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The Dirty Birds
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How the dirty birds originated
Funny story... it all started the week of March 10-16 of 2002, also known as our ultimate spring break, if you will. Sure, we were friends long before this time (3 years in fact) but it wasn't until this week that the dirty birds came to be. The six of us, Amanda, Bonnie, Christina, Grace, Katie, and Martha, made plans to go to Port A. and stay at a luxurious condo. Reservations were made, plans were set. Then the worst of the worst happened... Bonnie was in a car wreck. She ended up in the hospital and we were forced to go on without her :( Our first night in the condo was *amazing*! But then everything went downhill from there. We were fugitives with no place to stay (We're leaving the details out for your benefit). Anyway, we had no choice but to stay at the "raunchy" hotel of the boyfriend of one of our dirty birds, who shall remain nameless. To make the long story short, there were about 13 people squeezed in a room meant for 2. So, ofcourse, we did not shower for days. All except for Michael who instead of showering like a normal person, decided to take a bath in the "raunchy" bathtub. Thus the reason he, the once-upon-a-time ONLY boy in our dirty bird alliance (until Martha started inducting all these other boys), became the master dirty bird! You're probably wondering where this phrase "dirty bird" originated from... well, while he was taking his three hour long bath!... he sang. A little song that goes something like this: "FREESTYLE KINGS! DIRTY BIRD!" Yeah, as disgusting as this seems in your head... that's how disgusting it *really* was. So that's our story (made short of course). We'll get into our specific stories and what not in the following links. But for now.....

Meet the dirty birds

Photo Gallery
Senior Week
Senior Walk
Spring Break
Martha's Birthday
Senior Retreat
Bonnie's Birthday
Our Friends

Dirty Bird Lyrics
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Messages to Our fellow seniors of 2002
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