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Attention all you Jealous Loosers what hate Duke here is something for you all! This is us WINNING THE CHAMPIONSHIP last year how do you like that!! PS Cram it!!!!

Ha! What do you think of that jealous loosers!!!!!

Febuary 29-- Well I just heard Duke lost to Verginia Tech last night what the hell is going on! I have HAD it! This garbage has to stop NOW! I refuse to except loosing and it's time Coach Kay got off his high horse and stopped excepting it to! He has oviously lost control of this team and they are falling apart! He needs to wake up and stop loosing baketball games! I HATE loosing and do not except it maybe these players need to learn that loosing is no good! And coach Kay too I know he doesnt care about the ACC and he wants us to be under dogs in the tournement so it will be more fun but I am sick of loosing like this! You never see my Kansas loosing like this so why is Duke! If I wanted to cheer for a bunch of loosers I would go be a Carolina fan! But I do not! I have about had it with this nonsince it is time for Coach Kay to stop resting on his lorals and stop coasting off of that last championship and start trying to win out there! Has the game past him by it sure looks that way Coach kay get youhead out of the clouds and start coaching NOW thats what you get paid all the Big Bucks for so DELIVER! I am sick of all those apologests who always stick up for the looser players and coaches after a loss it is people like that that are to blame! I cant stand it and I refuse to except it! Does Coach Kay need to take lessons from Marryland and Kansas on how to win it looks like he forgot! And what about the players I am sick of this did you see how many shots they missed what a bunch of chokers! Where is they HEART they have none back when we won it all everone on that whole team had HEART but this years team doesnt have any what a bunch of loosers! Coach Kay needs to get on the stick and MOTORVATE these kids and punish them for loosing! Why wont he do anything about it! He aught to make them run laps thats what I'd do why cant Coach kay see that what is his problems is it the looser players or is it the coaching its one or the other and some one better do something soon because I have had it with this nonsince!!!!!! Who cares anyway I am a Kansas fan but I use to like Duke back when they tried to win instead of loosing games to crap nobody garbage looser teams like Verginia Tech!!! Loosers!

Febuerry 28-- Well I heard that the ESPN channel did a show about how Duke basketball players are dumb and don't go to class! That show was filfthy lying! It was nothing but slanted garbage and nonsense and LIES! I am so glad I did not waste my time watching it! ESPN is always bias against Duke why can't we ever get any good publicity from ESPN what a bunch of jealous loosers! Beside who cares about all that acadamic nonsince anyways! Those players are there to play and we are number #1 at PLAYING so who gives a crap if none of them go to class and graduate early NO ONE its only because ESPN is jealous because they couldnt get in to Duke so they have to spread all this around! What bias LIES!!!!

Febuery 27! Well the big news is that JayWill is free! He got out of jail! I knew the Great Coach Kay could get him out! Now he will play for Duke the rest of the year and that is the importent thing! So in you face all you jealous loosers what have been calling him names like murderer! He will be back to win it all again! Now maybe Coach Kay has taught him his lesson and he wont go around shooting people during the basketball season! thats why Coach Kay is a special person and a role model and a hero because he teaches his kids the Right Thing and how to stay elligebile and out of jail until it is time to go hardship! Except for that looser Chris Carrywell who is trying to badmouth Coach Kay because Carrywell was over rated and choked and couldnt win it all! Too bad he turned out to be a looser not a leader and hero like JayWill or MDun! JAYWILL IS BACK LOOK OUT!!!

Febuery 25! Well the Figure Skating Olympics are finely over and they were awesome as usual! The ovious high point was on Friday night when the USA whupped Russia in the big hockey match! It was so awesome I couldnt belief it! To finely see our scrappy little college players take on them Russian allstar pro players and whup them and win the Gold metal was just unreal! It was just like in 1980! That year we also whupped Russia and won the Gold metal in the hockey and this year was just the same! WOW! So cram that one Russian whinners and cheaters how do you like you looser Silver metals! In you face! USA number #1! USA USA USA!!!! And then of course there were the closing ceramoneys which were beautiful and movving and neato as always! They had KISS come out and dance around with figure skaters and also many other talented actors also prance around the ice with the Super Stars of skating it was even better than the Ice capades which is awesome and I always go to when they have them instead of the monster trucks and the ice capades are the best capades of any of them and the Closing Ceramoney was like the best Ice capades of all times! Plus KISS!! So another great episode of the Figure Skating Olympics is over with many great new champions and most of all USA winning the big hockey match to bring home the Gold and show the World we are the best country in the world and that those other countrys all suck! In you face!!! USA number #1!!!!!!!!

