Episode 231...

~ Brian ~

“Man, what do you WANT?” Brian mutters, rubbing his eyes. He had had zero sleep last night and now a very bouncy Nick is on his doorstep at… “It’s 9 friggin AM Nick.”
“So? Best part of the day bro!” Nick repeats one of Kevin’s annoying catchphrases and bounces past his friend into the house. “And besides I couldn’t SLEEP.”
“Well I was TRYIN’ to sleep before you came,” Brian grumps. “And didja really HAVE to ring the bell constantly for ten minutes?!”
“It was like ONE minute,” Nick laughs and nudges his friend. “You sure have a gift for exaggeration.”
“Shut up and tell me,” Brian collapses into a chair with a groan.
“Tell you?” Nick acts innocent.
“Yes, tell me,” Brian repeats. “You wouldn’t be here doin’ your I’ve-had-too-much-sugAH act unless there was something to tell. So tell and leave so I can get on with my I-need-to-sleep act.”
“Your I’m-grumpy-as-all-hell act ya mean?”
“That too,” Brian nods and looks at his friend expectantly.
“Ok then, FINE!” Nick laughs and rolls his eyes. “I asked Ali to marry me last night and she said…YES!”
“Shocker,” Brian remarks dryly.
“Well I was scared man!”
“Yea, I’m sure. Sorry Nick, I’m just tired and grumpy. It’s great, it really is,” he stands up to hug his friend half-heartedly before sitting back down. “But is it the right time now? I mean, Jay’s not been dead long and…”
“And I still blame myself for him dying?” Nick finishes, his energy noticeably declining as he sits opposite Brian. Brian nods and Nick sighs lightly. “Yeah, I’m hopin’ this’ll help me move on.”
“You can’t marry Ali just to move on!”
“I know that!” Nick exclaims. “It’s not the only reason. I love her. I can’t see my life without her in it and I don’t want to even try.”
“Hm,” Brian murmurs quietly.
“Sorry man. You don’t wanna hear that crap.”
“Hm?” Brian looks at his friend and smiles slightly. “No, it’s cool. Really.”
“So, seen Jade since she got back?”
“No and don’t change the topic. Still havin’ the nightmares?”
“About Jay?” Nick sighs and nods. “Every time I close my eyes.”
“Maybe you should go see someone?”
“A shrink??” Nick stares. “I’m not crazy Brian!”
“I didn’t say you were!” Brian sighs. “But it might help you to talk things out with somebody.”
“I can talk to Ali…”
“Can you really?” Brian gives his friend a disbelieving look.
“Ok, I can’t. I can’t even MENTION Jay in front of her. I’m too scared.”
“Man, talk to a therapist. It’ll help. You can’t go on like this.”
“I’m fine. Really,” Nick says and then breaks into an insincere smile. “Besides I’m gettin’ MARRIED.”
“Yeah, you are,” Brian says quietly.
