)command in English, he was talking about the one in

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(1)Sarajevo not the Bosnian army which changes the sense of what he was saying. Perhaps the Prosecutor could confirm this, what I have just put forward.

(5) JUDGE RIAD: [Int.] I think that Mr. Mark Harmon ought to respond to that, perhaps.
[In English] What do you think, Mr. McCloskey?

MR. McCLOSKEY: As we saw, he was there and (10)would probably be in a good position to respond. But I don't doubt Mr. Fourmy's statement. I'm sure there are some errors that might change things a little bit; that just seems to be a natural part of the process. But we can discuss that with Mr. Harmon and see if we need to (15)make a change or try to add an addendum or something.

JUDGE RIAD: We'll trust you with this mission.
[Int.] Thank you, Mr. Fourmy, for that important correction.
(20) [In English] I suggest we have a break for half an hour, and then we'll try to finish with your videos today, Mr. McCloskey.

MR. McCLOSKEY: We have another video of Mr. Koster that lasts for 59 minutes so ...

(25) JUDGE RIAD: All right. If we start at 1.35,

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(1)1.40, will we finish by 2.40?

MR. McCLOSKEY: Yes. We'll be a little over.

JUDGE RIAD: I'll request our interpreters (5)and our staff to give us ten minutes more. Thank you. The hearing is adjourned for half an hour.

MR. PETRUSIC: [Int.] Mr. President.


MR. PETRUSIC: [Int.] If I may. I (10)do apologise. But in this case, if we were to continue working late, we're going to have the same problem we had yesterday with the medical intervention for General Krstic, medical treatment, so we have the same problem. We should like to propose -- the Defence (15)proposes, if you permit, that General Krstic could leave the courtroom earlier, like he did yesterday.

JUDGE RIAD: The same solution would apply today too. He can either leave now or he can leave at 2.15, it's up to him. But you agree that we should (20)finish with the videos today.

MR. PETRUSIC: [Int.] Yes, Your Honour.

JUDGE RIAD: Thank you very much.

MR. PETRUSIC: [Int.] Thank you (25)too.

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(1) JUDGE RIAD: The trial is adjourned for half an hour.

--- Recess taken at 1.13 p.m.

--- On resuming at 1.50 p.m.

(5) JUDGE RIAD: Yes. Please proceed, Mr. McCloskey.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Yes. We're ready to go with the testimony of Mr. Koster, which is 59 minutes. We have another tape which we'll save for another time of (10)Pasaga Mesic, which is about half an hour.

JUDGE RIAD: Which means that we have another hour and a half to go?

MR. McCLOSKEY: Yes, for two witnesses. One witness is an hour and then the other witness is 30 (15)minutes, but we can save that for a time -- if there's ever a time we don't have enough witnesses in the trial, we can put in that tape.

JUDGE RIAD: I'm ready for both options, so what do you prefer? What does the Defence counsel (20)prefer, and the registrar?

MR. McCLOSKEY: We've talked about it and the one-hour tape appears to be, with Mr. Harmon's input, the decision that we've made.

JUDGE RIAD: Good. So one hour will take us (25)to ten to three.

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(1) MR. McCLOSKEY: Yes, approximately.

JUDGE RIAD: That will be enough, I think. We'll stop at ten to three, with the permission of the interpreters. If there is any objection, I'm ready to (5)hear it, if anybody has a commitment which he cannot avoid. So everybody agrees. Of course, General Krstic will be allowed to leave at any time.

MR. PETRUSIC: [Int.] Mr. President, (10)I should just like to ask you so as not to lose time whether, without your permission at that stage, General Krstic can leave at 2.15, in the presence of the security officers, of course. May he leave the courtroom at that time, without me having to ask you (15)again?

JUDGE RIAD: You don't need to ask me. Thank you. The permission is granted. Thank you.

MR. PETRUSIC: [Int.] Thank you, Mr. President.

(20) JUDGE RIAD: Please proceed, Mr. McCloskey.
[Videotape of 4 July 1996 played]

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Prosecutor, you have the floor.

MR. OSTBERG: Thank you very much. We would (25)like to call our next witness, Lieutenant Koster.

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(1) [The witness entered court]

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Lieutenant Koster, do you hear me? Do you hear me? Please take the statement which has been given to you and read it (5)out.

THE WITNESS: I solemnly declare that I will speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


(10) JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Thank you, Lieutenant. Please be seated.

THE WITNESS: Thank you.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] I think my first question would go to the Prosecutor, and he will (15)introduce you to us.

MR. OSTBERG: Thank you, Your Honour.

• EXAMINED by Mr. Ostberg:

• Q.: Lieutenant Koster, would you please state your full name and spell it for the record.

(20) • A.: My last name is Koster. I'll spell it. K-o-s-t-e-r.

• Q.: Thank you. What is your present occupation?

