Disclaimer: Generation X, X-Men, X-Force, and all villains mentioned belong to Marvel. So do Moira, Muir Island, the Askani, Doug Ramsay, etc. Burger King belongs to its company. Amy Archer belongs to me. No money is being made off of this.

Part 2: A Star Is Born

Earth had been evil-free for exactly 2 weeks, 3 days, and 47 minutes. No wait. Thought Jubilee morosely as she glanced at her watch. Make that 2 weeks, 3 days, and 48 minutes. She let her arm drop back onto her lap, and sighed deeply. Jubilee, along with the rest of the students at the Massachusetts Academy, were sitting in the school's living room. The Television was blaring, and though no one was watching it, the sound provided a welcome break in the thundering silence that pervaded their lives since the discovery that the new student, Amy Archer, was the most powerful mutant in the world. Following that discovery, she was taken back to the X-Mansion, then to Muir Island to be studied further. There it was proved that she was in fact destined to be the world's saviour. After careful consideration, Professor X, Moira MacTaggert, and the other assembled X-Men decided, much to the consternation of everyone involved, to have Amy confront the most powerful evil mutants directly, partly out of the hope that she'd vanquish the enemy, but mostly out of the hope that she'd die and leave something for the rest of them to do. So she fought. And she won. Time and time again she fought and won: First Magneto, then Sabretooth, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the MLF, Sinister, and even Apocalypse in a record 7 minutes, 37 seconds. (Cable was royally pissed: for days afterwards, shouts of "that flonquing brat" and "the Askani are going to pay for this," not to mention numerous Askani curses were heard at the X-Force headquarters.) Now that the world was safe for all people again, the X-Groups had a conference to decide what to do. The decision that was reached, however regretfully by most of the attendees, was to disband the teams and try to lead a normal life. That was 2 days ago. Now, Jubilee and the rest of Generation X were sitting around and contemplating their futures. Each was thinking the same thoughts: Without GenX, there'd be no more fun. No more wanton destruction of public property; no more thinking up cool catch phrases like, "now it's personal."; no more running around in funny outfits as if everyday was Halloween; no more missing school because you're off fighting evil duplicates of your friends in an alternate universe. No more fun. Jubilee sighed again, as did most of the assembled teenagers. "Wait a minute guys." Said Everett. "What's the point in sitting around and moping? It's not gonna get us anywhere. So what if we can't be super heroes, there's lots of other things we can do. We're free now to be normal, and not worry about being captured or killed by some super villain who doesn't have anything against us personally, just our genetics or our friends. I for one want to go back to school. Now that I know that I have a future I want a career." After letting this sink in, the others brightened noticeably. "Ev's right!" Declared Paige. "Let's forget about this whole mess. I mean, being a super hero like Sam was always my dream, but when you really think about it, it wasn't much fun. People died, like Doug Ramsay for example." Angelo joined in: "Si, let's go to school and get ourselves some real jobs. I'm thinking Burger King for me maybe." {{Always good to have dreams mate.}} Laughed Jonothon. "I'm just being a realist." Paige frowned at Angelo. "Let's concentrate on our bright futures." Said Jubilee. "After all, things can't get any worse, right?" "Actually, I believe they can and will." The kids whirled around to see their two headmasters, Sean Cassidy and Emma Frost standing in the doorway. "You just had to open your big mouth, didn’t you Jubes." "Em, ya didnae have t'be so abrupt. Let me talk." He turned to face his students. "We couldnae help but overhear ye speakin’, and I'm afraid you'll have t'rethink yuir plans a wee bit." The kids looked confused. "Ahh, sir, what exactly do you mean?" Asked Paige, looking just a little frightened. "What he means," interrupted Mrs. Frost, "is that you can't go to school. At least, not in the capacity you're thinking of. It seems that in our zeal to open a school for gifted youngsters such as yourselves, we overlooked getting any kind of teachers' licenses. Also, the courses you were taught, such as Shi'ar 101, aren't exactly on any high or junior high school curriculum." "Spit it out Frosty." Growled Jubilee. "Well, if you are to go back to school, you will have to resume at the grade you were attending at the time of your departure for this school, perhaps one or two grades earlier." "So you're saying that these last few years of education have counted for nothing?" Said Paige, incredulous. "And we have to go back to whatever grade we were in before coming here?" Asked Everett. "Well, obviously. That's exactly what Miss Frost just finished saying." Said Monet. 'Wait!" Yelled Jubilee. "I jus thought of something. I never really went to school, at least not for years. What would happen to me?" "You will probably have to take a test to determine were you are academic wise, then start from there." Jubilee looked horrified. "I'll be the oldest kid in kindergarten!" "Calm down J." Said Everett reassuringly. "I'm sure it won't be that bad." "Oh yeah? Have you seen my test scores? I'm doomed." "Everett's right lass, there's nothing to worry about. We still have Emma's money t'rely on." Just then, Miss Frost's cell phone rang. "Hello? Ah, Michael how nice to hear from--WHAT?!? This is unthinkable! You must be wrong! Listen you miserable little gnome, check again, or else I'll...hello? Hello?" Emma closed her phone angrily and threw it across the room. Sean gulped nervously, and approached the headmistress. "Em, what is it?" "The stock market crashed. I've lost all my money and my company." "So much for the money." Muttered Angelo. "Well this is just great." Jubilee said, throwing herself onto the couch and crossing her arms. "No money, no education, and no more super heroing. We're gonna end up livin' on the street." Suddenly Ev brightened. "Hey, we could be squeegee kids! I've always wanted to do that." The others gave him strange looks. "What? It looks like fun okay." "This is unacceptable. Angelo comes from the street, and Paige and Jubilee were always poor, but how do you expect me to survive? The St. Croixs were bred for a life of luxury, not poverty." Jubilee glared at Monet. "I say we eat her first." "Nobody is eatin' anybody." Interjected Paige. "I'm sure there's something we can do, right? I mean, we do have special, uh, talents that could be useful for...something." {{The gel is right. We just have to think.}} For several minutesno one spoke as each ran through the possible careers they could have. They all came up empty handed. "There's gotta be somewhere we can work where you don't need experience, or qualifications, or talent, or an education." Everyone's heads snapped up, as they each got the same idea: "Hollywood!"

