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Interlude Part 6: Nitrile Gloves, Ice and Natty Light - that's what Little Daiquiris are Made Of!

Recap: Makino revealed her newest appliances, including the mysterious Jukebox of Doom which plays 'appropriate' songs whenever someone stands near it.  Ben's song is causing much consternation as it appears to be in German and no one understands the words - though everyone agrees that it sounds quite ominous.  Luffy is guzzling Natty Light like nobody's business and Chopper, who is completely disillusioned that Ben is NOT the Rock (a mistake many have made), is crying.  But he is definitely not crying because he ate a Devil Fruit and can understand Dutch which is kind of like German.

Makino continues to unpack. She pulls out an object that appears to be a cross between a hemmorhoid donut and Space Station Mir.)

Nami: What is that?

Makino:  That's the heated toilet seat with the pocket universe option.

Vivi: What in heaven's name do you need a pocket universe for when you're using the facilities?

Makino (shrugs): It was on sale.

Luffy (burps loudly): Another Natty Light.

Usopp: Man, you are packing those away.

Zoro: Save some for the rest of us.

(Across the room, Ben stands in front of the Jukebox of Doom, silently willing it to give up all its infernal secrets.)

Ben (thinking): I know if I stand here long enough, I'll be able to translate the song.  After all, I'm the smartest character in OP!  Oda said so!

Makino (sharply): Dammit, Shanks, did I ask you to go through my stuff?

(Shanks holds up what looks like a blender that's been assimilated by the Borg.)

Shanks: Plan on taking over the universe with this one?

Makino (proudly): That is my ice crusher with dimensional flux option.  It's the focus of my entire business plan.  (strange fires burn in her eyes) I AM GOING TO BE THE WOMAN WHO SETS THE WORLD ON FIRE!

(Everyone backs away from Makino very, very slowly.)

Makino:  Metaphorically speaking, of course.  First this bar - then I'll start a chain!

Usopp: I'm confused.

Nami: How's that different than any other time?

Usopp (ignoring Nami): Which part of the device is the focus of your business plan - the dimensional flux or the ice crusher?

Makino: Both.  I hate making daiquiris.  That's why I bought this ice maker.  It'll make my life easier.

Shanks: Can I have a daiquiri now?

Makino: Only if daiquiries are made out of nitrile gloves and Natty Light.

Usopp: Yum, Natty Light slushies.  Sounds good.  I'll have one.

Shanks: We'll all have one!  In celebration of having our bar wench back where she belongs - behind a counter and serving us frosty escapes from reality.

(There is general cheering from the pirates and a very loud moan from the bound hungover sorority girl, F.O.Z. Girl.  Sanji pushes her out the kitchen door and into the main room of Party's.)

Sanji (sourly): I think this one's ready to work.

Makino: Excellent.

F.O.Z. Girl: Ugh. Work?  I feel like I'm gonna die…

Sanji: I gave you a chance, but no -

F.O.Z. Girl (glares at him): Indentured servitude or what
you were suggesting? I'll take slavery any day of the week.

Vivi (outraged): Sanji!  That's no way for a prince to behave!

(Chopper sobs silently while Rammstein's Buck Dich continues to play.)

Zoro (laughs): BWAHAHAHAHA! You couldn't even make it with a hungover, bound sorority girl!  You are
so pathetic!

(Luffy, Nami, Vivi, Usopp, and Chopper move away so Sanji can get a clear path to beat Zoro's head in.)

Shanks (makes "cute eyes" at Makino): Makino? Daiquiri?  Onegai?

Makino: Well, I have to get rid of this crap so I might as well make drinks for you all.

(Makino throws some ice and Natty Light into the icemaker and hits the start button. The lights dim, power up, dim and then explode.  And the entire pirate cast, except for Makino and F.O.Z. girl, disappears.  There is a gentle tinkle as the ankle cuffs from [Sanji's balls] and chains hit the wooden floor. )

Makino: Okay…


Random Quote Analysis

(Just as the Random Quote Analysis Trio are about to begin their analysis, Zoro and Sanji mysteriously disappear!)
Kohza: Hey… where'd they go?
[They got sucked into the Vortex at Party's.]
Kohza: But that shouldn't affect them in the RQA.
[Hello.  Sucked
out of the Smut Garden!  The RQA is part of the Smut Garden; therefore their absence in the main "plot" means their absence here.]
Kohza: I like how you put quotes around plot.
[Anyway - ]

So begins the Alternate Universe Arc!

Kohza: Shouldn't it say - "Tenchi Knock Off Special! Also Known As - the Author has Writer's Brick and Doesn't know how to end the Spam and has Decided to extend the Series with a Bunch of Stupid Fill-ins similar to the First Season of Tenchi until she comes up with an Idea?"
[Hey smart ass, do you want to go back where I found you? In a cage, alone, in Greenland?]
Kohza: Does it mean I get out of the Random Quote Analysis space you have me in now?
All of it will go in the cage. A cage within a cage. Two cages.]


Terms Explained
Let's see - "cute eyes" was stolen from fumbum.  The Greenland thing was from The Princess Bride.