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It's gonna get worse before it gets better

In the Vortex

(Zoro stares at nothing.  Nami waves her hand in front of his face, but he doesn't react.)

Nami: Yup.  The last universe did him in.

Luffy: No duh!  Seeing his childhood friend die in front of him
again fried his brain.

Chopper (shaking his hoof at Shanks): This is your fault, you evil ninja master!

Shanks: Alternate Universe, little reindeer boy.  I had nothing to do with it.

Sanji: I almost feel sorry for Algae-head there.  Oh wait.  It passed.

Vivi: The universe is cruel.

Luffy: The
author is cruel.

[Am not.]

(Everyone screams as their lives have just gotten a little more horrible.)

[Man it took me awhile to find you guys.  Anyway, the effects of Washuu's inventions are beyond my sphere of influence.  What's going on here isn't in the Smut Garden - it's in an entirely different place.]

Usopp: Why should we believe you?

[My words are a different color.  In fact, you haven't even been to the first universe I would have put - ]

(The gang are swallowed by another probability node.)

Random Quote Analysis
You knew I was evil when you started dating me. - PVP

Mihawk (glumly): That's what
he said.
(Kohza is breathing deeply into a brown paper bag. In his cage.)
Kohza (muffled voice): I thought
you broke up with him, sir.
Mihawk: It was a mutual thing.
Kohza: Right. Why do our conversations always go back to your ex?
(Mihawk shrugs.)
Kohza: I'm gonna stop breathing in the bag. Maybe I'll pass out and get some relief from the nightmare.


Things Explained
Yes, the eye-bleeding color combinations stay. No. I will never get tired of the Mihawk/Croc doujin speculation. It's too much fun.