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Notes from the Naturopath
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Tuesday, 31 May 2005
Curiouser and Curiouser
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Golden Afternoon - Alice in Wonderland

I'm going to take a walk at Quail Hollow today! I love it there, and I'm fortunate enough to live close enough to walk in this beauty whenever I'd like. I love to walk in the woods! Think of all the health benefits you get when you walk in the woods: The chance to get close to nature and feel at peace with it; the good exercise you get from walking which helps with so many things, from being able to sleep better all the way to building nice legs and being good for your heart; plus it's good to breathe in the fresh forest air...There's GREAT aromatherapy there!

For instance, did you know that breathing in the scent of pine is actually a disinfectant for cleaning the lungs? Nature takes good care of us!

Mmmmm...And the flowers! And sunshine! There's something to be said for the healing power of just feeling a part of it all!

Quail Hollow is nice because it has so many environments to visit, and they all change through the seasons, so it's like so many parks all in one!

I love to go out into the meadows and prairies and bogs! It's like a fantasy land I could get lost in.
Keep an eye out for Upcoming Events, because we'll be planning some nature walks and lectures soon, to be held at the park!

Nature is awesome wherever you go. That's where I feel close to God. God is just as present in the tall buildings and the city streets, but you can really feel the energizing power in its pure form in when you're right out in the middle of the way things were meant to be!

There are so many things about nature that make me curious! What lives in this hole, what made that noise, what is this flower called? There are so many things we can learn about ourselves and the world from just watching nature.

Did you know, for instance, that desert tortoises will travel miles to mine and eat the calcium needed to keep their shells strong? Did you know that monkeys, bears, coatis, and other animals rub citrus oils and pungent resins into their coats as insecticides and antiseptics against insect bites? Chimpanzees swallow hairy leaves folded in a certain way to purge their digestive tracts of parasites,and birds line their nexts with plants that protect their chicks from blood-draining mites and lice!

This and more information can be found in one of my favorite books, entitled Wild Health, by Cindy Engel. We can learn a lot from animals by learning how they keep themselves well! (How many times have you heard a squirrel sneeze from the trees? Hahaha!)

But if an animal does get a little bit sick in the wild, it will respond to infection by fasting, resting, staying warm, and allowing vomiting and diarrhea to do their jobs. Our hinderance of these natural responses within us is done at our peril! Animals are much wiser in their instinctual ways.

People sure can be silly. People do things like:

~feeding their kids things that are known to make them hyperactive;

~getting eye jobs and nose jobs, tummy tucks and thigh tucks, new breasts and new chins and feet sculpted to fit better into shoes with unnaturally pointy toes;

~cloning human cow combinations and mixing people with monkeys, and putting human blood in pigs and human brains in mice...where is this all leading to?

They're even putting human genes into rice! Science is getting tooooo weird!

(And we wonder why our planet...our bodies...our emotions...are so out of balance. It's not a mystery to me!)

So, as for me, I'll learn about health by observing what occurs naturally in nature. There's something to be said for keeping it simple, you know?

Golden Afternoon

Have a great day!
Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP

Did you know that a Pyrenean goat with a broken leg has been known to make itself a plaster of clay and grasses, using it's mouth? It actually made itself a poultice of lichen and clay and applied it to the wound! (WITHOUT having a cloned human brain!!!)

The information presented is the author's personal and professional opinion, and is intended for educational purposes only. Nothing printed here is designed to take the place of a physician's advice. If you are experiencing problems with your health, it is recommended that you consult with a licensed health care professional. All Natural HealthWorks! is not responsible for any damages or ill-effects resulting from the information presented herein, nor do we make any recommendations regarding your health. We are simply here as a resource for you in making your own choices for your health yourself.

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 5 June 2005 12:47 AM EDT
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Monday, 30 May 2005
Happy Memorial Day!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: You Are My Sunshine!
Topic: Reflective

My Dad used to sit me on his lap and read stories to me and call me his Sunshine. I'm thinking about him today. My father would be proud of me, I think. At least I hope he would be. So much of what I am is due to his inspiration. He died from colon cancer...or rather from complications due to the treatment he underwent. If only I had known then some of the things I know now, well perhaps...Perhaps it was just his time, or perhaps...I can't help but to think perhaps. Perhaps I can help someone else now. If so, it will be for him.

