:: Random Quotes ::

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[-=[quick info on me]=-]
:: Name - Guilhermo
:: Also Known As - "hey boy," "chinaman," and "Francisco"
:: AIM name - FF8page
:: DOB - 10/01/84
:: Place of Birth - Brazil
:: Race - Half Japanese, Half Brazilian
:: Dwelling Place - Miami, FL, USA
:: Marital Status - Crappy
:: Social Life - Pathetic
:: Girlfriend? - Not at this moment... or lifetime
:: Boyfriend, then? - Oh hell no, you didn't just go there.
:: Just making sure

:: Monday, April 22, 2002 ::

Wow, it's been a looooooooong time since I've written here... jeez. Well, to my defense, I *have* been rather busy lately. I had to stay up all night doing my research paper, had to study for a history test, had to do a whole bunch of shit chores at home, etc.

Ok, you'll have to forgive my bad memory... I cannot remember ANYTHING that I've done since the last update, save for today. So I'll talk about today. We've been going to school via Lucho's car, although I am the one driving (he doesn't have his license yet). Today in English we had a timed writing, and I was absolutely clueless as to what to do. In Math, I had to make up a quiz that I missed since I was absent last Thursday, and I think I did really good on it. After that, I had PE. PE was actually fun... though it was fucking hot as hell, and I'm getting tanned just by attending the damn class.

The girl in my PE class, I was talking to her a lot today. She got some issues, I talked to her about them, and then we started talking about each other. I had totally forgotten, she's a quarter japanese. What's even more amazing is that she was born in Japan! Tokyo... man, I was not expecting that. The thing is, this girl is actually cute and she's pretty much all over me in class... but she's going out with this little moron kid (they had broken up a few days ago but apparently got together the very next day), and I'm trying to see if she's just playing me for a fool or if she's actually interested. Why can't I attract a regular girl who is single and willing to date?! Jesus christ...

Hmmm... so I have a book test on Wednesday in English, and I have yet to even buy the damn book! So I'm borrowing Aaron's book and I'm copying this girl's notes on the book tomorrow. I don't even know the damn story yet! Well, I'll find out... pray for me! Maybe I'll do good.

Errr, that's pretty much it. Sam wants me to go play Counter Strike with him right now, so I'll head off. I'll try to write these in more frequently... wait, you don't care, never mind.
:: Guilhermo Tavares 10:27 PM [+] ::
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:: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 ::

Hmmmm.. so I didn't make a post for last night. Gomen (sorry in Japanese). Errr, kind of busy. I was doing my english homework, which she barely mentioned.. fuck, I always waste my time when I do her homework.. damn Nobil. Anyway, here's what happened.

I don't think anything happened Sunday... turns out my parents didn't go to Key West, apparently due to bad weather (though when I woke up at 1pm, the weather was perfect). I chilled until around 3 or 4, then I started to read some of the homework. At 5, the Heat game started, so I only read during the intervals. Heat lost, yes. I would've been sadder if we had playoff hopes, but right now I'm only hoping for a win to go out in a bang. The guy at NBC.. I forget his name, but I think he was an ex-player and he's blond, god damn, he must suck Shaq's dick or something... the guy won't shut up about O'Neil! I seriously wanted to call and be like "I have a question... how big is Shaq's dick? I mean, you obviously suck it every day, you must know..." Game finished, I finished up my homework.. actually, I didn't do my math, but it was late and I was tired. I was going to come down and finish my blogger entry, but my brother had gotten ahold of the pc (and he closed all of my downloads, god dammit!) Speaking of which, today my big sister is like "Can I go on the pc real quick to check my e-mail?" and I'm like "Sure." Well, she closes ALL of my download programs.. for no fucking reason! We have a 1.1 GHz pc with 512 megs of DDR RAM.. she doesn't need to close 3 windows in order to make room to open fucking IE. AHHH! Whatever, I calmed down, and I was like "nah, it's ok."

