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Sunday, 1 July 2012
Book Release - God's Gifts of Healing!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: "Mother Nature's Son," by Lennon/McCartney

God's Gifts of Healing

It is with great pleasure that I announce the release of Essentials of Life's first publication!  It is called, God's Gifts of Healing, written by me, Dr. Jody Evans, ND.

I wrote this book in the fall of 2010, while Dean and I were staying with my Mom for awhile in her little apartment. I dedicate this book to her. We used to read it together each day and incorporated the principles therein. Her memory and daily function began to improve. Eventually she went off all medications completely. She was much more able to take part in family life. It was nothing short of a miracle, the results that we saw in my Mom. The whole family was amazed, as were the aides and others who knew her. She'd be alive today, I'm convinced, if she had not fallen and broken her hip. She came through the surgery great, but she died after only five weeks of being in the rehab center...on drugs. Medical answers are not always the way. There are many alternative approaches which one can take.

This book is designed to help you become more aware of what some of those alternatives may be. God gave us so many gifts that can be used for our good. It is the mission of Essentials of Life to help others discover these gifts and learn how to use them.

God's Gifts of Healing is a book about healing any condition at any point in your life. No one is too old, too fragile or too sick to feel better. Anyone can live a healthier life using that which has been given to all, since the beginning of time. If we are to believe in an all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful God, then surely we must believe that we were placed on a planet perfectly designed to meet our physical needs, and that through Love, our spiritual and emotional needs can be met.

God always has a plan for our good; whether or not we follow that plan is up to us. That's what free will is all about. We can continually try to do God one better, right up to the point of genetically modifying the very food that we eat; or we can choose to live in accordance with Original Design. It is built into our design to exude vibrant energy, and the earth is designed to support us in that.

This is a simple guide to simply living--a guide to the proper use of God's gifts.  Read this book and give thanks for the gifts we've been given. Have these gifts been tossed aside for new ways that really don't seem to work? It's time to start truly living again!

Please enjoy the video presentation I made.  The book will be available for purchase on the 4th of July....a day to celebrate freedom.  Let's celebrate freedom from sickness and limiting ideas about health!   The video is a sneak peek of what's in the book.   I hope it will inspire you to think about things that perhaps you've taken for granted...things we all take for granted sometimes.

It's about ten minutes long, so sit back and enjoy!
The book is available at

Happy Birthday, Mom!  We're sending our love to you!
"Vibraceous, ND"

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 12:01 AM EDT
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Monday, 30 April 2012

Sapan Rinpoche (Venerable Lama Ngawang Kunga Thupten Gyalsten), will be at the Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center, 214 S. Prospect Avenue in Hartville, on the weekend of May 5-6, to offer his blessings to us. He will be playing the Himalayan bowls in concert on Saturday from 1-3 p.m., and performing a sound healing workshop on Sunday from 2-5 pm. Individual sound healing sessions will be offered, as well. Please contact us at 330-212-4470 or to RSVP or to schedule a time. The concert, workshop and healing sessions are provided on a love-offering donation basis to you.

(RSVP for concert at: t and for Sunday's workshop at

Sapan, who is ordained as a Buddhist Gelong or Monk, has been deeply involved in the practice and study of Vajrayana Buddhism for many years, and is the Spiritual Director of the Kunga Tenphel Ling Dharma Center, the Vajrayana Pathways Institute Without Walls, and the Phuntsok Choephel Ling Monastery Project in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. He was also instrumental in opening the International Buddhist Academy in Kathmandu.

He uses his birth name, Storrs Barrett Booch-Williams, in his work as a music composer. His mentor over the years in the music business was well-known composer John Cage. They met in 1964 and worked on the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project, developing computer music, as part of their first workshop.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to get in tune and learn about the ancient and sacred healing technique of using music in healing! Please RSVP so we can save you a seat.

Traveling with Sapan is Swami Paramananda. Thank you to Sapan and to the Swami for sharing your shining presence with us!