• A.: I'm a logistics officer and an infantry soldier.

(25) • Q.: In the Dutch army?

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(1) • A.: In the Dutch army, that's correct.

• Q.: Have you been serving with the United Nations?

• A.: Yes, I did.

(5) • Q.: Would you please tell the Court where and when?

• A.: I served in Srebrenica, and that was January 1995 till July 1995.

• Q.: When did you start, did you say?

(10) • A.: In January.

• Q.: In January. Was Colonel Karremans your commanding officer?

• A.: Yes, he was.

• Q.: What was your position with the Dutch (15)Battalion?

• A.: My position was to be the logistics officer of the battalion.

• Q.: Just give us the outline of your duties in that position.

(20) • A.: Well, I had to manage all logistic affairs, although we had few means, and, well, that meant very strict planning and distributing our logistic affairs.

• Q.: Where in the chain of command were you placed in that position?

(25) • A.: I was a staff officer, and my direct

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(1)commander, my logistic commander, was Major Franken.

• Q.: Thank you. Were you on duty in the beginning of July 1995?

• A.: Yes, I was.

(5) • Q.: Where?

• A.: I was on duty in Potocari, inside the compound.

• Q.: Inside the compound.

• A.: Yes.

(10) • Q.: So your working place was inside the compound mostly.

• A.: Most of the time, yes.

• Q.: Okay. You were there even on the 11th of July, 1995?

(15) • A.: Yes, I was also outside the compound then, yes.

• Q.: Will you tell us about what happened after the fall of Srebrenica when refugees started to arrive in Potocari?

(20) • A.: Yes, that was on the 12th -- sorry, that was on the 11th of July. We were ordered to go outside and to form a unit to receive the refugees. So we went outside and made a hole in the fence from where we could guide the refugees towards the compound. (25)When we were posted outside, approximately at

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(1)1500 hours, the refugees arrived in a few and small groups at first, and, well, most of them were women and children and older women and older men. They were terrified, they were afraid, looking for help, and when (5)we were there, well, we couldn't tell them what to do at that point.

• Q.: You said that you formed a unit to take care of the incoming refugees. How big was that unit?

• A.: Well, approximately 30 men at first.

(10) • Q.: Were you in command of these 30 men?

• A.: Yes, I was.

• Q.: You said you opened a hole in the fence.

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: Is that the way you led them into the (15)compound?

• A.: Yes. We were not allowed to let them in by the main gate.

• Q.: Why?

• A.: Because the road which led from Srebrenica to (20)Potocari was constantly under the direct sight and direct fire from the Serbs. For example, in the days before when we left the compound by vehicle, we were fired upon with mortar fire, that kind of thing. So it was better for people to take another route and another (25)way to the compound which was more covered by trees and

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(1)buildings. So that was --

• Q.: And you opened that hole in the fence.

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: When the people started to arrive, the first (5)ones who arrived, did you show them all into the compound?

• A.: No, we were not allowed at first. We first showed them the way to the large buildings of a former bus station, where bus repair and bus maintenance was (10)done, and we told them to take cover inside of these buildings.

• Q.: When you are saying that you were not allowed, allowed by whom?

• A.: By my commander.

(15) • Q.: By your commander.

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: What was the kind of shelter you gave them?

• A.: Sorry?

• Q.: What kind of shelter did you give them?

(20) • A.: The big buildings of the former bus station.

• Q.: Outside the compound.

• A.: It was outside the compound, yes.

• Q.: Then when did they start entering the compound?

(25) • A.: Well, that was later on that day. When the

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(1)total amount of people was going to be a big crowd, we were ordered to let the people into the compound in small groups of 25 persons, and send them through the hole in the fence to the compound.

(5) • Q.: How did these people arrive?

• A.: Well, like I said before, first in small groups. Later on they -- there was one big mass of people coming down the road from Srebrenica to Potocari. Well, they came with a big, big noise, women (10)crying, children screaming, children also crying, well, people in terror. They came down the road towards our position.

• Q.: On foot?

• A.: On foot, yes. When we could receive them, we (15)just only could tell them to wait and to stay at our position. We couldn't tell them what to do, and they kept asking these questions, "What are we going to do? What are the plans for now?" They were very much afraid of what was going on with them, what was going (20)to happen with them, but we couldn't tell them so -- and they were -- sorry?

• Q.: Had they walked the way from the city of Srebrenica?

• A.: Most of them, yes. Most of them. There were (25)several vehicles from the compound in Srebrenica to the

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(1)compound in Potocari carrying some wounded. But when they started to move, people who were not wounded picked their places; also on every spot of the vehicle where they could hang on, they got a place.

(5) • Q.: When you're talking about these vehicles, were they UN vehicles?

• A.: Yes, they were our UN vehicles.

• Q.: No other means of transportation, like buses or trucks for these fleeing people?