Today, I went to school as planned. Man, I was so tired. And Michelle pretty much totally ignored me, so I'm like "eh, fuck it." I talked to my research partner a lot during class, so at least I wasn't completely bored. Man, I hate that class. It's soooo boring and I don't know any people in the class. One time I was absent, so I went to Aaron's english period to make up for the time lost... holy crap, he is the funnest guy to be around. Me and him, we just fuck around (not literally, you sick perverts.. Ran!) and make fun of the girls on the other side of the room. Man, funnest time I've ever had in a class. But then I went back to my 2nd period... bore-fucking-ing. Ah well. Oh, and then I had math.. I was trying to hide so that she wouldn't call on me for the homework.. but I'm an A student and I always had my homework (or copied on the spot) when she asked for an answer, so I guess that's why she didn't call on me. She gave us a big homework assignment due Wednesday, so I think I'll do that cause she's probably going to check. She's the best, though... best teacher I've ever had, and funniest, too.

Oh, shit, I got my posters today! Fucking amazing quality... they shine! And the girls, ooooooooooooh, I am going to spend a LOT of time in my bedroom now :) I also have a Miami Heat poster (from the game I went to see against the Pacers... $15 for 6th row seats! It was a special student discount for weekend games.) which I'll put over my "study" desk. Damn, hot damn, my room is going to be THE nicest room of all time. All I need now is for girls to come into my room... but that's a totally different ballgame. One that is as foreign to me as the word "ethics" is to the brazilian politicians.. especially since they don't know english, heh.

I don't think I have anything else to talk about today... I got a test tomorrow for history, which I only studied for today (and I had all of Spring Break to do that)... I had a huge homework assignment for history, but I made some calculations and figured that the highest grade I can get for the year is a B, and I have straight B's and an A on my midterm, so I just need like a C this marking period (which should be easy) and a C for the final to guarantee a B for the year. Besides, I'm lazy, and the homework is huge.. I only remembered today right before school was over, heh. I have a Mu Alpha THeta meeting tomorrow (MATH club), no clue what it's about, but there are some cute girls in it, so why not? Besides, it's mandatory. Aaron and I have to sign up for tutoring (he's my ride home, so we always sign up for the same days), which sucks cause I hate tutoring... I hate people who can't get the fact that A + B = B + A, or that the x value of a point is the first coordinate and the y value is the second. I mean, seriously, are people THAT slow? Jeez. Well, time to go. Tomorrow I have class with Paul, the guy who I asked to hook me up with that girl Maria.. I'll ask him the status tomorrow. Wish me luck! (for the test and for the girl)
:: Guilhermo Tavares 12:01 AM [+] ::
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:: Sunday, April 07, 2002 ::

AHHHHHH!!! My fucking toes!!! Holy shit, my right big toenail is now 100% bruised and it's bleeding. My left big toenail is broken almost in half, and it's also bleeding. Plus, it didn't help when people (ahem, Aaron) stepped on it like 30 times while we played. YEEEOOUCH. It hurts like a motherfucker, and it won't stop. I took some anti-inflammatories or whatever, but apparently they haven't kicked in. FUCK!

Which reminds me, I'm writing this on notepad.. fuck IE, it's so fucking unreliable. I wish there was a way to downgrade to version 5.5 or something - seems like Aaron was having the same problems with IE6, so he somehow got IE5.5, and it works fine. DAMN!

Oh, I downloaded a 1.4 GB video today, a musical called Love Century by none other than Morning Musume. God, they're so cute! I have most of each individual girl's Photobook, which is a collection of very sexy, albeit unrevealing shots (I'm not complaining... I like it when a girl leaves it to the imagination). I found out that I had this subtitled video of the making of Morning Musume's new movie called Tokkaekko. It's probably out in theaters there by now, I'm not sure. One girl, Hitomi Yoshizawa, looks really cute in the movie... and her photobook... and the videos... wow.

