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• Page 566 - JEAN-RENE RUEZ

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(1)Tuesday, 14 March 2000
[Open session]

--- Upon commencing at 9.40 a.m.
[The accused entered court]

(5) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Good morning, ladies and gentlemen; good morning to the technical booth and the interpreters. Can you all hear me? Thank you very much. Also for the Prosecution, for the Defence, General Krstic, good morning. (10)I believe we are once again here to resume our work. Will you call the case, please?

THE REGISTRAR: [Int.] Yes, thank you. This is case IT-98-33-T, the Prosecutor versus Radislav Krstic.

(15) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] So today we shall continue to listen to the testimony of the witness for the Prosecution, and I believe we have to call back again Mr. Jean-Rene Ruez. Is that so? Mr. Harmon, you have the floor.

(20) MR. HARMON: Yes. Thank you. Good morning, Mr. President. Good morning, Your Honours. Good morning, counsel.
[The witness entered court]

MR. HARMON: Hopefully we have resolved our (25)slight technical problem and we're ready to proceed

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(1)without interruption.


• EXAMINED by Mr. Harmon:

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, turning your attention to look to (5)Prosecutor's Exhibit 5/6, because that's where we ran into the numbering problem yesterday, and what I would like you to do is pick up on your testimony, continue to inform the Judges about the significant locations in Potocari and events that are important in this case. (10)You can proceed, please.

• A.: I will need some electricity on the ELMO. Now it's fine, it's working fine. So on this exhibit, one can see the factory which is called the Zinc -- no, sorry, the Energoinvest (15)Building, which is also referred to as the Zinc Factory. The next one is also Energoinvest, but the 11 of March Factory. You can also see in this photograph that in behind the factory is an open area with a house. These (20)kinds of details might come up often in witness testimonies of persons who have been through the Potocari events.

• Q.: Now, Mr. Ruez, for the record, the photograph that's on the ELMO is photograph 5/7; is that correct?

(25) • A.: Yes, that is correct. This is 5/7.

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(1) • Q.: All right. Thank you.

• A.: I go, indeed, to 5/6, where we had stopped, but the interest here is that we are talking about the same factory, so it fits, in fact, quite well in the (5)chronology. We're now on 5/9, am I correct, or ...

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, proceed in the order that you think is best to narrate the events.

• A.: No. Sorry. Indeed, there was one before, 5/8. So starting on this photograph, I'm going to be (10)more precise and I'm going to give you indications which are relevant to the major crime scene which we have identified in Potocari. As I told you yesterday, a number of murders have been committed in this place and reported by (15)witnesses. All of them are small-scale events compared to all the rest we are currently exposing to you, but this one is quite significant. The initial assessment of the person who will talk about this event is 80 persons who had been killed in the vicinity of this (20)factory. I will, in fact, describe to you the location. Allegedly, on 12 July, in the afternoon, when the Bosnian Serb army entered Potocari, there were a lot of refugees in this factory. Groups of soldiers (25)started to mix among the crowd. The main crowd was a

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(1)bit further on the right, on this road [indicates], which goes towards the separation line. The soldiers started to mix among the people and separated men, which, according to the witness, were taken to the back (5)of the factory. So following on this photograph, that path here [indicates] The witness was hidden in a shed which is in the woods behind the White House, which is just at the other part, on the right of the factory; this house here [indicates], the shed being (10)under the tree line, somewhere in the hill. I'm going to pass on another photograph. I would like you first to notice on this one the corn field in front of that house. It will be an important detail for the following. (15)Exhibit 5/9 is a view of the same area, seen from above the area where the witness was seeing the events. You can see the same factory, the first one on the right, in the middle of the picture, but seen from the back. The same area of concrete here [indicates] (20)At the back of the picture, you can see the Express Compound, the bus company, which was also an area crowded with refugees. The group of soldiers who was taking the men away from this factory allegedly passed the fence which (25)is separating the factory compound from the garden of

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(1)this house. I will present you with another view. This is another view of the same location, but this time seen from the angle a person which had been separated (5)in that location would have seen before reaching the area of execution. Just having passed this corner, the persons had to turn left and were directed towards this little wooden shed, which is before the White House, where the (10)soldiers cut a hole through the fence in order to pass with their victims.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, you've just been testifying about photograph Prosecutor's Exhibit 5/10; is that correct?

• A.: 5/10, that is correct. All these photographs (15)are dated June 1996. When we came to visit this location in June 1996, we followed the indications given by the witness, and indeed in the area where he had described the soldiers passing, escorting their victims towards the (20)back of this house, we could notice that the wire of the fence had been cut, reattached with other bits of wire. And on this photograph, to show how it was possible to go through this fence, we put a wooden stick to block the fence. The hole is quite large, and (25)it is very possible for anyone to go through this

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(1)hole. What I would also like to point out on this photograph is it is a random situation, but it happens that a truck is parked just in front of this house, (5)which happens to be a strange coincidence, since at that same location, the witness describes the presence of a truck which came after the execution to collect the bodies. I will turn on this, but here you have the best view of this truck. This truck is of the type of (10)TAM trucks we already mentioned. Very common trucks in this area, multi-purpose trucks.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, this is 5/12; is that correct?

• A.: This is Exhibit 5/12. This is a view from the wooden shed under which the person who witnessed (15)the event was hiding. Again here on the right of the picture you can see the corner of the concrete ground of the Zinc Factory. Then a bit more on the left you have a little wooden shed, next to which was the hole in the fence. In the area left to this shed is also (20)the area where the execution of these men is supposed to have happened. The next photograph is Exhibit 5/13, and shows the shed under which the witness was hiding and was witnessing the events. He was in the little -- in (25)the part -- little bit on the right of this shed,

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(1)according to what he told us. The next exhibit, number 5/14, is the left part of the view that we just have seen and which shows the area, the precise area where the execution took (5)place. I won't go into the details of the execution. The witness will talk about them. The area is more or less behind the house and on this part of the house. You can see here the truck parked more or less in the same position which the witness indicated. (10)According to the witness, once these events were over -- they lasted awhile because the people were taken in little groups -- a truck came, and some prisoners who had been kept alive were forced to load the dead bodies on the truck, and then the witness (15)moved away. He doesn't know where the truck went. On the next exhibit, Exhibit number 5/15, this photograph is an aerial imagery dated 12 July 1995. The quality of your originals might be better than this photocopy if you have them, but still on the (20)photocopy you can observe interesting things which match with the situation. First of all, here you can see the house, and in front of the house, the 12 July 1995, indeed there is a cornfield. The corn is high. When you take the (25)little dot which was pinpointed on the overall exhibit

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(1)of Potocari, the circle around this little dot was a vehicle. This is a vehicle. At the left of the vehicle you can see a black line. This is the shadow of the cornfield the separation line where the people (5)are starting to assemble is exactly at the end of this cornfield.

• Q.: You're pointing to the centre of the road?

• A.: To the centre of the road where there is this accumulation of black dots and a straight line. This (10)is exactly the separation line. Not the separation line but the line which was formed just before the buses were coming here. On the next photograph -- sorry. On this photograph still, before seeing the next one, the house (15)where the event was taking place is this house here. Next to it is a vehicle parked, a large vehicle. On the next exhibit, which is 5/16 -- the photograph is dated 13 July 1995 -- the truck -- the large vehicle which was parked next to the house is no (20)more on the photograph, and the vehicle which was behind it, might have had an engine failure or some sort of mechanical problem and had to be pushed inside the cornfield so that the other vehicle could quit this area. (25)This is the house, in the middle of the

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(1)picture, a bit on the right, just before the wooded area, and the shed is under the trees just above this house, above on the right. On this photograph you also have the Zinc Factory visible with the truck that the (5)people were, in fact, here taken. Regarding the photographs of Potocari with all the factories, we provide you with markings on them, arrows pointing on all the names of colour photographs to have better possibilities of referencing (10)the colour photographs with the aerial photographs.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, have you finished your description of that particular set of events?

• A.: Yes, absolutely.

• Q.: We're going to move to another part of (15)Potocari?

• A.: Potocari.

• Q.: Please proceed.

• A.: Exhibit 5/17 is a photograph of the White House. The photograph is dated January 1996. You can (20)see the access path to the house. The location here where these wooden logs are on the ground is an area where Major Kingori, United Nations military observer, was standing together with a group of VRS soldiers and was complaining about the condition of the detention of (25)a man inside the house. It is the precise location

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(1)where he's on the film saying that the men are sitting on top of each other and this is not good. This is also the house in which General Mladic went to visit the prisoners. (5)This same house is the one which I told you previously had been erased from the Zoran Petrovic film for the reason that a lot of men apparently were to be seen on the balcony, according to Robert Block, an American journalist who had an opportunity to view this (10)film before editing. On the left of the picture, you can see a blue construction. Not entirely but you see its right part. This is the so-called Blue Building. These are the only interesting elements on (15)this photograph.

• Q.: This is photograph 5/18, Mr. Ruez?

• A.: Photograph 5/18 is a photograph taken from inside the White House, from the balcony where the men were sitting. Just in front you can see the Faros (20)Building, and the blue structure which can be seen behind the Faros Building is the so-called Blue Factory, in which we have no reports at all of any presence of refugees since that place was sealed off by the Bosnian Serb army. (25)Just at the left side of the Faros building

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(1)was the UN Compound. The Exhibit 5/19 is a general view of this area where all these buildings can be seen. In fact, this is a photograph taken on the hill just behind the (5)house where the execution of these 80 persons is supposed to have happened. On this picture you can see the White House. It's difficult to describe exactly where it is. It is on the left part of the picture. Just in front of the (10)White House is the Faros Building. At the right of the Faros Building -- that building seems on it very close, but in reality there is a distance between the two -- is the so-called Blue House, the Blue Building, with the parking lot visible in front of it. On this (15)parking lot was filmed the sequence in the Zoran Petrovic film where the water tank can be seen and where Zoran Petrovic is asking the Dutch officer, "What is going on here?" And he gets the answer, "You know very well what is going on here." This is the precise (20)location where this little bit of interview was attempted by Zoran Petrovic.

JUDGE RIAD: Was this Blue Building a headquarters or something?

• A.: We don't know exactly. It was possibly a (25)place where they were staying overnight or possibly a

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(1)place where persons were taken for interrogation. We have no information about what happened inside. No one came to give us any report about this.

JUDGE RIAD: Thank you.

(5) • A.: And as a reference point again, I return to the White House. In front left of the White House, the huge structure, completely occupying the top left of the picture is the Akumulator Factory, so the UN base. One element to notice already yet on this (10)factory is construction which is on top of the building and which can be considered as a kind of watchtower of this military compound. We will talk about that point a bit later. The Exhibit 5/20 is a photograph taken very (15)close from the location where Major Kingori and a group of Serb officers were standing, and this shows the proximity of the UN compound from that place. This is a view of the UN compound from that intersection of the road and the path leading to the entrance of the (20)house. And again here you can see the watchtower on top of the Akumulator Factory. Before presenting the next exhibit, one main question which happened was due to the number of reports of crimes committed there, even individual (25)murders or murders of two people, the result of all

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(1)this activity should have been that several dead bodies would have to be taken from this area and buried somewhere. So there was a necessity to find some potential graves in this area in case the bodies would (5)not have been buried at a long distance away from Potocari. The Exhibit 5/21 shows an area behind the Express Compound, which on the photograph is dated 13 July 1995, and the arrows are pointing towards areas of (10)open field. At this moment on the photograph there is nothing special to notice. On the next exhibit, the 5/22, the arrows now are pointing towards areas of obvious disturbed soil. There are some reports of men taken away from this (15)building at the time it was packed with refugees, and taken in and unknown direction behind this facility. So following the information received indicating this disturbed soil, we went to the location in order to find out what it could be, if it was (20)nothing, if it could be a mass grave site. I already informed you that this would not be the case. There is no mass grave here. I will show you again briefly Exhibit 5/22. The exhibit shows three areas of disturbance. From the (25)bottom of the picture, area number 1, and the arrow

