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Tuesday, 16 March 2010
A Flower a Day!
Now Playing: "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" by Joan Baez
Topic: Flower Remedies

Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936), a prominent physician, researcher, bacteriologist and homeopath, believed that, "Disease is entirely the result of a conflict between our spiritual and mortal selves." This is quite a statement, given his background, I'd say.

He further believed that, "Disease is the reaction to interferences.  This is temporary failure and uhappiness, and this occurs when we allow others to interfere with our purpose in life and implant in our minds doubt or fear or indefference."  

Dr. Bach determined the root causes of conflict to be fear, uncertainty, indifference, loneliness, over-sensitivity to influences and ideas, despondency or despair, and worry or over-care for the welfare of others.  In contrast to these seven states, he believed that the seven stages of healing are peace, hope, joy, faith, certainty, wisdom and love.  So, overcoming disease is a matter of bringing the consciousness into a state of harmony so that the body may express its natural wellness of being.  

Dr. Bach identified 38 specific flower essences which will have a positive effect on a person's ability to heal, when used to bring balance about in the emotions.  These essences are simply sun infusions of flowers, wild plants, trees or bushes, spring water, and natural substances as such.  It is a very mild concentration of the actual plant which is used, as all of homeopathy is, but this is actually the energy of the plant you receive. 

Flower remedies work very safely and gently to reinforce a person's positive nature.  They are not used directly for specific illnesses, but rather they are chosen in accordance with an individual's state of mind at the time.

Emotions can impact upon our health in many ways.  Sorrow, bitterness, fear, resentment, worry, reactions to trauma, unresolved guilt, self-piuty, unforgiveness of self or others, to name just a few.   Stress alone is often at the root of countless physical complaints.  Even momentary emotions can cause a problem, such as clouding our judgment or giving indigestion to us.  Long-term emotional imbalance can lead to disease or to a diagnosis for a mental disturbance, when perhaps all we need is a little help in finding our best and true self, or to calm down and give our body a chance to heal. 

Flower essences can help us to move the emotional blocks to our healing, by strengthening our positive qualities and restoring a sense of wellness and peace.  As Dr. Bach is quoted as saying, "Health depends on being in Harmony with our souls."  That's what the flowers help us to do.

There are numerous ways to determne which flower remedy or combination of remedies would be indicated in a particular case.  There are 38 in all (plus more outside of the Bach system of classification), and sometimes more than one at a time may be called for.  There is an emergency essence which combines five separate remedies in one formula.  If 5 or 6 different remedies seem appropriate, it is often recommended to use this one particular blend.

So in choosing which particular essences would be best to use in a particular case,  the ailment is not what is considered.  There might not even be an ailment, because it's really not required for this kind of healing to work.  What this type of healing does is help to bring the physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of being into a better balance.  The flower essences are very good for this type of work. 

If a person is well, there may still be problems under the surface brewing from unresolved emotional and spiritual issues.  Why wait for symptoms to come?  And if symptoms are present, even serious disease, this is still not a reason to use this one or that one or to not use them at all.  The particular disease (or dis-ease) will give clues to the imbalance...that's all.

So yes, consider the physical condition, for in that there are given clues.  For instance, a person with a tight colon might very well be a person who is feeling tense or overburdoned.  This is not a diagnosis, but rather a clue.

Consider a person's state of mind at the time, for even the most acute situations can be eased with the aid of these flowers.  An example of this might be if someone were faced with an immediate trauma, such as an accident, or to a child it might be bumping a knee.  To have some Distress Remedy, or Rescue Remedy/Emergency Essence on hand might be good, just to help a person get their emotions under control.  Star of Bethlehem is one of the flowers in this formula, and it is very good in combination or alone in cases of shock.  It is a combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem.

Also consider a person's temperment beyond the immediate moment.  Take their tendencies and characteristics into consideration, both extremes, good and bad.  For every weakness there is a strength.  The problem is not lack of strength but rather a particular characteristic being out of balance for this reason or that.  The remedies work towards the goal of bringing the best out in a bring them back into balance, per se.

This is not the same as what is attempted through medications and drugs.  There are absolutely no side effects to flower remedies (unless a person chugs down the tiny bottles for the alcohol base...), so there is no concern about using the wrong one or too much.  These remedies work on a vibrational level, much the same as love, fragrance, music, and other certain non-tangible things will have a good effect.  The flower remedies work in much the same way as these.  They don't make the body conform, or suppress, or anthing else...they simply allow it to feel safe in returning to it's natural state.  Fear is at the root of much disease, and it takes many forms.  It is these various forms and which one is being expressed that gives us more clues as to what's going on and which one to use.

