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Lauren was born right on her due date. My membranes ruptured and I was off to the hospital due to the fact that she was laying transverse. Upon arriving I was hooked up to a fetal monitor, everything looked great! She was doing fine and had turned, but not in a good birthing position we found out later. My labor went fine and she was doing great until I began to push around 7:00 a.m. At that time her heart started showing decelerations. This continued as I pushed but my husband and I were never told that she was having any problems at all. We continued to smile as we knew we would finally see the little one we had so eagerly anticipated. The Dr. decided to do a c-section but when Lauren was born she was not breathing. She was resucitated after twenty minutes and lived for one short week in the NICU. We found out later that our daughter's short life was a result of physician and hospital negligence. Living each day knowing that she would be with us if errors weren't made is unbearable. We miss her so dearly and long to be with her again. God's strength and guidance has helped us deal with our tragic loss. We know that she is in God's care now and that we will see her again. Thank you father for taking care of my little one! My husband Rusty has been my rock and has helped me survive even though his pain was intolerable as well. My daughter Alex has helped me to get up everyday and keep going. My closest friends have been there to lend an ear no matter what time or how busy they might have been. My mother-in-law, Patty has been there every single day to listen, cry with and talk about our girl and how we cannot wait to see her again. My parents Rae Ann and Bill lived their lives serving god and because of their devotion to Him they are eternally happy and holding our Sweet Lauren everyday! That means so much! Thanks to all of you for Loving Lauren. Lauren we all love you very much!
Mommy, Daddy, Alex and Reece


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are property of Lauren's Mom and Dad.
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