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Thursday, 7 January 2010
Singing with Coyotes!
Topic: Healing Process

The internet is really a great  way to stay connected with people and news from all over the world.  Miuch better than standard media ways, and it makes travel to cultures and commerce from all over the world possible, as well as some very long distance good friends.

But sometimes it scares me.  It might be a phobia of mine...a consipiracy theorist kind of a thing...But right now I'm sitting out in the country in a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL setting, and not  many people know that I'm here.  It is nice.  And then when I started my internet, it computed my location.  Actually it did this twice.  Once by the internet provider chip and once by the browsing service I used.  That made me feel more than a little geeked out.

This might be a good time to make an announcement...on a happier note!  I've decided to start writing books!  I've got several in the brewer right now!

But as for today I decided to do a little writing right here, and tell the rest of the whole world hello!  I was thinking of the topic of day-to-day healing...kind of in response to what most people ask about natural health.

We all have things that need healing.  It's the human condition.  If we were in a whole and complete fit state of perfection, we'd be able to fly with no need of wings but what's in our mind!

Have you ever thought to yourself or said to somebody else any of the following phrases?

Oh....I don't want to write them because I don't want to put them on my own "I am!"  You know the phrases...Anything that starts with "I am" and then ends with something negative.  Those are the types of phrases which become embedded in our subconscious if we allow them, and then color our whole entire world!  

So, step one to healing is don't allow it!  The words "I am" are very powerful tools!  Remember you were created in the image and likeness of God, so it's actually quite blasphemous to put anything bad after those words.  When I start to think them (and yes, sometimes like everyone else, I do dwell...that's what I'm trying to help not to do!)...I try to rearrange them all in my head to say things like "I'm healing," instead.

I'm body is reforming itself into the best that creation intended for it to be... which is perfect and so am I!  I'm a beloved child of God just like everyone else, and if the world, including myself, would just remember just that little thing every day, then a much healthier and happier whole lot we would be!  

So  with that, part of my daily prayer every day is "Dear God help me remember that I am O.K.!  (And so is everyone else...kinda like the book, "I'm OK, You're OK!"  Hahaha!  I can't help it, that just came to mind!  Hahaha!)

So here I sit this  morning in this beautiful setting.  I'm overlooking the most beautiful woods.  If I knew how to download what's on my camera I would surely attach a picture for you, but I don't...and I'm not sure how this webcam on works.

I'm  on a hill, surrounded by woods.  They go down  into a ravineand then back up the other side of a great big hill as tall as the one I'm sitting on.  Hundreds of acres of woods are easily viewable from where I sit, and 40 of those acres belong to this house.  

It's winter, so you can see a lot more land than when covered by summer's leaves.  It's a good time of year to get to know the place in a way which will be hidden again very soon.

Every morning I take time to look out the windows and to go outside for awhile.  (Yesterday I went out in the snow with my bare toes to throw some food to the animals and I got locked out of the house!  Yikes!  Luckily there's an entryway and help was on the way really soon!  Hahaha!  Oh!!!!)

So what I like to do in the morning to start my day off on the right foot (and hopefully not to get locked out of the house!) is to open the windows and breathe in the fresh morning air.  I start before sunrise, so I try to be quiet at first and just listen.  I go to windows on all sides of the house, but mostly just on the two sides overlooking the woods.  I also like to go out on the deck.  

I have a birdfeeder on the deck, and the birds come according to which type of seeds that I use!  I find that amazing.  I'm finding that learning about the animals and true wildlife watching is a really, really fun thing to do! Of course that's something I've always known.  It's what I loved most as a kid! 

I always played with rabbits and toads and field mice and even the grasshoppers and praying mantises and bees.  So here there are lots of birds, and just about every kind of animal you could think of, I bet!  All the ones native to this part of the country are most likely right here on this land!  That is simply amazing to me.  It's what I've wanted my whole entire life!

It's funny, though...the animals here are reeeeal quiet.  The first trip down into the woods was when I first noticed how quiet they are.  I knew there had to be hundreds and hundreds of creatures aware of my presence at that very moment as I sat with my sweety on a tree limb out there, but there was not hardly so much as a bug to be seen.  Even the birds were real still.  Trips into the woods since then have been much the same.

