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Border Bros M/C Del Valle
Anniversary Party!!!
January 8th, 2000 !!
Border Bros M/C Del Valle!!

The Border Bros outdid themselves with a lot of good food, ice COLD beverages and brotherhood at their Anniversary party. This was really a special event for yours truly, as I got to visit and reminisce with a lot of old compadres including Bandido K.J., Bandido Blackie, all of the Border Bros including Indio, Lupe, A.D., Steve, Big Lou, and too many more to mention here. Chapa was there and having a great time as was Gus! Lower Valley Gypsy was very well represented by six faithful members.(By the way-who ever ended up with the nipple? You guys were passing it around like a bottle of Hot Damn!) CMA was there as was Rod from the La Feria Chapter of Gypsy M/C. There were so many more that I won't mention either because I didn't get a chance to ask permission or because there just isn't enough space to include everyone. Also, your reporter is feeling his age at times and, with the help of his favorite cold beverage,sometimes just plain forgets! Thanks to Housedoc for all the great pictures, by the way!
As usual, the Border Bros proved that they are the experts when it comes to partying! Thanks guys.

Pictures can't do justice to the feeling of warmth and brotherhood that was everpresent, but here are a few memories from the party!

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