(10) • A.: Well, some APCs for medical aid. Those APCs were also carrying some wounded people and some healthy people towards our position, and the wounded people toward the compound, yes.

• Q.: They started coming in small groups and then (15)they grew more and more.

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: Can you make some estimations, looking at what time they started and then how they slowly encompassed a big crowd of people?

(20) • A.: Yes. Well, I was ordered to make a rough counting of the people constantly. Well, it started with ten people, then hundreds of people, and then even more, thousands of people. Well, it started approximately -- they started coming around about 1500 (25)hours, and, well, until late in the evening it

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(1)stopped. So, for example, the road had a diameter of six metres and was fully crowded with people, most of them women, children, and older men.

• Q.: When you said you started to count them, did (5)you do that yourself?

• A.: Yes. Later on that day I compared with my colleagues to make a rough counting of the total number of people, and we came to a number of approximately 15.000 people.

(10) • Q.: 15.000 people.

• A.: 15.000 people, yes.

• Q.: How many of them were led into or brought into the compound?

• A.: Well, on top of the 15.000, there were 4.000 (15)to 5.000 people let into the compound. So at the end of the day there were 15.000 outside the compound and 4.000 to 5.000 inside the compound.

• Q.: We're talking now about the 11th of July.

• A.: Yes.

(20) • Q.: Did they stop coming in the evening?

• A.: Yes, they stopped. There were -- the crowds stopped. There were a few people coming down the road still, but the big mass, the big mass of people, the big crowd, stopped coming towards our position, yes. (25)It was fully filled with these people.

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(1) • Q.: What did 30 soldiers do to care for these people?

• A.: Well, during the day I ordered for some reinforcements because we couldn't stand any longer to (5)hold the people. We had some interpreters to make it clear for them what to do. Well, what we were doing down there was the best we could, giving them some medical help, telling them that we would guide them and escort them and protect them as best we could. Well, (10)whether it was help -- any help needed, we were there.

• Q.: And that with 30 persons?

• A.: Well, I ordered some reinforcements. Later on that day, I guess it would be 50 to 60 men outside.

• Q.: What kind of medical support could you give (15)them?

• A.: Mainly first aid.

• Q.: Like bandages and things like that?

• A.: If we had some, yes, some bandages. There were several wounded men and women, also women giving (20)birth to children at our place. We also had some assistance from MSF.

• Q.: "MSF" is?

• A.: Medecins Sans Frontiers. So the wounded, we could give them only the first aid because we didn't (25)have more means outside, also inside the compound.

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(1) • Q.: What about giving them food and drink then?

• A.: Well, outside it was impossible for us to do because we had so scarce means of food rations and all that, so we couldn't give them any food outside the (5)compound. What I learned later on is that we made a soup of food rations, mixed, mingled, with water for people inside the compound. Outside the compound, some people were carrying jerrycans and bottles of water, carrying water with them, and nearby our position there (10)was a small well where people could get some water, so that was -- it was needed because it was tremendously hot that day, so water was a very needed factor over there.

• Q.: The people inside could get some soup to eat (15)or drink, but outside, could you give them anything at all apart from the water from the well?

• A.: Yes, that's correct.

• Q.: Could you paint the picture, what it looked like when nightfall came. What did it look like in and (20)around the compound then?

• A.: Well, it was like being on a scene. It was a little bit surrealistic. Being outside, these people, I slept outside, also my men slept outside. We did some patrolling that night and we had some posts to (25)protect them. Well, the big noise stopped, all the

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(1)screaming, et cetera, and all the shouting and crying stopped during the night, although little children kept crying on. The noise decreased so -- but it was very surrealistic being there.

(5) • Q.: Were there any attacks from the Bosnian Serb army, or any soldiers or units attacking this amount of people?

• A.: Well, not in person but we were fired upon with mortar fire during the day. Well, the shelling (10)wasn't among the people. It was very close, close firing, approximately 50 metres from our position. Among the houses nearby our position, the explosions of the grenades, of the mortar grenades, came down, yes. That's true.

(15) • Q.: But these crowds of people were not shelled or fired at directly.

• A.: Not directly, no. No.

• Q.: Then you said you had some 30 people and some reinforcements. What about the rest of the personnel (20)of the Dutch Battalion? Where were they deployed during this time? What I want to know is: How many persons, how many soldiers, of the battalion in total were present in Potocari when this flood of refugees arrived?

(25) • A.: Well, it should be approximately 200 men, I

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• Q.: Two-hundred men.

• A.: Yes, I guess.

• Q.: Where were the rest of the battalion (5)deployed?

• A.: They were assigned to the OPs.

• Q.: And "OPs" are?

• A.: Observation posts.

• Q.: Observation posts.

(10) • A.: Yes. Also part of them were located in the compound of Srebrenica. But most of these men and women were supply forces so they were not fighter men, they were not infantrymen.