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(1)above it shows area number 2. In reality, this is only one area of disturbance. What seems to cut this site in two, in fact, is the tree, which is just where the arrow is [indicates] In reality, on the ground, this (5)is only one area. The third arrow, the one which is at the top of the picture, marks, indeed, another area of disturbance, which is approximately 50, 60 metres away from the first one. We will call, for the sake of this presentation, the site which is at the bottom of the (10)picture, site number 1, and the one above, site number 2. The information I was referring to was dated 1999. So that year we went to the location, first, location number 1, and trenched the entire area in (15)order to find out if some mass grave was located there. Absolutely nothing was found, but there is an interesting situation still here [indicates] You will have a report about that probe by Professor Richard Wright, who was the one present that day. There was, (20)indeed, a hole dug by machinery at this location, but only a hole, and absolutely nothing was put inside this hole. The only question so far would be, why dig such a big hole in that location at that moment? The information is also -- other information (25)in this area is that someone saw a pile of dead bodies

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(1)in the vicinity of this location, so the two elements could have been connected. But, I repeat, this hole is absolutely empty; there is nothing inside. For the possible reason for this, I will show (5)you Exhibit 5/24 now, which is a photograph taken approximately two months later. This is a photograph dated 11 August 1996. This is a photograph taken just standing in front of where the hole has been identified by Professor Wright. The hole was going from the (10)photograph -- from where I'm standing when taking the photograph towards this corner [indicates] So all this area here [indicates] was the area of the hole. If you look in between this tree and in between the back of this Express Compound, you can (15)observe that you are exactly in a straight line with the watchtower of the UN base. So this is really not a good location to dig holes in order to deposit bodies into it. There is a fair possibility that someone could be on the watchtower with a video camera and film (20)all these events. This is only a suggestion. The next exhibit is 525 and shows the area just close to what we call now site number 2, which was the arrow on the aerial imagery which was at the topmost of the picture. The arrow, in reality, is just (25)at the left in this picture. This one was taken on

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(1)purpose, retrieved from the site in order again to see what kind of view one could have on the watchtower or from the watchtower. At the location this photograph was taken, one has a view on the watchtower. But if (5)you move on the left, where the area of disturbance was seen, we have then Exhibit 526. This is a view from site number 2, in the direction of the watchtower, which is totally impossible to see since the view is blocked by this line of trees. The disturbed site, (10)which is visible on the photograph, is the area in front of these trees, a little bit on the left. The area was thoroughly scooped. Absolutely nothing has been dug there. The only possibility to justify the presence of this disturbed soil on the (15)picture is that some machinery went to collect items behind this location. What kind of items, no one has an idea about it. The only thing is that people report disappearances and men taken toward these kinds of locations. The persons are not very precise when they (20)talk about directions where the people were taken, since no one had dared to follow to try to see what was happening after that. The conclusion is that so far we have not found a mass grave in Potocari.

(25) MR. HARMON:

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(1) • Q.: Mr. Ruez, now that you've completed your presentation on Potocari, could we turn to Bratunac. First of all, could you orient the Judges with the map that you have and inform the Judges of the approximate (5)distance between Potocari and Bratunac.

• A.: So we have, in fact, finalised the presentation of the exhibits related to the area here
[indicates], where I had marked an area of a concentration of prisoners and the symbol for (10)small-scale executions. We are now going to move towards Bratunac town. The distance between Potocari and Bratunac is roughly three kilometres, it's a very short distance. In between the two locations is a point which is called (15)Yellow Bridge, which is just the border, the formal border, let's say, between the Srebrenica enclave and the Bratunac area. It is not a bridge; in fact, it is just a yellow ramp alongside a road with a little brook underneath. But this is a point that many people refer (20)to, since there was a checkpoint at the Yellow Bridge, that many witnesses will talk about, including Dutch UN soldiers. Exhibit 6A is a photocopy of a 1:50.000 map of the area of Bratunac. It shows, in fact, the (25)distance between Potocari and Bratunac town, each

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(1)square being one kilometre. The next exhibit is 6/1. This is an aerial photograph of Bratunac town, dated 12 July 1995. The next exhibit will mark on this photograph (5)a certain number of locations which will most probably come up later. The exhibit number is 6/2 and will mark a few interesting locations in Bratunac town, not all of them. Unfortunately, we don't have a picture which has a larger frame and would enable us to plot more (10)locations. The road coming from Potocari, from Srebrenica, is the road which is at the lop left of the photograph. When one comes from Potocari, driving in the direction of the town, you arrive at an (15)intersection where you have the location of the Hotel Fontana, which is the hotel where Mladic and his staff had meetings with representatives -- first, with the Commander of the UN Battalion; then with Nesib Mandic, the Muslim representative of the population who went to (20)Bratunac on the 11th, in the evening; and where the next morning, the 12th, discussions or orders were passed by General Mladic to the three Muslim representatives which were found and willing to represent the people at that moment. These events (25)happened in the Hotel Fontana, marked on the

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(1)photograph. Regarding detention facilities in Bratunac town, there are still things that have to be finalised regarding that topic, but so far the information that (5)we can forward to you is the following: Initially, some people, but probably not in numbers, were taken towards the soccer field on the 12th. We do not have confirmation that these people stayed long on this soccer field. So that location was (10)probably only used initially, but very quickly the prisoners who were on that field were probably taken to facilities. These facilities are potentially the Vuk Karadzic school. We do not have any survivor who (15)stayed inside the Vuk Karadzic school, but we have information from Mr. Miroslav Deronjic who was the President of the SDS at the time for this area, and also the Civilian Commissioner for Srebrenica, designated by President Karadzic. We had information (20)from him that, indeed, one classroom, according to his declarations, was used in the Vuk Karadzic school. We know from survivors that there was a line of buses and trucks parked in front of the Vuk Karadzic school. So here we have two possibilities: Either, in fact, the (25)Vuk Karadzic school was full, the reason why people had

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(1)to stay on board the buses and trucks; or the ones who were taken inside the school were taken there because they had to receive some special treatment. We have no explanations about this, and we have no one who (5)survived his or her stay inside this Vuk Karadzic school. Also behind the Vuk Karadzic school is the Old school, so-called Old school. Survivors stayed in this location from 12 July until 15 July. This is the (10)location from which some were later on taken to the Pilica school and the Branjevo farm. There is a hangar next to this old school, which we initially suspected being a detention facility. A search was conducted there, a few IDs were (15)found, but it's impossible at this point to draft conclusions on them. This building might have been used, but we have absolutely no guarantee that this is the one referred to by one of the key survivors as being the hangar. We will probably soon know exactly (20)where this hangar is, but as of today, I cannot pinpoint that for you on the photograph. The Vihor Compound Company is also marked on this photograph; not because people were detained inside. This might have happened, but we don't know (25)about it. The only thing we know here is that there

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(1)was a line of buses and trucks waiting, full of prisoners, which spent the night between the 13th and the 14th, lined up in front of this Vihor Company. Another line of buses and trucks was at the exit of the (5)town, towards the direction of Konjevic Polje. One very important location which does not appear on this photograph because it is just underneath the blank window in which the title of the photograph is written is the Bratunac Brigade headquarters. One (10)can see a little bit of it just above the photograph, so it still gives an indication of a distance. It is a big factory called Kaolin Factory, and in front of that is a little structure which is the headquarters of the Bratunac Brigade.

(15) • Q.: Mr. Ruez, let me ask you a question. Are you able to tell the Judges your best estimate of the distance between the Hotel Fontana, for example, and the Vuk Karadzic school?

• A.: I would say a bit less than 500 metres.

(20) • Q.: What is the distance between -- your best estimate between the Hotel Fontana and the football field?

• A.: One kilometre maximum.

• Q.: Thank you.

(25) • A.: The Exhibit 6/3 is the photograph of Bratunac

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(1)town, zooming in where you can see lines of trucks. The photograph is dated 12 July, 1400 hours. This is the moment where the deportation is going to start, and the buses are assembling in Bratunac in order to begin (5)the transportation. You can clearly see them on the photograph. They are all parked here along this centre part of the town and where the bus station is.

• Q.: And they also appear to be marked near the Hotel Fontana; isn't that correct?

(10) • A.: Yes, this is correct. Probably more buses are already arriving at this moment. This number of buses is not the number which was used to conduct this operation. Buses were still called in in the area at that moment. (15)The following one, Exhibit 6/4, is even a closer shot, close-up on these buses.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, these last two photographs show 1400 hours. Is that an approximation? That's not an exact time, is it?

(20) • A.: This is approximation. It is not a precise time. We have a very short video from the helicopter to show you of Bratunac in order to have a feeling of the size of this small town, and the various (25)locations can be briefly seen on the film. It is a

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(1)very short videotape.

• Q.: That is videotape -- is it 6/5, Mr. Ruez?

• A.: I hope so. I don't have the reference of it.

(5) • Q.: All right.

MR. HARMON: Could we dim the lights, please, and play that particular video?

• A.: A2B indeed, 6/5.
[Videotape played]

(10) • A.: This is the Akumulator Factory. UN base in Potocari. This is the road going towards Bratunac. This is another factory which was not occupied by any of the refugees. It is much more south -- sorry, north. This is the area more or less where the border (15)was -- no border, the limit. There was no fixed limit anyhow for the enclave. No borders had ever been set. Here you can see the big structure in the middle of the picture is the Kaolin Factory, which is the headquarters of the Bratunac Brigade. (20)This is the centre of town. This is again the factory. All this is, in fact, the town. The town is just constructed around the centre. This is the soccer field. Here you can see the Hotel Fontana, the Vihor Compound.

(25) • Q.: Does that complete the presentation on

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• A.: Yes. This is all what we could show you on Bratunac for the moment.

• Q.: We're about to enter into Sandici; is that (5)correct?

• A.: Yes. The next --

• Q.: Again, would you orient the Judges with your pointer on the map.

• A.: From now on, in fact, we are going to enter (10)the series of events which leads to the final chain of massive killings. The situation we're going to talk about now starts the 11th, in the evening, where the people assembled in the Susnjari area, and during the night begin to cross the lines and the minefields and (15)take the direction of several villages in the direction of Kravica in order then to reach the area of Konjevic Polje and try to break through the lines.

• Q.: Okay. Please have a seat.

THE INTERPRETER: Could the Prosecutor please (20)speak into the microphone.

MR. HARMON: Yes. No problem.

• Q.: All right. Mr. Ruez, why don't you show the Judges Exhibit 7A first, the map, and then we'll proceed with the video.

(25) • A.: On this photocopy of the map of the area,

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(1)scale 1:50.000, the circle is on the location of Sandici. This is the location which can be seen on the film which was filmed by the journalist Zoran Petrovic, and on which we will also turn. (5)The other interesting parts of this map are here you have the assembly area of Susnjari, at the bottom right of the picture.

• Q.: For the record, you've put a red circle around the area; is that correct?

(10) • A.: Absolutely. I have put a red circle. In between the grid reference 5791 and 5891. It's roughly the grid reference of this assembly area. It was not one precise location. It was all this area which was used and from which then the trail started. (15)I would also circle the village of Bare, which is a reference for many of the people who had a knowledge of the area and knew a little bit where they were going and not only following the person in front of them. (20)And I would also circle the little hamlet named Kamenica, which is the area where a massive ambush took place. Bare is also an area where an ambush took place and shelling. Many people were wounded in this location also. And these are the (25)situations which then led to the massive surrender of

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(1)the people who were blocked in this area, didn't know any longer what was happening in front of the column. In reality, at that moment, at 12 in the evening, the head of the column was already passing (5)through the intersection of Konjevic Polje, and they already said once the spearhead of the column with the armed forces in front has passed, this area of Konjevici, towards Nova Kasaba, all this area was blocked with military forces and nearly no one managed (10)to go through. Some managed to go through the night, but as you will see later on on photographs of this area, it is open terrain and very difficult to manage to go through such a place when soldiers are blocking it. (15)So from that point then, the 13th, in the morning -- also during the night the people report infiltration of soldiers among the groups, murdering of wounded, a certain number of situations, would then the next morning lead to the surrender, and I repeat again, (20)encouraged by Serb forces lined up along this stretch of road using stolen UN equipment and luring people out of the area by providing them with fake safe guarantees. We have again the photograph of the VRS soldier wearing the UN helmet, who can be seen on the (25)Zoran Petrovic film.

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(1) • Q.: Mr. Ruez, stay with the map for just a moment. Are there power lines that went along the ridge that are evident in this particular map? Can you indicate to the Judges the location of the power line?

(5) • A.: Yes. Unfortunately, this one is not -- it is a black and white copy so it's less obvious, but I'm going to mark the power line. The power line is the important feature as a Fil d'Ariane, to follow by the people who were trying to escape this area.