Febuary 20! Well the Figure Skating Olympics are finely under way and the big story is that the Russian judges cheated! that is not a big suprise because they use to be Commies! They are lucky that they only tried to cheat Cananda because if they tried to rip us off out of a Gold Medal we would of had to nuke them! But they thought that sense Canada is a little tiny country with no nukes that no one cares about except for Penguins and Exkimos that they could push them around but they forgot that AMERICA would take up for the Canadadians and stick up for them and tell the Russian judges to quit cheating and fork over that Gold Medal! Lucky for little Canada that we are pals with them and can fight they battles for them! Because we like they Mapple Syrip and the hockey and plus that Canadadian girl that got cheated was hot! So we took up for them and made the Russians give back the Gold Medals that they stole! It was so great to see Truth and Justice and Freedom and Democrasy win again over Cheating and Communism and Russia! We win again! In you face Commies! In other Figure Skating Olympics news we won a bunch of Gold Medals in some of those funny sports they have there and set the World Records in speed skating and skying and Bob Sledding and crash track speed skating which is like the Roller Derby! Only with sharp skates on! Its pretty cool! So lets here it for our many great American champions who are NUMBER #1 and the best in the world even in dumb fake made-up sports that they have in the Figure Skating Olympics! USA! USA! USA! Number #1!!!!

Febuary 18! SHOCKING SCANDALUS NEWS!!!!! I have just heard from my topsecret sources that there has been a shooting at Jayson Williamses house! And that JayWill has shot somebody! I cant belief this it is unreal but there you go! I do not know what the great Coach Kay has said yet but oviously this is why Duke lost to Marryland! I am sure that whatever happened was a accident and that JayWill didnt waist the guy on perpose! he was probly a Marryland fan mouthing off so he probly brought it on him self! It just goes to show that with all the pressure of being a Supestar basketball player even a Hero like JayWill will sometimes loose his cool and blow someone's head off! By accident! But it looks like the cops arent going to bust him so Duke should be all right which is the importent thing! Its lucky that JayWill is okay and not hurt or anything and hopefully he wont be too upset by this ACCIDENT and will go back to being the Awesome JayWill! I am sure that the Great Coach Kay has talked to him and explained how to not shoot anyone else and not to do this sort of destracting thing during the basket ball season and hopefully JayWill has listened and learnt so he won't shoot anyone else! By accident!

SATURDAY FEBUARY 16! Well the big game is comming up which will be played tomorow because I am typing this on Saturday the day beffore! So anyways I perdict a SHOCKING and STUNNING UPSETT the biggest upsett of all since the MIGHTY PATRIATS took down the over rated Rams and so I perdict that My Marryland Terpins will beat over rated Duke in the big show down! Thats right you heard it here first! Duke has many injuries and many of the players are in deep pain! JayWill is hurt and he will only play because he is a Hero! I think it is his neck that is hurt probably he has trouble turning it the right way and this could impack the big game! Plus Joe Dante has a sore chest from where he beats it after all his dunks and plus his arms are sore from all the flexxing he has to do! So no way can Duke win because of all the injurys! And Coach Kay wants Duke to be the Under Dog this year and wants Marryland to be over confident so that things will be exiting and so he will probly let Marryland win! And then of course the reffs always hate Duke and call against them and cheat against Duke to give the otehr teams a chance to stay in the game! Plus also Marryland isnt bad I love them! We have Big Lonny Wilcots the Big Man plus Waun Dixon and the crafty Point Guard Steven McVay who is way better then he looks and is good for a scrawny little white guy! So we are great! Fear Us Tertles! You heard it here first! MARRYLAND will win the big game which will be played tomorrow one day after I type this perdiction on saturday!

Febuary 15! BIG NEWS! Here is the LATEST info on a HUGE issue ESPN is comming out with a new channel next year it is going to be awesome I cant wait! Here is my exclusive report on this Big Issue "Bristol, CONN: ESPN announced they have added a new channel next year to their programming. ESPNDUKE will debut to college basketball fans nationwide. This "special" channel will feature Mike Patrick and Dick Vitale doing exclusive coverage of Duke games, as the pair as done for the past decade. ESPNDUKE will feature many special features including the Tommy Duhon cam, live interviews with Duke player parents, a lip reading cam on Coach K for the profanity impaired, and more. Other unique features to the broadcast will include pregame analysis and annotation of the Duke cheer sheets, "special" camera angles into the Cameron Crazies cheering section, an in depth documentary on the Duke cheerleader selection process and never before seen footage of pregame pep talks between Coach K and the ACC officiating teams.
Asked to comment on the new channel, Vitale says, "Hey, it's just flat out special, baby, are you serious? I mean c'mon, what is there not to love about ESPNDUKE!". Mike Patrick is equally excited about the move saying, "Hey, are you serious? Getting to watch Johnny Dawkins and Mark Alarie play every night, what a great concept."
When asked how ESPNDUKE will differ from Duke broadcasts in the past, ESPN officials had no comment."