ALAYAN BOWL CONCERT – Saturday, May 5th from 1-3 pm
SOUND HEALING WORKSHOP – Sunday, May 6th from 2-5 pm
vailable by appointment

Sponsored by the Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center
214 S. Prospect Avenue, Hartville, Ohio 44632
214 S. Prospect Ave., Hartville, OH 44632

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 12:52 PM EDT
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Monday, 2 April 2012


God’s Gifts of Healing is a book about healing any condition at any point in your life.  No one is too old, too fragile or too sick to feel better. Anyone can live a healthier life using that which has been given to all, since the beginning of time.If we are to believe in an all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful God, then surely we must believe that we were placed on a planet perfectly designed to meet our physical needs, and that through Love, our spiritual and emotional needs can be met. 

God always has a plan for our good.  Whether or not we follow that plan is up to us. That’s what free will is all about.  We can continually try to do God one better, right up to the point of genetically modifying the very food that we eat; or we can choose to live in accordance with original design.  It is built into our design to exude vibrant energy; and the earth is designed to support us in that.

This is a simple guide to simply living--a guide to the proper use of God’s gifts.

Read this book and give thanks for the gifts we’ve been given.  Have these gifts been tossed aside for new ways that really don’t seem to work?  It’s time to start truly living again!

We are currently planning a festval to celebrate the release of the book.  Please join us for a day of fun at the Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Festival on September 15th at the Hartville Community Park at Lincoln and Parklane Streets in Hartville, Ohio, behind the elementary school.  The festival is from 9-5, with evening activities in the works, too.  There will be speakers, vendors and plenty of good natural foods, so be  sure and join in on the fun!  There is no charge for this event.  There is a nice playground at the park, too!

 Vendors interested in taking part in this event can contact us at for more information.  We have a limited number of spaces available, and we would like to have all of the gifts of healing highlighted in the book reresented.  This covers a wide variety of natural and holistic arts, so please contact us if you're interested at all!  The catagories are all in relation to natural healing, and they are: 

  • LOVE
  • AIR
  • FOOD
  • REST

Vendors and Service Providers - If you think what you have to offer fits into one or more of these categories as related to nature, to healing, or in any way, then please contact us and ask how you can be a part of this fun event!  The space for exhiibits is free but it's limited, so please contact us soon!  There is no fee, but a deposit is required to save your space.  We would be happy to accept your donations.  (Suggested donation of 10% of product sales and 50% of services fees.)  This is, however, at your discretion.  The important thing is that we have fun and spread the good news about God's Gifts of Healing for all!

We do ask that items for sale be ALL natural (including fragrances) and that all food items be all natural and vegan.   Thanks!

So everyone please come and have a good time and learn.  We will have speakers on each of the above topics throughout the day, and wonderful fablulous food and activities for all!

You can preorder the book, "God's Gifts of Healing," if you would like, by sending $10 to Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center, 214 S. Prosect Ave., Hartville, OH 44632.  It will be available September 15th, but if you order now, the author will sign it and we'll pay the shipping to you anywhere in the U.S. 

This presale is to help us in planning the festival.  If you order 10 or more copies, the cost is just $7.50 each with free U.S. shipping for orders placed in advance.  We will be set up on PayPal soon, or just send in youir check to reserve your autograhed copy today!

Hope to see you September 15th...Also be sure and LIKE  the Essentials of Life Facebook Page to get the news on more upcoming events!

Thanks to everyone for all of your love and support in creating this book.  I dedicated it to my Mom, Frances Eshelman, who just recently passed away after breaking her hip in a fall.  I wrote it when I was staying with her. 

We used to read it together each day and strive to practice the healing principles expressed in the book.  We had a wonderful time in the doing, and my mother was able to get off all medication as a result.  She was 96 years old when she died, still living a meaningful life with her family at home.  It is my deepest and most sincere desire that what you will read in this book will impact your life in an equally wonderful way.

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

"Vibraceous, ND"

Dr. Jody Evans, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.

Director of Healing Ministries

Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 4:46 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Genesis 1
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: "The Good Life," by One Republic
Topic: Spiritual Healing

I haven't been writing as many notes in this blog as I'd like to, but I've been busy getting Essentials of Life off of the ground after years and years of inspiration, prayer and hard work.  (I've also been very busy taking care of my 96 year old wonderfully sweet Mom...) is the good news for you if you've been missing my writings...I will be writing, along with others, a weekly message for you through Essentials of Life!  It's called "GENESIS 1" and you can find it at  I just posted the first message this week and I'm working on the next one right now.  I hope you find them helpful to you!