I'm thinking about my children's father today, as well, and wishing he were still around to be a part of this all. He was a social worker, and he knew what natural health could accomplish because he saw it happen in me. He wanted to do this type of work. He had a lot of good ideas as to how to incorporate principles of natural healing into the social work field. But he died. He died too early. I wish he were still alive. There are so many things that I'd like to share with him of what I have learned. Perhaps the illness which took him might have been relieved. I've learned about things that make me wonder..."perhaps."

There are a lot of people who come into my mind on Memorial Day. I think about the woman I spoke with one time who badly to learn about herbs. She was on a breathing machine. At the time, all I knew to tell her was about the herbs that I had come to recognize as superb...and they were...but they were quite expensive, as well. Well, she died. She died before I got the chance to tell her that herbs grow for free in her yard. In memory of her, I always want to teach those who might need this information to live.

I think about all the people I know who have died from alcoholism, or from addiction, or from taking their lives in one last act of despair. I want to give reason to people like them to have hope.

I think of my mother. My mother is still alive, and I want to help her now, while she is. She always asks me how long I want her to live...she will be 90 on July 1st! I tell her that I want her to live for as long as she can, but that the important thing is that I want her to feel good for that time. I don't want my mother grunting and groaning and hurting each day. I want her to be up, feeling good! That's why I do this work! Just to help people learn how to feel better...That's all. The miracles are all up to God!

I had a dog, Ruthie. Ruthie was almost 16. She died last October, and I really miss her a lot. But the nice thing about the way Ruthie died was that she felt good at the end. She had lived a hard life...the first 10 years were spent entirely outside. Then she had a lot of health problems, such as arthritis and flea allergies. I worked with Ruthie with herbs, and when she died, she felt good! Her allergies had been gone for quite some time, (as well as the fleas!), and she ran like a puppy out in the yard, no sign of achy knees. That's the power of herbs!

So blessings to you on this Memorial Day, and let's remember to do all we can to help make life a little bit better for those of us still here. Do it for them. Do it for the soldiers who fought for us to have the freedom of choice. Choose to live...and choose to live in good health and to spread the good news everywhere!

Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP
All Natural HealthWorks!
Holistic Education and Research Unlimited...

On Memorial Day I want to remember the people...and animals...all over the world who have died in suffering and pain. May I do my part to help lessen that. Will you join me together in this? God bless all those who went before us, and God bless those yet to come.

Now let's fire up the grill and get on with this holiday! (Mmmm...Roasted veggies sound GOOD!)


The information presented is the author's personal and professional opinion, and is intended for educational purposes only. Nothing printed here is designed to take the place of a physician's advice. If you are experiencing problems with your health, it is recommended that you consult with a licensed health care professional. All Natural HealthWorks! is not responsible for any damages or ill-effects resulting from the information presented herein, nor do we make any recommendations regarding your health. We are simply here as a resource for you in making your own choices for your health yourself.

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 2:26 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 5 June 2005 12:53 AM EDT
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Sunday, 29 May 2005
Getting Acquainted
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Time to Relax by Invizable Munkee
Topic: General Info

Let's sit back now and start getting a little more comfortable with one another. I'm Mary...or Mary Jo...or Jody...or Dr. Eshelman...whichever name you prefer.

Why not post a comment to me, and let me know who you are!

I would like to point out some of the features of this website which might make it more useful to you. If you have any suggestions as to how we could make it more user friendly, by all means, please let me know. I want people to be comfortable here. The URL for the main website is It is still under a great deal of construction, but it is due soon for release. In the meanwhile, if you want a wee little peek, you can find it by clicking here There's still LOTS of work to do on it, though, so please, if you visit it now, please come back again soon! My son is helping me put it together. He's doing a wonderful job! He's doing all of the coding himself. He's teaching himself as he goes! I'd say a lot of very complimentary things about my son here, but he doesn't like it when I do the "Mom" thing! You can see for yourself on his website, some of why I'm so proud!)

In the way I designed the website, I'm hoping people will want to come back and back. The idea is to make it an entire online learning center, with all the resources at hand. The Research Section alone should keep you busy for years! And the Daily Smile page should keep you coming back! Hahaha!