FINELY Duke will get some coverage about time! Duke never gets any attension from the TV news I have to check different channels to find out which network is showing the game this wil make it much easyer and teach people all about how Duke is the Awesomest team and how Coach Kay is the best Coach ever and how Duke does everthing so right! About time they started telling people these facts! Duke never gets any praise or anything so finely they will this is great news I cant wait!!

Febuery 14-- today is Valantine Day which is always a big deal for girls! They like to get all mushy and talk about flowers and candy and rainbows and roses and unicorns and pink things! I am a man and dont care about that nonsince but sense the Ladies all love me I have to deal with Valantine Day and buy something for the old ballandchain! So I need to hit the 7-11 on the way home from the office or I'll get the stinkeye again all night! Broads! What are you going to do! But anyways they have the inter net Valantines now so all you hot girls that love my websight and are all imprest by my knowledge and wealth and power and fame can send me a valantine and I wont even get in trouble for it from the old ballandchain! So dont worry just send me inter net valantines thats less risky then real flowers that I'm never going to use! Or send me pitchers of youself that is always the best valantine gift you can do for you man! So get going! And happy Valantine Day to all the ladys out there from you man Bandwagon Boy!

Feburary 11-- The big sports story right now happened this weekend and everone is talking all about it everwhere! Thats right I am talking about the Pro Bowel where my faverite confrence in football the AFC whupped the looser NFC! It was AWESOME! My Patriats of course won again like we always do! And our many other super stars showed why the AFC confrence is the best babay!!! What other game could you ever see talent like Bob Braddy handing off to Preast Homes or Ritch Gannen passing to that guy from the Colts! It is unreal how many super stars were out there no wander everone cant stop talking about it! It was a Awesome game and I won money fo course betting on my AFC! In you face NFC! Loosers! Pro Bowel weekend is always the best weekend of the year now the only bad part is having to wait tell next year for the next AWESOME PRO BOWEL BABAY!!!!!!!

Febuary 8th Well it is almost time for the big Figure Skating Olympics which will be coming up next week! Figure Skating is kind of a wussy sport for babies and fairy men but I like to watch the girls do it! Them hot girls spin around out there in they little skirts with the sparkles! That is hot stuff if you are a Real Man! Now they have a lot of other sports at the Figure Skating Olympics but they are mostly dumb and stupid! They have Bob Sledding but it is like NASCAR without engines and they never crash up so it is dumb! And they have the skying which is fine for Eropean snobbs and people called Svenn but is borring for Americans what like the good sports! They have the sky jumping which isn't borring when they fall down and wipe out in the Agoney of defeat! Plus they have the hockey which is all right at least there is some fighting and slashing! It seems like the commies and foreners always win but thats not true because America is the greatest nation on earth and we are able to whup the others even in fake made-up phony sports like they play in the Figure Skating Olympics! Not many people know this but one time we played the Russians in the Olympic hockey and they had all pro players but we decided to take them on with our high school team to show them who is boss! So we were the big under dogs but who do you think came from behind to SHOCK everone and upsett the hotshot commies in the Miracle Game to win the Gold Medal! It was us! USA! USA! USA! That game was awesome we showed the commies who was better and then after they saw that our high school kids could whup they best players at they own game they knew that they had no chance! If they couldnt even beat us in the hockey they had no chance in real sports like base ball or foot ball! So they gave up being commies and tore down they wall and it was awesome! It was the best Olympic momment ever except for when that trailer park girl hit the snobby Nancy Carrigan girl in the knees with a metal thing! That was unreal! And then Nancy Carrigan won the Gold Medal and showed that cheaters are loosers! Plus she was hot! That was about as good as a Girl sport like figure skating could ever get unless they let them go top less now that would be the best sport ever! But they probly wont do that this year but you should tune in anyways and watch the Figure Skating Olympics because they only come on every four years and its fun to watch the USA come from behind and whup the foreners even in the stupid fake made-up games that they play us in! Its the only way they have a chance! So go USA! USA! USA!!! NUMBER #1 in the WORLD BABY!!!!In you FACE foreiners!!

Febuary 6! I have some more cloths to sell these are all high qualty excelent cloths that are very expensive and first class you probly couldnt afford them brand new unless you are a big CEO like me! So I am selling a real nice football jersy it is blue and gold and it is of the Rams and has the name of "Falk" on the back with the nuber 28 on it! Plus I have another simlar jersy of blue and gold it is number 13 and has the name "warner" on the back! These shirts are almost brand new and in top shape but I will cut you a good deal on them because I am just that kind of guy! So shoot me a email and make me a offer I need to move them now! Plus I will consider a trade for them if you have anything that says New England Patriats I would love to swap! Exspecially to get a Bob Braddy MVP shirt or a Andrew Vinteri short! Or you could just send me money I dont care! So act now for these highclass items before it is too late!


