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The Mysterious Savior on a Manly Adventure!

(Shanks and Luffy have been saved from Vivi, Makino's new bouncer, by a mysterious savior.)

Makino (dourly): You're ruining everything, mysterious savior.

Ben (sips his Amaretto sour): Hey, this is really good.

(The mysterious savior steps into appropriate everyday lighting as opposed to the more expensive dramatic kind.)

Usopp:  It is I, Captain Usopp!  I have saved the day again.

Luffy (groaning): We were saved by Usopp.  My cool factor has seriously plummeted.

Usopp:  Hey, I helped you!  You should be grateful.

Shanks (dryly): Don't expect much from him. 

(Tears well up in Luffy's eyes again and Shanks is hit with guilt like a sledgehammer.)

Shanks:  I'm so sorry, don't cry, please. (under his breath)  Stupid author induced guilt.

Usopp:  Well, Luffy and Shanks, you are now eternally indebted to me.  You can begin repaying me by buying me a drink.

Luffy:  I'll be even more grateful if you untie me too.  Shanks isn't helping.

Shanks: That hurt.

Luffy:  Well, it's true. (realizes how his comment has been taken) The knots are difficult.  I didn't mean anything about -

Shanks:  No.  I'm not going to hear it. (gives Luffy a look that would rend the heart of a much more hardened person) You keep the hat.  Permanently.

(The red haired pirate begins to leave.  Makino and Ben watch the falling out between mentor and mentee with smug looks.)

Ben (smugly):  I knew it would happen eventually.

Makino (smug as the Cheshire Cat):  It's the age difference.

Ben: By the way this drink is wicked good.

Makino: I know.

Luffy (squirming in his bondage): No wait!

Usopp:  Don't worry, buddy, I'm here for you.

Luffy (REALLY struggling to leave now): Shanks!

(Suddenly Usopp is on the ground, unconscious.  A mysterious savior is backlit dramatically.  Shanks pauses in his equally dramatic exit.  The bar falls silent - dramatically - and everything goes into a blurry black and white rendition of itself to heighten the dramatic impetus of the moment.)

Makino (to the author): You're going way overbudget on the special effects.

Trailer: Who is the new mysterious savior?  Will the Luffy and Shanks bond be irreparably damaged to the everlasting and cynical delight of Makino and Ben?  What's for dinner?  Has the author gone overbudget?  Does anyone care?


Terms Explained:
Seems pretty self explanatory to me.