Heh, Aaron and Lucho were talking to me in the car when we went to Wendy's to get food after basketball about this blogger. They're like "Oh, it's funny, but it's so sad, I felt really bad." Heh, any girls feeling bad, too? I need some loving, too... and I'm slim. Come on, don't let my foot stories hold you back.. I wear socks, dammit.

Hmmmm.. today I got Adobe Premiere 6.0, which is a video editing program that is like a trillion times better than the one I used (Video Studio 4.0 by Ulead... which reminds me, I have to return the VS4 CD to Max, haha, whoops). I also got Adobe Photoshop 6.0 today, which is an image editing program. I had 5.0, but I needed to upgrade. Both pieces of software are top notch, used by professionals and everything. PS6 sells at around $600, I think. How did I get it? I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy...

Oh, I just finished watching Training Day. God damn, some nice ass movie. Errr, it had light nudity right at the end, and my mom was there watching with us (my brother, my big sister, and I)... kind of uncomfortable, but whatever. Nevertheless... movie has a lot of twists and turns, so it's pretty unpredictable.

Damn, so I only have one more day of freedom before school. Jesus, I don't even know if I'll be able to walk with my toes like this.. god damn! AHHH! Fuck, it hurts... ok, don't think about it, don't think about it... damn, still hurts. My parents want me to go to Key West with them tomorrow, and they'd come back at 4, but I don't feel like going.. dunno, kinda lazy. I say that I have homework to do, and I really do... I'll probably start working on it by the time they get home, heh, but I'll try to start earlier. Shit, I also have to read Ecology of a Cracker Childhood.. I think my classmates are almost done with the book, and I still haven't bought it! Hahaha.. damn... I think I should order from amazon tomorrow. It's in my shopping cart, too! Heh.

Ah well, I have to start anew with the girl searching. Maybe I'll have some luck with Maria... dunno, just hoping. Damn, I wish guys didn't have to start conversations, and that girls would just come up to me. That's the hardest thing, really.. once I feel that a girl is at least interested, I'm not as anxious around her. And then if she states that she is interested, then the anxiety is completely gone and I can finally be myself. The thing is.. if someone comes up to me and I don't really want to talk to them, I won't tell them that... I'll be nice and keep talking. But that's what's in my head when I think of going up to a girl... will she be annoyed and just act nice cause she's not rude? Please help... :) ^_^

Well, that's pretty much it, I guess. I need to try to go to bed early today so that I can get used to it by tomorrow, since I wake at 6am for school. Matane, all! (Hey, the only way to learn Japanese is for me to practice)
:: Guilhermo Tavares 3:01 AM [+] ::
...................................... End Entry ......................................

AHHHHHH!!! My fucking toes!!! Holy shit, my right big toenail is now 100% bruised and it's bleeding. My left big toenail is broken almost in half, and it's also bleeding. Plus, it didn't help when people (ahem, Aaron) stepped on it like 30 times while we played. YEEEOOUCH. It hurts like a motherfucker, and it won't stop. I took some anti-inflammatories or whatever, but apparently they haven't kicked in. FUCK!

Which reminds me, I'm writing this on notepad.. fuck IE, it's so fucking unreliable. I wish there was a way to downgrade to version 5.5 or something - seems like Aaron was having the same problems with IE6, so he somehow got IE5.5, and it works fine. DAMN!

Oh, I downloaded a 1.4 GB video today, a musical called Love Century by none other than Morning Musume. God, they're so cute! I have most of each individual girl's Photobook, which is a collection of very sexy, albeit unrevealing shots (I'm not complaining... I like it when a girl leaves it to the imagination). I found out that I had this subtitled video of the making of Morning Musume's new movie called Tokkaekko. It's probably out in theaters there by now, I'm not sure. One girl, Hitomi Yoshizawa, looks really cute in the movie... and her photobook... and the videos... wow.

