Riverside Cemetery

Shelton, Connecticut

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Riverside sign

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Riverside Cemetery in Shelton, Connecticut (not to be confused with the Riverside Cemeteries in Oxford and Trumbull), is located on Route 110 (River Road). Riverside is a relatively new cemetery, with burials dating from the mid-1800s until the present day. There are a smattering of older interments; it is said that some people were moved to Riverside from the old Coram Cemetery, which I have yet to locate. (If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.) There are an astounding number of "World War" veterans (World War I) either buried within Riverside, or with cenotaphs indicating that they are interred overseas. At the front of the cemetery is a phenomenal monument to Colonel Watson J. Miller. I have included photos of his memorial at the end of this page.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 6924.

Photos taken 15 June 2010.


The oldest stone that I was able to locate in Riverside, and one of the few dated prior to the mid-1800s. It's possible this was a relocation from the old Coram Cemetery.

Hannah, wife of Josiah Wakelee, died Sept. 26, 1829, aged 65 years.


Moses C. Wilson, Co. G, 8th Inf.,

died Jan. 3, 1927 age 45.


George E. Morse, Co. E, 3d C. V.I.,

died July 17, 1941 age 50.


"Charles W. Sutter,

Co. F. 102nd U.S. Inf. 26th Div.

Born Hebron, Conn. Apr. 12, 1895

Killed in action, Feb. 28, 1918

Chemin-Des-Dames, France"

Two other Sutters are buried nearby:

George T., "Pvt US Army World War I

Oct. 5, 1890 Sept. 6, 1973"

Frederick J., World War II,

"Tech. Gr. 5 US Army Far East

Died Feb. 2, 1973 Age 75"

Elim Park

"Members of Elim Park Swedish Baptist Home of Rest 'Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.' Rev. 14;13"


"Erected to the memory of 1850 Mary Melby 1925 by her friends First matron and superintendent of Elim Park 1907 - 1919 She hath done what she could. Mark 14:8"

Shelton space saver Shelton detail

Monument for Gould A. Shelton

(Aug. 19, 1841 - Jan. 8, 1927)

and his wife, Emily Plumb Capel

(Aug. 12, 1847 - Nov. 11, 1897)

"Until the day break, and the shadows flee away."


"Rev. John Thomas Hamilton

October 6, 1863 September 17, 1939

Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church

Shelton Conn. 1912 - 1919

Pastor Emeritus 1930 - 1939

Annie Grace Leask his wife

May 7, 1861 - January 25, 1952"

Asian monument

A newer stone, that is inscribed entirely in an Asian language. (I wouldn't venture to guess if it's Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. If anyone knows with complete certainty, please email me. I'd love to know which language it is.)

Flag pole

This area honors soldiers who died and are buried overseas. From left to right:

"Korean Campaign Ernest W. Ledger, Jr. Corporal Co. A, 23d Inf. Died Mar. 31, 1951 Age 19 Buried in Korea"

"World War John Dudginsky Co. A, 26th Inf. Died Oct. 4, 1918 AE 28 Buried in France"

"World War Peter Gibbons Co. G. 28th Inf. Died Oct. 1, 1918 AE 24 Buried in France"

"World War Frank Lowensky Co. E, 38th Inf. Died Aug. 9, 1918 AE 22 Buried in France"

"World War Raymond B. Scranton Co. B. 39th Engrs. Died Nov. 8, 1918 AE 28 Buried in France"

"World War Chester A. Burke 5th Regt. Marine Corps Died June 9, 1918 AE 21 Buried in France"

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There are also memorials for the deceased members of the Echo Hose Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1 and the Shelton Police Department.

The Chapel

The chapel at Riverside Cemetery.

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The monument of Colonel Watson J. Miller

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Colonel Miller

Colonel Watson J. Miller (Nov. 23, 1849 - Dec. 24, 1911) was a 32nd-degree Mason. (Thirty-three is the highest level within the Masons and an honorary achievement.) Miller would have held the title "Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret".

Miller memorial space saver Sphinx

Colonel Watson J. Miller's monument and

a close-up of one of the sphinxes.

The stairs are inscribed:

"Pyramid Temple

A.A.O.N. [Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles]

Mystic Shrine

King Hiram Lodge No. 12

New Haven Commandery No. 2 K.T.

Lafayette Consistory S.P. of R.S."

Miller statue space saver Miller mausoleum

A statue of Miller and his mausoleum. The crest at the foot of Miller's statue depicts a double-headed eagle with a triangle emblazoned with the number "32". A banner below the eagle says, "Spes Mea in Deo Est", a Scottish Masonic motto meaning "My hope is in God".

Miller and first wife space saver Miller and second wife

Miller depicted with both his wives:

Susie Jane Waite

Apr. 15, 1850 - Dec. 27, 1906

Maude Marion Patchen

July 17, 1875 - September 6, 1961

Watrous Miller

The Colonel also shares his mausoleum

with his parents:

Watrous Ives Miller

(born June 30, 1822; died Feb. 24, 1885), and

Ruth L. Prout

(born Oct. 10, 1821; died June 13, 1898).

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Beneath Watrous & Ruth Miller is a listing of Colonel Watson J. Miller's ancestors, including Gov. Benjamin Miller, Capt. Ichabod Miller and "Gen. Joseph Spencer of the Continental Army".

On the opposite (left) side of the mausoleum is a list of Susie Jane Waite Miller's ancestors, including Lieut. Abraham Adams.

Miller monument

Colonel Miller's monument from a distance.

All photos copyright by the author, 2010. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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