I will still be writing in Notes from the Naturopath, so please keep coming back here as well!  I will always keep posting here. 

Now...please read "my first message entitled, "In the Beginning..." and let me know what you think!  If you have any ideas for content or format, please let me know.  Essentials of Life is meant to be a place where people can come together and belongs to us all!  Thanks!

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

"Vibraceous, ND"

Dr. Jody Evans, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.

Healing Ministries Director

Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center


Disclaimer - As always, nothing I say is meant to take the place of a medical doctor's advise.  But as a minister, I surely can tell you that God has infinite power to heal and has provided us with the means. 

Please visit and God Bless!


Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 9:59 AM EDT
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Monday, 27 June 2011
What God Hath Joined Together!
Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: "Wagner - Lohengrin Bridal Chorus"
Topic: General Info

Wedding - Saturday, 21 May 2011
68 photos
We had a beautiful wedding at Quail Hollow State Park.  We got married out in the woods on the Nature-for-All Trail.  That way my Mom could attend in her wheelchair.  Look at our pictures and share in our joy!  Be sure and read the captions and watch our video, too!  Thank you for being our friend.


13 photos
Ahhhh....the cake!  We had an all natural, beautiful cake, made by family members and us with love!!
Our Wedding Video!  
Dean is my soulmate.  We will be working together to bring this vision about!  
Naturally Yours In Good Health,
"Vibraceous, ND"
Dr. Jody Evans, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 10:14 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 18 July 2011 3:19 PM EDT
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Thursday, 7 April 2011

Now Playing: "Love of the Loved," by the Silver Beatles

I'm getting married! 

I made a wish...wrote it down...prayed about it...and then I met the answer to my dreams in Dean! 

Please visit our wedding website to share in our joy.  Read our story, sign our guestbook, and please wish us well, if you will! 


Dean is a part of all that I do and I am.  I'd like to introduce him to my a matter of fact, that's what drew him to me.  He was a reader once, too. 

Now we're working together, learning and teaching about natural health and holistic healing.  I'm happier than I've ever been!! 

 Naturally Yours in Good Health..."Vibraceous, ND"

Love of the Loved (Lennon/McCartney) 

Each time i look into your eyes
I see that there a heaven lies
And as i look
I see the love of the loved.

Someday they'll see that from the start
My place has been deep in your heart.
And in your heart
I see the love of the loved.

Though i said it all before
I will say it more and more,
Now that i'm really sure
You love me.

And i know that from today
I'll see it in the way
That you look at me
And say ah you love me.

So let it rain, i'll never care?
Deep in your heart, i'd still be there.
And when i'm there
I see the love of the loved.

Though i said it all before
I will say it more and more,
Now that i'm really sure
You love me.

And i know that from today
I'll see it in the way
That you look at me
And say ah you love me.

So let it rain, i'll never i care?
Deep in your heart, i'd still be there.
And when i'm there

I see the love of the loved.
I see the love of the loved.
I see the love of the loved.

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 6:22 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center
Now Playing: "Lean on Me," by Bill Whithers
Topic: General Info

All profits from the products, professional services or educational programs which are offered by All Natural HealthWorks go to the Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center to help in funding free natural health programs and holistic healing support.  All donations to Essentials of Life go to this cause.


Essentials of Life just opened a page on Facebook!  There you will find events, discussions and a forum of friends.  Please join us there.


Essentials of Life works to raise people's awareness of how to make use of God's gift's of healing which have been with us since the beginning of time.  When the earth was created and decreed good, everything we needed to live happy and healthy lives was provided to us.  Those gifts are still ours today.  These are the true essentials of life!


Naturally Yours in Good Health,


"Vibraceous, ND"

Dr. Jody Eshelman (soon to be Evans!), ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.


(Just call me Jody or "Vibe" for Vibraceous, ND!)


Director of Healing Ministries, Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center




Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 2:11 PM EST
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Thursday, 24 June 2010
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: "Crippled Inside," by John Lennon
Topic: Disability

We're all disabled in one way or another, considering that we were all created in the image and likeness of God and just take a look at us all.  We were created with perfect design, yet we don't always quite fit the bill!

But there's a norm...and then there is that which goes beyond that into a realm where functioning in the norm isn't as easy as it ought to be.  Outside the lines, so to say.