Heh, Aaron and Lucho were talking to me in the car when we went to Wendy's to get food after basketball about this blogger. They're like "Oh, it's funny, but it's so sad, I felt really bad." Heh, any girls feeling bad, too? I need some loving, too... and I'm slim. Come on, don't let my foot stories hold you back.. I wear socks, dammit.

Hmmmm.. today I got Adobe Premiere 6.0, which is a video editing program that is like a trillion times better than the one I used (Video Studio 4.0 by Ulead... which reminds me, I have to return the VS4 CD to Max, haha, whoops). I also got Adobe Photoshop 6.0 today, which is an image editing program. I had 5.0, but I needed to upgrade. Both pieces of software are top notch, used by professionals and everything. PS6 sells at around $600, I think. How did I get it? I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy...

Oh, I just finished watching Training Day. God damn, some nice ass movie. Errr, it had light nudity right at the end, and my mom was there watching with us (my brother, my big sister, and I)... kind of uncomfortable, but whatever. Nevertheless... movie has a lot of twists and turns, so it's pretty unpredictable.

Damn, so I only have one more day of freedom before school. Jesus, I don't even know if I'll be able to walk with my toes like this.. god damn! AHHH! Fuck, it hurts... ok, don't think about it, don't think about it... damn, still hurts. My parents want me to go to Key West with them tomorrow, and they'd come back at 4, but I don't feel like going.. dunno, kinda lazy. I say that I have homework to do, and I really do... I'll probably start working on it by the time they get home, heh, but I'll try to start earlier. Shit, I also have to read Ecology of a Cracker Childhood.. I think my classmates are almost done with the book, and I still haven't bought it! Hahaha.. damn... I think I should order from amazon tomorrow. It's in my shopping cart, too! Heh.

Ah well, I have to start anew with the girl searching. Maybe I'll have some luck with Maria... dunno, just hoping. Damn, I wish guys didn't have to start conversations, and that girls would just come up to me. That's the hardest thing, really.. once I feel that a girl is at least interested, I'm not as anxious around her. And then if she states that she is interested, then the anxiety is completely gone and I can finally be myself. The thing is.. if someone comes up to me and I don't really want to talk to them, I won't tell them that... I'll be nice and keep talking. But that's what's in my head when I think of going up to a girl... will she be annoyed and just act nice cause she's not rude? Please help... :) ^_^

Well, that's pretty much it, I guess. I need to try to go to bed early today so that I can get used to it by tomorrow, since I wake at 6am for school. Matane, all! (Hey, the only way to learn Japanese is for me to practice)
:: Guilhermo Tavares 3:01 AM [+] ::
...................................... End Entry ......................................

AHHHHHH!!! My fucking toes!!! Holy shit, my right big toenail is now 100% bruised and it's bleeding. My left big toenail is broken almost in half, and it's also bleeding. Plus, it didn't help when people (ahem, Aaron) stepped on it like 30 times while we played. YEEEOOUCH. It hurts like a motherfucker, and it won't stop. I took some anti-inflammatories or whatever, but apparently they haven't kicked in. FUCK!

Which reminds me, I'm writing this on notepad.. fuck IE, it's so fucking unreliable. I wish there was a way to downgrade to version 5.5 or something - seems like Aaron was having the same problems with IE6, so he somehow got IE5.5, and it works fine. DAMN!

Oh, I downloaded a 1.4 GB video today, a musical called Love Century by none other than Morning Musume. God, they're so cute! I have most of each individual girl's Photobook, which is a collection of very sexy, albeit unrevealing shots (I'm not complaining... I like it when a girl leaves it to the imagination). I found out that I had this subtitled video of the making of Morning Musume's new movie called Tokkaekko. It's probably out in theaters there by now, I'm not sure. One girl, Hitomi Yoshizawa, looks really cute in the movie... and her photobook... and the videos... wow.

Heh, Aaron and Lucho were talking to me in the car when we went to Wendy's to get food after basketball about this blogger. They're like "Oh, it's funny, but it's so sad, I felt really bad." Heh, any girls feeling bad, too? I need some loving, too... and I'm slim. Come on, don't let my foot stories hold you back.. I wear socks, dammit.

