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Lady Di's Ramblin's


It takes hard work and a lot of "Team Spirit" to put on a rally like "The Calallen Halloween Run!" And, although they have been putting on this rally, now, for 17 years, 16 of them have been held at The Lake Corpus Cgristi KOA Campground. this run will be one too remember for many different reasons. The weather that threatened rain all weekend, never fell. It did fall all around the run, from Del Rio too Houston and many decided not to make the trip. But, although the sun shone to brighten our spirits, a dark cloud hovered over our heads. Charlie "BIG C" Harris, lay in a hospital bed fighting for his life. And although we knew he would want the rally to go on, it still was hard to get into the party mood. The news of his passing, came early saturday morning, and many stood around in shock and disbelief. "BIG C" will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved him. An impromptu auction was held, saturday night, with vendors coming forward with donated items, in hopes of helping "BIG C'S" family with the high costs of his funeral exspenses. "SNOWMAN" of The Tradesman Cycle Club, out of Corpus, volunteered to be the auctioneer. And members of that chapter helped out by being spotters for the auction as well. Here are some of the items donated and by whom: "MIDGET" & Sue, leather and jewelry vendors whom have always given ALL bikers the best prices at the many, many rally's they vend, donated a beautiful leather jacket! That didn't surprise me at all. It's where I do all my shopping. They have "good" prices and will always work you on your purchases. They are "GREAT" people. They started the ball rolling which prompted the other vendors to dig deep, and come up with similar high priced items. That leather jacket went to "6 PACK" who donated it back to be auctioned off again! Jan, a woman who can be found always sitting behind her sewing machine making her skull caps or sewing on patches, embroidered a t-shirt in memory of "BIG C." After being auctioned off twice bringing in over $100 each time, it was donated back to The Calallen Chapter. For once upon a time "BIG C" was a Calallen Chapter member, serving as President as well as other positions, before going on to be Sargent At Arms, for "AZTEC" and Area C Internationa;. T&A Cycles, donated a very attractive leather shirt. Jim & Patty, t-shirt vendors, donated a rebel motif comforter. Judy of "Starfire Creations" donated a pair od engraved wine glasses commemorating this memorable occasion. A broach, donated by an unknown party at this time, was auctioned off in a very unusual way. For a dollar, thrown into a bucket, you could be the highest bidder by being the last to throw a buck into the bucket! Rick Rister had said that he would match what ever the bucket collected. He was disappointed, when, the bucket only revealed $350 bucks ! So when he wrote out his check, it was for $1,000 ! UNBELIEVEABLE!!! "THANK YOU" Rick, for your generosity!! The Luftkin Chapter of The Gypsy"s, donated $100. Pelton Airbrush, donated a Air Brushed paint job...."Ragu" donated a $120 Tribal Arm Tattoo. Over $3,500 was collected that night, and I along with The Calallen Chapter want to say "THANK YOU" for everyones generosity. If I missed anyone, I appologize. You can blame "MASTER CHIEF" because it was his idea that I write for The Calallen Chapter. He said to me that last day, "Sweetie Pea, you can't put all that you have to say in The La Feria Chapter's article! I think you should write a seperate article for them." So, as you can see I did. Although this article is a month late, because I had sent it to the wrong e-mail address, this article finnally made it to the Folly's.........Of course, The Calallen Halloween Run is famous for it "Skits" involving chapters whom prepare for this in advance. FIRST PLACE bringing the term "Erectile Disfunction" and the medication "Viagra" into the fore front of medical history! All I can say folks, is this...silly string was involved, and it took 8 to 10 members to carry this rendition of a "Skin Flute." And they sure did play it well, I might add. "HILL COUNTRY" took SECOND PLACE with "I'm Too Sexy For My Hair, Pants, Shirt etc. As the music played, men dressed as woman? and woman emphasizing body parts, some lighting up with each bump and grind, danced to the delight of the crowd. It helped some of us watching, to forget the mood our minds were in. Because this article has to be cut shorter than I had planned, we must skip the winners of the games and go on to more pertinent business. A special THANK YOU too "POOR BOY" Calallens Sargebt At Arms, for the fantastic job he did in cooking the perverbial feast. After the weekend was over, it was time to say"GOOD BYE" to "BIG C". The funeral parlor was "PACKED" with friends and family. "BIG C'S" son's stood before the crowd of over 500, and talked about what it meant to be the son of such a fine man. Many of us there, learned more about the big guy, than we ever thought we would know. And whenit came time to take "BIG C" to his final resting sight, a 20 mile journey , a procession of bikes 2 by 2 stretched out for over 3 miles. Followed by folks in thier cages, making the whole affair over 5 miles long. Tghose going about thier business on the highway that day, stopped in awe at the sight. I remember folks doing that for the likes of Presidents. I guess they knew that whom ever we were honoring, must have been a great human being. I'm sure, that, any life that "BIG C" touched, never forgot the day theymet him. Dianne "LADY DI"Hammond T.M.R.A. #32066 e-mail :
Email to Lady Di!