(10) • Q.: Did the power line orient the people in the direction that they were supposed to flee?

• A.: Yes. The power line was supposed to lead them towards the intersection of Konjevic Polje, but the power line was only a reference point, since the (15)power line is, in fact, between the road and the top of a hill. So this is an area where the men, in fact, avoided to walk. They walked on the south ridge in order not to be visible from the asphalt road. But you can see these straight lines on the (20)map. This is one power line but it's not the one we're talking about. You have another one that goes from west to east like this, and this is the one that people were attempting to follow. In fact, in this area here.

(25) • Q.: All right. Mr. Ruez, please continue.

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(1) • A.: We are now going to show again the extracts -- an extract of a videotape filmed by Mr. Zoran Petrovic.

MR. HARMON: And for the record, (5)Mr. President and Your Honours, that's Prosecutor's Exhibit number 3. We showed that yesterday. If we could dim the lights, we will now show a portion of that video. Tell the Judges what particular significance this (10)portion of this video is to your presentation.

• A.: The interesting part of this is that since we came in 1996, just after the winter, at the moment the snow had melted and before the grass grew up, we managed to identify the place quite easily and mainly a (15)lot of items were still available for observation. So this would not have been the case if we had returned them there in 1997 or 1998. You will see that on the chronology of the photographs also.

MR. HARMON: Could you start the film, (20)please?
[Videotape played]


• Q.: Is this the Sandici meadow?

• A.: This is the Sandici meadow. There are (25)several elements here that have to be noted. We'll

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(1)have to show stills extracted from it. Here was a destroyed house and a pylon on the right-hand side of the meadow.

• Q.: Did this man survive, Mr. Ruez?

(5) • A.: No. This man has disappeared. He's calling his son to surrender, to come out of the woods and surrender. This is the beginning the surrendering process. These people are probably among the first ones arrived on the meadow. (10)I have nothing on my screen.

• Q.: We're waiting.
[Videotape played]

• A.: Okay. So here you can see again the Serb soldier wearing the blue helmet. Here there is a tank, (15)which is to be noted. One man, plus two others, following him, surrendering on this meadow. This one being directed -- passing by the edge of a big house, then walking on a concrete path, going down on the road. This is a trial going from downhill uphill. (20)Here it seems flat. In reality it goes downhill. You will see later on that view without people on it. Here piles of clothes. At the right hand here you will have the big White House. This is the trail of the people just before arriving on the asphalt (25)road. The asphalt road is 50 metres behind -- in front

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(1)of them. That's the path that comes down from the ambush. It is also just very nearby the asphalt road, the last metres before arriving on the asphalt road. This young boy managed to escape from this (5)area, was identified by a journalist from the BBC, Enver Husic. He was supposed to go and fetch some water at some point for the wounded and managed to get on board of a bus which was passing by and escape the area. (10)This man is going down. The house is behind us. He's going down the asphalt road, and he's going to be directed towards the meadow where the other ones are sitting and waiting. The wounded are taken towards destroyed houses which are on the left of the meadow, (15)looking in that direction.

• Q.: Thank you. Mr. Ruez, why don't you now commence your presentation on Sandici meadow.

• A.: First of all, we're going to view the video. The video we have put together is starting, in fact, (20)from the ambush sites. In fact, it starts with a film from a helicopter, starting in the vicinity, in the area of the village Bare, which was circled on the map, on the photocopy of the map, where shelling took place. The column was ambushed in that area, and there (25)is still clothing to be seen on the film from the

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(1)helicopter. It was a helicopter -- it was an IFOR helicopter at that time who did this mission, on our request, with map references. In that same area where this clothing can be (5)seen, in fact, there are even bones inside the clothing, and you will see a skull also seen from the helicopter. This area has been processed in 1996 by a team of experts from Finland who were operating in that (10)area in 1996, totally disconnected from our activities, they were collecting surface remains. But it's important to note that 600 bodies have been collected in that area. These are bodies of victims killed in combat, in ambushes, in shelling, and possibly also in (15)other circumstances which are impossible to sort out between -- I mean, for us, at least, between combat and other situations.

MR. HARMON: Mr. Ruez, we're going to pause, I believe, for a break, and we'll continue with your (20)presentation after the break.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Yes. I think it's a good idea because it will take us quite some time to view this. It's much better to prepare ourselves adequately. (25)We shall have a 20-minute break, and we will

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(1)resume after that.

--- Recess taken at 10.45 a.m.

--- On resuming at 11.13 a.m.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] (5)Mr. Harmon.


• Q.: Mr. Ruez, we're going to start. We will start with a video, and the video number, for the audio booth, is 7/12.

(10) MR. HARMON: If we could have the lights dimmed, Mr. President, we'll start with the video, and Mr. Ruez will explain this particular video as it progresses.
[Videotape played]

(15) • A.: So this is the area of Bare. It is a hilly area behind the road Bratunac-Konjevic Polje. So it is on the trail of the column, nine months after the fact. No. This video, I think, is dated June 1996, so nearly one year after the facts. It's an area where a (20)lot of personal items are scattered. In fact, the main concentration of items and bodies are in the trees, the line of trees. The number of bodies collected there in 1996, as I said, is around 600, and this is important (25)information in order to check, in fact, the ability of

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(1)many of the witnesses to assess numbers. In this location, the assessment of victims provided by the witnesses is much more than what has been collected. The numbers usually announced in this area are 1.500 to (5)2.000 victims, but there is a natural inflation of the assessment of numbers in these circumstances. Here, in fact, these traces are shelling traces on the ground. These are the shell impacts of 1996. (10)Here you can see, in fact, human remains. Here you have part of a skull here, another skull here. This is an area where many bodies are under the line of trees. So all this is still part of what we consider combat operations. These would be the last (15)bodies related to combat operations. This is a general view of the area. This is the road that goes from Sandici towards Bare. The road turning left, behind this hill, will be in the direction of Sandici. The film will continue by road, (20)a little piece of the road. No, sorry, I only used helicopter views for this one. This is the road going down to Sandici, the path going down. Here we can have the volume a bit higher. This is the area where -- this is the area where there (25)are bones in the field. I will have to repeat some of

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(1)the sentences that Peter Nicholson is giving. In 1996, Peter Nicholson is a colleague from the Office of the Prosecutor who was together with us on missions at that time. All the videos from 1996 have his voice on it. (5)For the sake of the French record, I will have to repeat from time to time the key elements he is giving because the translation room will not translate these words. Here you have a view on Sandici from the top (10)of the hill where the people came down to surrender. This feature here [indicates], this White House, is the key element on the ground in this location. It will be a constant reference point. This is the White House again. (15)The people who were surrendering were going up this slope, arriving at the White House. Going towards Bratunac, Kravica/Bratunac. This is the path that people took when they were directed, in the film of Zoran Petrovic, to go towards the meadow. They were (20)going down this slope, arriving on the road, and then going toward the meadow. This is the path going uphill in the meadow. The houses in front are the houses where the wounded were taken. This is a stretcher still lying on the (25)ground. A lot of clothing which was abandoned before

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(1)the people were taken away from this location. We collected numbers of items on this field, mainly identification cards. Many of them were illegible, but several of them still had very clear names on it. (5)This is the side of the house where on the film the people were directed to go down. This is the location where at one point a group of people are helping a wounded, carrying a wounded uphill. Men were taken towards this house. No one knows what happened (10)to them once they were inside. They didn't come out. All this was an area of heavy fighting in 1993, so many of these traces are impossible to date. Shell casings were found in this location but they could have been fired at any moment. (15)This is a location behind the house. This is the trail that the refugees were taken, and on the Zoran Petrovic film, this is the place where the people were moving uphill carrying the wounded, where the man was interviewed, asked if he was afraid, and he said, (20)"Who would not be?" And this is the location of the former Muslim cemetery behind it. Here all the items are very visible. At that time it was all high grass and one ID could have been collected in this location. (25)At the time of the events there was high

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(1)grass and the trail was just making a path. On this view now here, since it is just after the snow melted, the entire area is with very short grass. So everything is visible. The concentration of items is (5)getting even more concentrated when one reaches the house. This is exactly the location where one man, who was dressed in brown with a bloodstain on his backpack, had to walk along this side of the house. (10)This is one of the IDs collected on that spot. Mehmedovic, Hasim, born in 1943. There were several 20-millimetre shells scattered in this area. Most probably ... We had one body on the film. This is not the (15)location where this body was. This is another body. We don't draft any conclusion on his presence there. We don't know the date of the death. We don't know the cause of the death. He's just there.

• Q.: All right. If we could have the lights (20)raised. Mr. Ruez, you can continue your presentation on the Sandici meadow.

• A.: I'm going to show you the Exhibit 7/1. This is an aerial photograph dated 13 July 1995 at 1400 hours, approximately 1400 hours. What can be seen (25)on this photograph, before I show you the one with

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(1)markings on it, is the path on top of the picture going from where it is written "group of people" is the road we were driving on by vehicle and that the people who were surrendering in this location took, walking down (5)that path, arriving in this curve where the elevation of the ground starts, getting up this hill, walking along -- across this field, arriving at this house, walking along the edge of the house, then getting down on the asphalt road just here, turning right, walking (10)towards this group of destroyed houses which can be seen here on the photograph, house 1, house 2, house 3. Then they had to sit on the meadow, which is just here. I'm going on the next exhibit, which is the (15)7/2, where these reference points are now marked. You have a trail, you have a destroyed house which we also call here the White House because it's white, big, and destroyed. You have a group of prisoners marked on the photograph. At this moment, this group is not (20)extremely large. It's very difficult to assess how many people are on this -- on this meadow. There would be a possibility to do some estimate, but it would be very fuzzy just for one reason. When you look at the situation here, in fact, it is a slope. So there is a (25)problem of perspective here to have a real idea of what

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(1)size is occupied on the field. But there is no doubt that this is only the beginning of the process. Much more people will be concentrated on this meadow at a later stage. This is the beginning of the process.

(5) • Q.: Mr. Ruez, let me ask you a question about this particular exhibit. There are, on the road, a number of white rectangular objects. What are those?

• A.: Yes. This one I will show you them on the next exhibit, 7/3, which is a blow-up of this area. (10)Exhibit 7/3, you have a closer view of the meadow with, again, the White House, destroyed building, the group of people, and these bars, white little bars on the road, are buses. There are additional items of interest also (15)which I will show you on another photograph which is marked and which is at the same scale than this one. It is the Exhibit 7/4. On this photograph the same elements already described can be seen, but in addition you can observe (20)that there is one small vehicle parked in the vicinity of where the truck is going to the meadow is starting. On the right of that white dot, which is a light vehicle, is an unidentified vehicle, which is apparently probably a military object, but it is very (25)difficult to assess what it could be.

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(1)You have, on the right of the concentration of prisoners on the meadow, also another unidentified vehicle on this photograph. You have destroyed houses, and in front of the destroyed houses, not marked on the (5)picture, is a black spot with a triangular shape. This is the shadow of a pylon on the meadow. You will see photographs of this pylon. It is an important reference point to ensure where we are at this location. This will be shown to you later. (10)The vehicle which on this vehicle is unidentified is, in fact, a tank which we can see on the Zoran Petrovic film. The tank is parked just in front of the group of prisoners. We have made this identification extremely recently, and this is a very (15)interesting corroborating point for one of the persons you will hear talking about his or deal from this meadow and how he survived the events in the Kravica warehouse. He doesn't know where he was, he's still not informed where he was, but there is no doubt for us (20)that this is exactly the location where he was sitting on the meadow. You have received a statement of this person and a sketch he's attached to it. The sketch marks indeed the building which is on the photograph but not (25)on the opposite side of the road, which is quite a

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(1)logic one. I will show you later on a photograph which is a view the people had when they are sitting on the meadow. On some locations, once you are sitting, you do not see the asphalt road any more. You only have (5)the sight of the big White House which is on the opposite side of the road, that can give a feeling to someone staying several hours on that location that, in fact, this house is on the same side of the road as the meadow and not on the opposite side of the road. That (10)would be the only discrepancy between his description of the location and the elements we have now compiled to assess if indeed this was or not the location.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, what is the name of that witness you've just --

(15) • A.: [redacted]

• Q.: Thank you.