Februery 2-- The big game is comming up tomorrow (because I am typing this on Saturday a whole day before the Super Bowel!) the Super Bowel and everone is giving me a hard time about my SHOCKING perdiction of saying that my PATRIATS will win it all! I dont care because I am so loyal it is unreal and I stick to my guns and I have been the biggest Patriat fan in the universe ever sense I can remember so I will stick with them and pick them to win because I am so loyal and brave and will not give in to everone else who likes the cocky Rams! My Patriats RULE and are Clutch Men and will win the Big One just you watch! I garantee it! If I am wrong I will apologize and admit it because I am a class Act all the way! But that wont happen because My Patriats will never let me down in the big game!!!! GO PATZ!!! Win the Super Bowel! Which will be played tomorrow because I am typing this on saturday the day before!!

Febaury 1st! I hve been doing a lot of reserch at the super Bowel teams and I have found out a lot of importent info! It is unreal! Did you know that my Patriats have won a bunch of games in a row! They have TWO quaterbacks who are awesome Bob Braddy and Drew Bleddso instead of just one Curt Warner! So if you think about it two is better then one! Plus I love how our Coach Bill Bellycheck is a Genious and always out smarts the other teams! And we have the greatest Field Gold kicker of all time in Andrew Vinteri! Mark my word he is a Clutch Man and will make the big Field Golds when the game is on the Line! Dont get me wrong I like the Ramz but they are kind of over rated and they arent showing enough respect for my Patriats! Nothing will tick me off like a cocky team that thinks it is all that! I am a very humble and classy man so I love teams that are like that to! Just like the Awesome Patriats who I perdict will SHOCK THE WORLD and pull off the great upsett and knock off the Rams! That is right MY OFFICIAL SUPER BOWEL PERDICTION is that my PATRIATS will come from out of no where and suprise everone by knocking off the cocky over rated Rams in the Super Bowel in a close game! Now All the people that go around calling themselfs experts but dont know nothing about foot ball are perdicting the Rams to win but sense I am a real Expert I have done the complicated Reserch into these teams and crunched the Numbers and typed the satistics into the computer so I know what will happen and so I stand by my SHOCKING perdiction that my favorites the new England PATRIATS will win the big game! It will be close but my Patriats will pull it out probly on a Field Gold by Clutch Man Vinteri! Call me crazzy I dont care figures dont lie and my foot ball expertice tells me that my Patriats will pull off the Upsett and shut up all you cocky people and stick it in you faces by betaing you over rated Rams!!!!! GO PATZ!!!!!

Januery 30!!! Today is time for Bandwagon Boys BIG SUPER BOWEL PREVIEW!!!!! So here it is!!

Well Sunday is the Big Game! The Super Bowel! Now I will write what all the socalled experts think abot the big game but the are wrong because they sell My faverites the Patriats short! "My Ramz are Nuber #1 team of all and should totally kick butt once again! Even tho the Patriats are my second faverite team and I love them they have NO CHANCE! NONE! I love Bob Brady and the way he is a smart quaterback this year, and Bledso is a hero but come on! My Rams are the greatest team ever to play any sport ever of all timez there is no question about it! Everone knows all the rams from Curt Warner the SUPERSTAR to Marshal Falk the little guy who is fast and good at running to Izak Bruce the Wide reciefer and the other wide reciefer Tory Holt and the big Pace at Tackle and Granite Wenstrom on the deffense plus Enos Williams the pass intercepter! Now try and name some Patriats not counting Bob Brady and Bledso I already gave you those two no cheating play fair for once! You can't do it can you! The rest of the team is a bunch of nobodies that only experts like me have even heard of! So that tells you right there that the RAMZ are going all the way babay!! Now everbody loves the Patriats and say that they are a team of density and all that which is nice but it dont matter! We're talking about the RAMS here! In the Super Bowel! I say that the Super Bowel is a game of two halfs and that you win as a team, or you loose as a team and there is no "I" in T-E-A-M! Or else it would be spelled different! Now everone says records are made to be broke, but deffense wins champion ships! And thats what this game is all about my AWESOME Rams winning the champion ship! Now the reason why my RAMZ are so awesome is that they come to play ever single week and always give 110%! Oviously the satistics dont lie and the Rams have been there before and they are peeking at just the right time! They are in the driver seat! Its do or die a mustwin situation for all of the marbles! And those marbles will be the Ramses marbles! Not the Patriatses bucko!

