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Words from me!

Just a colour experiment layout. I tried to ignore its original colour of the image. This time, another divider layout Shaiya: Light and Darkness. This pretty girl is so fascinating me to make layout >=D btw I taken it from Stop Game and brushes come from Blinding Light for the swirls. The rest is created by Photoshop effects.

Ardente Veritate means ' Burn with truth ' although there is nothing related to burn with this layout >_<"" [Final Fantasy VIII Liberi Fatali]

Layout finished at 12:13 PM. May 1, 2005.


Usage of the layout

This layout has been tested in Internet Explorer 6.00, Netscape Navigator 7.2 and Mozilla Firefox. I know the scrollbar colours don't work, but it is not a big problem, is it?

Unzip all files to a folder and open index.html to edit all my writes. You can also change the CSS if you don't like the style You may change them all. Do not alter the images.
And do not, I repeat, DO NOT CHANGE or MOVE ANYTHING in the credits section that begin with < !-- mark oh please but you can add anything in the outside of that restricted area , do not be the second person that I blame at >.<

This layout is a LINKWARE, means you are not allowed to claim it as your own, remove my links, or redistribute to your site without my permission even you are linking me back. Please ask me first if you want to.

What you are ALLOWED to do and NOT ALLOWED to do

  1. You cannot alter my images.
  2. You cannot remove my link even the WAG button.
  3. You cannot redistribute my layout to your site without asking me to.
  4. You cannot claim this layout as your own design
  5. You can alter my CSS file if it doesn't suit your style.
  6. You can use this layout for your personal sites only! No commercial sites unless you have paid me.


Text | Link |


I have a little extra for you and a button to link me that matching with the layout. to get more quality avatars or buttons please visit my site in the special avatar section.


Images © Shaiya: Light and Darkness and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. Layout design © 2005 Scholastica at WaterAirGarden. Site content © Your Name . You may not alter or stole the contents.

§ Header

§ Link Here
§ Link Here
§ Link Here
§ Link Here

♣> Header

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§ Link Here
§ Link Here
§ Link Here

♣> Header

§ Link Here
§ Link Here
§ Link Here
§ Link Here


Layout © 2005 Scholastica at WaterAirGarden