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About Me


Well as you know by now my name is Rachael, i was born in a town on the North East Coast of England called Cleethorpes ,,im 33 years old and am a single mum of two beautiful children,i made this site really for my family and friends,,because of all the love they have shown me over the years ,,and just wanted to give them something back,

Friendship is very important to me, for not those who are there for you and give you that special hug when needed the world would be a very sad place. I always make sure im there for my friends,as i know they are for me.

My Family also are truely amazing, no matter what where or when ,,they are always there with a smile,I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters,but the most important people in my life apart from my children are my parents, for without them i would not be who i am today,I have always known and felt the love from them,,,( we will forget about when i was bad LOL) but then i knew they were still there :)

In the past few months i have gone through some bad times and my family and friends have been there,so i would like to say a very special thank you to them ,,,,MY Parents ,,,,,thanks mum and dad i love u so much !!!! the rest of my family ,,,,i love u too ,,,but dont let it go to your head,,,,,,and to my friends ,,,,i owe you so much

One thing i have learnt is that life is a very precious gift , one we sometimes take for granted, I savour every moment in life, i have to,and if you know me you will know why , but please dont let it be too late for you ,,grasp life with both hands and live it well ......


My philosophy in life is to

"Live well, Laugh Often and Love Much " In the end its not material possessions that will count but the difference that hopefully we have made in someones Life ........Remember there is always someone worse than yourself , so keep that smile and spread a little happiness.