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Welcome to Lauren's Friends In Heaven Garden. If you would like to have your child remembered here, please fill out the form below and click the "submit" button. AOL users please EMAIL your information directly.

~ Hope Christine Barker ~
June 3, 1996 - June 4, 1996

Our forever baby, always loved and missed
Love, Mom, Dad, big brother Austin, and little sister Leila

~ Melissa Nichole Mortensen ~
April 10, 1999 - April 13, 1999

Melissa there is not a day that goes by
that we don't think about and talk about you!
You are such a sweet angel. We miss you so much
and anxiously await the day when we will see you again!
Love, Mom, Dad, Justin, Joshua, Jared and Karli

~ Benjamin James Harber ~
January 8, 2002 - January 15, 2002

We love you little boy!
Love, Mommy, Daddy, and little sister Emma

Your Angel's Name:

Child's Birth Date:

Child's Heaven Date:

Names of those whom this memorial wish comes from:

Your angel's memorial site URL, if applicable:

Your Email:

Message to your angel:


This page and all of its contents
are property of Lauren's Mom and Dad.
Copyright © 2003
All rights reserved.