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Lady Di's Ramblin's


On October 5th, The La Feria Chapter held it's elections. Twenty members were present to change the course of history and The La Feria Chapter. I was present, because of coming home to the valley early from my travels, for my re-constructive surgery just 4 days away on the 9th. Our "guest's" that evening, were "HAP" Simerly & his lovely wife "GIDDY-UP-GO"`They are always welcomed. But, I don't think they were prepared for what went on that fateful night. Jim "PREACHER" Ball, was voted out of office by a slim margin, after holding that office and leading The La Feria Chapter to where it is today, for 6 years. Al "YO MAN" Minton, became our new President "YO MAN" will now have the "HUGE" responsibility of keeping the chapter up to the standards it has come accustomed too and, quite frankly, what we alltook for granted. The election results are as follows: President; Al "YO MAN" Minton.....Vice Pres; David "SMOKEY" Metzger.... Secretary; Phyllis "SUCHA" Minton.......Treasurer; George "DRIVE THRU" Alexander......Sargent At Arms; Doolittle".... & our new Road Captian; Sue "BAT GIRL" Metzger. A new millenium, with a new crew. Lets all hope them the best and wish them luck in the year to come. The next evening, saw some of The L Feria Chapter selling tickets at the "BIKE FEST 2000" on S. Padre Island. We were personnally invited by Evan J. Shall of the Island H.O.G. Chapter, to come and set up our booth to sell tickets for our "2001 Harley Davidson Night Train" motorcyle, at no cost, in hopes some of us would volunteer to help with the rally in the serving of beer and other miscellaneous jobs. In exchange for our help, we were invited to a free buffet and half priced drinks at 202 Bayside Bar & Grill a few blocks south of the convention center. The weekend proved very successful. We sold over 500 tickets at "BIKE FEST 2000." Those from The La Feria Chapter who were there to work, are as follows: '' HIGH SIDE'', & his girlfriend Sherrie, ''SQUEAL'', ''BADGER'', 'DRIVE THRU'', ''KILLER B'', ''TA TA'', ''DOOLITTLE''& ''PREACHER''. Although the motorcycle isen't in our possesion just yet, it is being made as we speak, a beautiful banner in living color gives you the sense it would be there if it could. The following weekend, saw 10 members of The La Feria Chapter at theCalallen Halloween Run. They are as follows: "PREACHER", "MASTER CHEIF", "LITTLE CHEIF", "PET PONCHO", "BAT GIRL", "MASTER CHIEF", "KILLER B", "SUCHA", "YO MAN" & me "LADY DI". A great time was had by "ALL" who attended. And although there was lots to see and do, a dark cloud hung over the festivities. "BIG C'' was in the hospital fighting for his life friday, the day the rally started. All who knew and loved him were planning on visiting him sunday after the rally was over.....but....."BIG C" pasted away early saturday morning.....bringing what is and has been the best damn rally besides Fiesta to a stand still. You can read more about this tragedy in the column I wrote for the Calallen Chapter in this issue of the Folly's. At the many rally's I attend, I always meet many, many people whom read my articles.and come up to me to tell me how much they enjoy them. And although I can't remember them all, some new faces some not so new, I'd like to mention this one gentleman who was truly happy to meet me. His name was Rene "K-9" La Vina, a prospect from Laredo. I told him I would say "HELLO" to him in my next article. That weekend was also the weekend The American Cancer Society was to hold a very special event at The Valley Baptist Regional Hospital in Harlengin. A "TIME CAPSULE" to memorialize the event was buried on the hospital grounds. All Breast Cancer Survivors, thier families and friends were invited to attend this special event to recognize those individuals who have survived their battle with cancer. I know I should have gone, but, I don't like to be singled out in a crowd or to have people starring at me and asking me questions about my battle....I'm here to report to you and that's enough for me..........But, some woman "NEED" that recognition, I'm just not one of them, is all. Many things are planned for the month of November, involving The La Feria Chapter.. And, as always, I will bring you all the news of "What's Happnin" down here in the valley. Oh, before I forget........the re-comstruction went exstremly well.....I was in and out of the operating room in record time...........and that could only be attributed to the great health I was in. But, to be quite honest, this surgery made my mastectomy feel like a bee sting. You really have to want it to go thru with it....and although I had questions about "WHY" I was going thru with it, I'm glad I did.....To have a breast again has made a big difference in how I look at myself now. I would reccomend anyone considering haveing re-construction contact me for support. And as always, I leave you all with this too think about: "You know you are in love, when, another person's needs become more important than your own." Dianne "LADY DI" Hammond T.M.R.A.#32066 Dianne “LADY DI” Hammond T.M.R.A.#32066
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