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tHeRe'S nOo pLaCe LiKe HoMe

§LaM ¤ tHi§ ¤ hOn

tHeRe'§ nOo pLaCe LiKe hOmE
aTtEnTiOn tO tHa Be§tEsT iN mY LiFe
tO bEe AnNoUncEd ...

tune * can`t hold us down * christina a

welcome you! parusse around and do me a favour and leave ure autograph in my guestbook & i`ll be sure to do tha same. gratefully appreciated, chow hon

i go by:charmin_1ady nix & nacks:court, lady, shorty, lit`l one, clueless, & other ones you juss won`t get... age:1+2+3+4+5=?? *hon you do tha math* attached or unattached:unattached semblance:it`s summer whut more can i ask for?

aug.8.03finally decided to make a new aa page. coming along okay, i still gotta put a few more ideas up. this week is my relaxing week where i get to be lazy. next week im goin to live the rest of my summer to tha extent. my banners wont show up, well at least not on my computer. dont worry im getting those shoutouts up soon. promise! uhhh not much to say so chow hon

natalie:my bess forever. decade of priceless memories. always goin to be there for you like you have always been there for me. our friendship will never fade. i cannot wait to go bridal shopping with you for our weddings or go to baby gap for our kids. love ya like a sistah jennifer:wow a whole summer and i still haven`t seen ya. i guess our schedules dont match, i`m on vacation, then you. don`t worry one week before we go back to school we can go to wonderland, movies, mall, wild water kingdom and still have a blast. thanks for always being there and i know if i need your help you`re juss a phone call away. love ya amanda:wow we`re still good friends even though you live @ tha other side of the country! that day with you was like old times. i`m so gladd you finally came down to visit your friends. laffin at old times in grade 3 and old times @ girl guides. haha. i miss ya and email me when you get those pictures up. love ya asiff:i love laffing with ya it`s soo much fun. we had some really good times in public school and plenty times during lunch last year. i really hope that we stay good friends. i`m goin to be there for ya when you need me. haha your no-pocket shirt. haha love ya matt:you`ve been there for me in so many ways and im so happy for you. i hope you have a class with me next year. you`re so great to talk to. oh ya when are you goin to give my $$$? LOL. call me so we can catch up! you no tha #,love ya more to come ... i thank each and every friend i have for always being there for me and stuck with me no matter whut. you`re all angels, "relationships come and go but friendship is forever"

family friends vacation summer soap boys flirtin wonderland the falls disney eating

liars cheaters mouchers backstabbers disrespect spiders storms ... they give me migraines people that think women are second class citizens putdowns angry people

you reached the bottom of my page. sign the guestbook and have a fabulous day *

Fa§t ¤ FaCt§ ¤ oN ¤ tHi§ ¤ gRrL

  • down to earth
  • laff at almost everything
  • smile most of the time
  • stand my ground
  • say whut's on my mind
  • take each day as it is
  • try not to take anyone or anything for granted
  • try my best to succeed
  • fun
  • full time shoppette