• Q.: But the ones you're talking about in (15)Potocari, those were fighting men, infantry soldiers?

• A.: A few of them, yes, but most of them were supply forces.

• Q.: Most of them were supply forces. Were any of your personnel taken hostage or assaulted during this (20)day, the 11th?

• A.: No, not on the 11th.

• Q.: Okay. Could any of you have any rest the night between the 11th and the 12th of July last year?

• A.: Well, for me personally, no. For most of (25)them, I guess not, because we were busy helping people,

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(1)doing some patrolling outside the compound among the people. Well, maybe you could get an hour or two of sleep but it wasn't such a rest. You couldn't rest very well.

(5) • Q.: Will you then turn your attention to the following day and give us an account of what happened on the 12th of July, 1995.

• A.: Well, in the morning it was relatively quiet. The people, well, they woke up and started (10)asking questions about what was going on and what we were planning to do and what the Serbs were planning to do, so we couldn't tell. We carried on giving them medical aid. Still wounded people came down to our position asking for (15)doctors, asking for medical help. Still women were looking for their children like the day before, because they lost their children in the big crowd of people. And also children looking for their families, those kinds of things. That carried on all morning. Also (20)the sun appeared again so it became tremendously hot again that day. Later on that day, approximately at 1300 hours --

• Q.: What time?

(25) • A.: 1300 hours.

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(1) • Q.: 1300, yes.

• A.: We heard the noise of tanks and APCs, and I heard by radio that there was a tank and an APC coming down the road toward the compound. So the people -- (5)well, there was panic and the people were scared, and they ran down to the south of our location. So we had to wait for what was going on then and wait for the Serbs to make a move.

• Q.: Okay.

(10) • A.: When they did, they came to our position, and also to the compound.

• Q.: You're now talking about the army, the Bosnian Serb army.

• A.: That's correct.

(15) • Q.: Yes.

• A.: Yes. They came to our position. We made a demarcation line of some red and white tape over the road and, well, they stayed behind the tape. Some of them asked for the commanding officer at my location, (20)so that was me, and he introduced himself and so do I. I can't remember his name. I asked him what he was planning to do and he didn't tell me. Well, after that he turned his back on me and went down to his forces. At that time there (25)were, well, approximately 20 to 30 Serbian soldiers at

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(1)our position at the road. Well, their action was just walking around, looking at the people, also shouting at the people, asking questions. I had an interpreter next to me so he could translate what they were (5)saying.

• Q.: Could you give us an example of what they said to the people?

• A.: Well, most of the times they were mocking at them, and doing that, it was a very odd situation (10)because they sat down on the ground and started singing. They also -- they actually didn't make a move. They were just saying over there at their location, behind the red and white tape, probably -- I don't know what they were doing. So we just could stay (15)there and wait for what they were going to do.

• Q.: Then what happened?

• A.: Later on that day, Major Nikolic came down also to my position and he introduced himself.

• Q.: Did you know him beforehand?

(20) • A.: Yes, I recognised him from photos in the operations room.

• Q.: Yes.

• A.: Well, he wanted to have a look among the people and he wanted to walk through to the other end (25)of our location. At that time it was reported from my

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(1)southern post, which was the last units of the Bravo Company, that also at their location some Serbian soldiers arrived. Well, we escorted Major Nikolic with our liaison officer and an observer, and he walked down (5)through the people. After that he returned, and also the situation stayed the same for a couple of hours probably. Then one of the commanders came to my position and told me that he would bring a vehicle (10)loaded with bread for the people and that we should make way for this vehicle. It really appeared, and then they started to give bread to the people. They also had a camera team accompanying them and the camera team, well, they were filming while they were giving (15)bread to the people.

• Q.: How many people did get some bread? Did they have something for everybody?

• A.: No, not at all. It was a very small truck and, well, they were throwing the bread and giving the (20)bread to the people. My interpreter told me that while we were doing that they were shouting at the people again and mocking them and calling them names. Well, the vehicle returned one more time also loaded with bread, and also a fire truck came down to (25)our position to give the people some water. Well, one

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(1)by one, women were allowed to leave the crowd and to fill up their bottles with water. Everything was filmed by the Serbs. Then the fire truck disappeared again. (5)Later on that day, it should be approximately at 1600 hours, more troops came down to our position, more vehicles, more jeeps, more civilian vehicles. At one time my interpreter told me that he thought he had seen General Mladic, and General Mladic came to my (10)position. He introduced himself, and so did I, and he asked me who was the commander in charge. I asked him what he was planning to do. Well, at first he didn't tell me anything and he walked right through our line of tape and towards the people. At that time, of (15)course, I reported to my commanding officer and I was told that I should send Mladic to the compound, to Colonel Karremans, so he could talk to him. But he wouldn't do so --

• Q.: He wouldn't?

(20) • A.: No.

• Q.: Who wouldn't, Mladic?