Now here are the KEYS to how my RAMS will slotter the Patriats-- First of all they have to establish they running game! They should go out there and play smashmouth football! That will be the key to this whole game! They need to dominate the line of scremmage which is where they hike the ball from! They have to pound it out on the ground but also they need to Air it out to the fast reciefers and open up the passing lanes! They also have to take care of the football so that they dont make the turn overs because turn overs will be the key to this game! They also have to stop the big plays! They should just go out and execute and make plays on both sides of the ball! They should do all this and win easy as long as they stick to they game plan and do as I say! It's the Rams game to loose and they can smell blood in the water! But they can't afford to get lacksadasacal! They really have to take it to them and play like they ears are pinned back! They need to turn up the intensity and stay focused and step up and make the plays! They have to come out of the locker room fired up and loaded for bears and go out and take care of bizness! They can't let the crowd phase them so they better get after it and rise to the occasion! Which is the Super Bowel! So they better dig deep and suck it up and crank it up a notch to step up to the next level! They better stay hungary and not look past these guys to avoid a big letdown! They have to come together as a team and belief in themselves and play like they are capable of playing like there is no tomorrow! Which there isnt if you loose! Unless you are a looser! Which they are not! My Rams have been hitting on all cylendars like a well-oiled machine, so I say it's all over but the shouting! Its in the bag babay! The cream always rises to the top! I perdict they will blow the game wide open and go for the juggler and run rufshod right over them Patriats! In you face New England! Perdictioon: RAMZ 55 Patriats 13!! RAMZ SUPER BOWEL CHAMPS AGAIN BABAY!!!!!!

See how wrong those people are I know that my Patriats will really win! In you face socalled experts!!!! GO PATZ!!!

Januery 24! Well the big week end is comming up where they pick who gets to go to the Super Bowel and its no Contest! My RAMZ of course will destroy who ever they play and then the Stealers will get whup the other team my Patriats! The RAMZ are un stoppible like I proved in my comment the other day! Now I will prove how my Patriats are also un stoppible except for my RAMZ who are the best! Okay Pitsburg has Cordel Stuart at quarter back and he is good at running! But it wont matter because my Patriats are good at catching fast guys and then tackeling them! Then they looser Stealers have the Man they call the Bust, Jarome Betis who is so big and HUGE that he BUST through the line ever time and cant be stopped except by my New England! I perdict he will only carry it probaly around 8 times for probaly about 9 yards against my mighty Patriats! Then my New Englands who are my favortie AFC team have the excellent Offence! They have Troy Brown who is great and Bledso at QB plus also that new guy Braddy who is awesome! And then the deffence who smack the other team around! PLus the Spacial Teams of my Patriats will be the diffrence I perdict that the Stealers stupid looser field gold kicker who stinks will get blocked! The kicking game will be the differents! But in the Super Bowel my RAMZ will win it all babay!!! So there you have it! I cant wait to see my teams win and for everone to see that I am right again in you FACE!!!

Januarry 23 Wow Mike Tyson is a badass! He whupped Louis Lenox in the press conference to show everone how to be scared of him! That was so awesome it was like when Stonecold or the Rock come out in the interviews and bust someone head wide open with a chair! Its about time boxxing got someone badass like Mike Tyson he is one of the top young fighters in the sport and is on his way up and will be Champ for years to come! Louis Lenox is to scared of Badass Tyson now he will try to get out of the fight and Tyson will keep his championship title! The best fight would be for Stonecold to fight Tyson now that would be Awesome! I would buy that paperview so quick you dont even know it! Now that boxxing is catching up to Wrestling it is more fun! Tyson is a great man and a badass and is saving boxxing from being so borring and stupid! GO TYSON!!! Champ babay!!

> Januery 22! Why are my RAMS so AWESOME you ask! I will tell you! First of all they have the great qaterback Mr. Curt Warner the best to ever play the game of foot ball!!! He cant be stopped give up now! Second they have the AWESOME Martial Falk the best runner in the game! He is little and tiny and fast and good at running! No one can catch him! Plus there are many other great RAMZ that you dont know about like Enos Williams who had TWO TDs the other day and plays on deffense! Match that! You cant! Plus also there is Oz Hakeem I dont know if he the brother of Hakeem Olijabbar the basketball player or not but all I know is that he is another little FAST man who cant be caught! And then there is the linemen Granit Wenstrom and big Pace the big Tackle! When you add them all up there is no one what can compete! Not even my Stealers my second faverite team! So face it my Rams are the best and will win it all I told you so!!! GO RAMZ!!!!!