That and the Stress Relief Paintball game! (Stress can be real hard on your health!) In the Education portion of the website, you will find the Online Learning pages, with lessons and articles, as well as instructions for making a lot of good recipes and formulas. (This portion is still under a lot of heavy construction. Please check back often for more!) I see my job as a naturopath to offer people enough reason to find things out for themselves, and to help them learn how to recognize what's true from false. I don't have all the answers. I'm not a walking encyclopedia, but I do know how to use reference books. There are other ways, too, in which we learn, besides books. I will try to find ways to lead you through practical learning, either by extending opportunities to you to attend classes, workshops and groups, or by leading you through activities as a part of our learning right here. Be sure to check for Upcoming Events! I know. A lot of these pages are still under construction. But pretty soon they won't be, and I'll try and keep you busy with what IS ready till then! Along the same lines as learning to recognize good information from bad...(there is a LOT of false information out there! We'll talk to great lengths about this!) also learning to recognize good natural health products from those which are ineffective, or perhaps even dangerous. There is a lot to be considered,and sometimes what we might normally think is the best, is actually the far less superior choice. If we are to learn to make good choices, we need to learn what points need to be considered in making these choices. For instance, in the case of herbs (and any food, really!), it is important not only which herb to use, but how it was grown, when it was picked, how it was processed and stored. It is important to know which form to choose for which purpose, and how to effectively use. It's also extremely important to know what other ingredients are used in the formula,and the way in which it was devised. Some herbs are grown in soil that is weak, and then sprayed with pesticides and picked at the wrong time of year. Sometimes they are not stored in a manner so as to retain freshness, or treated with heat and chemicals. Sometimes they might even have mold. Believe me, it's important to know your source. The best source, always, is herbs from right where you live. (Provided your lawn isn't chemically treated, because in that case you wouldn't have any herbs, and if you did they'd be poisonous then. See why the source matters so much? They do this to many commercial herbs! I urge you to know your source!) If you choose to purchase your herbs, which often we do for reasons of convenience and formulation beyond what we know, then it is important to buy them from a reputable source. Our Products Section features products which we have chosen to be of exceptionally good quality. There will be a few more posted soon. Included in the selections are not only pre-formulated products, but also the raw ingredients to prepare products yourself, if that's something that you'd like to do. I do a little of both! To understand a little more of what our mission is here, be sure to read About Us. All Natural HealthWorks! isn't just me! There is a whole network of "us!" We have a network of holistically minded people who have joined together to provide education and services! You may choose one of these people to work with you by reading their bio and contacting us, or you may choose particular services you'd like, and we'll do the referral for you. If you would like to be involved on our team, please let us know. Part of why this is such a healing place is because we recognize everyone has healing gifts! If you'd like to find ways to develop your gifts to share, we can help you with that! We always have room for beginners! And if you are a seasoned professional, we have a spot for you, too! Be sure to read what we can offer to you! (This goes for Support positions, too!) Hmmmm....Let's see...What else should I highlight to you regarding the website? We have a Dog-Gone Good Section on Pets!!! EVERYONE deserves natural health! You will find lots on our website...drug prevention is something you'll read lots about. That topic is close to my heart. You'll also read a lot about God. I don't apologize for that to anyone, but I do need to clarify. When I speak of God, I have no intention of trying to push my idea of God onto you. That word means so many things to so many people,and it's a very personal thing. You can substitute other words if you like. That works even better sometimes, if the word is something unfamiliar or frightening to you. To some people that word might be. There could be all sorts of meanings attached. The only thing I will say about my beliefs is that I believe God is all-good, everywhere present, to be worshipped in spirit and love. I don't believe there are "accidents;" I believe there is a Higher Power at work...a force which works to our good. (Remember? All-good and all-present! Phew! What a relief and a blessing to know!) Anyways, that's my take on it all. To me, God made us to be well, whether you consider that to be simply a biological thing or whether you believe in a Spiritual Power at work. Either way, I believe we were designed with wellness and survival in mind, if we just use what we were given, and don't mess it up by distorting it too much out of shape! Spirituality is something we can't avoid talking about, if we're going to talk about holistic healing and health. We are whole beings, and our spiritual selves are a part of that. In fact, that's where the real truth of our being the part that's unseen. However we do have bodies! Sometimes we get so spiritually minded that we forget about that! So perhaps to say the spiritual part of us is the most important is unfair in the whole picture of health. We have to take care of our bodies, as well, if we want to live here in this form. And our minds...What of our minds? Our minds and emotions form the link between body and spirit...How we use our mind can build us up and make us strong, or our minds can drive us insane. There are links between all three that could easily lead into another whole blog right here and now. I'll save that for another day soon! Suffice it to say that in dealing with holistic health, the topic of spirituality and faith will arise. I hope this introduction, in brief, to the website has proved to be useful to you. If you have any suggestions as to how we can make this better, please let us know, for sure! Also please let us know if you would like to help us make this vision a reality. We need extra support now at the beginning. We need people to work before there's even money to pay! (It's a good learning experience, though, and the money will be coming soon!) Speaking of money...Not to be crass, but it's a matter that should be discussed. I don't ever want money to be an issue. I believe healing is meant for us all. God (nature) provided to us everything that we need to be well. You can get healthy with just prayers, sunshine, herbs from the yard, exercise, clean water and song! Learn how to do accupressure or reflexolgy with just your own hands for tools, and there's something else you can do! There are plenty of things you can do to improve your health without money, and I love teaching those things! Then there are things you can do to reduce the cost of things you choose to buy. We have programs in place to reduce the cost...everything from bartering programs to apprenticeship programs to marketing products yourself. We will do whatever we can to work with you. We're even trying to get insurance in place! We have placed a language translator onto the website. We want to be able to reach everyone that we can! However, some of the writing has been placed onto pictures and then tranlated into html, and the translator cannot pick up this. I would suggest that if someone is trying to translate a page that won't translate, that they type the words into the box. It takes longer, but it can be done. If you have questions, we have one person on-board (Dr. Lupe Banuelos), who speaks fluent Spanish. Other than that, I'm willing to try and muddle my way through just about any language with someone on the translator, if they would like to converse directly with me. There's more than one way to communicate. If someone wants help, I will try. A note about the products we offer...Not only do we offer high quality health products, we also offer a wide range of other products, as well. For instance, books and educational resources, neti pots and yoga supplies, all-natural cosmetics, etc. Please support us in our efforts to bring you quality education for free and consider shopping from us! We even sell toothpaste online, educational nature toys,and we have a great product to save you big bucks at the gas tank, as well! Please think of us first when you shop! (We even have CHERRY TREES!!!) Also, please don't forget to visit our Links Page! You will find items to which the above applies, such as: Organic Flowers! Way cool! (Please be sure to link from our page! Thanks!)