I live in that realm.  I have a disability which makes certain things abnormally difficult for me to do.  It doesn't really matter which part is malfunctioning severely...the point is that it doesn't have to mean the end of the world.  For me it's my brain.  I incurred countless serious injuries to my brain for a number of years when I was quite young.  That's all I'm going to say at this point in time, because this isn't a story about what happened to me.

But a disability of any type means that it's difficult every day in some way.  It's all a matter of degrees, but it's always there.  Life is difficult every day in some way to everyone, it's not really that we're so different than them, it's just that we have physical things which make it harder on top of all that.  

Sometimes it can be so hard to get it all in perspective!  We just have to try harder, that's all!  And also we have to do things differently to achieve the same goal.  If we can't use our legs, we have to figure another way to get from point A to point B, but it doesn't mean we can't go! matter what it is that's getting me down in any one it a huge cloud of confusion and forgetfulness soaked with rainy moods and emotions...or horrendous bodily pain (repetitive concussion syndrome causes a whole lot of pain that people don't always see)...or if it's fatigue that has me beat down...I find that I have to try harder...even if trying harder means taking a nap.

What will help any disability?  Well, there are plenty of things.  Allow me to list a few:

  • Give thanks for everything and don't judge good or bad
  • Remember to breathe deeply and fully at all times
  • Look for the good in your life
  • Learn to love life!
  • Drink lots of pure water (a gallon a day would be great for most folks!)
  • Let go of resentments...forgive yourself and others
  • Eat fresh, local, unpoisoned, unprocessed food from the earth
  • Limit poisons as much as you your food, in your home, in your workplace, in your medicine, etc.
  • Seek natural means to undue the damage (i.e., herbs for deep cellular cleanses, liver and other eliminatory support)
  • Spend time outdoors in the sunshine each day
  • Smell the flowers...REAL flowers!  Synthetic fragrances are poison to breathe!
  • Get plenty of exercise...stretch what you can stretch and move what you can move every way it can move!  Don't become more inactive than you need to be.
  • Listen to your when tired, eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, cry when you need to cry (but also be sure to laugh!)
  • Take up a hobby
  • Spend time with friends
  • Love, love, love!
  • Be nice to yourself and others
  • Don't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!  Always believe there's a way your life can get better!
  • Only give into self-pity a little (to deny it altogether would be "denial")
  • Join a support group.  Here's a good one online:  Calling All Disabled
  • Keep learning about natural health!!!

Gee, isn't that a pretty good list for everyone?  See what I mean about that?

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

Vibraceous, ND

 Dr. Jody Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 8:36 AM EDT
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Monday, 14 June 2010
We Can Make It Group!
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: "Lean On Me," by Bill Withers
Topic: General Info

The We Can Make It Group is a grassroots establishment designed to help anyone needing a way to lift themselves up to a higher expression of good, no matter their present situation in life.  The apparent lack of finances, health, resources, or creative ability need not hamper anyone's ability to be a viable part of our group and take equal part in any way.  What you don't know, we can help you to learn, and what you don't have we can help you in overcoming.  And most importantly, we can help you find the natural beauty and strength that's in YOU. 

In an effort to meet our mission of helping to Give Folk Medicine Back to the Folks, we are Teaching People to Teach People to Teach about natural health, and about how to make simple natural products for everyday use.  It is always better for your health to use all natural products, instead of using products with more and more chemicals and toxins to meet our basic needs.  We make products like soaps, skin care products, first aid kits, household cleaners, pet products, and so many, many more things!


The Can Make It Group also offers a fabulous way for individuals and groups to make money.  Aren't FUNdraisers more fun when they're FUN?  Aren't they more worthwhile when the group is learning something valuable and laughing and working together making products that will help bring people closer to the goodness that nature provides?

The products we will be making are reflective of the beauty in all of God's creation.  We believe in the natural goodness of what has been given to us in nature, and we strive to create products for sale that will bring this goodness into all of our lives. 

In our sessions, we not only learn how to make products, but we also learn why natural products are better for us, and how to incorporate these changes into our lives.  The information and knowledge being passed on in this group is information that could help you to live in a much healthier, happier way! 

We Can Make's more than just a good name.  It's our commitment to you. 