• A.: General Mladic.

• Q.: So you asked him to go and talk to the commanding officer.

(25) • A.: Yes, several times.

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(1) • Q.: But he said no.

• A.: He said, "No, I am doing what I please to do, and I am in charge here and Mate Boban tells me what to do. I am outside here and you will see what's going to (5)happen." He told us to cooperate or else there would be -- we were, you know, told to cooperate with him, we would be best off by cooperating.

• Q.: You said "or else." Did he --

• A.: No. We would be best off by cooperating, (10)those were the words said.

• Q.: Yes. Go on with the story, please.

• A.: Then he went to the people and he spoke to the people not to be afraid, that he should -- he would take care of them. He was talking to little children (15)accompanied by a filming team, a camera team. I was constantly protesting that he should go to the compound. While doing that, some buses arrived and I reported that. Then I asked him again what he was going to do. He was irritated and he told me that he (20)would evacuate the people to another place. At once some of the Serbian soldiers pulled down several of my men.

• Q.: What did they do?

• A.: They pulled down and pulled away several of (25)my men who were holding the civilians, and, well, the

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(1)Serbs told the civilians to go to the buses, to get inside the buses. Well, at that time the situation was taken out of our hands and we could only escort the people and provide any harm [sic] of the people. They (5)were fully in charge at that time.

• Q.: How many Bosnian Serb troops were present then, in your estimation?

• A.: Well, I estimated approximately 40, 50 men and, well, they were still coming up, more men, men (10)with dogs, all that kind of thing.

• Q.: You were outnumbered.

• A.: Yes, we were severely outnumbered. Yes, that's true.

• Q.: Okay. Please go on.

(15) • A.: Then I was told to escort the people and to provide any harming [sic] of the people, and we could not do anything else other than just escorting them. The Serbs took over and they pushed the people to go to the buses, and they kept on doing that till the buses (20)were fully stuffed with people. They were putting far more people inside the bus than normally is usual. The buses drove away. Then we had to stop the people again and we had to wait till other transport arrived at our location.

(25) • Q.: Did you in any way convoy or send somebody

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(1)with the buses when they went away?

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: Tell us about that.

• A.: I learned later that we escorted the buses (5)and the trucks by sending some of our men with a jeep driving in front or with the buses. Well, the first transport, they succeeded escorting them, and the other transports, well, the jeeps were taken away from us so we couldn't escort them any more.

(10) • Q.: By the Serbian soldiers.

• A.: By the soldiers, yes.

• Q.: Bosnian Serb soldiers, yes. Was any separation of sexes taking place before they were loaded on buses?

(15) • A.: Yes. Well, they were looking for men, older men -- well, men of fighting age, potential fighting men, and they were separating them from their families and from the rest of the people. Well, they kept on doing that the whole time.

(20) • Q.: What happened to these men who were separated from their families? Where did they go?

• A.: They put them inside a house, and from what I have seen they were just sitting there and waiting. Their personal belongings were taken away and put (25)outside of the house, and I only saw these men

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(1)waiting. As far as we could, we were protesting against it, but we were, as you said before, outnumbered so we couldn't be at all places.

• Q.: Of course. What about General Mladic? Was (5)he present while these things went on?

• A.: Well, I lost sight of him. When the first buses started to drive away, I lost sight of him.

• Q.: This transportation of people started, as I remember you said, at about 1600 or --

(10) • A.: That was the time when General Mladic arrived --

• Q.: When he arrived.

• A.: -- and, well, it shouldn't be more than a half hour, an hour later, when the buses arrived and (15)drove away.

• Q.: How many busloads of people left Potocari this day, the 12th?

• A.: I didn't count them all but, well, they started -- I'm sorry, they ended up when night fell.

(20) • Q.: With nightfall, they stopped.

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: Do you have an idea of how many busloads that was? Do you have any idea how many people left on the first day?

(25) • A.: No.

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(1) • Q.: Half, a third? No idea?

• A.: No, I have no estimation.

• Q.: You can make no estimation. They stopped at nightfall, you said.

(5) • A.: Yes.

• Q.: Still then, people were inside and outside the compound.

• A.: Yes, that's correct.

• Q.: Was anybody taken out of the compound on this (10)first day and put on the buses, or was that people from outside?

• A.: From what I know, there were people from outside the compound because I was there. I don't know if people from inside the compound were taken outside (15)because I couldn't see it from my position.

• Q.: You couldn't see it.

• A.: I don't know that.

• Q.: You don't know that. Then night came, and can you tell us something about what happened during (20)the night?

• A.: Yes. We were told by the Serbs that we had to clear the road and to join the people on the terrain in front of the former bus station.

• Q.: Clear the road of refugees.

(25) • A.: Yes. The road should stay open because they

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(1)told us there could be some transport moving to Srebrenica, and from Srebrenica to Potocari. Well, we collected the people at the point and we stayed there, patrolling during the night. The Serbs, they left. (5)Some of them came back during the night and they were taking our arms and also our vests and helmets.

