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Kragnar's Page Of Wisdom

Hello My Name is Kragnar I am an inter-dimensional traveling Viking stuck in this dimension. Discovering I was stuck for a while. I used some of my free time, to learn the art of writing and using these colored noise making light boxes. I decided to impart my wisdom upon the world. So first let's deal with a nagging question from little Billy.



Billie's Question: Everyday I get picked on what can I do?

Well Billy there are several options that come to mind.

1. You can pretend to be really nuts and hope it scares them away.

2. You can get a good sucker punch in first then when there down wrap there face in your soiled loin cloth and kick them bunches. Then run mighty fast.

3. You also bribe one of the bigger kids to act as you body guard, or just to beat up the bully.

4. You can wait until he least expects it then sell him as a slave. (Please note this may not be legal in some dimensions)

5. You can also try to out run them, though given the shape of most people now a days you would probably drop dead any way. So you could just curl up into a ball and pray that 10,000  years worth of evolution won't pass you by and you would sprout wings and fly away, or you would be able to spew flames and burn the bullies. Both of these are unlikely. It does leave us with a couple other options.

6. We used to travel with a magic user who when encountering trouble would smash a bottle of this red liquid on himself, throw off his cloths and yell some obscure word and attach himself to the leg of his assailant and caress it. Normally this would work on most people. Except the guards that put him away in a small room. Where he now hugs himself all day long.


My Favorite Noise Making Light Box Worlds

Old Man

Supreme Guide to reality

Various events of some Guy

Tarot Boy




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