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Saturday, 18 October 2008
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: "Celebrate!" by Kool and the Gang
Topic: Healing Process

I LOVE the work that I do!  I am sooo grateful that I made the commitment to offer myself up to God as a channel for healing good!  That's what I am , really....a channel.  I did the studying, and I got my degrees, and I paid my dues in this profession, but the work I do is really God's!

The rewards are so great...FAR greater than any amount of money I ever could make.  Today was a big payday for me in the way of BIGTIME rewards!  I got a call from a very good friend whom I've been helping with cancer, emphasema, and general overall health.  He was in pretty bad shape.  He had a tumor so big that it had actually broken his ribs. 

I told him the same as I tell everyone...that I cannot promise anything, and that I'm not licensed to diagnose, prevent, treat, prescribe, cure or mitigate in any disease.  I'm trained in natural health and ways the body works to stay well, and I'm certified in the study and practice of tradional ways of healing which have been used throughout time.  I work with ways of helping to support the body in bringing its own healing about.  This being known, he said he wanted my help.  I told him I could introduce him to things which have been used to offer support to others in his situation before...and I could help him with a supplementation program which would provide basic nutrients to help keep him strong.

Well...............just ONE SHORT MONTH into the program, he got a cat scan and the tumor has shrunk to 1/2 it's size!!!!!!!!!!!YAY GOD!

Let me say that again!!!  When using the herbs that God gave us to keep us well in a systematic manner for only one month, this tumor that was big enough to break this man's ribs is now half the size that it was!  The only thing he has been doing to bring this change about has been to follow a program of natural health for a month!  He was on no conventional treatment at all whatsoever!  That was not the route that he chose to take.  He wanted to try out natural ways first...and wow!  I can't wait to see what will happen if he continues this program he's on!

Is this a miracle?  YES!  Is it something rare?  Not at all.  

What?  Not rare?  Well  no!  I have seen countless miracles and heard about countless more!  I've had miracles in my own life occur, and now this miracle is happening with this friend of mine.  I've seen cases of everything under the sun disappear...with the application of natural and God-given ways.

Why don't more people know about this?  Well, that is a very good question to ask!  A LOT of people DO know about these kinds of things...but only people with open minds, and only people who actively look for the truth, and maybe a few who just happened to be in the right place at the right time...But these things are not widely publicized through conventional means.  You might hear a segment on the evening news, but a very small segment, interrupted by a commercial message most like from the maker's of some kind of drug.  And then the next segment is about something else, and that's the end of all that.  


But if you look in the'll see it.  If you look to jesus_healing_a_blind_man.jpg jesus healing image by vibraceousancient writings, it's there.  Even the Bible talks about healing!  But suddenly no one believes.

I can't concern myself anymore with all that.  It drives me nuts when I worry about how information is being suppressed.  Oh, yes....I'll still be active in the fight to bring truth out into the light.  I'll sign the petitions around and tell people what's going on.  But I can't take my energy to get so upset like I sometimes do, because I need my energy to stay in a positive space. 

I'm here to be part of the solution.  Yes, there are MANY forces against the natural health way being used and known by more people...ways with a lot of money and influence to back up the suppression of fact.  But in my little corner of the world, m truth about MIRACLES will be shouted out loud!  Because miracles of healing happen each and every single day in this world!!!

My friend has a tumor that is now half its size, because I shared what I know and helped him apply it to his benefit.  This is what I do with many people...people with conditions stretched out from here to there.  I have one friend whom I have helped who said he gained more in his health with one week on the herbs that I asked him to try, than he did after spending $80,000 in medical bills...and all it costed was about a hundred dollars a month.  He's now off all his meds.  Wouldn't it have been wonderful if he could have found this type of wellness before he and his wife had to sell their home just to pay medical bills?  I'm just happy they found a better way before more health was lost.  That's the really important thing.

Natural healing deals with restoring vitality.  There's no disease that can't be benefited by restoring vitality to the whole system!  Cleanse, nourish and balance...that is the key to good health....and good health is the key to being strong enough to fight off disease.  Disease is not natural...Good health is a natural thing!

I hope when you read things like this it will sink in that these things occur all the time.  There's no need for loss of hope like they tell you.  When the doctor says there's no cure, that means there's no cure they can provide with their expertise.  But the medical schools do not teach of the power of God, and they do not teach of natural there's a WHOLE lot that they do not know!  They know of disease, but not wellness.  This is a very sad truth, but let us recognize that there are other ways which can work, and HAVE worked for many before.

Have a blessed wonderul sunshiney day!

Vibraceous, ND

Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.



The information presented is the author's personal and professional opinion, and is intended for educational purposes only. Nothing printed here is designed to take the place of a physician's advice. If you are experiencing problems with your health, it is recommended that you consult with a licensed health care professional. All Natural HealthWorks! is not responsible for any damages or ill-effects resulting from the information presented herein, nor do we make any recommendations regarding your health. We are simply here as a resource for you in making your own choices for your health yourself.


Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 2:29 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 18 October 2008 2:40 PM EDT
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