Janury 21-- today is a holiday called the Luther King Day where we get to stay home from work in the cold weather! Luther King was a Reverend in the Church I think he was a Lutherian! He was a great and famous man and was good even though he was kind of a pinko sometimes but what can you expect from a bleeding heart Church man! He said that no one should get any special treatment and that things should be fair and square which is why we have a day for him! I was listening to the News with Rush Limbau the other day and he talked about how Luther King was against Affirmative Action so there you go he had a lot of since plus he got shot what more do you need to know! That equals a Hero and a great Man in my Book! So have yourself a Happy Luther King Day! And say NO to Political Correct people that want to make us have Affirmative Action! Stupid Liberals!

Januery 18! We won! Duke beat Marryland in college basketball last night what a game it was a classic!!!! Just like I perdicted, we came out and slottered them! They never had a chance! Coach Kay told our guys to go out there and score as many baskets as they could and to stop Marryland from scoring as many baskets! And it worked! That kind of stratergy is why the Great Coach Kay is the best Coach EVER in sports history! It is so unreal I am so pshyched up right now! We won and are nuber #1 and we are there to stay!!!!!!






Januery 17-- Well tonight is the Big Game! The biggest Game of the Year by far! Everone is wandering who will win between my faverite team Duke and my third faverite team Marryland! I love both these teams so it is very difficult for me to watch this game but I love it anyways because they are so awesome and will dunk so much! Here is my preview of the Big Game! The game will be played between Marryland and Duke at the Cameroon Indoor Colisseum the finest college basketball building ever! And it will be played on the Coach Kay Court which is named after the Great Coach Kay! Both teams are awesome this year with Duke having the best guard in the country Jayson Williams! And then also C-Booz, M-Dun, the freshmen Joe Dante and that other guy! Who is awesome! Marryland is also great and one of my top favorite teams even though they lost to a couple scrubby teams! They best players are Wan Dixon, Big Baxter, that skinny white guy and that other guy that dunks all the time! So you can see that it is a matchup of some of the greatest players who ever played! The big Edge will go to Duke because of the Great Coach Kay the best coach ever in any sport and also a classy champion and hero and role model! Marrylands coach has done well sense taking over for old Lefty Frizell but he aint Coach Kay thats for sure! And then when you add in the Camroon Crazys (that is the nick name of the wild fans that cheer for Duke the best crowd and most knowledgible anywheres its true I'm one of us!) then you see that Duke is just unstopible! So my perdiction will be Duke in a close one 109 to 86! Maybe even in over time! Wow it will be a great one you heard it here first!!!!

Janurary 14th I dont know why all you people use to think Kansas was so hot at basketball I told you all that they was over rated but you wouldnt listen! Duke is still number #1 just like I told you we would be because we are the best team in the world did you see us whup NC State last night what a slotter it was so easy we didnt even have to try! JayWill and M-Dun are the best players in college and C-Booz and C-Duh are awseome too what more do you want! So think about that the next time you try to say Kansas is number one Ha not quite bucko!!!!!

Janurary 13th--- Well its the NFL playoffs once again and even though I dont get all into the Wild Car teams because my favorites dont play until next week I will go ahead and make perdictions because I know that these looser Wild Car teams have people that like them I don't know why who knows some people just dont know anything about foot ball I guess! Anyways I see Philledephia stomping the Buckanears in the first game and then the Raiders and Jerry Rice whupping the Jets in game two tonight! And then tomorrow (I say tomorrow because I am typing this on Saturday morning before any games have been played yet) I perdict that Green Bay will pound the looser 49ers and My Ravens the only champion team playing the whole weekend will crush the Dolphins! I still kind of like the Ravens even though I told them not to get shed of Trent Difert even though he is sort of a dork he keeps winning and winning is what football is all about so dont be a looser! So there you have Bandwagon Boys Awesome NFL picks the best in the world you cant go wrong you can make a million dollers if you listen to my Award Winning websight with the best infomation in the universe!!!

