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Sunday, 6 January 2008
Sing Your Way to Vibrant Health!
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Healing Arts


Singing FEELS good!  And it IS good for us, many ways!  Research has found many health benefits to singing.  Check out this list...(and there are probably more ways than this!)

Singing helps you live longer according to the findings of a joint Harvard and Yale study!

Singing sessions appear to have positive effects on participants' cognitive powers, their physical ability and their emotions.

Singing may be beneficial for people with Parkinson's Disease, those who had strokes and head injuries and for people with special needs.

Using your diaphragm to sing is a good way to promote a healthy lymphatic system.

A study at the University of California has reported higher levels of immune system proteins in the saliva of choristers after performing a complex Beethoven masterwork.

A recent German study has shown that active amateur group singing can lead to significant increases in the production of a protein considered as the first line of defense against respiratory infections.

Singing can increase mental alertness through greater oxygenation.

There is a lot of evidence that being socially engaged is good for people with dementia.

The part of the brain that works with speech is different to the part that processes music, allowing those who have lost their speech to still enjoy their music and access words through the melody.

Rhythm has been shown to be beneficial, particularly for those with diseases like Parkinson's where movement was a problem.

Singing is an aerobic activity that increases oxygenation in the blood stream.

Singing exercises major muscle groups in the upper body, even when sitting.

Singing increases lung capacity.

Singing improves posture.

The intense physical effort involved in singing properly can result in weight loss.

Some people who have been traumatized often want to leave the physical body, and using the voice helps ground them to their bodies.

Singing clears respiratory tubes and sinuses.

Singing tones the muscles of your stomach and back.

Singing is a great way to keep in shape because you are exercising your lungs and heart.

Your body produces 'feel good' hormones called endorphins when singing.

Singing can keep you looking young as you're gently exercising the muscles in your face.

Research shows that singing can help with smoking cessation.

Singing can help to cure asthma.

Singing tones muscles at the back of the throat and this can help with snoring.

Toning the muscles at the back of the throat by singing can also help with sleep apnea.

Hearing your own voice very loudly inside your head affects your inner ear in a way that connects directly with the area of the brain that registers pleasure.

Singing provides catharsis across the full emotional spectrum.

Singing helps clear the chakras (areas of spiritual energy within the body).

The various vibrational frequencies emitted throughout the body from singing affect the various organs and stimulate them to a reaction of balance and health.

Singing has psychological benefits because of its normally positive effect in reducing stress levels through the action of the endocrine system which is linked to our sense of emotional well-being.

Psychological benefits are also evident when people sing together as well as alone because of the increased sense of community, belonging and shared endeavour.


Singing has been a part of healing and spiritual ritual since ancient times.  The voice is a very powerful and mystical instrument for mental, physical and spiritual health, both individually and as a group.

More and more people are returning to Singing for fun, health and wellbeing .  Leisure-time singing is becoming more and more of a popular social event since karaoke has hit the scene, but singing during work hours is also on the rise again now!  Singing was tradition for so many years among workers, and now the tradition is returning to the workplace again.  Many corporate events are planned around music, but even beyond that is the surfacing of weekly, monthly, (or even daily!) singing events, such as karaoke at lunch.  Many corporations are finding that singing breeds a sense of camaraderie and offers a way for workers to feel more relaxed in their environment and with the people with whom they work.  Plus, with the health benefits associated with singing as listed above, it's bound to help attendance improve.


I've always loved singing!  My mom and dad used to sing together all the home, at church, in the car...I raised my kids singing, too!

In church I could sing, and in the school the shower, but never in front of anyone without a whole group of voices I could blend in with.  Never, ever alone!

So when I started to sing karaoeke, it came as more of a surprise to me than to anyone else.  I love it, though!  I've made friends, and I've learned to just be myself when I sing.  I'll write another blog at some point to share all the ways it has enriched my life!  For now, let me just share with you the following links:

How singing unlocks the brain

Sing for your heart

Good vibrations

Singing Improves Road Safety -

Chorus America - The Singing-Health Connection

HEALTH: Sing yourself happy and fit

Sing your way to good health, say scientists

Health Benefits of Singing


Ever thought of hosting a karaoke event?  It's more fun than you'd ever believe! 


Nothing said here is meant to take the place of a medical doctor's advice, by the way.  But I don't think there are many cases where singing could actually hurt, no matter what condition you're in!  (Unless you have a sore throat...then hum!)

Speaking of humming....It's the VIBRATIONS of singing that makes it so absolutely good for your health!  VIBRATIONAL HEALING at work! The various notes correspond to various parts of the body...because of the frequency waves. 

The different types of sounds you make during singing work to stimulate different parts of the body, as well.  Singing the long-o sound (as in the word Open), for instance, creates vibrations which work to stimulate the pancreas gland.  The pancreas gland, as you know, works to regulate blood sugar levels.  So is singing good to help offset blood sugar problems?  Again, as I said above, I really don't think it would hurt! 

There are lots of reasons singing is good!  If you can't sing with others quite yet, try to make a habit of singing when you're alone at the very least!  Just sing different notes...shape your mouth in different ways...explore your range and  have fun!!!


 pleased.jpg pleased picture by vibraceousVibraceous, ND

Pocket Songs


Posted by super2/allnaturalhealth at 11:13 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 27 January 2008 12:34 PM EST
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