Hmmmm.. today I got Adobe Premiere 6.0, which is a video editing program that is like a trillion times better than the one I used (Video Studio 4.0 by Ulead... which reminds me, I have to return the VS4 CD to Max, haha, whoops). I also got Adobe Photoshop 6.0 today, which is an image editing program. I had 5.0, but I needed to upgrade. Both pieces of software are top notch, used by professionals and everything. PS6 sells at around $600, I think. How did I get it? I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy...

Oh, I just finished watching Training Day. God damn, some nice ass movie. Errr, it had light nudity right at the end, and my mom was there watching with us (my brother, my big sister, and I)... kind of uncomfortable, but whatever. Nevertheless... movie has a lot of twists and turns, so it's pretty unpredictable.

Damn, so I only have one more day of freedom before school. Jesus, I don't even know if I'll be able to walk with my toes like this.. god damn! AHHH! Fuck, it hurts... ok, don't think about it, don't think about it... damn, still hurts. My parents want me to go to Key West with them tomorrow, and they'd come back at 4, but I don't feel like going.. dunno, kinda lazy. I say that I have homework to do, and I really do... I'll probably start working on it by the time they get home, heh, but I'll try to start earlier. Shit, I also have to read Ecology of a Cracker Childhood.. I think my classmates are almost done with the book, and I still haven't bought it! Hahaha.. damn... I think I should order from amazon tomorrow. It's in my shopping cart, too! Heh.

Ah well, I have to start anew with the girl searching. Maybe I'll have some luck with Maria... dunno, just hoping. Damn, I wish guys didn't have to start conversations, and that girls would just come up to me. That's the hardest thing, really.. once I feel that a girl is at least interested, I'm not as anxious around her. And then if she states that she is interested, then the anxiety is completely gone and I can finally be myself. The thing is.. if someone comes up to me and I don't really want to talk to them, I won't tell them that... I'll be nice and keep talking. But that's what's in my head when I think of going up to a girl... will she be annoyed and just act nice cause she's not rude? Please help... :) ^_^

Well, that's pretty much it, I guess. I need to try to go to bed early today so that I can get used to it by tomorrow, since I wake at 6am for school. Matane, all! (Hey, the only way to learn Japanese is for me to practice)
:: Guilhermo Tavares 1:16 AM [+] ::
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:: Saturday, April 06, 2002 ::
Advice of the day: Everyone has a hidden agenda... it's all about whether your agenda benefits from that person's.
:: Guilhermo Tavares 5:24 AM [+] ::
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Oh hell no. I just wrote this big post, and my stupid fucking IE deleted it... oh hell no. Now I'm in a bad mood.. it had some nice jokes, too! But I hate telling jokes twice.. FUCK! Maybe if I find it I'll post it... FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!

PS: I'm going to start to write them in Notepad from now on... FUCK! Maybe I'll rewrite it.. I'm so bored.
:: Guilhermo Tavares 2:14 AM [+] ::

...................................... End Entry ......................................
:: Friday, April 05, 2002 ::
Eek! Turns out the e-mail address I put in the "contact me" link was not working.. hah! Well, if anyone sent me an e-mail, send again. Whoopsie.

Anyway, I was playing Lucho today in Counter Strike... man, those guys at Arcade Net SUCKED. Holy crap, I whooped their asses again and again... I had like 16 kills and 1 death when I was finished. Lucho was doing good, too.. but you need to really suck to not do good in that server. Ah well. Aaron invited me to go to eat and then the movies, but I was gone to the mall (AGAIN!) all day today, so I was a bit tired of not being home. Plus, I couldn't use the car to get to the mall cause my brother needs to get picked up from work and he doesn't tell people what time he's getting off; he just calls when he's ready to get picked up. So then Lucho IMs me and asks if I want to go eat.. so I'm like "ok" but my dad gets home. I ask if I could use the car, and he says yea, but then it turns out he's cooking this big fish soup thingy for dinner... fish isn't my favorite dish, though I love sushi, but whenever my dad makes something, it's for the family and you better not miss it.

