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bed time but up
Going out at last
I Love Micheal Jackson
I want your baby's
Monkey Dance
No sleep hurts the eyes
pickel in my pocket.
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Wednesday, 29 December 2004
Hurray For Eggnog
Mood:  special
Now Playing: It feels like a dream
Topic: Monkey Dance
I woke up at 11 AM which was a shock since I hadn't made it to bed until almost 5, but I think it was due in part that I was freezing and had a lot I wanted to do. I got up,sat on the couch and drew in my little notebook for a little while. Made some patatos for Me,Erin and Chris. Called Leola and figured out a time and place that we would meet. Then I grabbed a bus transfer and walked to the bus stop.
When I went downtown the first place I went was real change and figured out when their next vendor orintation was. Then I walked all around downtown and took pictures of buildings,traffic,one of the piers. As I sat on the water side I decided if I wanted to go to Broadway I had better get moving so I started my painful walk up hill to the closest bus stop I knew that went to Broadway.
At the bus stop, near Zeeks, I sat on the bench next to a girl. I asked her what time it was. She told me and I said,wow its nice and warm here compaired to Alaska. She said,are you from there? I told her that I had just recently moved down to WA from there. We had a long conversation about where we were from and found out that both our mothers are originally from Hooper Bay and we are related to a lot of the same people. In short making us distantly related. Tamara and I both agreed that it was odd having met like that. I gave her one of my cards before we got on the bus.
The first place I went to on Broadway was the Laughing Budha. Thats the place I got my first proffesional tattoo, although I had one done before then. Anywho, I went there looking for Cylest so I could show her my most recent tattoos and found out that she doesn't work there anymore. I was mildly disappointed,but tattoo artists do tend to move around. I didnt let that get me down though. I made a few quick stops at a few stores found the time and realized that I needed to get back downtown.
I caught the 43 and got off at Westlake Center where me and Leola had agreed to meet. I stood there for about 20 minutes, walked around the tree. Asked the time stood for another 5 minutes.Then went over to a table where people from the Church of Scientology were giving free stress tests. I sat down got the stress test which I thought was kind of funny and decided to buy there book because I was really curious to see what its all about. Then I went back to the tree for another 20 minutes and Leola finally showed up.That was great timing I was just about to leave.
First thing we did was go to the food court and eat dinner and talked about all sorts of things. Current events in our lives,church,future plans and general conversation that is conducted among friends who haven't seen eachother for a while. After we were both finished with dinner we went to kits cameras and I went to get my pictures on disc. They said it would take half an hour.So we walked around the mall. Went to a sock store,candle store and a few other places. When we both agreed it had been about half an hour we went back to kits to get my disc. As we were about to leave I realized I had lost my mittens. We searched the mall up and down retracing our steps and finally found them.
Leola gave me a ride back to the Kangaroo house. I gave her a hug and said I'd keep in touch. Then I went inside. Hung out with a the people that were there. Just for my own memories sake I'll name them. Chris,Erin,Kailee,Josh,Devon,Eric,Carson and Darah. We stayed up until 3 am making things and organizing. There was also a wrestling match, game of tag and a long conversation about americas youth which was very interesting.

Posted by sports/agoo at 12:01 AM YST
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