* * * *

1 week later...

"Sean, Paige is on my side of the seat." Whined Jubilee as she gave Paige a shove. "Ah am not. Ya're takin’ up th'whole seat, *you* move over." They both started pushing each other. "Girls, stop it at once!" Yelled Emma from the front seat of the van. It had been a week since the decision to move to Hollywood and try their hands at acting, and after selling the school there was only enough money for a house once they got there, and one van. So, for the past 5 and a half days, 10 people had been crammed into the 7 passenger vehicle, as they traveled nonstop to their destination. Tensions were running high due to the cramped quarters and lack of sleep, and the kids were fighting constantly. (with exception of Artie and Leech, who had been dozing comfortably between the two front seats for the entire trip.) Emma had had enough. She was exhausted enough from telepathically keeping Sean and herself awake while driving, and the last thing she needed right now was a group of shrieking teenagers. "If ALL of you don't knock it off, we're stopping this car and you can walk to Hollywood." The noises ceased immediately. They knew that, coming from Emma Frost, this was no idle threat. "Hey, why don't we play the license plate game?" Angelo, who was keeping his sanity by listening to his Walkman, answered Everett without opening his eyes. "Ev amigo, the first six hours of that game were fun, but let's not overdo it, okay?" "Well, we gotta do something. This is boring." "Why don't you borrow one of my books Everett." Monet said, offering him a thick hard cover book, titled Biochemistry and You. "Uhh, thanks Monet but I'll pass." "Your loss." "Angelo," said Paige, "could you please turn off that Walkman? It's really loud, and you've been playing it the whole trip." "Why don't you mind your own business Chica?" {{'Ey, don't talk to the gel like that!}} Angelo put his face right up to Jono's. "Make me." {{I will.}} Jono ripped the headphones off of Angelo's head and threw his Walkman out the window. Paige and Jubilee cheered. "That's it, now I'm mad." Angelo stretched out his skin and grabbed Jono in a choke hold. "Angelo stop!" Yelled a horrified Paige, as she tried to release his grip on the Englishman's neck. "Stay out of this Hayseed, it's jus gettin' interesting." "They're gonna kill each other!" "Hey, at least then there'll be more room in here, and you won't be on my side of the seat." Paige narrowed her eyes, forgetting about the two boys. "Ah am not on your side of the seat." "Are too." "Am not." "Are too!" With that, Jubilee picked up the pillow she'd been resting on, and whacked Paige on the head with it. "Hey!" Paige grabbed her pillow, and hit Jubilee back. An all out pillow fight erupted between the girls. Meanwhile, Everett was busy trying to break up Angelo and Jono. "Come on guys, that's enough." He said, pulling on Angelo's arm. {{I'm gonna bloody kill you mate!}} Yelled Jono as he flailed his arms, trying to at least land a punch on Angelo. He missed Angelo, but caught Everett right in the eye. "OW!" Ev slapped his hand over his eye. "That's it, no more mister nice guy!" He unbuckled his seat belt and jumped on top of the two boys. Artie and Leech, awoken during the commotion, started to cry loudly. Monet, who had been sitting quietly in the midst of the melee, jumped into the fray after one of Everett's legs landed in her coffee, knocking it into her lap. It was a huge, confusing free for all: no one could see who they were hitting or kicking or punching, nor did they care. All the previous week's frustrations and tensions were being released in a mini riot. Suddenly, they all went limp and collapsed. Sean let out a sigh of relief. "Thank ye Em." "No problem."

