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Welcome all. ProtoPixel homepage open! Check out the links and shit. Site will be updated with more food for your hunger soon.

ProtoPixel is a design concept - in a very, very early stage of development. Not at all mature yet, it will become a beacon of creation, ranging from the simplest of objects to materials on a much larger scale. Creation of not only two-dimensional objects but also the third and fourth dimensions. At least if you consider music production as a fourth dimension. It's good if you think that what is written here is all bullshit. That means you're normal. It's all too abstract right now. Don't visit this page. Leave this instant! Go! Bye! Why are you still reading this? You should be typing another URL in your browser right now. Bye. Leave. Fine, if you're so persistant, go to the links section, [it's all there is for now.]

.: home | news | downloads | contact | links | images :.
[please don't pay attention to the commercials on this page, duh- I didn't put them there]