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Mythology of Scorpio

The Constellation
The origin of the Scorpio constellation, Scorpious, begins with the death of Orion. Orion, from the Greek word for "warrior," was the mighty hunter. He was so tall he could wade through any ocean on Earth. He was also the most beautiful man in the world, and his story is filled with exploits. Although it isnt clear why he met his death by a giant scorpion (some accounts say it was punishment for pursuing the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione, others say Diana, the goddess of the moon, summoned the scorpion in self defense because Orion had tried to rape her) what is clear is that Orion and Scorpius are never seen in the sky together. Is Orion fleeing the venomous scorpion? Or is he eternally pursuing the sisters ( the Pleiades)? Whatever the case may be the brilliance of Orion fades when Scorpious rises.

The Origin

The origin of Scorpio begins many millennia ago in the sign of Spica. At that time Scorpio and Virgo were one . Libra did not exist. The duality of humanity , feminine and masculine, was not separated. As spirits, all of humanity was complete. When we were separated into genders the signs were separated as well. The female side became Virgo the Virgin (similar to Eve in Christianity) and the masculine half became Scorpio(similar to Adam in Christianity). Libra, the sign of marriage and partnership, was placed as a bridge between the two.

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