• A.: We will maybe use the opportunity at this moment to show a photograph of a -- no. We can show that later. (20)One other additional element here. Where it is marked "large trucks," indeed if you compare the size of these trucks with the size of a bus, for example, it is clear that it's not a bus who can move its markings. These markings are caterpillar tracks. (25)It can come from a bulldozer, for example, but it can

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(1)also come from a tank, and these tracks are indeed tank-size large. This is indeed the position where the tank is supposed to be parked. So one can logically assume that these large tracks are, in fact, the tracks (5)left by the tank that was parked in this location and that we have on photograph in the Zoran Petrovic video. This Exhibit 7/5 is a colour photograph from the same meadow. This was filmed from the helicopter (10)in 1999. So long after the events. Some of the traces are still visible on the ground with an attentive eye. The interest of this one would also be to help in assessing the numbers. This is viewed from another angle. If we had to reproduce (15)on this photograph the position where the people were sitting the shape would be different, because on the other one, the angle gives another view of this. If we had to mark on this photograph the position of the people who are on the aerial photograph, they will be (20)much more lined along this part, facing the direction of the house and sitting in a stretched direction towards the bottom part of this picture going uphill. But at one moment the slope is steep. So photographed from behind, it is impossible to make an assessment, (25)because people would hide those who are sitting in

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(1)front of them. So this assessment is very hard to make and is not really interesting because the aerial photograph is just one instant shot. It doesn't give any (5)indication on what happened before, how many people were there just before or just after, since from that meadow, at one point, people are moved away from the site towards Bratunac. And we don't know in what sequence all these events happened. After, the only (10)people who could give us information about that were taken away, but these ones were taken towards the Kravica warehouse. The next photograph is Exhibit 7/6. This is a view, dated end of April, early May 1996, and shows (15)again the items which can be found at the back of the White House. This is a view that one would have if you would walk down the hill, which is south of Kravica, towards Sandici, in order to surrender. This is exactly the trail followed by these persons, and they (20)had to walk at the left part of this house. This is the location where the man, who, in the Zoran Petrovic film, is dressed in brown and is carrying a backpack with a bloodstain on it, is walking, and one soldier is pointing a finger towards the Sandici meadow, just (25)behind that house.

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(1)The additional interest of this photograph is to provide you with the feeling of what items on the ground looked like once photographed from the air and with maximum enlargement on it. (5)What you will see on the next photograph, which is Exhibit 7/7, this is again, at the bottom of the picture, the White House we were talking about, and at the left side of this house, all these white dots are the personal items which can be seen on the film (10)and on the photograph. These are the kinds of traces these items leave on the ground. So this is not of immediate relevance for the events which happened there, but it's a good indication to enable you to determine what can be the objects which, on this (15)photograph, in the end only appear like little dots. But this concentration of little dots here [indicates] is personal items and clothing. On the other side of the road, you can see an area of disturbance. This is trash and abandoned (20)material. The large tracks that you can see on the left part of it are, again, the traces left by the heavy machine which was positioned on this meadow and that we now are certain is the tank which can be seen on the Zoran Petrovic video. That tank, according to (25)witnesses, was moving from time to time from that

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(1)location. There was also an anti-aircraft gun mounted on top of a vehicle present in the vicinity of this meadow, and it is described by the witnesses who were sitting on the meadow. (5)The next photograph, 7/8, is a view of the Sandici meadow but photographed the year after, in 1997, April 1997. Next to these two HUMVEE vehicles parked in front of the meadow, you can see piles of trash. This trash occurs in addition to the trash (10)which can be observed on the aerial imagery which was just previously shown; it was not there in 1996. What you can also see is the shape of the meadow, where the corn field is here [indicates] Just in between where the two vehicles are parked is more or (15)less the size of -- occupied by the people who are on the aerial photograph. It is roughly the terrain that they occupied in terms of how large the group was. But then, how long is very difficult because, as you can see, you have this elevation of the ground just behind (20)the corn field, and on the photograph, the people reached that part. So it's very hard to assess at one point how many are on the meadow. It's also interesting to note that in 1997 -- this is a corn field, so all the items which could be (25)observed there in 1996 would never have been observed

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(1)had we gone there in 1997. Mowing an entire corn field and then trying to find pieces of identification would not be feasible. The following exhibit is a panorama of (5)several pictures pasted together and which offers a view of 90 degrees of area just in front of the meadow. So this is the view that a prisoner sitting on the meadow would have if he was sitting on the right part of this meadow. I will have to pass it under the (10)ELMO from right to left.

• Q.: I think if you just reference it by number, it's sufficient. I don't think you're going to be able to --

• A.: I think I can. I think I can, yes. We can (15)try, at least. Can we zoom in?

• Q.: I'm going to have my assistant help you on this. If we can have the --

• A.: This will be fine.

MR. HARMON: Could the image be played on the (20)ELMO, please.

THE INTERPRETER: Microphone for counsel, please.

• A.: So looking from the right to the left, which is from the west towards the east, the first things you (25)can see here are the group of destroyed houses, three

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(1)destroyed houses. This is the location where the wounded were taken. It's hard to believe that it was to protect them from the heat, since there is absolutely no roof on top of these houses. But this is (5)a picture dated 1999, and these houses are no more in the shape which they were in 1995 and 1996. So, in fact, just forget about this comment, I should not have made it, because we have no clear indication of exactly how these places were. And who knows? There might (10)have been a little bit of shade available here. No one knows what happened to the ones who were taken towards these houses, at least none of the survivors we talked with. I'm going to move the picture now towards the (15)east. Then you have the corn field. There is an additional feature here on this part, because this is the part which I will then use to show you the ground details which enable us to make sure that this is, indeed, the location of the Zoran Petrovic film. You (20)have here this pylon, which I already indicated is visible on the aerial imagery, and on top of this house here [indicates], you can see there is a hill going up with one tree, like this [indicates] The other items which can be seen on the film are some pylons which are (25)on top of the hill. In fact, one is not visible on

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(1)this photograph because the hill is too high, but there is a pylon on top of it which can be seen also on the Zoran Petrovic film. So this continues to show the meadow, the (5)house. The valley from which the people are coming from is the valley which is behind this hill, turning right here [indicates], and then it goes towards the left. So people who would be sitting on the left part of the meadow here [indicates], for example, would only (10)see the top of vehicles, they would not see the asphalt road. That could give the feeling that this house is, in fact, on the same side of the road that they are sitting and not on the opposite one. And here is another pylon, but we don't use it as a reference (15)point.


• Q.: One question, Mr. Ruez, on this particular panorama. Which direction is Bratunac?

• A.: Bratunac is on the left, direction east. The (20)intersection of Konjevic Polje is the direction west, on the right of this photograph.

• Q.: Thank you.

• A.: I have to change a little bit if the chronology of presentation to add the three exhibits we (25)have just created in order to implement the part I'm

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(1)talking about, which is the certainty that we are, indeed, talking about the same location. Now, it is Exhibit 7/15, which is a photograph of a man standing in a meadow, a poor-quality printout.

(5) MR. HARMON: Mr. Dubuisson will distribute those in just a moment, Your Honours.

• A.: The man on the photograph is not the important part, so the light reflection, it is not a problem. (10)It's a poor-quality printout. We could do better than that. But all the things that are visible on this photograph can also be seen in the Zoran Petrovic video, in a much more clear way. The house here [indicates] is to be compared with the house on (15)the meadow, on the panorama photograph. The first house on the right, the recognisable features are the two windows. On this one, you can see that there are still some pieces of wood which form part of the roof. They don't exist anymore in 1999. Here on the (20)photograph you have the pylon. It's hard to see, but you can see here these dark areas that go above the hill. This is the pylon.

• Q.: And you're referring to the upper left-hand corner, under the time --

(25) • A.: Yes, on the left side of the head of the man,

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(1)just underneath the date -- not the date, the time, 11.44.10, it's just under the "11". It's much more clear on the original footage. You can also see that this hill, which was (5)easily identifiable on the right hand of the panorama picture, the hill going up. Unfortunately, the frame is just underneath the other tree, but I have no doubt that if we change a little bit of this frame, this will be -- the tree will be there in the same position. (10)The next exhibit is 7/14. This is a printout of the tank we were talking about. The only thing is that in reality, on this photograph, the tank had moved and is in another position. We could take a still which is a better view of that, and -- where the tank (15)is on the meadow. This is not, unfortunately, not the correct one. It is most probably the same machine but filmed at another moment in the video and could even be different. But we have on the Zoran Petrovic video the tank clearly visible, as well as an armoured personnel (20)carrier which is visible nearby the big White House. In that same vicinity is also an army truck which is visible, which is the Exhibit 7/13. So that can be one which can be seen on the aerial photograph, but the main reference on this meadow is the tank. (25)We'll take a proper extract of that tank.

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(1)The next exhibit is 7/10, which is, in fact, just a view for recollection of the video regarding the number of items scattered on this meadow. We have full video footage of all these things. It would have been (5)a bit lengthy to cut and paste all these, but all the items have been filmed at the moment we were collecting them, and several of them are kept in evidence. One important piece of information regarding any kind of IDs that could be found at such locations (10)is that aside from confirming that the persons are declared missing, there is not much one can conclude from it. Knowing that many people carried IDs on behalf of others, that someone could have dropped also IDs at any moment in that area, so the only thing that (15)we could say about an identification found there is if a person is declared missing or not, but more than that would be difficult. One ID was shown during the footage, it was the identification of Hasim Mehmedovic, born in 1943. (20)So as an example, for this person, a weapon permit issued to this person was also found in Sandici. So we have not been able to identify this person or any relatives. However, Mehmedovic, born 4 March 1943 in Kamenica appears as reported missing from Kamenica on (25)14 July 1995 by a daughter.

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(1)These are the kinds of elements we could collect following discoveries of identifications in these circumstances, but there are so many people who crossed through that area that we won't use this for (5)our final demonstration. The next photograph is the Exhibit 7/11.

• Q.: Now, Mr. Ruez, I'm go to ask you, in respect of 7/11, to take your pen and circle the important feature of this photograph.

(10) • A.: This photograph is taken from the east side of the White House, so on the south part of the road Bratunac-Konjevic Polje, looking in the direction of Bratunac. The first area one can see is, in fact, the area in between Sandici and the village of Kravica, the (15)village of Kravica being the village which suffered an attack of Muslim forces coming from the Srebrenica area and who raided that village during the celebrations of the orthodox eve and destroyed a number of buildings there and killed yet an unknown, undetermined number of (20)people, but very heavy casualties were suffered by this locality at that time. If we zoom in this part of the photograph, you can see the asphalt road in the middle of the picture. This road continues inside this valley, and (25)at the end of this road here, you can see a White

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(1)Building which is just at the left of the house which is in the middle of the picture, which has a very white wall with a red roof. Just at the left of it are two white structures. These structures are the (5)agricultural warehouse complex of Kravica, the so-called Kravica warehouse. This is the distance between the meadow of Sandici and the Kravica warehouse.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, would you put a circle around the (10)agricultural buildings? Can you estimate for the Judges the approximate distance between Sandici meadow and those particular warehouses?

• A.: I will return to the map for that. Say roughly one kilometre. One kilometre. (15)This is what we needed to say regarding the Sandici meadow before arriving to the next crime scene.

• Q.: Okay. The next crime scene, Mr. Ruez, is the location of the agricultural buildings that you've circled in Prosecutor's Exhibit 7/11; is that correct?

(20) • A.: That is correct.

• Q.: All right. Why don't we move to Kravica then. Again, if you could orient the Judges on the big map first.

• A.: So on the main --

(25) • Q.: You need to put on the microphone.

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(1) • A.: On the main map, here again is the location of Sandici, with the symbol we have determined to mark concentration area for prisoners, and the location of the village of Kravica. The red dot is marking an area (5)of mass execution, which is the event we are going to unfold now, what happened inside the Kravica warehouse. Exhibit 8A is again a photocopy of a scale 1:50.000 of the area. The circle is around the (10)location where the Kravica warehouse is. To be more precise, the warehouse -- it's not visible on this photograph, but the warehouse is just on the south part of the road just along the asphalt road and the meadow of Sandici is very nearby, approximately one kilometre (15)away from it towards the west.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, the events that you're going to be describing that occurred at the Kravica warehouse occurred on what date?