So anyway, I met this really cute girl on irc today. She's from Malaysia, and we had a pretty nice time talking. She's really nice, and she really knows her english. Actually, I've been meeting all sorts of cute girls online, but that won't help my social life. Anyway, I sent her my picture, and she said I was cute. In fact, there are instances in which cute girls say that I'm cute, though they are few and far in between. But, all these seem to happen online. WHY the hell do I meet the girls that actually like me only online? I am NOT going to do this online dating thing unless there's an actual chance of us meeting, so no go there for most of these girls. Fuck! Here's a wild thought, maybe girls think that, and I'm just too shy.. yeah, right, hahah. Damn, I crack myself up.

Oh! Today I was going through channels and I came across Starz.. apparently it's a free day or week or something, but they were showing both "Don't be a menace in south central" and "Naked Gun." I never saw Don't be a menace, but it was already over. Naked Gun, though, had pretty much just started... sooo funny, one of my favorite movies of all time. No, it's not a porn movie. Hahaha, it's so funny.... "I got a message for you! *fires gun*" "What? I can't hear you over the gunfire!"

Oh shit, my research paper partner messaged me today to remind me that we have our shit due next week or something. I totally forgot! Haha, oh well, I guess we'll do it tomorrow. And since I can finally drive the car now... I can go over her house any time, then. Pimp her, you say? Hah, sure, like I have a chance.

Hmmmm... so that's it, I guess... this post pretty much sums up my life. I'm a gamer, a tv watcher, a lazy student (though I do well, don't get me wrong), and I meet girls online instead of in person. How nerdier can I get? I even have the glasses to top it off! Whatever, I'm proud of what I am. I mean, shouldn't I be? I wouldn't want to be this oriental wannabe gangsta, ya know? (though I do like rap) Hmmm... I just noticed how annoying it is to keep bashing myself. I'll stop now. I'll bash other people!

This girl that says she likes me but doesn't want to date me... well, she said that she showed a pic of me to her friend, and her friend said I was cute. Her friend DOES live around me, so I got curious... I wanted to see her picture. Well, I did. Well... I wouldn't date her. I mean, I may be desperate, but I have to draw a line. I don't mind chunky... at all, I do not mind chunky women. But this girl looked like she ATE a chunky person. Sigh.. yes, I'm mean, but I'm not mean to people in their face, ya know? My mom makes fun of people in their face... well, she pretty much busts out with your faults and smashes them in your face... or is it just me? Now that I think about it.. she's only done it to me and my big brother (yeah, I have a big family... 2 brothers, 22 and 27, and 2 sisters, 25 and 3). Damn, that Malaysian girl is really cute... I keep looking at her pic, heh. And she was so modest, too. Damn, I need to stop this internet shit and start looking for people nearby. 3 of my friends, Lucho, Tim, and Hugo want to go to the mall later tonight... maybe I'll pick up a girl? Well, I've been there a trillion times and only once I came close to picking up a girl, but I was dating this ugly hoe, and I would never cheat on anyone no matter what. See how good I am, girls? Come on....
:: Guilhermo Tavares 9:52 PM [+] ::
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Errr.. finished playing Counter Strike not too long ago. I did alright.. much better than in basketball, that's for sure. It is 1:25am... not sure if I should go to sleep or drink some more coke to stay awake.. I mean, no matter what time I go to sleep, I'll still wake up at 12! Last night I went to sleep at 5 in the morning, heh... maybe that's why I was dead tired today. Damn, Spring Break is almost over... I need to get started on my homework.