You will also find extremely useful and potentially life saving information and resources... well as links to some very nice people and friends!

You can find lots of great information by visiting us on our Links Page! Be sure to bookmark this page!

You can view the rest of our links by clicking here! As for me, I think I'll go to a spa! Doesn't that sound like a really great plan?! I look forward to getting to know you better in health! Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP P.S. Please join our forum! Let's form a network of health-minded friends, and support each other in our quests for improved well-being and vitality! The information presented is the author's personal and professional opinion, and is intended for educational purposes only. Nothing printed here is designed to take the place of a physician's advice. If you are experiencing problems with your health, it is recommended that you consult with a licensed health care professional. All Natural HealthWorks! is not responsible for any damages or ill-effects resulting from the information presented herein, nor do we make any recommendations regarding your health. We are simply here as a resource for you in making your own choices for your health yourself.

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 13 July 2007 3:26 PM EDT
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Saturday, 28 May 2005
Backyard Medicine
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Dandelion by the Rolling Stones
Topic: Herbs
Once upon a time I used herbs, and overcame sooooooo many problems I had. Then I ran out of money. Uh-oh! But you know what? I had a thought, and then I went to school and one of my instructors (Dr. Phil Fritchey) said the very same thing: HERBS DON'T GROW IN A CAPSULE IN A MANUFACTURING FACILITY SOMEWHERE IN UTAH! HERBS GROW RIGHT UNDER OUR FEET!

Why do the simplest things sometimes take such a long time to sink in? I knew that all along, but it somehow just didn't hit home.

So what's in my yard? All sorts of wonderful things! And I'll bet they are in your yard, as well...or at least I hope that they are!

I know some people pay lots of money to kill all those terrible "weeds." The weed killing companies do a good job of convincing us that weeds are nooooooo good!

Well, they're no good in a garden, perhaps...But then again...My garden is nothing but "weeds!" Hahaha! I wish I had a digital camera! I'd take a few pictures! You'd see! I mow all around the good weeds!

For instance, take a look at common plaintain. Everyone has it, unless they use herbicides to poison their yard.

(I would strongly suggest that if herbicides/pesticides are used in the yard, not to go barefoot outside. What a shame, too, because God put really good medicine into the plants that were meant to be walked on in barefeet. People were not born with shoes! Click here to view the risks.)

There are two types of common plaintain: Broadleaf and lanceleaf. Both types grow plentiful in my backyard!

