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Ohtori - Descent out of Hell

(Suddenly - an engine guns and the Makino-mobile (rented from Hertz) rockets up the stairs.  It bounces wildly and then skids out, barely missing the pirates.  Makino leaps out of the front seat, holding the deed to Party's bar on high.)

Makino:  Yeah!  It all checks out!  I finally bought the bar!  Mr. Party can go back to hell where he came from!  I have my own bar!  Wahoo! (realizes that the pirates are standing around) Oh.  Hey.  Why are you all here?

(Everyone is glowering at her.)

Makino: What?

Shanks: Some crazy kid thought I was his dad!

Sanji: I was naked in an elevator.  As a girl.

Zoro: I was spammed mercilessly.

Vivi: I lost at cards!

Nami: I was cruelly led into believing that my girlfriend had money.

Luffy: I lost the Tecmo Bowl Championships and then fell out of an upside down castle.

(Up in the upside down floating castle. Chopper and Usopp, who have been waiting for the pizza,  look at each other and shrug.)

Makino: But that doesn't explain why you're here.

Shanks: We came to save YOU.

Makino: From what?

Shanks: Mr. Party!

Makino: Oh that's sweet.  You thought I would become a sex pawn of Mr. Party?  (snorts) Yeah right.  I wouldn't touch His Skankiness for all the whiskey in Ireland.

Vivi: Here, here.

Makino: So I'm heading back to Party's - though it won't be called that for long - and (her foot slips in something.  She looks down and turns white.) Is thatEuddleEr Party?

Zoro: What's left of him.

Makino: Who did that?

(Sanji raises his hand.)

Makino (grins): Cool.  And you're a cook too, right?

(Sanji nods.)

Makino (sneaky and wheedling, almost as good as Nami): You want a ride back to the bar?

(Luffy grabs onto Sanji's arm.)

Luffy: MINE!

Makino: Luffy, I'll just be borrowing him for a while.

Luffy: MINE!

Sanji: Luffy, you know I'll come back to the Going Merry Go - so long as Nami and Vivi are members of the crew.  And I'm getting paid right?

(Makino nods)

Nami (hits Luffy on the back of the head and pushes Sanji towards Makino): YOU'RE LETTING HIM GO!

(Makino gets a grip on Sanji's elbow and propels him towards the Makino-mobile.)

Makino: See you all back at Party's!


Random Quote Analysis:
Sometimes too much drinking is barely enough - Mark Twain

Zoro: Sanji's going to be drinking through a straw once we get through with him.
Sanji: This isn't for me!
Zoro: Sure it isn't.
Sanji: It's a favor.  For a friend.
Zoro: Vivi again?
Kohza (outraged): Vivi would never request such a thing.
(Zoro and Sanji laugh for a few moments.)
Zoro: Anyway.  What's the deal, cook?  Who's paying ya?
Sanji: It's not money.  It's all about freedom.
Kohza: She can write us in naked whenever she wants!  She doesn't need you to do her dirty work.
[True, yet where's the challenge in writing it in?  But having Sanji, whom Zoro 'hates' and who is a complete stranger to you, get the two of you into a compromising positionEthat, my little porkchop, is a challenge.]
Zoro: Me and Kohza thoughE
[Answer: E-bay.  Zoro + Zoro clone + naked = bidding war.]


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