* * * *

Jubilee opened her eyes slowly, blinking from the sudden unfamiliar bombardment of light. Rubbing her neck gingerly, which was sore from laying at an odd angle underneath Paige for an undetermined amount of time, she looked around her. "What in the world happened here?" The back of the van looked like a war zone: the kids were all unconscious, piled on top of each other. Emma turned around and gave her an innocent look. "Why Jubilation, I believe you all fell asleep." "Yeah right, and Sabretooth’s a nice kitty." The others groaned as they started to wake up. Jono shoved Angelo and Everett off of him, and pushed Monet's leg out of his face. {{Where are we?}} "Hollywood." Answered Sean as he swung into a driveway. "And yuir new home." The kids scrambled for the windows. "This is our new home?" Said Monet Disgustedly as she surveyed the small two-story with a distasteful blue and white colour scheme. "Lass, I know this isnae what yuir used to, but it's fairly large and in a good neighborhood." "How d'ya know that Irish?" Said Jubilee as she disentangled herself from Paige and Everett. "Because we live two doors down from the X-Men, and across the street from X-Force." "You call that a good neighborhood? Knowing them, the block will be trashed by the end of the week." "Now Jubilee, that was our old lives. We're starting over, remember?" "Yeah, yeah." "By the way." Said Emma as she adjusted her sunglasses. "There's something else that might take a bit of getting used to: there's only one bathroom." The kids threw each other frantic looks. Their last pit stop had been 3 hours ago. Almost as one they threw themselves at the only door in the back seat, desperately trying to be the first man out. "OOPS." Said Emma as she grinned maliciously. "Forgot to unlock the door." She pushed the button that unlocked all the van's doors at the same time as Angelo's outstretched fingers pulled the door handle. The door swung open, and the kids tumbled out the door and onto the grass. Monet, using her super strength (which was a terrific boon at times like these), heaved the others off of her, only to be tripped by one of Angelo's fingers. Jubilee temporarily blinded the others with her fireworks, but was tackled by Paige before she took two steps, and Paige was felled by a good solid yank to her hair by Everett, who had to go too badly to fight fair. Sean and Emma were leaning against the van, watching the brawl amusedly. "Should we break this up Em?" "No, they'll stop. Eventually." "Hey, you got any of that popcorn left?" "Certainly, help yourself." Meanwhile, Artie and Leech strolled by the dog pile and into the house. "Leech thinks Leech and Artie should play pirates in the tub." An image of bubbles appeared over Artie's head. "Yes, with bubbles too." "No fair!" Yelled Jubilee, her voice muffled from beneath Jono. They stopped fighting and sat in the grass. Paige looked thoughtful. "I wonder if X-Force's bathroom is empty?" "Race ya!" Angelo jumped up and started to run, before being tackled by the rest of the teenagers. And the fight started again.

* * * *

"Well, that's the last box." Everett set it down with a loud thump. "Watch it! That's my stuff." Said Jubilee as she examined the box. "Can't you read? It says fragile Ev, fragile. It means breakable, delicate, weak..." "I get the idea Lee." Ev said, rolling his eyes. "Somebody's been reading their thesaurus." Whispered Paige. Monet breezed through the room. "That'd be a first. The only time Jubilee reads is when there's comics on the back of cereal boxes." "Lay off her Monet." "Now now kids." Interrupted Sean. "No more fighting. This morning you nearly killed each other, not to mention almost peed all over our new front lawn." Just then Emma walked in the front door. "Good news kids, our agent got us our first jobs." "That fast?" Asked Angelo. "I mean, I don't know much about the biz, but isn't it hard to break into it? And when did we get an agent?" "Don't you kids read the newspaper? Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking to." "Enough Emma. Just answer Angelo's questions." "Fine Sean. We got an agent before we arrived, through an old friend of mine. We're at the same agency as the X-Men, X-Force, and the other X-People. And about the paper, if you'll just take a look at this, it will explain everything." She tossed a copy of that day's paper on Jubilee's box. "Fragile." Jubilee hissed. Paige picked up the paper and read the headline on the first page aloud: "President says no to proposed tax legislature. Umm, that's very nice Miss Frost, but it doesn't really explain anything." "No, not there. Give me that." She yanked the paper out of Paige's hands and flipped through the pages. "Here. Read this." "Hollywood strike leaves television executives high and dry. It says here that until the strike is resolved, most of today's most popular television shows will have no actors in them." "What's that got to do with us Frosty?" Emma stared at Jubilee icily before answering. "Scabs." "Where?" Said Jubilee, looking at her arm. Monet sighed. "It means someone who is brought in to replace strikers Jubilee." "Does this mean what I think it means?" Asked Paige excitedly. {{Depends on what you think it means luv.}} "It means we are going to be replacing the actors on television." Emma said, brandished several scripts. "Here are your first engagements." Each grabbed his script eagerly. "Wait a minute! You can't be serious!" "Oh but I am Jubilee. Now get changed. We have work to do."

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