Plantago Major

Plantago Lanceolata

Plantain staunches bloodflow, encourages repair of damaged tissue, can be used in place of comfrey to treat bruises and broken bones, and is also used to relieve bee stings, insect and spider bites, poison ivy and rashes. What a nice thing to grow in the yard! Step on a bee? Grab plantain! It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-tumorous properties, and it works as an expectorant, demulcent and diuretic. The seeds are a mucilagionous laxative and anti-diabetic (psyllium). It is extremely useful to have!

Then there's my favorite! The dandelion! It's my favorite flower, I swear! They look so happy with their yellow faces, smiling in my yard everywhere!

Taraxacum Officianale

Dandelion is one of the most nutritionally dense plants that there is! It is very beneficial while breastfeeding. It is also very cleansing and healing to the kidneys, liver, gall bladder and spleen. It opens passages and is effective in removing obstructions. It is an excellent diuretic, and does not deplete minerals from the body, but rather supplies them. As dandelion works to reduce excess fluids in the body, it helps to control blood pressure. It is a bitter herb and is a very good aid to digestion when eating a few leaves before meals.

You can use them to make wishes, too!

When picking herbs from the yard to use in preparations--whether tinctures, teas, tossed salads, or ointments--it is best to stay at least 50ft from the road, so as to avoid car pollution contamination, particularly when using the leaves or other arial parts. Other than exhaust fumes, most herbs you'll find in your yard are safe. A good rule of thumb is to watch what the bunnies all eat!

Peppermint is a good herb we all recognize, but how many of us know it is more than a candy, or a flavoring for chewing gum? Peppermint is one of my most commonly used herbs in medicinal formulas, due to its activating effects upon the other herbs--It acts as a catalyst.

Mentha Piperita (Labiatae)

Peppermint is good for the digestion, and may be used for nausea, colic, vomiting, and spasmodic pain in the bowels. It provides symptomatic relief of asthma and chronic bronchitis, as well as being useful for toothaches and headaches.

Besides all of that, peppermint smells good to people and bad to mosquitos! What more can you ask for than that?!

A cousin of peppermint is the herb, Melissa, which is also
referred to as Lemon Balm, or Bee Balm.

Melissa Officinalis(Labiatae)

Bee Balm is easy to grow, and is very useful for treating bee stings, among other things. It has long been revered as a remedy for nervous system complaints, and as an effective treatment for mild depression, anxiety, restlessness, and irritability.

Melissa is said to lift the spirits and lighten the heart. Interestingly enough, it is also used to relieve heart palpitations. It has carminative, nervine, anti-spasmodic, anti-depressive, hypotensive, diaphoretic, anti-microbial, hepatic, and anti-viral actions.

Another herb good for both heart palitations and a heart heavy with meloncholy is the herb known as Motherwort.

Leonurus Cardiaca(Labiatae)

Motherwort is one of the best herbs to strengthen the heart and make the mind cheerful.

It is also a rememdy for the nerves and kidneys, and is useful in relieve premenstrual tension and pain. It is known to promote relaxation without bringing about drowsiness, making it a desirable anti-anxiety herb.

Motherwort is useful in cases of delayed menstruation, and should be avoided during times of heavy menstruation and pregnancy.

Another rather grand statement in my yard is made by the plentiful burdock plants that are growing quite large!

Niu Bang Zi (Chinese) This is the name for Burdock.

Burdock is widely used in both Western and Chinese herbal medicine as a powerful detoxifying herb. It helps the body to cleanse itself of waste products, and is thought to be particularly useful in eliminating heavy metals from within the blood. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties, is a diuretic, and has hypoglycemic effects. It is thought to strengthen the immune system and has anti-tumorous properties. Burdock is usueufl in any condition where toxicity is a key factor.

The only thing bad about burdock is all the burrs! They don't come out of hair too easily without using scissors...That goes for human as well as dog hair, so be careful when you harvest them! (The seeds are used to remove toxins in fevers and infections, such as measles and mumps.)

Poke is an extremely effective purgative herb, which is very useful, if you are trying to purge. However, if you are not trying to purge, you might want to go easy with poke!

Phytolacca Americana(Phytolaccaceae)When dealing with blocks, there is no more effective herb in all of nature to help clear the body of these. It works on the bowel, blood, lymphatic system and lungs. Poke was a traditional remedey for gout, fevers, and kidney stones, and today is recognized as one of the most promising cancer fighting herbs in existence and is currently the object of a great deal of study. It is excellent for cleaning lymphatic congestion as well as the liver.