Eh, I was wondering if I should put up a photo album of myself up here so that people would know how I look like... but then again, that would require actual photos of me, and that's a bit hard to come by. The latest picture I have of myself, aside from my school ID, is one that I took on my little sister's birthday party on Dec 29th of 2000. 2000! Hahah. Besides, I'm a humanitarian... I want people to see the beauty of the world, and showing my picture would surely damage their retinas. It's funny, cause girls I meet on the net are like "Can I see your picture?" and I warn them, but they just brush it off. So I send it to them, the aforementioned picture, where I'm sitting on my couch with my sister next to me. It's funny how they simply go "Oh.. ummm... hey, your sister is cute!" Hah, oh well, I'm used to it. Actually, no, I'm not... oh god, why am I like this!? *sobs*

In any case, I ordered five Morning Musume posters like a week or two ago, and they got shipped on the 3rd. 4 to 6 days shipping means that I'll have it probably by Monday at the latest... since that's when school starts, maybe it'll make my day a little better. If it arrives earlier it'll be even better, cause it'll be like my last hurrah of spring break. Fuck, I'm really out of things to say.. I should really just write this thing once a day, heh. Till next time.
:: Guilhermo Tavares 1:39 AM [+] ::
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:: Thursday, April 04, 2002 ::

Wow, just came back from basketball. So funny, though.. I ended up not going to Bal Harbour Shops and going to Aventura Mall. Turns out I came back at 7 or 7:30, haha! Aaron had called at 4:30 - apparently he did NOT fall asleep as I had previously foreshadowed he would do - and he was like "Dude, where were you!?" But we still played, though I played like shit. Plus, I had Lucho's "unique" cousin on my team, and I'm sorry, but if you suck so much, PASS THE FUCKING BALL. Instead, he double dribbled all over the place, turned the ball over... my smile turned upside down. Well, I couldn't make any shots, especially since Aaron was covering me. What's even worse is that we lost 9 to 1... and our 1 point was by Lucho's cousin! Ack!

On to other issues... I signed up for this penpal thing a few days ago, and I started talking to this 15 or 16 year old girl from Japan. Her writing is so cute, full of smilies (Japanese smilies, heh, like ^_^ and such) and song icons. Her english is a bit limited, so she wants me to teach it to her. In turn, she's teaching me Japanese. 'Matane' means 'See you later,' she taught me. But it's so funny... I often catch myself typing slower when I send her an e-mail... as if that will make it easier for her to understand! Heh, I'm weird, yes.

Oooh, but today I got to drive my brother's car again. It's a Mazda MX6, like '95, but it's in really good shape. It's manual, though, so I've spent the last 3 days learning how to drive it with my sister, who is visiting us from Brazil. Maybe if Maria says she'll go out with me, I'll be allowed to use the car for the date! Yay! Well, actually, it's really any girl that happens to say she'll go out with me... well, not ANY girl, but I guess I'm more... how do you say, open minded now... heh, nice euphemism for desperate, huh? Speaking of asian girls...

For some weird reason, the mall today was full of oriental people! In Miami! I was very surprised... some cute girls, some middle aged ladies.. but orientals nonetheless. I dunno, was there another great migration or something? Not that I'm complaining.. just curious. Anyway, if you're a cute oriental girl between the ages of 14 and 18 and you live in Miami, e-mail me now, dammit! I'm lonely... I mean, I'm nice and sweet and all. Come on! I need a damn break here.

I guess this is it. Lucho wants me to play Counter Strike with him.. his away message is aimed specifically at me, heh. However, the publishing seems to be "temporarily unavailable," which means this might be posted AFTER our match. I'll probably post after-match comments and such. Ah well, who am I kidding... of those of you who actually came here, very few will probably come back, if any. PLEASE come back! Hehe...