There is a Self-Assessment Questionairre for this purpose which I find quite helpful.  I find it very easy to pinpoint which areas are out of balance when using this form, because certain characteristics or feelings tend to be grouped together.  It's very interesting to note how the answers fall. 

There are other similar tools and indicators which can be used...keys which identify behaviors...certain personality types and social styles can be identified, and common remedies used for each one...even astrological signs could give clues.  Muscle testing can be used, too, and also intuition is often a very good guide, as is paying attention to body language and inflections of voice.  Being no harm and only positive effects to be gained, there's no reason not to start right away.  It's very easy to get good effects. 

Flower remedies can be used for animals, too, and are often met with great success, as an animals guard tends to be down and they are easily influenced quite naturally that way.  Take the case for instance of a dog who panics when it's owner leaves, or a cat who is just a little toooo jealous of other cats.  There are flower remedies for many of the emotions pets feel.  They work for horses, birds and animals of every sort, with results which cannot be feigned.

They are quite easy to use, and can be dropped under the tongue, applied to particular points on the body, put into water or juice, diffused into the air, mixed with essential oils, put directly onto food, used in the bath, rubbed into the skin...the important thing is to use them and not worry about if it's right or wrong!  They do have a positive effect, particularly when used with a positive mind!

I personally have used flower essences in many ways at many times in my life.  Childbirth, with my children, with my pets, with my mother who's going to be 95 very soon.  They're safe enough to be used by all, as is prayer.  I think God gave us flowers for this, and for this my prayer is of thanks!

As a Doctor of Naturopathy and a Certified Traditional Naturopath, I believe strongly that there's not a case which can not be helped by using these remedies first.  It doesn't matter if a person is on medication or not.  There is no interaction or bad effects.  It is very hard to heal if there are emotional blocks or unresolved trauma or fear in the way.  Even sorrow can make healing difficult.  These are spiritual issues.  Again, God gave us flowers for this!  This is my fervant belief.  (Speaking as a minister, there!)

The applications are many.  I will be writing more very soon, and possibly giving a class.

Here is the Basic Key (very short version), showing Behavior, Flower, and Root:

  • Hiding problems behind mask--Agrimony--Fear  *(Remember there's always a positive side to every negative characteristic when it's in this case it is being a truly joyful and cheerful person who is able to accept when faced with challenges.  It is as this with all on the list.)
  • Unidentified fear/panic--Aspen--Fear
  • Intolerant--Beech--Anger
  • Weak-willed--Centaury--Fear
  • Advice-seeking--Certauro, Fear
  • Fear of losing control--Cherry Plum--Fear
  • Failure to learn from past--Chestnut Bud--Anger
  • Manipulative--Chicory--Fear
  • Daydreamer/spacey--Clematis--Fear/Sorrow
  • Disgusted by unclean--Crab Apple--Fear
  • Overwhelmed--Elm--Fear
  • Despondent--Gentian--Fear
  • Hopelessness--Gorse--Sorrow
  • Self-absorbed--Heather--Sorrow
  • Jealous/hateful--Holly--Anger
  • Living in the past--Honeysuckle--Fear/Sorrow
  • Overwhelmed--Hornbeam--Fear
  • Impatient--Impatiens--Anger
  • Lack of confidence--Larch--Fear
  • Fear of known/jumpy--Mimulus--Fear
  • Unidentifieable depression--Mustard--Fear/Anter
  • Workhorse--Oak--Fear
  • Total Exhaustion--Olive--Anger
  • Guilt--Pine--Sorrow
  • Worry--Red Chestnut--Fear
  • Terror--Rock Rose--Fear
  • Rigid/inflexible--Rock Water--Anger
  • Indecisive--Scleranthus--Anger
  • Shock--Star of Bethlehem--Sorrow
  • Mental Anguish--Sweet Chestnut--Sorrow
  • Over-enthusiasm--Vervain--Anger
  • Domineering--Vine--Fear/Anger
  • Change/transition--Walnut--Fear
  • Aloof/reclusive--Water Violet--Anger
  • Mental chatter--White Chestnut--Fear/Anger
  • Uncertainty/confusion--Wild Oat--Fear
  • Apathy--Wild Rose--Fear
  • Bitterness/resentment--Willow--Anger

Blessings of Flowers to All!

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

"Vibraceous, ND"

Dr. Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D,.

All Natural HealthWorks!

Holistic Education and Research Unlimited... 

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 4:08 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 March 2010 2:15 PM EDT
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