• Q.: Can you describe in what way they did that.

• A.: Well, they joined -- they formed groups of three or four men, and they walked up to a UN soldier (10)and told him to give away his weapon, his bulletproof vest, his helmet, and his equipment, and when he refused that, he was forced to do so.

• Q.: At gunpoint?

• A.: Me personally at gunpoint, yes.

(15) • Q.: How many of your soldiers did lose their equipment in this way?

• A.: I don't know. Many of them.

• Q.: Many out of these 30, 40 soldiers.

• A.: Yes, that's correct.

(20) • Q.: The majority?

• A.: The majority, yes.

• Q.: That went on during the night.

• A.: Yes, in the beginning of the night. Later on that night they disappeared, and I didn't know where (25)they went. We were alone with these people and then

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(1)they were very, very quiet. Well, we kept on patrolling during the night -- well, helping some sick people, also again wounded people who still asked for doctors, for medical help, and we had a doctor outside (5)our position -- well, till morning came.

• Q.: Okay. Then we arrive at the 13th of July. I will now ask you to tell the Court what happened on that day.

• A.: On the 13th, well, we put down four APCs on (10)the road to make some of the --

• Q.: "APCs" stands for?

• A.: Armoured personnel carriers.

• Q.: Armoured personnel carriers.

• A.: Armoured, yes. Sorry. To make some of them (15)an artificial gate so we could guide the people in a better way. Then at approximately 700 hours the buses arrived, and half an hour later the Serbs arrived. Then there were more and more troops coming down to our position, and when --

(20) • Q.: Again, an estimation, if you can. How many troops?

• A.: At least 50, 60 of them. Then they started again to pull away my men and to put the people inside of the buses and the trucks, and that carried on during (25)the day.

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(1) • Q.: Any attacks on you or your personnel during the day?

• A.: No.

• Q.: Shooting?

(5) • A.: No.

• Q.: Nothing?

• A.: We heard some shooting on the west side of the compound coming from houses and that kind of thing. But not on my position, there was no shooting.

(10) • Q.: Did this separation type of handling, this thing, did that go on even this day? Did they separate men from the rest of their families, or was that done only on the first day?

• A.: No, it still went on that day. For example, (15)we saw a 19-year-old boy being separated from his family and, well, we protested against it, and the Serbian soldier, he was impressed and let the boy go to the buses. But they carried on separating the men, yes.

(20) • Q.: That went on on the 13th of July, all day?

• A.: From what I've seen, yes.

• Q.: When was the place emptied of refugees or everybody evacuated? When was that?

• A.: I will have to look it up. One moment, (25)please. It was on the 13th of July.

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(1) • Q.: The 13th of July.

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: What time of the day; can you recall that?

• A.: Well, it would be approximately at 1800 (5)hours. I had to do my report at the compound and get some food and a few hours of sleep, two hours, and that was at 1600 hours. When I reported to duty in the operations room, that was at 1830, I was told that it wasn't necessary any more because all the people had (10)gone.

• Q.: All of them?

• A.: All of them had gone.

• Q.: Even the people who were in the compound?

• A.: Yes, except the wounded people.

(15) • Q.: Except the wounded people?

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: They left the wounded people. What about the men who were separated? Were they still around or were they gone also?

(20) • A.: They were also gone.

• Q.: Did you see them go?

• A.: No, because I was in the compound sleeping.

• Q.: Did you see when the people were taken from that compound into the buses?

(25) • A.: No, I didn't see that.

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(1) • Q.: You didn't see that. Did you see or hear any violence during the 13th? Was there any shooting then or other kinds of violence?

• A.: No, not in person. We heard several single (5)shots, like I told you before. We did hear some rumours; that was on the 12th of July, while I was reporting at the compound. We heard some rumours from people inside the compound that there was a place where they had seen eight or nine bodies laying down on the (10)ground. On the 13th of July, two colleagues of mine and I investigated that place.

• Q.: Was that in the vicinity of the compound -- outside the compound?

• A.: Well, it was approximately -- well, 500 (15)metres away from the compound.

• Q.: What did you find?

• A.: When we came down to that place, we saw nine bodies laying in a field, near to a river. We went up to that location and we took pictures. We didn't (20)actually investigate the bodies, but we saw seven of them lying down on the ground, with their face down to the ground. Two of them were lying on their sides, their backs. They had -- well, the seven of them had a shot in the back, in the middle of the back. We took (25)pictures, and we also found some papers. But the

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(1)bodies, they were just in civilian clothes, and from what I could see and make of it, they were men.

• Q.: You did these findings on the 13th of July.

• A.: Yes.

(5) • Q.: Did you hear some shooting you could relate to that incident, to these people's death?