But I've noticed that putting the birdseed out has certainly made the birds plentiful up close to the house.   Then one day I tossed an apple out into the field and a bunny came tumbling along.  This place will be nice in the spring!

I've noticed that the crows really do tell the story to the whole woods, and on various occassions they've told the woods about  me.   Sitting and listening to nature is something I really enjoy.

Yesterday morning I tried something new...and I did it again already today.  When I was at the window taking in my morning air, I decided to sing to the woods.  So I sang a song with no words but just's a song that I often sing.  I'm a big believer that singing is very natural and very healing, so I sing around the house quite a lot...I could type pages and pages about just only that!  Singing is soooooooo good for the health!

So while I was singing out the window to all the woods, many things went through my mind.  I wondered what the animals thought.  This was a strange and new sound to them out there in the woods.  The way the canyon is formed, my voice carried to all of them there.

I sang quite awhile...probably five or ten minutes, I'd say.  The thoughts that went through my mind went the whole range as I sang this song without any words.  It's a very meditative experience to sing in such a way for an extended period of time.  A lot of spiritual thoughts and realizations flowed through my mind in a song of thanksgiving and of connecting with nature in such a fabulous way.  I felt so blessed to be part of it all.  

I thought about silly things, too, which is fine.  It was a very happy feeling to feel as a child!  I thought about Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty, and how they all sang to the woodland animals, and how very much they were adored by them all.  A feeling of excitement came over me to imagine that they might come to love me here, too!  

Then I thought of Julie Andrews and how she must have felt singing that song in the Austrian hills.  I really do love the woods!

I brought my song to a close and then I just stopped to listen for a response.  About ten seconds went by, continuing in silence as was before, and then all of a sudden the call came to ask me where I had gone  It was the call of the coyotes!  How cool!They usually howl at night if you listen, but this was the morning and they were already sleeping until I woke them up!  It was such a fabulous feeling to know they were listening to me and that they were responding directly to me!  I howled back a couple of times and they howled back to me in return, and then I let them finally go back to sleep, which they most blissfully did, because not so much more as a whimper was heard...Until this morning when I did it again~!

Day to day healing...That's what I started writing about.  This is my day.  Everyone needs to make up a day of their own.  When I'm at my house in town, I open up the upstairs window and look out into the snow, but I don't sing to the village too much.  I do sing, however, once the window is closed up again!  Singing is good no matter the setting, and so is breathing the air.  As for the wildlife in Hartville...well there used to be more rabbits and birds in my yard, but now there are seven cats at my house!  And two dogs to howl to the world!

Day to day healing  has to do with establishing your place in your day.  Connectingwith your environment and doing that which will heal...such as singing...breathing...taking it in and letting it out.  Dancing comes naturally, too, and is one of the best ways to heal.

I like to turn on some music and dance...stretching every way I can stretch.  I don't always take time, and I should.  It shows on my health when I don't.  

Today I used the mini-trampoline.  I have it positioned in front of the window from which I sang today's song.  So I lightly's not necessary to even take the feet off of the surface...It's not like a big bouncy trampoline out in the yard.  Mini-trampolines are meant to be gentle and just get the lymophatics pumping along.  

I enjoyed my time this morning...I bounced, stretched, and did a little dance.  It reminded me of the times I used to go with friends off to pow wows and dance the traditional dances of this American land.   

Now I'm going to go take my bath.  I'm going to open the window again and I'm going to lay in the water scented with natural essential oils.  I like to put my ears under the water and lay back and do my "Ohms."  You know...."Ohmmmmm.....Ohmmmmm...."  The vibrations are very good.

The question that people have about how to heal is best answered by pointing out that all day is an opportunity to bring healing energy into your life.  It's not this herb or that herb which heals...although yes very healing they are.  More importantly is the way each  moment is lived.

While  my water is running I'll make some herb tea, and I'll take it upstairs with me along with a book.  Today I'm reading about greenhouses, because that's something I'd like to learn how to do.  After reading and  doing my ohms and drying off I'll come down and clean up the house a bit while listening to music and moving around.  Then my day will go on from there...on to a nice raw foods lunch with someone I love, and I give thanks that life is so good!  This is how healing's in the little every day things that we do.

Have a blessed day today!  That's what I'm planning to do!  Even when I'm cleaning the house.

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Jody Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.


Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 9:18 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 7 January 2010 9:20 AM EST
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