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Pastor Pryor Sometimes the things which should be the easiest to say actually are the most difficult. For you search and search for new words to use which convey your exact feelings and thoughts, but no words seem to totally satisfy you. Experience has taught me that there are two words that are always in order and are the best to use. There are no two words that are more expressive and sincere as "thank you".

Therefore, first, I thank God, my Savior, Master and Lord for His grace, mercy and peace. Without God, everything would be in vain. I praise Him for His goodness. Psalm 100:4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.

Next, I thank God for blessing me with a loving and supportive Christian wife and children. They caringly support me in the work of the ministry. It is wonderful to have Christian love ones who help me stay mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually fit.

Last, but certainly not least, I will be forever thankful to God for blessing me to serve the members of Third Avenue. For you have been an instrument of grace that God has used to develop my prayer life, bible study, faith in God, preaching, and teaching. All of which have help me to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. I thank you for your love and many prayers. It is my prayer that God continue to help us to grow together in Christ.


Email Pastor Pryor here

2408 Hatcher Street Dallas, TX 75215 (214) 428-3695
Michael D. Pryor, Pastor-Teacher
Pastor’s Study (214) 428-4250


Pastor Pryor