The greens may be steamed and eaten, but drain water off 2-3 times duering cooking, due to the purgative effect. Poke is usually used in combination with other herbs, to balance the strong cleansing effects. Dandelion is a good choice. The berries of the poke plant are toxic. They can be cooked to remove the toxins and make preeparations, but other herbs are a better choice.

Isn't it nice that God put a safety feature into herbs such as this, which are powerful medicines, by making us vomit if we use too much of the herb? That makes me feel safe to know!

Comfrey, known also as knitbone, is a very highly regarded herb said to "heal all inward wouinds and ruptures." (K'Eogh, 1735)

Symphytum Officinale(Boraginaceae)

Comfrey is an extremely useful herb with a rich history of great healing, but it has come under scrutiny lately due to one of its alkaloids. The FDA advises against taking comfrey internally, due to the presence of trace amounts of phrrolizidine alkaloids. These same akaloids are found in greater amounts in spinach, as well as beer. It is advisable to use all of these products with care. The highest concentration, by far, is found in the root. The leaves are considered safe.

Historically, comfrey has been used both externally and internally with great success to treat a variety of conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, and respiratory complaints. Its reputation as an injury healer is unrivaled, as it has been used for thousands of years to promote the healing of brusies, sprains, fractures, and broken bones. It has also been used in the treatment of scars. In relation to skin, it has also been used effectively in the treatment of acne and boils as well as rashes and fungal skin infections.

Comfrey's healing power is so rapid and great, that it is not advisable to apply it directly to puncture wounds. In such cases, the wound may begin to heal so quickly that tissue may form over the wound before it is healed deeper down, with abscesses possibly forming. With deep wounds, Ajuga Reptans (Bugle) is a much better choice; otherwise, comfrey cannot be beat for bruises, boo boos, and breaks!

The last herb I am going to introduce you to from my yard this evening is the delicate little sweet tasting Ground Ivy!

Glechoma Hederacea(Labiatae)

Ground Ivy is one of those little herbs that the bunny rabbits just love so much! Do you know why? Because it is nice and sweet, and so totally safe...It's a very good choice for children.

Ground ivy was a popular treatment for chronic cough in medieval times, and was considered a valuable remedy for tinnitus, as well.

Ground ivy is a tonic, diuretic, and a decongestant. Throat and chest problems benefit from its use, and it is particularly well suited to problems involving the mucous memberanes of the ear, nose, throat. Additionally, it is useful in working with problems relating to the digestive system, such as gastritis, acid indigestion, and diarrhea. It is also considered to be of benefit to the kidneys. And it's a most pretty color of vibrant purple, as well!

I encourage you to take a closer look at the medicine you have in your own yard. What are those things you call weeds? Could the be God's gift to you, for use when you need some kind of answer to healing prayer? Has the answer been there all along?

Proper identification is very important, but remember, the body rejects what's not safe when the danger comes (in small doses) from a natural source. The roots of a plant are generally the strongest. If a rabbit can get to it, and if it goes back for more, then chances are you'll be safe. Either that, or you'll throw up or otherwise eliminate.

As a beginner, I would recommend that you stick with what you know. We all know dandelions, I'm sure! Dandelions, red clover, peppermint, lemon balm...these kinds of herbs are sure bets!

May I recommend that you obtain a couple of books to help with identification. It's good to have more than one, due to differences in photography. A few books that I like a lot are The Enclycopedia of Medicinal Plants, by Andrew Chavalier, and the Peterson Field Guide along with A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants

Herbs are God's gifts to us for providing the nourishment our bodies need to sustain our good health. They were given to us as food.

~Genesis 1:29

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

If you have a few more dandelions or other "good weeds" than you'd like, they may be effectively dealt with in a way so as not to harm the environment and expose yourself and others, including children and animals, to the hazards of chemical intervention. Please treat your lawn naturally! Here is some help in learning how!

Newsletter featuring ways to make your yard chemical free!.

And remember...Good Health is a Natural Thing!

Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP
All Natural HealthWorks!
Holistic Education and Research Unlimited...

The information presented is the author's personal and professional opinion, and is intended for educational purposes only. Nothing printed here is designed to take the place of a physician's advice. If you are experiencing problems with your health, it is recommended that you consult with a licensed health care professional. All Natural HealthWorks! is not responsible for any damages or ill-effects resulting from the information presented herein, nor do we make any recommendations regarding your health. We are simply here as a resource for you in making your own choices for your health yourself.

