old updates

-feb 27, 2002- ive been updating lyrics cd wise in alphabetical order...new site is almost done..thursday concert tommorow...oh yeah!!
-feb 23, 2002- blue is just the beggining...new site coming soon...very soon...better organized...easier to navigate...its almost done..hopefully by march in time for the 2 year anniversary..if school and work allows it
-feb 19, 2002- "white hen-ed" the page..may not be permanent ...corporate hen likes it...explanation: corporate white hen is changing the white hen colors from the weird orangish brown to blue..cause "it makes it better"
-feb 18, 2002- added "worship and tribute" updates click here or the floating daryl has a link...18 more days!!
-feb 16, 2002- added a guestbook....sign it if you'd like..i may be changing it around a bit
-feb 07, 2002- added lyrics to thursdays "waiting"...not finished yet..almost i got tired and im going to bed...came up with a new idea..not sure if ill put it on here or not..
-feb 04, 2002- added floating daryl....updated concerts, blackhawks, cds, etc...
-feb 01, 2002- added thursday lyrics for "full collapse" ..."waiting" coming soon....
-jan 22, 2002- added new mp3s!! seaweed and alkaline trio!!! added lyrics to alkaline trio/ hot water music split e.p.
-jan 16, 2002- added blackhawks stats...check 'em out.........funny stuff
-jan 10, 2002- took down finch mp3s and lyrics becuase the band has emailed me and asked me to do so....i don't see what so bad about having the lyrics that i worked my ass off typing..but i do agree with the mp3 thing....i cant believe the band actually has seen my crappy website...well if you guys see it again...look i took em off and i think you guys rule..or else i would have kept them on here...oh yeah and COME PLAY IN CHICAGO SOON!!!!!!
-jan 08, 2002- added finch lyrics for "what it is to burn" most are complete, but unofficial
-jan 06, 2002- added mp3 section...plus mp3s on main page..
-dec 26, 2001- added veruca salt....merry christmas everyone!
-dec 19, 2001- added lyrics to "metro" by alkaline trio which came out on a vagrant records comp today...its chris' birthday..happy birthday chris!...um added something else but i forgot..by the way finch rules!!
-dec 13, 2001- added finch lyrics for "untitled" and added a page for the upcoming cd "what it is to burn", local h "here comes the zoo" track list added on cd releases...added incubus "morning view" lyrics.....and added few fun game links
-dec 11, 2001- added tripl3fastaction page
-dec 9, 2001- updated the main page and links
-dec 6, 2001- updated concerts, links, cds, and hawks schedule...go hawks!!!
-nov 20, 2001- new finch out today on "welcome to the family" cd...buy it!! lyrics posted for "what it is to burn" email me corrections
-nov 13, 2001- new movielife out today called "...has a gambling problem" go buy it, lyrics are up already
-nov 11, 2001- added a ton of stuff..just look..maybe new site design soon...we'll see...by the way finch rules