• A.: Well, I only heard the several single shots during the day. That's only what I have heard.

• Q.: Did you see other killed people around?

(10) • A.: Yes, that was in the morning. One man hanged himself on the ceiling of a small building, and he was already dead when we released him from the rope.

• Q.: Any other incidents of that kind?

• A.: No.

(15) • Q.: So by the evening of the 13th, the place was empty, there were no refugees any more.

• A.: Outside of the compound, no. Inside also, no, except the wounded people.

• Q.: The wounded people. Did you see General (20)Mladic more than these times on the 12th that you talked about?

• A.: Yes. During the night on the 12th and on the 13th, during that night I saw him passing by our position, sitting in a jeep. He moved up to (25)Srebrenica, and later on that night he moved back

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(1)towards Potocari.

• Q.: So you saw him twice during that night.

• A.: Sorry?

• Q.: You saw him twice during that night?

(5) • A.: Yes, that's correct.

• Q.: But he didn't stop?

• A.: No.

• Q.: You didn't talk to him?

• A.: He just drove on.

(10) • Q.: Okay. Then when only the wounded people were left, what happened then? What did you do in the coming days?

• A.: Well, for me personally, I picked up my job again as a logistics officers, doing the things (15)requested and waiting for us to leave the enclave. We were making preparations for leaving the enclave because we didn't know if we could leave with all our equipment or just by taking our personal belongings and then leave the compound. So I took up my old job.

(20) • Q.: As a logistics officer, you can certainly tell us, how much equipment did you lose during these days?

• A.: Well, I don't know the exact numbers and figures. We lost weapons; we did lose some jeeps.

(25) • Q.: How many jeeps?

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(1) • A.: I don't know the exact figures.

• Q.: Can you make an estimation?

• A.: No.

• Q.: You can't.

(5) • A.: APCs, we lost APCs, and we lost, well, equipment, soldiers' equipment, bulletproof vests, and helmets.

• Q.: When did you leave? When did the battalion leave Srebrenica?

(10) • A.: It was on the 21st, on Friday, July.

• Q.: The week after.

• A.: The week after that, yes.

MR. OSTBERG: Thank you very much. Your Honours, I have concluded my examination.

(15) JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Thank you, Mr. Ostberg. Fellow Judges, you have questions. Please proceed.


(20) • QUESTIONED by the Court:

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Lieutenant Koster, you talk of 15.000 people coming from Srebrenica to Potocari looking for help. Mostly, you said, they were women and children and elderly people. Is that (25)correct?

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(1) • A.: That's correct.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Were you expecting this exodus from Srebrenica?

• A.: I'm sorry. Can you repeat the question?

(5) JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Were you in Potocari, you and your team, expecting this exodus from Srebrenica?

• A.: Yes. We were outside there to receive the refugees, yes, and we could expect that refugees should come to our position. That's why we were posted (10)outside.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Were you prepared for receiving them?

• A.: No. Just being there, being posted there, and doing the best we can. We didn't have the (15)equipment, medical equipment, or even enough food to receive them.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Had you, your team, asked for help to your superiors or to the superior command of NATO or UNPROFOR to face this emergency?

(20) • A.: I do not know.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Did you receive any additional support for help before or after the 11th of July?

• A.: No.

(25) JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: What happened with these

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(1)people, women, children, elderly, wounded people, when the Bosnian Serb soldiers arrived?

• A.: Sorry. You're only talking now about the wounded people?

(5) JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: About the women, children, elderly people in Potocari, coming from Srebrenica, when the Serb soldiers arrived.

• A.: Well, they were afraid and they were not harmed or anything by the Serbian people, from what I (10)could see, outside the compound. Well, later on, during the periods we were outside, they were put inside the buses and evacuated from my position.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Did you hear about massacres committed by Serb soldiers against Muslims in (15)and around Srebrenica, Potocari, Bratunac at that time?

• A.: No. I only learned on the Wednesday that there was a position -- there was a rumour about eight or nine bodies.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: After those days, had you (20)heard about massacres committed?

• A.: No, only when I returned, in the news.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: Did Colonel Karremans, or anyone else, say no to General Mladic when he ordered the evacuation of the refugees?

(25) • A.: I do not know that because they already

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(1)started it when I was reporting it. So the situation was completely taken out of our hands outside.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: But the refugees were under your support, under the UN support, under (5)protection.

• A.: That's correct.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: So did you or your superior try to avoid that the refugees were taken out?

• A.: It was impossible to do because we were (10)outnumbered. We were pulled away, and then the Serbs, they pushed the people and shouted at the people to go to the buses now, to get inside these buses. So being outnumbered, we couldn't do anything at that time.

JUDGE ODIO-BENITO: I see. Thank you. No (15)further questions.

JUDGE RIAD: Lieutenant Koster, you just said that you were outnumbered, completely outnumbered. In fact, you were in a state of helplessness, completely.

