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Welcome to the Scorpion's Aerie

Welcome to the Scorpion's Aerie. An ongoing exploration of the curious natives of the eighth house: Scorpio.

I have created this site in order to demystify scorpio a bit and banish some of myths that tarnish this noble sign. Please note that the magnitude of this task makes this site more of a journey rather than a destination and also a work forever in progress.

To begin the journey please click on the various links

please keep in mind this site is currently in its infancy and will change and expand daily

Update as of 4/7/2000 I have added an email link at the bottom , please feel free to email me with any questions or comments you may have just mention "Scorpion's Aerie" in the subject line so I don't accidently delete it.
Update as of 4/14/2000 I just need to complete my links page which hopefully I can finish today
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