·         To participants

o   Learn more about natural health

o   Learn how to make natural products to use in your everyday life

o   Earn money for self, family, or special causes or opt to receive products for free in return for your talent and time

o   Develop leadership skills

o   Gain job experience

o   Put in as much or as little time as you’d like

o   Develop the outlet of creative expression

o   Enjoy the company of others and have a great time

§  One way to not only feel better, but also to actually see improvements in health, is to become involved in group activities - particularly creative endeavors. 


·         To consumers

o   Non-toxic products

o   Health rejuvenating products

o   Quality ingredients


·         To animals and the environment

o   No toxic chemicals to produce or put back into the earth

o   No animal by-products

o   No animal  testing


Structure of Group


·         Educational component

o   Presentation once every month (Examples below…)

§  The Healing Benefits of Camaraderie and Creativity

§  The healing benefits of natural products

·         Aromatherapy vs. Neurotoxins

·         What Goes on Your Skin Goes In

§  Common ingredients in conventional products

·         Impurities and fillers

·         Chemicals

·         Animal by-products

§  Relaxation and Health

§  Ways to incorporate natural products into everyday life

·         Personal Care

·         Home

·         Work

·         Travel` 

·         Children

·         Pets      

§  How to make natural products

·         Group instructed by nationally certified traditional naturopath

·         Financial Arrangement

o   1/3 of all money taken in every month goes back to Essentials of Life

§  Advertising, program development, equipment, and other expenses

o   1/3 of all money taken in goes back into the group fund for supplies

§  Wholesale prices are set at approximately 3x the cost of ingredients and supplies used to make

o   1/3 of all money taken in is split amongst the participants

§  Time sheets to be submitted by participants showing how many  hours each month they put into a project or projects giving a brief description of how time was spent

·         Must be reasonable and productive time spent

o   Receipts for any money put in

§  Pre-approval must be obtained in order to claim reimbursement

o   Wholesale price of products is 2/3 of suggested retail

§  Receipts signed by vendor upon delivery

o   Books to be reconciled at the beginning of every  month for the previous month

o   This is a free enrichment program offered through the Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center.  There is never a charge for the classes we give!

·         Leadership Opportunities – Leadership experience gained which can be placed on resumes or used in  future endeavors.  People are needed in all areas of group involvement.

o   Marketing

o   Production

o   Quality Control

o   Record Keeping

o   Group Organization

o   Education

o   Events


·         All different skills are appreciated, such as sewing, cooking, artwork or simply just a willingness to learn! 

·         Children and youth can participate in some of our activities if they are interested and non-disruptive.  We hope to have a program soon especially for kids.


·         Everyone welcome.   The only requirement is that you behave in a respectful and conscientious manner.


·         The group may be held at different locations and at various times according to what works out best for each group.  Each group may choose different projects, as well, and several projects may be going on at one time.


·         The group’s progress depends upon group production and combined efforts at helping to market the products.  Money to continue is raised through the sales.


·         Only the official We Can Make It Group, a program of Essentials of Life, is entitled to use the group name.  In this way we can maintain quality control over the products we offer for sale.


·         Our mission is to Teach People to Teach People to Teach, in an effort to give Folk Medicine Back to the Folks!  Our hope is to become more aware of God’s gifts of healing in nature and to pass it on as we go.


  Check our schedule at


Right now we're meeting in Hartville, Ohio, and Wheeling, West Virginia.  If you're in the area, please come!

What one person can't accomplish alone can often be done in a group! 

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

Vibraceous, ND

Dr. Jody Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.

Healing Ministries Director, 

Essentials Of Life Holistic Enrichment Center

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 3:19 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 14 June 2010 3:22 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 16 March 2010
A Flower a Day!
Now Playing: "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" by Joan Baez
Topic: Flower Remedies

Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936), a prominent physician, researcher, bacteriologist and homeopath, believed that, "Disease is entirely the result of a conflict between our spiritual and mortal selves." This is quite a statement, given his background, I'd say.

He further believed that, "Disease is the reaction to interferences.  This is temporary failure and uhappiness, and this occurs when we allow others to interfere with our purpose in life and implant in our minds doubt or fear or indefference."  