• A.: Yes, that's correct.

(20) JUDGE RIAD: Were you at any moment threatened?

• A.: In person?

JUDGE RIAD: No, the whole group, in your capacity, you and your colleagues.

(25) • A.: No. We were just told to cooperate, that

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(1)that would be the best for us.

JUDGE RIAD: Yes, "best for us" means that something could be worst; if there is something best, then something can be worst. (5)You mentioned that Mladic himself told you, he told you you'd better cooperate, you are right, and then he told you, "You will see what is going to happen." Is that right?

• A.: I'm sorry. I don't understand the question.

(10) JUDGE RIAD: Mladic, among his statements, he told you, "You are going to see what will happen." You mentioned that from your notes.

• A.: I still don't understand your question. I'm sorry.

(15) JUDGE RIAD: What did Mladic tell you?

• A.: Okay. Yes, he told me that, and later on he told me that he was going to evacuate the people of Srebrenica.


(20) • A.: Yes.

JUDGE RIAD: Then you mentioned that you saw them separate men of fighting age from the others.

• A.: Yes, that's correct.

JUDGE RIAD: Did you protest or anything?

(25) • A.: Yes, we did.

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(1) JUDGE RIAD: You did. What was the reaction to your protest?

• A.: Well, sometimes they let the men go with their families and their wives. Well, at the places we (5)were -- we couldn't protest where we were not located, so we couldn't do a thing.

JUDGE RIAD: Did they pick them just at random, or did they have a list in their hands?

• A.: No, just at random.

(10) JUDGE RIAD: Because there was a list of 200-and-something people which nobody knew if it was given to them or not. Do you have any idea about that?

• A.: I know about that list, yes, and that was on the compound -- at the compound.

(15) JUDGE RIAD: I beg your pardon?

• A.: That list was made just to make sure and to inform the Serbs that we were watching them and keeping things under control about what they were going to do with the men, and by that list we were also protecting (20)them. So we were checking them --

JUDGE RIAD: This list was made by your men, by the officers?

• A.: No, it was not.


(25) • A.: It was made by a committee of the refugees

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(1)inside the compound.

JUDGE RIAD: And given to you?

• A.: No, not to me.

JUDGE RIAD: I mean to your --

(5) • A.: My commanding officer.


• A.: From what I know, it was not given to the Serbs.

JUDGE RIAD: You don't know if it was given (10)to the Serbs or not.

• A.: From what I know, it was not given to the Serbs.

JUDGE RIAD: It was not. Thank you very much.

(15) JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Lieutenant, on the basis of what we've heard, apparently there's some vehicles from the battalion that escorted the jeeps -- some jeeps that escorted the vehicles, so you did have some jeeps that went along with the convoys. (20)Now, I take it that those jeeps came back, at least some of them came back, so you had a chance to see some of your men before you left the compound. What did your men tell you about what happened, and were they aware of the events?

(25) • A.: I only learnt about that when we left the

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(1)enclave. Before that I was constantly being outside, until the 13th, and I didn't know what was going on during these escorts.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Because the (5)jeeps that were doing the escorting did not leave Potocari?

• A.: Some of them were already taken away at our main gate, and, well, that's what they told me while I was doing my reports. Well, at least one of them made (10)it through, and that was the first transport. But that is something I learned later, when I left the enclave.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] When soldiers came back, because there was a gathering before you left the enclave, what did people say to one another? (15)What did the soldiers say there? Did anybody tell you anything? Did they know anything?

• A.: No.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Nothing was said?

(20) • A.: No.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] They didn't say anything about what they might have seen? They didn't see anything?

• A.: No, because I wasn't speaking to them. I was (25)too busy at that time doing my job as a logistics

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(1)officer so I don't know anything about that. I'm sorry.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Fine. You got together on a regular basis with the reports about the (5)meetings with General Mladic, or was there a compartmentalisation between the different levels of command?

• A.: Can the interpreter repeat the question, please.

(10) JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Did you have any input about the meetings with General Mladic, or was there no information trickling down at the various levels?

• A.: No, I didn't know what was going on. I (15)didn't know the exact details of the meetings with General Mladic.

JUDGE JORDA: [Int.] Thank you. Mr. Ostberg, we have no further questions for the witness so we could have the usher show the witness (20)out. Lieutenant, the Tribunal would like to thank you for your testimony which you provided on behalf of the Prosecution. Then the Prosecution can show in the next witness.
(25) [Videotape of 4 July 1996 completed]

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(1) JUDGE RIAD: Thank you, Mr. McCloskey. That's all you have to offer us today, I hope.

MR. McCLOSKEY: Yes, Your Honour.

JUDGE RIAD: So we'll adjourn till tomorrow, (5)at 9.30. Thank you.

--- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 2.50 p.m., to be reconvened on Thursday, the 25th day of May, 2000, at 9.30 a.m.