• A.: On 13 July 1995. Again, the massive (20)surrender started the 13th in the morning, continued during the day. People were moved away from that meadow the beginning of the afternoon. The general direction taken by this group of prisoners should be Bratunac, since that was the final destination of most (25)of those who were captured and were not executed at the

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(1)moment. They had their first contact with the forces who were in this vicinity. At some point, a series of events happens is that a first group is taken on board of buses and (5)driven towards Bratunac. They stop in front of these agricultural warehouses. They turn right to enter the warehouse complex, and they unload the prisoners inside one part of the warehouse, which is the east part of the warehouse. (10)Sometime later, apparently another group, a much more larger group, is walked toward Bratunac, but the same situation, these ones will never reach Bratunac. They stop at the Kravica warehouse and they are entered into another part of this warehouse which (15)is the west part of the warehouse. So we have at that moment two groups of prisoners, 13th of July in the afternoon in the Kravica warehouse, one very large group which is inside the west part and which arrived second, and one first group (20)which is occupying one part of the east part of the warehouse. I will show you an exhibit which is the Exhibit 8/1, which is an aerial imagery dated 13 July 1995, at 1400 hours.

(25) • Q.: Again, that's a proximate time, is it?

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(1) • A.: An approximate time, not a precise time. On this photograph, we can consider that we have a perfect implementation of the testimony of [redacted], who, on the sketch which is attached to the statement which (5)was provided to you, you can see that he marked a position of a bus which was transporting him to that warehouse exactly where the first bus in the middle of this photograph is positioned, just in front of the opening of this warehouse. There is a second bus just (10)behind it. The second group, the large group, was taken -- the arrival -- the access route for these buses -- in fact, I need to tell you that also. On the right of the photograph is the direction of Konjevic (15)Polje. On the left of the photograph is the direction of Bratunac. Just coming from Konjevic Polje, in fact from Sandici meadow towards the agricultural warehouse, the vehicle of the people is coming from the right of this picture. (20)Just passing the first main warehouse, parallel to the road, is the access to the warehouse complex. The vehicle has to turn right and then enter the complex to park in front of the agricultural warehouse. (25)Sorry. I return to this exhibit. Other

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(1)elements have to be noted on this photograph. The surroundings are important, because they also enable us to check the credibility of the people who are talking about the events in that location. (5)At that moment, on this photograph, there are cornfields, cornfields around the warehouse. You can note that, for example, if you look just at the angle, a bit of the road, and the entrance to the warehouse, just at the corner here you have a field and you have a (10)black little line here and you have another black little line here, which is, in fact, at some point entering the cornfield. This is the shadow made by the high corn. If there would be no shadow here, there would be probably no corn, but this shadow indicates (15)that there is corn, and you have the same situation behind it as well. So if we consider that someone could manage to escape this place, there are not many solutions, in fact. Since the logic is that the people who committed (20)the things are anyhow occupying the road, no one would most certainly take the chance to go to this road. So either someone would go directly straight at the back of the warehouse toward these trees, tree, line and then arriving behind where there is a hill and a forest (25)or would have to cross the cornfield which is behind

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(1)the warehouse, cross that line of trees and enter other cornfields just behind, which would reach up to the hill. I will show you that on colour photographs.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, this is Prosecutor's Exhibit 8/2; (5)correct?

• A.: Yes. So it happens at random again here that this photograph, despite of the fact that it is taken in 1999, shows, in fact, the ground very similar to the time of the events. There is high corn on this field. (10)You also can see here, and this can give you some indications and reference point in terms of sizes. You have here on the asphalt road a little truck, and you can see also parked in the vicinity of the right entrance of the warehouse the west entrance. (15)You can see also a truck parked on it. This is a good way to understand the link between aerial imagery and ground imagery. On this photograph, you can better see how the warehouse is structured. We will talk, in fact, (20)mainly -- I mean, only about this main warehouse, which is parallel to the road. This is the only one where we know for sure events happened, since we have survivors from the two events. It is not impossible that other events happened in other places but there are no traces (25)of it.

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(1)The warehouse, which is on the opposite of the main one which is parallel to the road and the one which is now, in fact, parallel to the little river which is behind the road and the hill, is a little (5)pigsty. This one on his -- at his left at the back and so on the top left of the picture, was apparently -- was, at least in 1996, used to store goods of humanitarian aid, and the one which is at the left of the picture, at the bottom left, was a kind of (10)administrative building. Nevertheless, in the part which is closest to the road, there were some -- the place had been freshly repainted and there were some bullet holes visible on the ceiling, but it is impossible to date these holes. They could have (15)happened at any moment, also between whenever, 1992 and that date. Here the two parts of the warehouse are visible, but we'll have a closer shot on this one.

• Q.: Now, Mr. Ruez, with Prosecutor's Exhibit 8/3, (20)if you'd like to take that dark pen and with an arrow just point to the part of the warehouse facility that is the site of the mass execution.

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: So the record is perfectly clear each of (25)these buildings we're talking about.

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(1) • A.: Exhibit 8/3 shows a view of the warehouse complex seen from a little elevation on the hill just in front -- on the front left of it.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, just put a circle around the (5)building that we're talking about.

• A.: This is the arrow marking the east part of the warehouse with the entrance door here, and on the same building -- sorry, I said east. It is west. The right part of it on this photograph is the west part of (10)the warehouse, and this entrance here leads to the east part of the photograph. These two parts of the warehouse were occupied with prisoners. There is a central part. You will have more details about it later. We have no idea of the presence or no presence (15)of prisoners here since no one survived to give us information about that precise spot.

• Q.: So the record is perfectly clear, Mr. Ruez has put two arrows and a circle on the building that we're going to be talking about.

(20) • A.: Interest also of this photograph is to set the surroundings of the warehouse complex. The interesting parts to observe here are indeed an open space of former cornfield just behind this warehouse. The photograph here is dated June -- sorry, I have to (25)check it. Yes, June -- probably June 1996. Not sure

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(1)1996 -- yes. I might have to confirm that date. It's the same date of the film we're going to see later and the date is announced on the film.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Excuse me. (5)The date here is the 12th of April.

• A.: [Previous translation continues] ... date of the photograph. Yes. The date of the event was 13th of July. The date this photograph was taken is probably, yes, end of April, early May 1996. It might (10)be June 1996. I'm not certain about it, but we'll have a certain date on the video. So here one can see the big hill which is just behind the warehouse and also a path leading uphill. On the screen it's very hard to see, but on (15)the photograph it's clear, the path going up this hill. Then there is an open area on top of this hill, an open, flat area. It is a ground reference for one of the persons who managed to survive that location. The next exhibit is a panorama. Exhibit (20)number 8/4. The photograph is dated January 1996, the first entrance we made in Republika Srpska. On this panorama, you have nearly the entire facade of the warehouse, seen from the road. Starting from the west is the former entrance through which the (25)prisoners who were marched towards the warehouse had to

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(1)enter. At that moment, the east part of the warehouse, where the people who arrived by bus, was already occupied. The first group was the one who (5)arrived by bus. The ones who arrived by bus, as you can see on the photograph, the bus was just parked just in front of these three large openings. The prisoners who were getting out of these buses were sitting at the extreme east part of this building. They did not (10)occupy the entire size of this warehouse, they occupied only the complete left part of it. The central part, where I said we don't know what happened there, is this one [indicates] That opening leads to a little room --

(15) • Q.: When you say "this one," Mr. Ruez, you're pointing to the large opening on the right-hand side of the photograph?

• A.: Yes. In fact, it would be more or less on the left -- just under the letter "A," which is on top (20)of this building, some blue inscription. Then next to it is another opening with some markings on top. This is another entrance to the west part of the warehouse, but this was not used to enter. The one which was used to enter is the one at the (25)extreme east. But obviously it was probably used for

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(1)some to try to exit. So far I cannot tell you more details about the destruction here, since the assumption at this point has always been that it might have been caused by (5)the excavator, who later on entered this place to clean up the bodies inside. But we have to check that, we have a possibility to have a check on this, so for the moment, we cannot draft that conclusion.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, before you move from that (10)particular exhibit, the small door that has what appears to be pockmarks all around it, can you tell the Judges what those are?

• A.: Yes. As I just said, this is also an opening which enables someone to get inside the west part of (15)the warehouse, but as far as we know, this was not used to enter the location. The men had to enter from the door which is at the complete -- extreme east. The last one to enter said that this was completely jammed, the people were pressed each against another, he had (20)hardly space to get in. So we can make the assumption that the men were probably standing and compressed each with another. But there is a possibility, I will have to show you on the -- to return to the exhibit later on, and there is a possibility to have a quite (25)precise -- not precise, but an assessment of how many

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(1)people could be in this place.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, my question is, what are these marks that are around this door frame?

• A.: All the pockmarks which can be seen on the (5)facade are caused by bullets, either small-arms bullets or heavy type of machines, like machine-guns. We have no pictures of this warehouse from before July 1995, so we cannot say if all these traces are connected with the July 1995 event. Some could (10)very well be connected with the previous events of 1993. But there are so many other elements here which confirm the chronology of events as we know it happened that our assumption at this stage is that probably all these bullet holes are caused by the event we are going (15)to describe.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, why don't we stop now your presentation for a few minutes for a break, and we'll return to it after.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Yes, (20)Mr. Harmon. We will have a 20-minute break. Maybe, Mr. Harmon, you should focus a little bit on what we have and leave aside what we do not have. If you could go directly to the photograph and tell us exactly what it means, what it represents, and proceed a bit faster.

(25) MR. HARMON: Yes.

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(1) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] So a 20-minute break.

--- Recess taken at 12.20 p.m.

--- On resuming at 12.45 p.m.

(5) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Harmon.


• Q.: Mr. Ruez, we're going to continue. The two exhibits that I'm going to ask you to show next are (10)Exhibits 8/5 and 8/5A, which show different aspects of the same location within the warehouse. Can you explain the significance of these two exhibits?

• A.: Exhibit 8/5 is a photograph taken 12 April 1996, the date is on the picture. This is a photograph (15)taken inside the west part of the warehouse, and the traces you can see on the wall here [indicates] mark, in fact, the former location of a structure inside this warehouse which was referred to by a survivor as a guardhouse inside this warehouse. (20)When we initially came to this place in January 1996, there was hay covering all the ground, there were many elements of destruction, and for a very short visit of five minutes, this location was not seen. The witness informed us that the structure he (25)saw inside did not exist and that maybe the location

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(1)was wrong. In fact, when we returned there later in April, we discovered this location. One of the elements, aside from the traces on the wall which clearly mark that there was, indeed, (5)some construction here, the other element of interest is on the Exhibit 8/5A, and these are the little blue tiles that one can see at the bottom of the wall and which were -- which make a clear difference between the rest of the warehouse. Only probably the inside of (10)this so-called guardhouse had these little blue tiles at the bottom of the wall. This is a location which was used by a person to sneak inside and survive the explosions which occurred inside the building.

• Q.: Who was that, Mr. Ruez?

(15) • A.: I don't have his name by heart.

• Q.: You can come back to it in a moment.

• A.: Yes. We would also need to check the requirements these people have in terms of confidentiality.

(20) • Q.: All right.

• A.: Exhibit 8/6 is a photograph taken inside the west part of the warehouse and which shows a stain of blood in the corner, which is the corner at the north-west of the main warehouse, in the west part. (25)Just an example. You will see more of that on the

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(1)video footage which summarises the main observations which could be done in these locations at the end of April 1996. The next exhibit is 8/7. The video put (5)together unfortunately does not film the ceiling of the warehouse. The ceiling is approximately three metres high, and this is a photograph taken in the west part of the warehouse and shows the ceiling. There are several very clear bloodstains on this ceiling. The (10)reason why we can assume it is blood is that the rest of the samples have been analysed and confirmed as blood. No samples were taken on the ceiling, but we have these pictures. The next exhibit is photograph 8/8, which is (15)a photograph taken inside the east part of the warehouse. This is the east wall of the warehouse. The location which can be seen here is the area where the persons who were taken inside the east part were sitting. On my left, when you look at this picture, (20)would be the beginning of the opening of the warehouse which entitled those who were sitting in there to see what was going on outside. They could have a view on the asphalt road from this part of the warehouse.

• Q.: And what are the marks on the wall?

