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Sharp Thinking™ Powerful Ginkgo Biloba Extract Supplement!

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Sharp Thinking™ with Ginkgo Biloba
for increased mental performance!

Formulated to:

  • improve reaction time!
  • increase memory!
  • decrease mental fatique!
  • benefit problem solving capacity & creativity!
Add To Cart - $20.50 Each Wholesale Price bullet.gif (460 bytes)but_dr_bob.gif (591 bytes)

In today’s society, mental acuity is paramount. You need every edge you can
get. Luckily, recent research has focused on a new class of compounds that
may increase mental alertness and improve memory. Where can you find
Sharp Thinking Ginkgo Biloba Formulathese compounds? In Sharp Thinking … from Changes! Highlighted by ginkgo biloba and huperzine A, Sharp Thinking can help protect and improve mental

Two compounds in particular, Ginkgo biloba and huperzine, have been shown
in studies to improve working memory. Ginkgo biloba contains flavone
glycosides and terpene lactones, which have been known for their benefits to the nervous system, particularly the brain, and for their ability to enhance
circulation throughout the body and the head. Huperzine has been shown in
some studies to inhibit the breakdown of acetylcholine, the primary
neurotransmitter in your brain.

Sharp Thinking contains both ginkgo biloba and huperzine along with an herbal combination that includes
panax ginseng root, citrus aurantium, and green tea leaf. Ancient civilizations discovered the many uses for
these potent herbs long ago. Notably, the name panax means "cure all" in Latin. Panax ginseng has been
shown to have the ability to increase blood circulation in the brain.

Everyone could use an increase in cognitive function at times. Sharp Thinking™ was created for the healthy professional who wants that extra mental edge.

Key Product Points:

  • Nutritional support for enhanced mental function
  • Standardized Ginkgo Biloba extract for increased circulation to the brain
  • Huperzine to nutritionally support acetylcholine, for improved memory, problem solving and cognitive performance
  • Panax ginseng - for increased reaction time

    60 Caplets

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ginkgo biloba extract