Januery 12-- So many jealous loosers are complaining about the Great Coach Kay and saying he is a poor sport and a jerk and a bad man just because he left in JayWil and ran up the score on Georgia Tech and wouldn’t shake they hands! Well I have a message to these Georgia Tech people: How dare you! Who do you think you are! First of all how dare you think you could ever shake the hand of the Great Coach Kay! He doesnt go around shaking hands with people the like of you thats for sure! He is Coach Kay a great basketball coach and you are some nobody who never did nothing! He is a star and celebrety and Genious and what have you ever done that can compare! Nothing! He is far above you! So he didnt shake the hands of the Georgia Tech people why should he what have they ever done for him NOTHING! They are lucky to be allowed on the court at Duke and then they have the nerve to go stretching where Duke didnt want them to that should of been a forfit right there! Thats the kind of classless behavior that the Great Coach Kay has made it his goal to stamp out and he will! He taught all of them Tech people a lesson last night that you will stretch where Duke tells you to stretch or you will loose by 50 points! And we will keep shooting three pointers and keep all our starters in as much as we want and it will intimidate you and show everone how we so bad! If you whiners dont like it then go home and take you forfit your going to loose to Duke anyway so cram that one you classless bunch of no class jerks! In you face we will kick you all over the court and rub you noses in it because you dont have any class! As for everone complaining about the Great Coach Kay yelling at the Reffs I saw that in the TV and I loved it it was awesome! That is what I call COACHING babay!! No wonder we won by 50 or whatever! You see the Great Coach Kay does not accept bad reffing! He will not allow cheating bad reffs to ruin a Duke game and will do what it takes to put an end to the bad reffing! That is why he RULEZ!!!!! FIST!!!!!!! As for all these people that like other teams why do these fooles hate us Duke fans so much! It has to be jealousy there is no other reason in the world! They are so jealous because we are way ahead of them and they know they can never catch up no matter what so they dare to attack the Greatest Coach Ever and make up lies about him and say he was trying to run up the score and didnt shake hands well I say WHO CARES! I am GLAD we run up the score and stick it other teams faces if they dont like it they can stay at home and take a forfit! If these mealymouth people dare to try to play us they need to know they are going to get slottered and humiliated and embarrassed EVERY TIME!! Poor babies if you dont like it then you dont even desserve to have you hand shook by the Great Coach Kay do you know who he is! You are NOTHING and he is EVERTHING! So cram it jealous looser! Anyways why do these other fans all hate us so much one word: they are just JEALOUS!!! LOOSERS!!! I cant belief how jealous you all are of the Great Coach Kay and Duke and me!

FIST!!!! FIST!!!!! FIST!!!!!!

January 8th I will joke around here and make a comment that I would bet that some dumb fan would make if he wasnt as smart as me! Remember I am just pertending! I am so glad to see my Kansas team finely ranked number #1 in college basketball about time we never get any respect we have been awesome all year long and now we are finely up where we belong! Duke is still awesome but I have always loved Kansas with all our great players like Goodin and Boshee and our awesome coach Roy William! So congrats to my Jay Hawks look out for us we are only getting started Jay Hawks RULE!!!!! See do you get it it is just a joke! I dont mean it DUKE RULEZ!!!!!11

Janury 7! I am so mad I cant belief it what the heck is going on with Duke how could they ever loose to a looser crappy crud team like Florida State come on! Oviously it was the Reffs who were cheating Duke! On the last plays Jay Will Drew the Charge and the stupid Reff didnt even call it! Unreal what a jip we were robbed! And then Jay Will comes down to win the game and gets hammered and hacked and slottered and there is no call! that is oviously a foul it was when we played Kentucky and Seatin Hall so it still is now no fair trying to change the rules that is called CHEATING! And then Dunlevy had the chance to win the game with the rebound but CHOKED! And Jay Will choked on the free throw line I could of made more free throws what a chocker he aught to be benched NOW! I have had it! What is going on with Coach Kay he started to coach like a looser last night and made dumb decisions in stead of leading the boys to victory! Coach Kay better get his act together and start teaching the boys to make the shots better or else! I REFUSE to accept mediacrety and I am sick of Coach Kay coasting on last year that is long over! I am a winner and I only care about RIGHT NOW, not some old championships that are long gone it is high times that Coach Kay got off his butt and showed that the game has not past him by! Bench that choker Jay Will and also Dunlevy right now and proove that you havent lost it Coach Kay I am serious I demand results not failure and I demand them NOW! I will not stand for this kind of looser play and coaching!!!!!! >

JANUARY 4! WOW did you see my Hurrcanez destroy that Nebraksa team in the Rose Bowel just like I said we would! We are the awesomest team in college football history! Barr none! Our whole team is so awesome from the coach Croker to the offensive Line to Tommy Dorsey the QB and Portis and the rest! It is so unreal and awesome to see us win it all and destroy all our enemies in our path! We are the BEST and there is no debate! I bet your all jealous of me and my fellow Hurrcanez now arent you! Ha! In you faces my team is the best and you team stinks!! PLus this also prooves that the CBS bowel champion system works just fine so all you gripers can now go and find something else to gripe about! The point is HURRCANEZ RULE!!!! In you face! CHAMPIONS BABAY!!!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!