Oh, one last thing. If you're into jpop, especially Morning Musume, you might want to check out our irc channel at Dalnet. That's irc.dal.net, channel #morning~musume. Check it out, my nickname there is GoMaki-fan. Also, since I'm pretty new at blogging, I'm finding out new features every day.. so the site might change in the next few days or something. I think I'll put a comments box on the bottom of the page... except I'll block Sam, cause all he'll want to say is "You're gay!"... wishful thinking, ya know?
:: Guilhermo Tavares 10:27 PM [+] ::
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Errrrr.. quick update, I guess. I had put in the wrong e-mail addy on the "contact me" link, so if any of you contacted me (which I sincerely doubt.. how many of you are reading this, anyway?), send it again, I've fixed the link now. Later tonight I'll come back to write more. Bball at 4:30; my sister wants me to go to Bal Harbour Shops with her, and it's already 3:50... do I have enough time? Heh! Ah well, knowing Aaron, he'll be here to play around 6.. he falls asleep very easily.
:: Guilhermo Tavares 3:49 PM [+] ::
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Ummmm.. my first ever blog. I never really wrote anything about my life before. I've had various gaming websites, though... if anyone is reading this at all (I kind of doubt it), drop me a line (I really want to know if anyone is reading). If you're interested in what sites I was responsible for, just ask - quite a few. Maybe tomorrow or the next update I'll mention the sites. Ah well. So, misc ramblings... well, here's what's happened to me this last week.

I got this program called Direct Connect from www.neo-modus.com. Check it out, it's sort of a mix between Hotline and Napster; it's great for songs, movies, anime, even.. ummm, "special files," heh. I only share my Morning Musume files - Morning Musume is a japanese pop band, by the way. My nickname, GoMaki, is short for Goto Maki... well, Maki is her first name, but in Japan they write the last name first. Anyway, she's one of the most popular members in the group (there are 13 members! They kind of change members every year), and pretty much my favorite... VERY hot. Right now I'm listening to one of their songs, actually.. it's called Ikimasshoi!, which means Let's Go! I'm using Winamp 3 beta, which is freakin amazing.. I love the crossfade feature. A must download from winamp.com.

Hmmmm.. so I'm in Spring Break right now. It's wednesday, which means I only have four more days of vacation, and I still haven't started on my homework, heh. I'm in four AP classes (college level courses in High School): English, American History, Calculus, and Chemistry. The latter three are really nice, and I actually enjoy going to class. But English!? Eek! My teacher is REALLY annoying... actually, I don't give a damn about her privacy. Her name is NOBIL, and you do NOT want to have her class. She is a great teacher, don't get me wrong, but as a person? Uh uh. She wastes serious time (AP tests are on the same day for the entire country, so time wasted in class cannot be made up unless there's an after school session) by talking to the girls about how her son got his fiancee such ring, and how the girls shouldn't expect anything less than a round-cut diamond with titanium, I think. Oh, and then she wastes more time by rambling on about how the school wastes time with standarized testing and stuff. Jeez, she's so annoying. And she always wants to let us know that she's "not winging it." Oh please.

Wow, this is getting pretty damn big... hope you're not bored reading this. Wait, who am I talking to? Myself, probably... even though this thing is public, I bet no one will read it anyway. Ah well. Eh, one last thing. I've been playing basketball these past few days on the parking lot close to my house. Man, I've been whooping some ass at times, and then just playing crap other times. My friends Aaron and Lucho are my usual teammates, and we are the team to beat. Except... I have a bruise under my right big toenail... it was tiny a few weeks ago, but it's been growing with every game.. right now, half of that nail is bruised... nasty. Oh, and to make matters even better, my left big toenail is broken. Hah!

Errr, one last last thing. Me trying to hook up with this half japanese girl named Maria. I'm also half japanese, by the way.. other half is brazilian, born in Brazil, live in Florida. Well, if you're Paul (white Paul, not black Paul), then hook me up! See you in school, buddy! Hmmm.. well, I'm off either to watch the rest of Twin Dragons (I got it off of Direct Connect!) or to play some Counter Strike... or to sleep, heh. Gimme some feedback, person(s).
:: Guilhermo Tavares 2:45 AM [+] ::
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