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      Hi my name is Michael I am a student of metaphysics, a writer/poet, spoken word artist, photographer, carver and occasional tarot reader. About ten years ago the path had chosen me, when we were out in the woods. The fire we had going at that time had flared up to an uncanny size. The flames when we started the fire, were at about a foot high. They had shot up to about ten feet in height for about 30 seconds or so. Then some of the people I was with had informed me that they had seen a strange face superimposed on mine. At the time I thought it was a prank so i ignored it. The very same night we had some issues with rocks appearing in the path of our friend who was less than respectful of these woodlands. At this point some people were getting a little nervous about this place. I still passed that off as him just being foolish and not watching where he was going. When we left, he vowed to never go back, which was fine by us.

    Now most of the people I was hanging out with at the time perceived this as a joke. Which is fine it is easier after all to joke about what you don't understand then to try to comprehend. These experiences had led me to understand that sometimes you need to learn from others ignorance. So I started researching this more as I had no experience with it, except what was learned in the media. I, at this point had an understanding that not all facts are revealed. So I took to exploring the mystical/paranormal on my own with advice here and there. While I was learning some different ways of the old thinking I felt a sense of harmony and direction surrounding me. But at this time I had not discovered my own path. Having always been a person who was there to help, I would tend to focus more on other peoples issues than my own needs. So to help other people with there issues and myself with my own I took up divination a little more seriously. So I took out my tarot cards and tried doing some readings for myself. When I first started doing them I was dependant upon the book and readings were ok. The results to me seemed a little biased, so I thought I would do them for others and see what that brought. One day I had went to see my friends mother who read cards and she never asked what people wanted to know she just had them shuffle and think on what they wanted to know, her readings were usually dead on. I thought to myself I would like to be like that. It was around that time that I had met a man who had come to my city to die. I was out walking around one day and an acquaintance had told me about this guy who does tarot readings in a tattoo shop. My first thought, how cliché in my mind. Best to avoid him. As I was walking by this shop the one day not paying attention, dressed in a near hippy style this crazy man sitting on the sidewalk yells that the war is over. As I turned to make a snide remark, I realized by the tarot cards on the sidewalk. That he was this card reader I had heard of. So I started talking to him to see if he really did have a clue or a big mouth. After some discussion I found out he as well was a Micheal and also shared the same birth sign, he used to have an occult store in Fort Erie. It didn't work out so he came here instead to die. Having shared similar interest we had formed a friendship, and he passed on tips on card usage to me. I had followed those tips like hide the book and see what the cards tell you. Trying this on myself it still felt a little biased on my own readings. I thought I will try other peoples readings again and see if there is a difference. Then my cards were stolen the one day at my job, bitterness ensued. I went to buy a new deck at the occult store we had in my city as I was looking at them through the glass trying to see what ones were pretty. The lady at the store had told me don't just look at the pictures feel what the deck tells you. She had asked if I had read cards before? I said yes up until a day ago when my deck had been stolen. She told me maybe the deck felt it was time to move on. I never thought of it like that. So I had spent time looking at the cards in the case and she said take the cards play with them for a bit the right deck will tell you. So I did and after 6 decks I found the ones that spoke to me. I paid for them and left.

    With my new card deck in hand I left for my favourite Coffee shop to show Micheal (my Friend who came to die) the new deck. I played with it for a bit and I still felt that connection to my cards. Many days later at the coffee shop we frequented the one employee during a slow period had asked if I had my cards and could do a reading for him? He would buy me a coffee I felt in a mood to try the new deck on someone I didn't really know well. So I had advised I could not guarantee a great reading as I was still learning "that's ok!" he said. So I told him to shuffle the cards but not tell me his question just tell the cards. He did the reading I gave him was more like a cryptic story than any reading I have done or heard that was done. He smiled and said thank you that was the best reading he had ever had and it gave him the wisdom he needed. That was my turning point in doing divinations, I understood the whole idea of the zone we spoke of. The other reading I had done around this time was for a friend of mine, who for the longest time I had not wanted to do a reading for her. The one day she came in and  I grabbed her hand and said I have to do her cards. Good she replied I was going to ask you to. I read her I did the reading for her with out wanting to know the specifics of the question. After informing her of three things there is a presence in your life and two numbers 22 and 4. She started to cry and told me what they were Her brother had died when he was 4 and would have been 22 at the time of the   reading. I then realized that  knowing a persons questions is not as important as them understanding what they need to know.

    Lately I have not been studying as my life has kept me busy trying to catch up for all the neglecting I had done before. I have however been recently thinking I should get back into it. So slowly I tread forth again on the path I fell off.

    For those wondering what happen to the one who came to die his sight is listed as Old Man in my favourites at the bottom.

    In my quest to reacquaint myself with the art of divination I have come across some other tools that have use. Pendulums are one, rune stones are another and diving rods have there uses. I am acquiring quite the collection of tarot decks as well. Each deck for a different mood some just to have for the inspiration and vibes. In my search  also started an herb garden complete with white sage for smudging and a medicine wheel.


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