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Notes from the Naturopath
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Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Life Begets Life
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: "Food, Glorious Food!" from Oliver
Topic: Healthy Eating

Live food for live bodies....Whole food...not just extracted bits of this and that but the whole food.  (Example...protein isolates...not what they're cracked up to be!)

Live food to feed live cells.  Feed your cells not just your belly!

Food should be eaten in its natural state...whole...complete...ripe...raw...grown without chemicals...and certainly not genetically modified.

Food is best when it's fresh.  Locally grown is best for this reason.  The closer the better.  The least processing and handling possible is best and the least time in transit.  Food can be much, much, much fresher this way, and also they're more liketly to have been picked ripe.  The riper the produce when picked, the more full of nutrients it is; and the fresher it is, the more of it's nutrients remain.  It's as simple as that.

In season and local is also best because what you need is always close at hand in nature.  That is my spiritual belief, plus it has proven true.

Organic for sooooooo many reasons.  People really don't realize, I think, the amounts of chemicals used and the truly detrimental effects.

As to raw, destroys nutrients!  What you are left with is sludge in the intestines after cooked food is consumed.  Oh, it may have some minerals left, but come on!  The And what about vitamins?  Vitamins are the vital energy of the plant.  How can it remain alive?  The enzymes are totally gone.  Plus when you cook food it turns into something toxic for your body in many ways, through chemical reactions and also just the fact that it sits there and rots when it can't break down and  move through the system efficiently.

I've been working in my own dietary practices to incorporate more and more raw food into my diet...raw fruit, veggies, seeds, sprouts, nuts, and raw natural syrups...yum yum.  You'd be surprised at how many wonderful ways there are to prepare such foods!  There's a lot more to be enjoyed tham simply gnawing on a raw carrot stick!   If you're in the Cleveland area, check out this MeetUp Group.

Hippocrates said, "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food."  But has to be real food...not altered with cooking and with chemicals and with over-processing to be of any real help.  Real food for real people!  Life begets life.  You can't get life out of something that's dead!

When food is alive with the nutrients it was created with, it will sustain us and regenerate us and keep us healthy, internally cleaned, and fortified.  Think about only makes sense.

Raw Family Signature Dishes: A Step-by-Step Guide to Essential Live-Food Recipes

I'm going to go make some nice raw food apple pie!

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

"Vibraceous, ND"

Mary Jo (Jody) Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.


Nothing I've written is intended to take the place of duly licensed medical care.  What I share is the result of research, opinion, insight, and spiritual is not medical in nature, but rather nature itself!




Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 10:23 AM EST
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