(25) • A.: The marks on the wall are bullet hole

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(1)traces. The following exhibit is 8/9. It shows again the warehouse parallel to the road, the back of the warehouse, where one can see corn -- the remnants of a (5)corn field behind it and also openings. One can see through these two first windows, starting from the right of the picture going towards the left, these two windows, one can see the landscape behind there. The reason is that there are these three large openings in (10)that part of the warehouse through which one can see. So those inside have also the ability. The first window on the right is a window where one survivor declares having jumped through and stayed lying exactly at the bottom of this picture, and (15)describes features that you will recognise from the previous photographs I indicated and terrain features, cornfields, lines of trees. This person will probably return on these elements.

• Q.: Now, Mr. Ruez and Your Honours, we're going (20)to play a film. It's approximately 25 minutes long. It shows the investigation inside the warehouse and shows significant features in it.

MR. HARMON: Could we have the lights dimmed, please, and could we have video 8/13.

(25) • A.: With -- the sound can be high, because the

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(1)information provided by Peter Nicholson in this film is exactly what I would repeat if I had to comment on it. He will probably have to do it for the sake of the French translation record.


• Q.: Mr. Ruez, you don't have to repeat. We can take the -- submit a film for translation, and there is no reason for you to interfere then with it.

• A.: Perfect.
(10) [Videotape played]

• A.: So this is the first view of the Sandici meadow. It is the same view than the one on the exhibit which was shown previously and where I marked the warehouse, where I'm currently zooming in. That is (15)film I took in August 1997. What follows is dated early 1996. This is first an aerial view filmed in 1999 which puts in relation Kravica village, which we just passed. This is now the Kravica warehouse. So also approximately one kilometre away from Kravica (20)village, even less than. On the right here it goes towards Sandici. Here you can see all the terrain around it, the hill behind, the cornfields, the lines of trees. This is another film from another date, which (25)is 1997. At that moment, the building was used to

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(1)store building equipment. The inside has never been cleaned, still today. You can see the access road to the inside of the warehouse compound. This is zooming in on the east (5)entrance. This is now the west entrance. The date which appeared is wrong. At that time we didn't know how to use this dating. This is an exit door, not the entrance door of the west part. The entrance of the west part is (10)just here. The persons who were taken towards this place were coming from that direction. They didn't make the complete tour. So they didn't pass in front of the ones who were inside the east part. That's the reason why those inside the east part didn't see what (15)was going on on the other side. This is the west part. This is the location where the guardhouse was previously located. All the traces you can see are residues, human residues, traces of bullet holes and grenade (20)explosions and a lot of bloodstains, a lot of hair peel covering the entire surface of all these walls. The shooting is coming from all directions. All these windows are open. Even from behind, someone could stand on a specific part of the wall and just (25)fire at random inside and throw grenades inside.

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(1)There is a hole here which is caused by an anti-tank rocket, but it's impossible to known if it is connected with these events or with previous events. There is the shell casings next to it. (5)This is the little pigsty which is behind the warehouse. There are bullet holes also at the back of the warehouse, which makes sense due to the fact that many people tried to jump out of the windows once the (10)execution started inside. Grenades also were thrown from the outside towards the inside. Shelling casing in the cornfield behind the warehouse. Now he's entering the east part of the (15)warehouse where the second execution took place. The first ones to be killed were in the west part. The soldiers made the ones sitting inside the east part believe that they were under attack from the column. They probably were not in numbers enough to commit the (20)execution simultaneously, so they first killed those in the west part. Once the killing was over, and they were shouting that they were under attack and tried to make the people believe that it was combat activity going on just at that moment, and once everything was (25)over in the other part, they went to kill those in this

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(1)part. And the bullet holes match the direction of fire for people who are shooting from the outside towards the inside, and the shell casings found outside also match with that possibility. (5)All the inside was cleaned when we arrived that day, but indeed some of the things which were inside have then just been dumped outside and a few items were found in there. This is a live grenade found just in front of (10)this warehouse. This is melting residue of a shape charge, forming armour. The yellow markings mark the positions of shell casings in front of the warehouse. These tin boxes are used to put tobacco in it. Handles of (15)grenades are called "spoons," for the French translation. The presence of wallets can also be linked with searching the dead bodies for money. There is a lot of robbing going on in this. Systematically the (20)prisoners, wherever they were, were requested to hand over their valuables. Whatever they had, gold, Deutschemarks, watches. Anything that had of some kind of value was taken from them. This is the area where the people who (25)survived from this location tried to escape, going

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(1)towards the hill. Our forensic expert at that moment is William Hagland from Physicians for Human Rights. The cause of death determined on the spot was a gunshot wound to the (5)head. That is a grenade holder which has been rolled over by a vehicle, so it is flat. A lot of bullet holes also at the entrance of this location, but we have no report of anyone who was inside. (10)The site was processed for blood samples and explosives residues that day, but later on, a team from the US Navy Forensic Service, in September 1996, processed the entire place. This report is already introduced, I believe.

(15) • Q.: Mr. Ruez, why don't you continue now with your presentation, we've concluded with the film, and continue with the photographs, please.

• A.: Just one important detail, important information regarding the forensic report of the (20)processing of all the evidence inside the west part of the warehouse is that when the forensic investigation was conducted, the east part of the warehouse was not processed. The reason is that at that time we didn't know about any survivor from the east part, so the (25)persons who did the analysis of the warehouse didn't

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(1)take any sample from the east part. The reason why, in 1997, I returned to that location -- I won't show you any of the pictures related to that mission -- but I collected two blood samples, two samples in the east (5)part, at the most eastern part of the building, where people were jammed and compressed when the shooting started, and these two samples, I have results from the lab, were human blood. Exhibit 8/11 is a shoeprint. The (10)reference -- I should return to another exhibit to show you exactly under which window this one is, but it is the -- not the back of the warehouse, it is the front of the warehouse, and it is the first window at the eastern most facade of the warehouse. This is a (15)shoeprint which is under the window, and as you can see, it is reversed. It's not going up towards the window, it's going down. So it's obviously someone who tried to jump out of this window. I mixed it up, I'm sorry. I had to start (20)with Exhibit 8/10 which puts this shoeprint in context with the window. This same shoeprint is the one just where the bullet hole is. This person did not survive. We never talked with him. The last exhibit of the Kravica warehouse is (25)Exhibit 8/12, which is a photograph of a live grenade

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(1)which was found in front of the warehouse. The reason for it is only to give you a very brief explanation about these grenade holders, called "spoons" in French; that is, depending on the motors -- but on these ones, (5)apparently this is the case -- once you pull out the pin of this type of grenade, the spoon flies off the grenade, it doesn't stay with the body of the grenade. The body is the part that the person will throw away, but the spoon will be left behind. This is the reason (10)why we have found all these grenade handles behind the warehouse, and also in front. They don't go where the grenade is thrown. So at the moment the warehouse was cleaned of its contents, these elements stayed outside.

(15) JUDGE WALD: Could I ask a question there of the witness? The picture of the grenade has some writing on it, and I'm wondering if that in any way identifies whether it's an army grenade or if it's just the (20)manufacture, or what.

THE WITNESS: The markings on them are not really relevant. They provide the type of the object, but they probably have all the same style of markings. They would not entitle us to find out where it comes (25)from. I mean, yes, the factory, but that would be it.

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• Q.: Mr. Ruez, have you completed your presentation on that part?

• A.: Yes.

(5) • Q.: Now, we're going to turn our attention to Glogova, and, as we have done in the past, Mr. Ruez, if you would approach the large map on the easel and just orient the Judges to where Glogova is in relation to the Kravica warehouse and Bratunac.

(10) • A.: This is a photocopy of the map of the area, where we can see Bratunac town.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, why don't you just use this big illustration. It's clearer for everybody.

• A.: So on this map that we have here --

(15) THE INTERPRETER: Microphone, please.

• A.: So on this map, we have the marking of the -- the mass execution marking for the Kravica warehouse. The assumption was, and it will be confirmed later, that the bodies killed here [indicates] were (20)transferred to be entered in the area called Glogova, which is in between -- a distance in between Bratunac and Kravica.


• Q.: Thank you.

(25) • A.: Everyone can see on the map the distance

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(1)between Glogova and Kravica is approximately four to five kilometres. I have to say a very brief word about Glogova. As I indicated for Kravica, Kravica had been (5)the subject of an attack of Muslim forces in early 1993. Glogova is a different situation. In Glogova, the claim is that Glogova was a Muslim village which had been eradicated in 1992, with the people who were living there, either killed, either taken to Bratunac, (10)and some of them at that time killed in Vuk Karadzic school. That's the rough context about the location. In fact, most of the locations we will talk about have some "historical connection". The places were never selected at random. (15)The next exhibit is 9/1 --

• Q.: Let me just stay with that exhibit, I'm sorry, Mr. Ruez. This exhibit has two green dots on it, so just for the record, these two green dots are going to be the areas about which you're going to be (20)discussing?

• A.: Yes, absolutely. The two green dots mark the locations of what we call the Glogova site, which, in fact, consists of two sites and is the reason why I have put two markings on the map. When I say "site," (25)it doesn't also mean mass graves. The fact is that

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(1)Glogova site 1 is, in fact, five mass graves. So this is why we call the area a primary mass grave area, it's not necessarily only one grave. Exhibit 9/1 is an aerial photograph which (5)enabled us to find this location. Without these photographs, this location would not have been found through the means we had available, nor from any available source so far. So this photograph is dated July 5 and shows the destroyed village of Glogova, (10)where nothing special is to be observed, except the destruction of the houses. All these houses are totally trashed. The next exhibit, 9/2, is an aerial photograph dated 5 July, the same one, on which I have (15)marked the positions on which we will have to focus on the next photograph. On this photograph, there is nothing special to be observed here. One site is at the right of this road, which is, in fact, south, and the one which is at the left is, in fact, north-west. (20)We will now have -- I want to --

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, let me just clarify a particular point on this. This photograph is dated the 5th of July, and it says in the caption "disturbed earth." Is this supposed to represent the locations where, later, (25)disturbed earth was found, or does this show disturbed

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(1)earth on the 5th of July?

• A.: No. It is a wrong label, indeed. There is no disturbed earth to be seen on this photograph. The reason why "disturbed earth" is written is that this (5)photograph has to be looked at in connection with a photograph dated later in which, indeed, disturbed earth is visible. But on this precise photograph, there is no disturbance at all.

• Q.: Does that also apply to Prosecutor's Exhibit (10)9/1, dated the 5th of July, saying "disturbed earth"?

• A.: Yes, it does. It is exactly the same photograph that we used in order to add the yellow markings. As I said initially, at the beginning of my testimony, all the white markings are markings which (15)were initially on the photographs provided by the US State Department. The yellow markings are markings which I personally added on them, and it's my responsibility if something is wrong in these markings.

(20) • Q.: Now, Mr. Ruez, Prosecutor's Exhibit 9/2 is then going to relate to Prosecutor's 9/3; is that correct?

• A.: I'm sorry. I didn't --

• Q.: Okay. The area that is in Prosecutor's (25)Exhibit 9/2 that has yellow shapes identified on the

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(1)exhibit itself is going to relate, then, to the next exhibit.

• A.: Yes, absolutely. I will have to change just a little bit the (5)chronology. The next exhibit was 9/3, but I would prefer at this moment to show you 9/4, which is, in fact, the following sequence of the one I just showed you. Exhibit 9/4 is dated 27 July 1995, it shows the very same areas as the one on the 5th of July, but as (10)you can see on this one, there are very clear disturbances on the ground, fresh disturbances. Another photograph, which is, in fact, 9/3, was in Glogova because of the dates, which I didn't check before. Putting them on the ELMO, this one is (15)dated -- 9/3 is dated 17 July. On 17 July, the excavation work is already -- at this moment, sorry, is ongoing, it is ongoing, it is still not completed. One site is already apparently finished, but the site which is at the bottom right of the picture, there are some (20)mounds of soil visible on it. That could indicate that the work was still not finalised at that location. On the top right of the picture, there is a device to be seen which is a heavy machine, a heavy digger.

(25) • Q.: And that is indicated in the rectangle.