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 11:44 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 5 June 2005 1:16 AM EDT
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Friday, 27 May 2005
So this is a blog!
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends by The Beatles
Topic: General Info
Hello, everyone! Welcome to the first day of our brand new Blog! I'm not totally sure what a blog is, but we'll find out together, okay?

My idea is that it is a place where I can write my thoughts to you, as can the other team members of All Natural HealthWorks!

Tonight I will just say I am looking so forward to sharing with you. Today while I was mowing the lawn, I was thinking of so many insights I'd like to share. I think this will be a good format for that.

The Message Board on our website is a place where everyone can share ideas on various topics related to natural healing and health. Sharing information and experience is what it's all about. Our great-grandmothers shared these kinds of ideas! That's how folk medicine was passed along, except without electronic device, as we can do now with the internet. This way we can share ideas on healing with people from all over the world!

I'm hoping we'll be learning a LOT of good things together! Let's keep spreading the word!

I am a doctor of "expert," they say...But we all are the experts in our own right. We just need to know how to recognize the inherant truth in ourselves and in Life. The solution to any problem already exists within the problem itself. We just have to find it and put it to use. We can help each other do that.

(There's not a spot where God is not!)

The website will be up and running soon, and my hope in designing it has been that it will be a resource for learning...a tool...a vehicle to take you where you need to go to find the answers you seek.

We will be discussing ways to recognize valid information from improperly informed advice. There is so much information "out there" that it can be overwhelming sometimes. How do we know what is what? With so many contradictions, it can be hard to know what to believe. We'll talk a lot about that.

We will also be discussing how to find the truth for ourselves. It's a simple process, really, but it can be timestaking in its development. We'll walk through the process together...and help each other to not stray too far from the path.

Healing is not an event; it is a process. It is not something that gets done to us; it is something that comes from within. Medicines don't heal us. Not even herbs. The healing power is inside of us. We were created in the image and likeness of God. Our bodies know how to heal.

Why is it that people should think otherwise? Did our bodies not form from a simple sperm and an egg? Did we not grow arms and legs...and did we not grow smiles? We grew the arms and legs with the programming that was instilled into us by design; and the smiles, we grew with Love! That's all the more it takes to heal!

Healing is simple. The more we complicate it, the farther from the Truth that we stray. The Truth is that we were divinely designed, and that if we but make the best use of what we have been given, we will find that we have all that we need.

When you think about healing, think about what we were given from the very beginning of time. Think about things like sunshine, the moon and the stars. Think about the herbs of the field, the fruit of the vine, and the food that grows from the earth. Think about raindrops...wonderful clean water to drink and to bathe in! Think about songbirds and flowers and love!!!

These are the things through which healing comes. Healing is a magnimous gift given to us by a loving Father and a nurturing, sweet Mother Earth. There has not been one single day in the history of time when we did not have all that we need.

The problem is that we don't always have the wisdom, or the knowledge, or the faith to know what it is that we need, neither do we always have the good sense as individuals, nor as a collective race, to take very good care of ourselves. That's what we have done to ourselves. That's what we've got to un-do! We need to remember the way we were created to be.

Sounds vague, I know, but throughout the weeks to come we'll talk more, and I'll explain a little bit further in depth what it is that I'm trying to say.

We'll be discussing healing the body, spirit and mind through natural means...Not just for people, but all of God's creatures. In some ways, the animals know better than we! Hahaha! (To be discussed at a later date!)

Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP

The information presented is the author's personal and professional opinion, and is intended for educational purposes only. Nothing printed here is designed to take the place of a physician's advice. If you are experiencing problems with your health, it is recommended that you consult with a licensed health care professional. All Natural HealthWorks! is not responsible for any damages or ill-effects resulting from the information presented herein, nor do we make any recommendations regarding your health. We are simply here as a resource for you in making your own choices for your health yourself.

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 1:18 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 12 June 2005 2:50 PM EDT
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Saturday, 1 January 2005
Dear Family, Friends, and Associates
Mood:  special
Topic: Graduation Announcement
Mary Jo Eshelman, N.D., CTN, CNHP
American Board Certified Traditional Naturopath

Dear Family, Friends and Associates,

I am extremely pleased to announce my graduation from the Trinity College of Natural Health as a Doctor of Naturopathy, and my subsequent certification as a Certified Traditional Naturopath through the American Naturopathic Medical Association! May I take this opportunity, please, to explain what this means to me? Hopefully it will mean something to you, as well.