Dr. Bach determined the root causes of conflict to be fear, uncertainty, indifference, loneliness, over-sensitivity to influences and ideas, despondency or despair, and worry or over-care for the welfare of others.  In contrast to these seven states, he believed that the seven stages of healing are peace, hope, joy, faith, certainty, wisdom and love.  So, overcoming disease is a matter of bringing the consciousness into a state of harmony so that the body may express its natural wellness of being.  

Dr. Bach identified 38 specific flower essences which will have a positive effect on a person's ability to heal, when used to bring balance about in the emotions.  These essences are simply sun infusions of flowers, wild plants, trees or bushes, spring water, and natural substances as such.  It is a very mild concentration of the actual plant which is used, as all of homeopathy is, but this is actually the energy of the plant you receive. 

Flower remedies work very safely and gently to reinforce a person's positive nature.  They are not used directly for specific illnesses, but rather they are chosen in accordance with an individual's state of mind at the time.

Emotions can impact upon our health in many ways.  Sorrow, bitterness, fear, resentment, worry, reactions to trauma, unresolved guilt, self-piuty, unforgiveness of self or others, to name just a few.   Stress alone is often at the root of countless physical complaints.  Even momentary emotions can cause a problem, such as clouding our judgment or giving indigestion to us.  Long-term emotional imbalance can lead to disease or to a diagnosis for a mental disturbance, when perhaps all we need is a little help in finding our best and true self, or to calm down and give our body a chance to heal. 

Flower essences can help us to move the emotional blocks to our healing, by strengthening our positive qualities and restoring a sense of wellness and peace.  As Dr. Bach is quoted as saying, "Health depends on being in Harmony with our souls."  That's what the flowers help us to do.

There are numerous ways to determne which flower remedy or combination of remedies would be indicated in a particular case.  There are 38 in all (plus more outside of the Bach system of classification), and sometimes more than one at a time may be called for.  There is an emergency essence which combines five separate remedies in one formula.  If 5 or 6 different remedies seem appropriate, it is often recommended to use this one particular blend.

So in choosing which particular essences would be best to use in a particular case,  the ailment is not what is considered.  There might not even be an ailment, because it's really not required for this kind of healing to work.  What this type of healing does is help to bring the physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of being into a better balance.  The flower essences are very good for this type of work. 

If a person is well, there may still be problems under the surface brewing from unresolved emotional and spiritual issues.  Why wait for symptoms to come?  And if symptoms are present, even serious disease, this is still not a reason to use this one or that one or to not use them at all.  The particular disease (or dis-ease) will give clues to the imbalance...that's all.

So yes, consider the physical condition, for in that there are given clues.  For instance, a person with a tight colon might very well be a person who is feeling tense or overburdoned.  This is not a diagnosis, but rather a clue.

Consider a person's state of mind at the time, for even the most acute situations can be eased with the aid of these flowers.  An example of this might be if someone were faced with an immediate trauma, such as an accident, or to a child it might be bumping a knee.  To have some Distress Remedy, or Rescue Remedy/Emergency Essence on hand might be good, just to help a person get their emotions under control.  Star of Bethlehem is one of the flowers in this formula, and it is very good in combination or alone in cases of shock.  It is a combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem.

Also consider a person's temperment beyond the immediate moment.  Take their tendencies and characteristics into consideration, both extremes, good and bad.  For every weakness there is a strength.  The problem is not lack of strength but rather a particular characteristic being out of balance for this reason or that.  The remedies work towards the goal of bringing the best out in a bring them back into balance, per se.

This is not the same as what is attempted through medications and drugs.  There are absolutely no side effects to flower remedies (unless a person chugs down the tiny bottles for the alcohol base...), so there is no concern about using the wrong one or too much.  These remedies work on a vibrational level, much the same as love, fragrance, music, and other certain non-tangible things will have a good effect.  The flower remedies work in much the same way as these.  They don't make the body conform, or suppress, or anthing else...they simply allow it to feel safe in returning to it's natural state.  Fear is at the root of much disease, and it takes many forms.  It is these various forms and which one is being expressed that gives us more clues as to what's going on and which one to use.

There is a Self-Assessment Questionairre for this purpose which I find quite helpful.  I find it very easy to pinpoint which areas are out of balance when using this form, because certain characteristics or feelings tend to be grouped together.  It's very interesting to note how the answers fall. 