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(1) • A.: The rectangle which is then blown up. The next exhibit is 9/5. It shows again the two areas of disturbed soil, labelled according to the names we give to these sites for the sake of the (5)exhumation process. The site currently marked Gulf-Lima-1 for "Glogova 1" is site 1; for the moment, it's untouched, not exhumed. The site named GL-2, the exhumation has started in 1999 and is not finalised yet. It's a site which on -- as the marking on the (10)main exhibit says, it's a site which has then been later disturbed, bodies have been robbed to be hidden in other locations. That happened at the end of September, beginning of October, and will be part of the next demonstration. But so far here we can say (15)that here were five graves, robbed graves, but the content of it, like in all these robbed graves, there are still a lot of elements present and even bodies there. The next Exhibit is 9/6, and it's a view (20)dated 1999. The photograph is dated 1999, and shows these locations but on a colour copy. So I will circle the areas of interest on these ones [marks] This is the site of Glogova 2 and Glogova 1 for the picture.

• Q.: For the record Prosecutor's Exhibit 9/6, (25)Mr. Ruez has put two circles, and in each of those he

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(1)has put letters, one set of letters GL1, and a second set of letters GL2.

• A.: One interesting point also to observe on this photograph is that it shows that the location has been (5)selected because not only probably because of its historical significance, but also because it's a very good hiding place. From the air, the sites are clearly visible, but from the road it is absolutely impossible to see that there is something in this location. It's (10)completely a deserted place where people could not go. There is also a constant threat for mines in these kind of areas. So people don't move around these places for pleasure. And it's a location where, the fact is, without any kind of a possibility of access to aerial (15)imagery. It would be certainly mission impossible to find something. The next exhibit is 9/7. It shows the site as it was in the end of April 1996. So this is, in fact, exactly how the site looked like after the (20)disturbance was done, and the second disturbance of this place. This is the site GL1, this one. On that site, there were still at that time a certain number of items to be seen on the surface, and I will just show a very brief example of it, which is (25)the Exhibit 9/8, which shows human bones which were

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(1)found on the ground at the location shown on the previous picture. The next photograph, the Exhibit 9/9, is a view of the Glogova 2 site. The area of the grave is (5)very clear on this photograph. At that moment of the year, the terrain is -- the grass had no time to grow, so everything on the ground is very visible, and you can see the depression caused by the grave where currently there is water. (10)One element here to note also, and it's a reference point which I will use for the following photograph, not the following but one after that, is the gravestone on the right of the picture. This is the grave of Mr. Merdic or the family Merdic. So that (15)location was apparently a former cemetery. And this area here is precisely the one which I circled on the Exhibit as GL1 -- GL2, sorry. Exhibit 9/10 is the view of the same site, GL2. The first time we accessed was in January but it (20)was covered in snow. This is in April. I will just pinpoint on this one aside the fact that it shows again the clear disturbance due to the depression that it caused, the presence on that photograph I will circle of a shoe and a bone next to it just lying on the (25)ground [marks] I have circled the photograph at the

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(1)bottom left to pinpoint the precise location of this shoe and the bone next to it. The Exhibit 9/11 is a blow-up, a close shot on these two items, the shoe and the bone. (5)As I just said also, exhumation started on this site in 1999, summer 1999, and Exhibit 9/12 is again a photograph of a site, Glogova 2, which shows the location of the grave, which is, in fact, in front of this group of people at the left of the picture, and (10)again you have here the gravestone of the Merdic family which enables you to have a reference point on the site.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, I believe that concludes your presentation on Glogova, and now we're going to turn to (15)another location that's relevant in this indictment, and that is Luke school. So when you organise those objects in front of you, will you then approach the big map on the easel and will you orient the Judges to that location.

(20) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Harmon, we work until 2.30, and that seems to be quite a long period of time, so that we could make a break. But another thing, I believe that Mr. Ruez could really have the photographs already taken out of (25)their plastic sleeves so that it would make it faster.

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(1)There are things which you are saying which we see here, bones and shoes. We see them. So that I do believe we could move on somewhat faster. But let us now make a 10-minute break, and if you could organise (5)all the photos in advance so we could move on at a somewhat faster pace. Would that be all right, Mr. Ruez? Ten minutes.

--- Recess taken at 1.40 p.m.

(10) --- On resuming at 1.53 p.m.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Harmon, yes.

MR. HARMON: Thank you, Mr. President.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, we're now going to turn our (15)attention to the Luke school, and I'd like you, first of all, to orient the Judges, on the large map, where the location of the Luke school is.

• A.: So on this exhibit, the Luke school is completely at the west of the map, just at the border (20)of the former confrontation line. The distance between Bratunac and Luke is 60 kilometres by the road. Air distance would be 40. I also give the opportunity to give total length, in fact, of this crime scene. It's, by air, 40 kilometres large, and from south to north (25)70 kilometres long air distance. So by road, 60

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(1)kilometres from Bratunac to Luke. So Luke is the final destination for all the people who are deported from the enclave, from Potocari driving to Bratunac and to Luke, the 12th and 13th. (5)The along the way, some checkpoints are set up where soldiers get on board of buses and request money and a threat to the women on board and take out men. The last point where these things happened is indeed just before crossing. The men who are separated (10)before crossing the canyon, which leads then to Kladanj, are taken to the elementary school of Luke.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, start with, please, Prosecutor's Exhibit 10A, which is a map. Place that on the ELMO. Is the green dot that is on that map the location of (15)the Luke school?

• A.: Yes. On Exhibit 10A, the green dot is pinpointing the precise location of Luke school, and the other markings on the map, the dotted lines going from the top of the picture bottom, is the position of (20)the former confrontation line and, in fact, the no-man's land between Muslim-held territory and Serb-held territory at the time. So the same events probably happened during these two days, 12th, in the afternoon, the night (25)between the 12th and the 13th, as well as the 13th.

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(1)The information we have about the location is events dated 13th, at night, from 13th to 14th. Exhibit number 10/1 is a view of the Luke elementary school. The left of the picture shows the (5)direction of the canyon which reads to Kladanj. On the building, the white building on the right of the picture, is the elementary school. The Exhibit 10/2 is the same school. At the left of the picture is the access path that goes (10)downhill. At the back of the building where the two vehicles are parked, the prisoners taken there walked along this building. Exhibit 10/3 shows the initial location where these prisoners were staying, which is the area next to (15)the tree.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, this school was a detention facility?

• A.: This school was used as a detention facility at the time of the events. These are the stairs which (20)lead to a door which enables the people to enter in that school. There are several classrooms inside. Exhibit 10/4 is a photograph of the first classroom on the right when entering. We came to that location together with the person who survived the (25)events which happened there and later, and this is the

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(1)classroom he pinpointed as being the one in which he was detained, beaten, and then in the night between 13th and 14th, taken on board of a truck, driven back from the Luke school towards Vlasenica. (5)He talks about elements that we could confirm were present at the time, some lamps at the entrance of the town, some trash sites that were at the edge of the town which were still there when we were in the area in April 1996. (10)Nevertheless, this is the situation which I described at the beginning of my statement, where then the truck turned left along the soccer field of Vlasenica and enters an area of hills where at some point after a drive of approximately 15 to 20 minutes, (15)the truck stopped in a location where an execution squad was apparently waiting for those people, but we could never find this location. We intended to find the location and collect shell casings. We, unfortunately, couldn't do that since in this area the (20)terrain resembles very much every area which is nearby. So we couldn't identify that place and imagery was of no help to find it.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, that concludes your presentation on the --

(25) THE INTERPRETER: Microphone, please.

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(1) MR. HARMON: I'm sorry.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, that concludes your presentation on the Luke school. Could we now turn to the Konjevici intersection, and could you again, as we have done in (5)the past, orient the Judges on the big map to the Konjevici intersection and tell the Judges the significance of it?

• A.: We will talk no longer about better deportation road. The last element about it was indeed (10)the Luke school.

THE INTERPRETER: Microphone, please.


• Q.: I think we've had a sun spot.

• A.: I just said that I will no more talk about (15)the deportation road and what happened -- what are the locations of interest along this road. Since we are now going to return to an area which is of interest mainly witnessed by people who tried to flee cross-country towards Tuzla through Nezuk and who were (20)then trapped on the hills which are just east of the strategic road that goes from Konjevic Polje to Nova Kasaba, which is a -- I say a strategic road because it is a kind of blocking position with military forces preventing anyone then to cross towards the valley of (25)Cerska, Udrc Mountain, and to reach Muslim-held

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(1)territory. So this intersection is a very good reference point for many people since the trek of these refugees led them to flee Susnjari towards Kamenica, as we said, (5)then follow the power line towards Konjevic Polje, and most of them arrived in this area here, just east of the area between Nova Kasaba and Konjevic Polje. From there they could witness -- they had a very good viewpoint and many people witnessed events (10)happening there, events I will not enter into the details. It's small-scale executions, one individual, two individuals, three individuals, situations on which the investigation cannot provide additional details. The important aspect here will come later. (15)The only massive -- yes, massive execution we could locate in this area is happening from the same viewpoint, and it is the only way one could have a chance to implement with forensics. We will discuss that just after.

(20) • Q.: Now, Mr. Ruez, have a seat, and then I'd like you to just orient the Judges with the next set of exhibits as to the physical features of the landscape and explain to the Judges the importance of this particular area.

(25) • A.: Exhibit 11A is a photocopy of a map of the

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(1)area. Some roads have been redrawn. Important road here is one at the bottom right which is the road that goes towards Bratunac. The circle is the circle around the intersection of Konjevici. Sometimes it is called (5)Konjevici for the intersection. Konjevic Polje is the little hamlet above, but many people also refer to this intersection as the intersection of Konjevic Polje. The road going south is the road that goes to Milici and then to Vlasenica and Kladanj. The road going (10)north is the road that goes towards Zvornik. Exhibit 11/1 is a photograph, dated 8 April 1996, and is a view of the intersection when coming from the road coming from Zvornik. So this is a view from north towards south, and the hill in front -- the (15)hill in this picture is the hill on which all these people who didn't manage to cross in the evening of the 12th were trapped, and they moved along the ridge of this hill, from north to south, observing the road and trying to find a weak point in the Bosnian Serb army (20)blocking position here [indicates] in order to reach the opposite side of that road, which then could have enabled them to try to cross towards Muslim-held territory.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, just orient us on this big map the (25)orientation this photograph illustrates.

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(1) • A.: This is the road that goes towards Zvornik, so this road goes to that road, to the south --

THE INTERPRETER: Microphone. Will the witness take the microphone?

(5) • A.: Yes. This photograph is taken from, say, just above the intersection of Konjevici, looking towards the south, it's a view in that direction
[indicates] And on this hill is also -- there are pylons (10)to be seen, power lines which are at the bottom of the hill, but also pylons on the hill. Just above the sharp pointed roof of this white building, which is just above this pink construction, just above this roof is a pylon, which is a reference point for one (15)witness. Exhibit 11/2 is a view of the Konjevici intersection seen from the hill. This is the view one would have when trying to cross this asphalt road, when he is at the bottom of the hill.

(20) MR. HARMON:

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, would you kindly again orient the Judges to this particular perspective.

• A.: This photograph here would be taken just at the south of the intersection, on the hill, looking (25)towards Konjevic Polje, and at the very end of this

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(1)photograph, at the lop left of it, you can see the canyon of Jadar Drinjaca. This is a canyon that leads towards Zvornik. All this area, all this floodplain of the (5)Jadar River is the area of Konjevic Polje. This document is dated 1997, and there is an Orthodox church in the middle of the intersection here [indicates] which did not exist at the time of the event. The construction started in 1996 and was finalised in (10)1998. So any presentation of this photograph to witnesses will have to mention that this church did not exist at the time. The interesting building also to be seen on this photograph, it is interesting because it is (15)later -- it later disappears, is just in front of the road coming from the right, which is the road that leads towards Bratunac. When coming from that road, from Bratunac, and arriving at the intersection, just in front is this two-storey ruined construction. This (20)is a location which then was erased. Now there is a gas station at that same place. But this is a reference point for some witnesses, mainly one of them who was captured in this location, taken to that place where he was beaten before being taken on board a bus, (25)towards the canyon which I just showed before, and

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(1)survived an execution there. The next exhibit is 11/3. We will probably need to refer to this panorama on several instances for the next part because this one, in fact, has in its (5)frame several areas of interest.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, would you orient us again on the large map, so the Judges have a clear reference as to what direction this photograph faces.

