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Thursday, 1 September 2005
What ARE Glyconutrients and What DO They Do???
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Topic: Glyconutritients

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What ARE Glyconutrients???

Glyconutrients are NUTRIENTS! Just like vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, etc. They are a class of nutrients in and of themselves. Just because you're getting the others, your body still has a need for these, just as when you have vitamins, you still need amino acids...They are not one in the same, and they are both needed. The same holds true for ALL nutrients, and glyconutrients are no exception to that.

Let me start out by saying that I am going to share information with you that can have far-reaching effects on your health. I want to make clear, however, that it is the body which heals itself, not the nutrients which are ingested. Nutrients simply give the body the materials it needs to do what it is designed to do. The body is designed to be healthy and whole, given the proper support. I am making no claims for curative powers regarding the nutritional science I am presenting to you. However, when the body is provided with what it needs, wonderful things can occur...and quite often, they do!

So why do our bodies need glyconutrients? What do they do? Well, they do some verrrrrrrrrry important things! Consider how fabulously the various parts of the body work together as a whole unit. All you have to do is to think about wiggling your toes and decide to do it and that message gets all the way down to your wiggly toes. How does it do that? The cells must communicate with one another in order for phenomena like this to occur.

Cells have to communicate to do all sorts of things, including identifying whether they're healthy or not. The immune system depends upon intercellular communication in order to do it's job and destroy unhealthy cells. This communication is essential to health. Glyconutrients are what makes up the code that allows cells to send signals back and forth to each other. They form the "alphabet," so to speak.

Glyconutrients - "Glyco" is the Greek word for "sweet." Glyconutrients are nutrients which come from a sugar. Certain sugars will attach themselves to proteins or lipids, forming the glycoproteins needed for cells to convey messages to other cells. Eight specific sugar molecules have been identified which behave in this manner, and if any are missing, it is like when letters are missing from words--the meaning becomes rather unclear. The entire message must get across for communication to be complete.

Something else quite phenomonal that glyconutrients have been discovered to do, is to provide the body with the proper nourishment needed to promote stem cell production. In fact, it has been estimated that by taking about a teaspoon of Glyconutritionals daily, ONE adult alone can produce more stem cells than all the research embryos currently in all of North America combined! There are numerous free floating stem cells in your blood that are available to be assigned to do "stem cell therapy" wherever it is most needed in the body These stem cells are ACTIVATED and enabled to do their work by Glyconutrients.  All this debate about using embryos for stem cell research could be better addressed by helping people to produce and use more of their own stem cells naturally.

Glycobiology is receiving a great deal of attention from the medical and scientific communities. EDUCATE YOURSELF ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF THIS AMAZING SCIENCE! What you learn could save your life or the life of someone you love! Click On These Links to Learn More!





















Dr. Rayburne Goen - BA and MD degrees (1939) University of Colorado: (Phi Beta Kappa, and Alpha Omega Alpha, Honor Medical Society). Lt. Col. Medical Corps. Army of US, WW II; Diplomate American Board of Internal Medicine; Fellow American College of Physicians (FACP); Fellow American of College Cardiology (FACC); Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, Tulsa; Past Chairman Medical Section, St John Medical Center and of St. Francis Hospital; past Vice-President Medical Staff St. John Hospital; past President Medical Staff St. Francis Hospital. Dr. Goen urges his peers to review the new science of glycobiology. He has written his observations in an open letter to the public describing what he refers to as, ”the most significant health discovery of the century.”

If Glyconutrients Occur Naturally, Why Supplement? Foods do not have the same nutritional content as they did long ago, therefore it is extremely difficult to get what we need in our regular diets.

Consider this: The 1992 Earth Summit Report indicates that the mineral content of the world's farm and range land soil has decreased dramatically, thereby significantly decreasing the nutrient value of food. North America 85% * South America 76% Asia 76% Africa 74% Europe 72% Australia 55% *Some US farms are 100% depleted and some are 60% depleted, the average is 85% depletion as compared to 100 years ago. This is worse than in any other country in the world because of the extended use of fertilizers and "maximum yield" mass farming methods.

Glyconutrition has incredible potential for health benefits, and is beneficial in the presence of many diseases. The use of these nutrients does not cure anything, as stated before, but they do give the body a better chance at curing itself, which is what it was designed to do. The nutrients must be replaced, however, because they are simply not available in large enough quantities in our diets today to have truly optimum wellness.

Glycoproteins are crucial for health. These sugars can all be derived from many food sources. However, it would be virtually impossible to obtain enough of these nutrients from diet alone. As pointed out, the soils just don't have the minerals they used to have, which is imperitive to the nutrient content of food. Another point to consider is how often today food is harvested before it is ripe. It is in the final stages of ripening that the nutrients enter the food. If it is picked early and allowed to ripen off of the vine, or worse yet, chemically ripened, it will not have the same beneficial effects on our health.

It is also best to avoid genetically modified products when using foods toward the end of good health. To ensure adequate amounts of glyconutrients into your system on a daily basis, it is best to administer them in the form of a supplement. People usually find that they receive better results when using glyconutritional products more than one time a day...Spread out the dosages, morning and evening, or even three times a day. You can't take too much. People should be more concerned with eating too much candy, pop, potato chips and processed foods than about taking in too much nutrition! Glyconutritional products are not drugs, they are food! Please feel free to contact us if you would like help in establishing the use of glyconutrionals into your daily health care regime. We can also help you in finding ways to help reduce your expense. Thanks and May God Bless You with the Sweetest of Health! Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP

The information presented is the author's personal and professional opinion, and is intended for educational purposes only. Nothing printed here is designed to take the place of a physician's advice. If you are experiencing problems with your health, it is recommended that you consult with a licensed health care professional. All Natural HealthWorks! is not responsible for any damages or ill-effects resulting from the information presented herein, nor do we make any recommendations regarding your health. We are simply here as a resource for you in making your own choices for your health yourself.


Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 1:53 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 11 December 2007 4:33 PM EST
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