There are other similar tools and indicators which can be used...keys which identify behaviors...certain personality types and social styles can be identified, and common remedies used for each one...even astrological signs could give clues.  Muscle testing can be used, too, and also intuition is often a very good guide, as is paying attention to body language and inflections of voice.  Being no harm and only positive effects to be gained, there's no reason not to start right away.  It's very easy to get good effects. 

Flower remedies can be used for animals, too, and are often met with great success, as an animals guard tends to be down and they are easily influenced quite naturally that way.  Take the case for instance of a dog who panics when it's owner leaves, or a cat who is just a little toooo jealous of other cats.  There are flower remedies for many of the emotions pets feel.  They work for horses, birds and animals of every sort, with results which cannot be feigned.

They are quite easy to use, and can be dropped under the tongue, applied to particular points on the body, put into water or juice, diffused into the air, mixed with essential oils, put directly onto food, used in the bath, rubbed into the skin...the important thing is to use them and not worry about if it's right or wrong!  They do have a positive effect, particularly when used with a positive mind!

I personally have used flower essences in many ways at many times in my life.  Childbirth, with my children, with my pets, with my mother who's going to be 95 very soon.  They're safe enough to be used by all, as is prayer.  I think God gave us flowers for this, and for this my prayer is of thanks!

As a Doctor of Naturopathy and a Certified Traditional Naturopath, I believe strongly that there's not a case which can not be helped by using these remedies first.  It doesn't matter if a person is on medication or not.  There is no interaction or bad effects.  It is very hard to heal if there are emotional blocks or unresolved trauma or fear in the way.  Even sorrow can make healing difficult.  These are spiritual issues.  Again, God gave us flowers for this!  This is my fervant belief.  (Speaking as a minister, there!)

The applications are many.  I will be writing more very soon, and possibly giving a class.

Here is the Basic Key (very short version), showing Behavior, Flower, and Root:

  • Hiding problems behind mask--Agrimony--Fear  *(Remember there's always a positive side to every negative characteristic when it's in this case it is being a truly joyful and cheerful person who is able to accept when faced with challenges.  It is as this with all on the list.)
  • Unidentified fear/panic--Aspen--Fear
  • Intolerant--Beech--Anger
  • Weak-willed--Centaury--Fear
  • Advice-seeking--Certauro, Fear
  • Fear of losing control--Cherry Plum--Fear
  • Failure to learn from past--Chestnut Bud--Anger
  • Manipulative--Chicory--Fear
  • Daydreamer/spacey--Clematis--Fear/Sorrow
  • Disgusted by unclean--Crab Apple--Fear
  • Overwhelmed--Elm--Fear
  • Despondent--Gentian--Fear
  • Hopelessness--Gorse--Sorrow
  • Self-absorbed--Heather--Sorrow
  • Jealous/hateful--Holly--Anger
  • Living in the past--Honeysuckle--Fear/Sorrow
  • Overwhelmed--Hornbeam--Fear
  • Impatient--Impatiens--Anger
  • Lack of confidence--Larch--Fear
  • Fear of known/jumpy--Mimulus--Fear
  • Unidentifieable depression--Mustard--Fear/Anter
  • Workhorse--Oak--Fear
  • Total Exhaustion--Olive--Anger
  • Guilt--Pine--Sorrow
  • Worry--Red Chestnut--Fear
  • Terror--Rock Rose--Fear
  • Rigid/inflexible--Rock Water--Anger
  • Indecisive--Scleranthus--Anger
  • Shock--Star of Bethlehem--Sorrow
  • Mental Anguish--Sweet Chestnut--Sorrow
  • Over-enthusiasm--Vervain--Anger
  • Domineering--Vine--Fear/Anger
  • Change/transition--Walnut--Fear
  • Aloof/reclusive--Water Violet--Anger
  • Mental chatter--White Chestnut--Fear/Anger
  • Uncertainty/confusion--Wild Oat--Fear
  • Apathy--Wild Rose--Fear
  • Bitterness/resentment--Willow--Anger

Blessings of Flowers to All!

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

"Vibraceous, ND"

Dr. Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D,.

All Natural HealthWorks!

Holistic Education and Research Unlimited... 

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 4:08 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 March 2010 2:15 PM EDT
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