Janury 2 2002!! Happy New Years to all my fans! I didnt get on the computer yesterday because it was a holyday and I had a lot of important football to watch plus I had a hang over from here to there! I am not some kind of looser alcoholic Drunk Guy but on New years Eve I like to go out on the town to a fancy restraunt and live it up! Last night we went out for a nice goremet dinner at my faverite restraunt and had delicious foods and drinks! And the Appatizers are always great TGIFriday makes the best fried cheese stix in the world! So anyways I went out and tied one on! I can drink more than any two men and not even show that I'm drunk so don't worry about me! Plus I can quit drinking anytime I want to so don't come crying about how I am a bad example for the kids I am a grownup and will do as I please no matter what anyone says so cram that one Mother! Just kidding Mom! Anyways tonight is the game we have all been waiting for for so long! I cant wait for the Rose Bowel where my Hurrcanes will win it all against a great team my second faverite the Corn Huksers who are awesome and have Eric Couch Hiseman Trophy champion but not enough to deal with the Awesome Might of the Hurrcanes! CANEZ RULE!!!!!11 This game will be a all-time classic! I perdict Miami will whup Nebraksa 73-22! So get ready for a classic football game for all the marble its going to be a burnbarner!

December 31-- It is the end of another year! 2001! And of course it has been a awesome year for me as usual as I made tons of money and had much exitement and adventures that you wouldn't beleive! Plus also besides that it will go down in history as the famous year that saw the start of my awesome websight that is so popular and everthing! So now it is time for the First Anual BW Awards which I will be announcing right here right now! The BW Awards are picked by a a pannel of smart famous people who research everthing and are unbias and fair! They are admire by everone and are the most presteejust awards anyone can win! The famous and admired BW awards are for the Best in the World! And they are for importent catagories like Best Player Best Coach best Team Best Websight etsetera! The pannel what picks them have aksed me to use my great web page to announce the BW Awards for them to get the most publisity! So now the world will find out who the Best really are! I am proud to announce this years winners for the 2001 First Anual BW awards! The envelope please! (I dont really have a envelope that is just what we always say at award shows!) Here they are!

2001 BW AWARDS!!!!

BEST PLAYER: SHANE BATTIER!!! Shane was awesome and lead the great Duke to the World Championship! He scored about a million three pointers and Drew the Charge many times and was the best defensive player ever to play basketball plus he is a genious student and a Leader! And he had to over come a lot of bad luck and refs bias against him and stupid jealous fans making fun of his head and he lead his team to victory what more do you want come on! So the Best Player Award goes to SHANE BATTIER!!!

BEST COACH: The Great COACH KAY!!!! Can there be any dout NO!! The Great Coach Kay is the greatest coach in any sport ever of all times there is no arguing that fact! He added another world championship this year which gives him I think 7 or 8 which is the most EVER! And he is a class act all the way! He is a gentelman and a true sports man and a role model and a American Hero! So there you have it the Award goes to the Great Coach KAY!!!

BEST TEAM: This was a hard catagory because there were so many awesome teams this year and all of my faverite teams won it all! 2001 will always go down in history as the year of the Champions because there were so many great champions! So the Award is a tie! It goes to Duke (BASKETBALL) Arizona Dimondbacks World Series CHAMPS babay! the LAKERS who are so awesome lead by the great SHACK and COBEY plus of course the awesome BALTMORE RAVINS who I loved last year but I dont like them to much ever sense they got rid of Trent Dilfert who is kind of a looser but he was a Clutch Man last year who won it all so that is all that matters they never should of gotten shed of him I told them but they wouldn't listen to bad for them now they can cram it I love the Rams anyways! So the award goes to a TIE! Unreal!

BEST WEB SIGHT: There are mnay great websights out in the inter net between the and the and the pages of the lakers and Hurrcanes and Duke and Yankees and Dimondbacks! Plus race car pages and wrestling pages! It is hard to keep up with them all! Which is why this award goes to the websight that combines them all and has the best coverage of the best teams and gives you all knowledge and incite that none others have and is new but already has over 10,000 HITS and is loved by people all around the whole world! And that web sight is this one the awesome BANDWAGON BOY PAGE!!! The 2001 BW Award for BEST WEBSIGHT OF THE WHOLE ENTIRE EARTH goes to the Bandwagon Boy page! I rule babay Nuber #1!!!!!!

So there you have it! Everone congratulate the Champion Award winners of the 2001 BW Awards because they are awesome and the best and desserve it!!

Now you can go see all mt great picks from football games of early in the season I am doing so well it is unreal yo ucould learn a lot from me!

Move you mouse to over this part right here and then press down on the clicker thing when it is still over this part and it will bang you over to the page what lists all my awesome Bandwagon Boys Picks from football games early this season look how awesome I am doing! Wow!

This here is the section where I talk about some of my favorite players of all times!

This here is Rodger Clemmins he use to be a great pitcher and will win the big Cy Young award again this year! He is my favorite pitcher except for Randy and Shilling because he is a Hero! Steve Lyon on Fox TV said he is the greatest Competitor of All Times EVER and he is right! Rodger is known thruout baseball as being Mr. Clutch and playing it cool while he win it all! What a SUPERSTAR!!

Click here to see all my smart Commentery and Incite from the year 2001!
You will see how I am always right! It is Unreal!