Naturopathy is a system of medicine founded on the belief that diet, mental state, exercise, breathing, and other natural factors are central to the origin and treatment of disease. The word “doctor” is an academic title, originally meaning a man so well versed in his department as to be qualified to teach it. Hence, one who has taken the highest degree conferred by a university or college, or has received a diploma of the highest degree; as, a doctor of divinity, of law, of medicine, of music, or of philosophy. As a doctor of naturopathy, what I will teach is how to apply the principles of natural health to optimize levels of physical, mental and emotional well-being. In other words, I will teach people about some of the natural ways to stay well that have been used throughout history.

When I was a child, I grew up loving nature. My mother could hardly get me indoors! I loved the dirt, the grass, the trees, the flowers, the animals, and even the bugs!

As I grew older, I began to develop an understanding of the connectedness of all of life. I started to see how we are but a part of the whole. I wanted to understand more.

A pivotal point in my life came at the age of twelve, when I saw a sign on the church basement wall, and it read: “With Awareness Comes Responsibility.” I wanted the awareness, so I made a promise to God to accept the responsibility to help others with what I would learn, and to pass the awareness on.

My life since that time has been focused on learning. I fervently studied matters of body, spirit, and mind. My friends often thought me a little bit strange, but I was fascinated with learning this stuff!

Those of you who know me, know that I’ve had some very difficult times through the years. What got me through all of those times was the loving support of my family and friends, and the inner knowing that someday I would be able to make good of what I’d been through. It was through the hard times that I learned the most, by keeping this thought in mind.

As a Doctor of Naturopathy, I want to help make people aware of God’s good. We always have all that we need. It doesn’t always have to depend upon insurance, or surgery, or drugs. Good health is a natural thing!

Go outside; look around. Then close your eyes and be still. Right there, in that moment of silence, you have what you need to be whole. God’s power is within your soul. Open your eyes up again, take in a deep breath of fresh air. This is the breath of life. Look to the earth – it gives us our food; and our food is our medicine.

There is a harmony throughout all of nature – The song of a bird, the whisk of the wind, the dance of the planets and stars. We are a part of all that, and all of our needs are supplied, if we but know where to look, and live within natural laws.

It is my vision to take part in the process of teaching by inviting others to teach by my side. There is so much to learn of how simple life is, and we all have our talents and gifts. I want to create an environment where we can all teach each other, so little by little we’ll realize these gifts in ourselves.

At present, I’m gathering my plans and putting the wheels into motion. There are two parts to all this.  One, a professional network of natural health practitioners and wellness eduators, and the other a holistic health ministry.  They will be called:

Both All Natural HealthWorks and Essentials of Life will be involved in education.  We will offer a wide variety of classes and workshops, many of which will be free. The educational sessions will be taught by myself and numerous other well-qualified people working in the natural health field. We will cover a very wide range of topics. There are so many things to explore!

The idea that I have in mind is to establish a place where people can dig their hands in and learn. I envision a center that is active; the air filled with the scent of flowers, herbs and good food; people gathered together, laughing, learning, researching, experiencing, and sharing their healing strengths. I hope you will come join us there!

Feel free to e-mailand schedule an appointment with me. I would be happy to share my knowledge with you and help you find ways of incorporating the principles of natural health into your life! I offer telephone consultations, as well.

Please explore our website at to get a better idea of what we can offer to you. Much of the website is still under construction, but please check back often, because exciting things are in the works!

Thank all of you for your love and support through the years. I hope to give back to the world, in such a beautiful way, all you have given to me!!!

Yours in Loving and Grateful Service,
Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP

"Jody" (Vibraceous, ND)

Consultations available now!


Monday, 12 May 2008 - 12:56 AM EDT

Name: super2/allnaturalhealth
Home Page:

The above graduation announcement was written in 2005.  Now in 2008--many healthier people and animals later--All Natural HealthWorks Holistic Education and Research Unlimited...and the Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center are in the process of preparing a physical location where people can come to learn more about natural health!  

Keep an eye on our website for details, and also look for Essentials of Life to open a website at

Exciting things are in the works!!! 

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

"Vibraceous, ND"

Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.












Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 3 February 2010 2:15 PM EST
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Tuesday, 1 January 2002
Prostate Health
Topic: Men's Health

Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 1:00 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 21 April 2009 8:25 PM EDT
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