• A.: So this panorama is taken in a view going (10)from west to east, taken on the hill which is the entrance of the Cerska Valley, looking east, so looking at this part of the road where the blocking position was set. And the hill in front is the same big hill on which all these people were staying and trying to find (15)a way to exit this area. The interesting point here is that since these people were quite constantly moving from north to south, trying to find a reference point, this ended up confusing some of them, mainly the person who provided (20)the information regarding the execution site, who confused a ground feature which is located at the north of this hill with the same ground feature located at the south of the hill, and this caused us a severe problem to find the location he was talking about. But (25)I will refer to that later on.

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(1)This view is also of interest to show you the destruction in this area. All this is a former area of combat, there was combat going on here in 1993, and all the houses in this area were destroyed. Along this (5)stretch of road -- we will probably have to come back to it at some point.

• Q.: Mr. Ruez, is the road leading to the Cerska Valley in this particular panorama?

• A.: The road leading to the Cerska Valley in this (10)panorama is in the middle of the picture, where the bridge is. It turns here [indicates] left, continues along the line here [indicates], and will later on enter the valley on the left side. So this is the area where all the people (15)describe their attempts to cross. As you can see, it is really flat ground, so it's a very difficult area to cross in these types of circumstances. The only ones who managed to do it successfully did it by night-time.

(20) • Q.: Mr. Ruez, does that conclude that particular part of your presentation, and can we move now to the football field at Nova Kasaba?

• A.: Yes, we will move to the football field at Nova Kasaba, and we will start with --

(25) • Q.: Mr. Ruez, if we can start again with the

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(1)large map, and just indicate to the Judges on this large map the location of Nova Kasaba, and then we will go to the small map and your presentation.

• A.: The 13th of July, more or less at the same (5)moment people have started to surrender at the Sandici area, the same situation is happening in the area between Nova Kasaba and the intersection of Konjevici. Many people started to surrender, they couldn't cross the line in the evening of the last day, when the army (10)managed to cross, and the surrendering process starts in this location as well. The main area of collection of these prisoners is the football pitch or the soccer field of Nova Kasaba, which is just one kilometre north of Nova (15)Kasaba, which is a small place. We will see a film from the helicopter which will give you a much better appreciation of what this whole area looks like. The flight will be from the intersection towards Nova Kasaba, so we will also have an assessment of the size (20)of Nova Kasaba town. Nova Kasaba town was also the location where there were elements of the 65th Protection Regiment billeting. The triangle which marks a concentration area of prisoners is approximately positioned on the map at (25)the spot where the soccer field is located.

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(1)The best would be to start with the video. No, we're not there yet. The next exhibit is 12A. It is the same map of the area, but this time used to pinpoint the (5)position of the soccer field. I have added a red cross inside the circle, which was marking the location of the soccer field, in order to have a more precise pinpointing of where exactly this soccer field is located.

(10) • Q.: Mr. Ruez, should we now go to the video?

• A.: Yes. I will also -- just for the sake of getting more familiar with the map, on the road going from south to north, at one point, you have the marking, grid reference 00, on the road. If you turn (15)left in that location, this is the entrance to the valley of Cerska. The line going towards the -- along the Cerska Potok is the track which leads towards the valley of Cerska.

MR. HARMON: Now, for the audiovisual room, (20)if we could show the video, Exhibit 12/6. If we could dim the lights and play that.
[Videotape played]

• A.: So this is the entrance to the Cerska Valley, the road that we saw on another exhibit. This is the (25)road going towards Nova Kasaba. Now we are already out

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(1)of the area of the hill. The hill was on the left here
[indicates] The main hill was going down, more flat, so there's no longer a hill, but all this area is very visible from the hill. That same footage will be used (5)later to pinpoint the location of mass graves. This is a view of the arrival at Nova Kasaba, and we zoom in on the soccer field. At the top of the picture is the Nova Kasaba town. August 1996. Sorry, August 1997. (10)All these holes are at a man's height. This is the location of a possible mass grave, next to the soccer field. This is another view of the soccer field, flying above Nova Kasaba.


(15) • Q.: Mr. Ruez, now, please, continue with your presentation.

• A.: Exhibit 12/1 is an aerial photograph, dated 13 July 1995, approximately 1400 hours. On this photograph, one can see the same features we already (20)saw, so the soccer field with this line of trees around it and buses on the road. We do not know in what direction these buses are travelling. Either these buses are buses transporting people from the enclave towards Kladanj or they are transporting prisoners from (25)the soccer field towards Bratunac.

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(1)We saw bullet holes which could indicate, indeed, that executions took place in that location. These executions are described by witnesses who talk about individuals or very small groups, two or three (5)individuals, people who were taken away towards the river, and then they hear shots. This is the only indication we have about executions in that place. So whatever, indeed, happened there, for sure, we're only talking about small-scale executions. (10)The bodies which are under the ground at the edge of the river have not been exhumed yet. We have the knowledge that these bodies were not buried there immediately after the events. There was no disturbance in that area before the month of August. So the bodies (15)to be found in that location, once we will do this exhumation, which is far from being top priority on our list, will be done later.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Prosecutor, will you ask Mr. Ruez on which side of (20)the road the traffic in Yugoslavia travels.

THE WITNESS: People drive on the right-hand side of the road in Yugoslavia.

• A.: On the next photograph, which is Exhibit 12/2, I have marked the size of the football field, as (25)well as the groups of prisoners which are visible on

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(1)this field. There will be one possibility to try to make assessments of numbers on this photograph, but we didn't do this exercise. The number was, anyhow, moving. This shot is an instant moment. Maybe half an (5)hour later, there were no more people there, and two hours later, it was jammed; we don't know about this. The next exhibit is 12/3 and is a blow-up of a soccer field with the groups of prisoners there. We have the knowledge that at the beginning of the process (10)of assembling prisoners here, there was a table set up and names of prisoners were -- lists of names of prisoners were taken by Bosnian Serb army representatives. We don't know what's happened with this list. The process probably didn't last too long. (15)The next photograph is Exhibit 12/4 and is a view of -- a colour view of the soccer field. It's an extract, in fact, of the video. The next view is a photograph which was taken the very first day of our end of April 1996 mission, (20)when we were driving from Vlasenica towards Zvornik, and as Prosecutor Harmon referred to it in his opening statement, there is an aspect in this case where dog handlers and dogs were launched on wounded in the forest, chasing people and wounded. These are dog (25)handlers with their military dogs who are on a parade

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(1)on the soccer field that day.

MR. HARMON: Mr. President, I notice that we're about three minutes to the end of our regularly scheduled session. I am at your disposal; we can (5)either proceed with the next set of photographs or we can conclude.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] I think it would be better to conclude. How much more time?


(10) • Q.: Mr. Ruez, if we continue, we're going to go on to the Nova Kasaba execution field, and if you could move through that rapidly, then we can conclude Volume I of the Prosecutor's exhibits.

• A.: Yes. The execution site we are going to (15)briefly present now is a very important site for the reason that, as I already said, we have no possibility to implement with forensics or any kind of observations the individual stories, the numerous stories about the very small-scale executions which took place in this (20)area. The only massive execution we know about which occurred there is dated 13 July, and the date could be wrong. It is a series of executions of at least three groups; a first group of 30, a second group (25)of 30, and a third group larger than that one. The

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(1)reference point for the person talking about this is that the person was close to a pylon and could observe, in between two destroyed houses, the crime scene. When we presented initially the photograph to that (5)person, I presented the exhibit number -- the first exhibit of the Konjevici presentation, where, indeed, there is a pylon to be seen on top of the house with a sharp roof, and I misled the witness by presenting him this photograph, because he thought then that this was (10)the location and had already designated to us a location on the video just south of this intersection. We searched the place thoroughly, we never found anything. We then decided to try to find other locations which could, in fact, match his description, (15)so in between two groups of houses -- two houses. We found three of these locations which could also match his description. We processed all these three sites during the years 1997 and 1998. We still didn't find anything. (20)Finally, in 1999, we realised that, in a location which was not north but exactly opposite the location he was telling us about, we had exactly the same ground features. There was a pylon, and someone from that pylon, due to a difference of angle, had the (25)feeling that this site was in between two houses; but

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(1)from the road, it didn't look like that. So we processed that site and we found a lot of elements which seemed to confirm, indeed, that this event happened in that precise location, and these are the (5)elements I'm going to show you now. The first exhibit is 13A. The green dot inside the red circle marks the position of this execution field. Just above the green dot will be the position where the person was standing and observing (10)the events. There is an electrical pylon in that environment. The other ground features are not visible on this map. The only thing is that initially, the viewpoint of a person that we supposed -- what we supposed was a viewpoint was north of the hill, so just (15)south of the intersection, and relatively just south of this hill looking from north to south. Exhibit 13/11 --

• Q.: I'm sure you mean 13/1.

• A.: 13/1. My photograph is glossy so it is (20)shining on this screen, but still... On the left of this photograph, it is invisible from the ELMO but -- yes. At the very left of this photograph, a bit uphill, you see this electrical pylon here. Then at the bottom of this (25)pylon is one destroyed house, and on the right of this

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(1)destroyed house, going uphill, is another destroyed house. Execution is supposed to have happened from the road by people standing on top of APCs, among them one white UN APC, a stolen APC, and people were mowed down (5)with hand-held machine-guns. The location of the execution site on this photograph would be right here [indicates], which seen from the road is at the right of these house, but seen from the pylon is right in the middle.

(10) • Q.: When you say the execution site is here, you're referring to the left of the --

• A.: The right -- I will use the paper exhibit and I'm going to mark it on the exhibit. It is the same photograph as the paper. (15)Viewed from the pylon, a straight line more or less in between these two houses leads to the area marked here. The description of the execution site is that behind the people who are lined up, like if they were watching a football match, a steep hill where no (20)one could escape from. Indeed on this one, it's quite clear that someone who would run away from this site would not have much chance to go very far. The next photograph is the Exhibit 13/2. Mr. Manning with a team member, and Mr. Derek who is a (25)de-miner who was under contract with ICTY for the sake

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(1)of the exhumation program, conducted the analysis for this crime seen and formally searched the meadow for shell casings and bullets. What they found, they marked with yellow markers, and the result of this is (5)this photograph. All these markers pinpoint either bullets or shell casings. A more detailed report for sure is available on that matter. All these markings give the approximate size of the execution area. (10)So going from where this memorial is -- this memorial is not dated from the events. It's probably dated end of 1996 or early 1997. It is a memorial for someone who had a road accident here, so totally unrelated with of these events.

(15) • Q.: The memorial is the small black rectangle on the right hand of the image?

• A.: Yes. Totally disconnected from the events here. There is a larger concentration of yellow markers in this area here.

(20) • Q.: Referring to the centre of the photograph.

• A.: Referring to the centre of the photograph at the left of the UN vehicle parked on the access path. So these are the elements that we can present and which we believe give full credibility to the (25)witness who saw this execution.

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(1) MR. HARMON: Mr. President and Your Honours, that concludes our presentation for today. We have concluded with Volume 1 of the Prosecutor's exhibits, and tomorrow we will turn our attention to Volume 2.

(5) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Very well. And has the testimony of Mr. Ruez been completed?

MR. HARMON: [Previous translation continues] ... portion of his testimony with the conclusion of the volume.

(10) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] I should like to remind you, Mr. Harmon, that you announced eight hours for this testimony.

THE INTERPRETER: Microphone, Mr. Harmon. Microphone for the counsel.

(15) MR. HARMON: We're going a little longer than we expected with Mr. Ruez, but bear in mind, Mr. President and Your Honours, that the use of these exhibits will be used with every other exhibit, and we expect the front end of the procedure to be a little (20)longer, the back end to be a little shorter, and we hope to come in on the time we have estimated.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Very well. We, therefore, expect that Mr. Ruez's testimony will be an investment in future testimonies, because he's (25)explaining to us the majority of things that others

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(1)will be contributing to, clarifying. If that is so, then it is up to you, Mr. Harmon, to conduct your examination-in-chief. We shall adjourn now. I should like to thank (5)the interpreters and the audio booth who have kindly agreed to stay a little longer. I believe there will be some compensation for all this work later on. So we shall adjourn now. We shall be here tomorrow at 9.30, and I should like to remind you that (10)on Thursday and Friday there should be no hearings. This is merely to remind you of that. Until tomorrow then.

--- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 2.38 p.m., to be reconvened on (15)Wednesday, the 15th day of March, 2000 at 9.30 a.m.