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I learned I was pregnant with Faith when I was 17 years old. I wasn't upset when I found out like most girls my age probably would have been. I was over joyed!

My pregnancy was picture perfect. On May 30, 1999 I gave birth to the most beautiful baby ever. She had a full head of black hair(that was slightly cone shaped due to hours of pushing). She was 7 lbs 15 oz. She was PERFECT!! We named her Faith Evalyn Rose.

During delivery her heart rate dropped so after she was born they checked her all out and said that she was just fine. After two long days in the hospital I came home with my new little bundle.

Faith seemed to be a healthy newborn. She didn't cry much and was very laid back and calm. When she did cry I immediatly fixed anything that was bugging her.

In July 1999 Faith started doing something very strange to me. She had a couple episodes where she would stiffen, cry and her lips would turn blue. Being a first time mom, I wanted it checked out as soon as I could. I worried that the doctors would think I was nuts because the episodes didn't last long and then she was fine. I took her to the emergency room where everything went down hill. Faith's heart was beating too fast, then too slow. After endless hours in the E.R. her tiny little heart gave out due to all the stress. Faith passed away on July 17, 1999.

We never knew Faith had a heart defect until it was too late. She had Endocardial Fibroelastosis.

To read more about Endocardial Fibroelastosis go to