Disclaimer: Generation X belong to Marvel, which we are in no way affiliated with. No money is being made from this story.


This story is our first attempt at fanfiction, so please, if you e-mail us with your opinion on it, be kind. We are very fragile emotionally. Because it’s out first fic, please overlook any and all bad accents, misuse of powers and slightly askew personalities. There is also a bit of bad language in this story, nothing not seen on TV.

I Know What You Did Last Saturday

By Newt & Soupnazi


It was a regular afternoon at the Massachusetts Academy. Miss Frost was away on business in New York and Sean had gone to Snow Valley to get groceries. Meanwhile, the members of Generation X were spending a relaxing Saturday evening doing the kinds of things teenagers (and children) do in their free time. Artie and Leech were on the floor colouring, Everett and Jono were on the couch watching MTV, Jubilee and Paige were also on the floor painting their toenails, Angelo was sprawled on the chair listening to his Portable CD player, and Monet was sitting perfectly upright in the remaining chair, reading a textbook on Shi'ar technology and ignoring the various conversations taking place around her.

"Yo Ang, pass the popcorn!"


"You know, listening to music that loud can permanently damage your hearing"

"Thanks for the advice Paige. I'll keep it in mind."


"Shut up, I'm trying to hear this!"

"Geez Ev, calm down. It's not like you're missing much."

"Hey, I'll have you know that Britney Spears is a very talented performer."

"So her two 'friends' don't have anything to do with it, right?"

{Will all of yer quit your yappin'!}

Everyone winced at the sound of Jono's telepathic shout and fell silent. After a lengthy pause Paige timidly spoke up:

"When exactly did Mr. Cassidy say he'd be home?"

"6 o'clock chica. Why?"

"Because it's 8:30."

"Do you think somethin' mighta happened to him?" Jubilee said nervously.

Nobody answered her, but they were all thinking of the kinds of horrors their teacher might have encountered. At that instant the phone rang, causing the teenagers to jump. Monet, being the only one who refused to indulge in such outlandish notions, calmly stood up and answered the phone.

"Massachusetts Academy, how may I help you? Hello Mr. Cassidy."

At the sound of his name everyone in the room except Jono, who didn't care, and Angelo, who couldn't hear on account of his deafening music, leaned forward to hear Monet's side of the conversation.

"May I inquire as to why you are so late returning to the school Mr. Cassidy? Ah, I see. Yes, I'll tell them. No, don't worry, we have everything under control. Goodbye."

Monet hung up the phone and almost collided with Jubilee, who was standing inches from her.

"Weelll? Whaddid he say? Is somethin' wrong? Does he need Generation X to come and kick butt? C'mon M, I'm dyin' here."

"Patience is a virtue, Jubilee" said Monet disdainfully. "He told me that he is stuck in Snow Valley and probably won't return until tomorrow morning."

"Stuck?" Said Paige, confused. "What does he mean by stuck? Did his car break down?"

Monet turned to Paige, choosing to ignore the tongue sticking out of Jubilee's mouth.

"I believe he mentioned something about a snow storm."

"A snow storm?" Said Jubilee and Paige in unison. They both ran over to the window, pulled up the shade, and saw...

"Holee molee!" Jubilee exclaimed joyously, staring at the snow that covered the outside of the window. "He wasn't kiddin' about the snow storm. Lookit that!"

"Madre de Dios!" exclaimed Angelo who had just made his way over to the window.

The two children quickly ran over and pressed their faces up to the glass.

"Snow!" Leech yelled, and a bubble with a picture of a snowman appeared over Artie's head. "Yes, good idea Artie! Can Leech and Artie go outside, please?" Leech asked, putting on his best puppy dog expression.

"Absolutely not." Declared Everett. "Look out there. You'd be buried in minutes."

{I 'ate snow.} Muttered Jono, who was now watching a Fox special called "When Preschoolers Attack" on television.

"Wait a minute. Do you guys know what this means?" Said Jubilee, still facing the window.

Slowly, she turned around. Her face had a huge smile on it that, because of the way the shadows played on her features, made her look slightly insane.

"We have the place all to ourselves until tomorrow!"

"I don't like where this is going J." Said Everett.

Paige and Angelo glanced at each other worriedly. They knew what Jubilee was capable of when unsupervised and pumped full of sugar.

"We can do whatever we want, and no one can stop us!" She said, walking towards the rest of the group.

Everyone took a step back. Paige decided to be the brave one, and cautiously approached the younger girl.

"Calm down Jubilee. Why don't you just sit down with me and we can watch a movie. Your pick." She said hopefully, trying to lead Jubilee over to the couch.

"Stop being such a stick in the mud, Hayseed. Loosen up! C'mon Ev, let's leave these party poopers to their boring old Saturday night and have some real fun!"

She grabbed Everett's arm and began pulling him out of the room. He threw the rest of the kids a desperate look and mouthed "help" before disappearing around the corner.

{The gel's right. I'm out of 'ere.} Jono stood up and strode out of the room.

Paige watched his rapidly retreating back and sighed. Angelo, never being one to ignore a chica in her time of need, stood up and lead Paige towards the kitchen, declaring that they needed a snack. Artie and Leech looked at Monet, then at each other, and quickly exited the room without a word. Monet, now the sole occupant of the room, picked up her book and sat back down in her chair.

"Why they insist on being so immature is beyond even my grasp."


With Ev still tight in her grasp Jubilee pulled him into her room.

"What exactly did you have in mind?" Ev asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll see." Jubilee said as she dove onto her bed and sorted through the junk that laid on, around, and especially under it.

Ev quickly dodged a few CDs and a textbook that came hurtling towards him.

"Aha!" She exclaimed pulling out two deluxe super soaker water guns. "Where are your roller blades?"
<>br> "No way!" Ev shouted. "I know what you're thinking and I'm not gonna do it! Remember what happened last time with the pudding balloons? Miss Frost still can't get the chocolate stains out of her silk pajamas!"

"Where's your sense of adventure? Now go get your blades Ev, and meet me at the downstairs bathroom in 5."

She pushed him out of her room and closed the door in his face. From behind the door Everett could hear her rummaging through her stuff again. Ev groaned and headed for his room.

"I just know I'm gonna regret this tomorrow."

* * *

Jono laid awake on his bed staring at the basement ceiling, trying to think of something to do. He shifted to an upright position and his eyes scanned the room: T.V, clothes, electric guitar... That gives me an idea. he thought to himself as he located his amps.

* * *

Paige rummaged through the cupboards in the kitchen.

"There is nothing to eat." She declared. "Jubilee finished off the sugar bombs."

Angelo pulled his head out of the fridge. "Nothing here either."

They both began to think.

"I've got it! Let's make something from scratch!" She said cheerfully.

"Like what?"

"I know, chocolate cake!" She said.

"Uh, okay." He replied.

"All right, you get eggs, milk, and vanilla. I'll take care of the rest."

"Sure thing."

He opened the fridge, got out the eggs and milk and put them on the counter. Then, he reached into the freezer, pulled out the vanilla ice cream, and put it beside the other ingredients.

"All done." He announced. "What next?"

"Oh boy." Muttered Paige. "Ang, have you ever baked before?"

"No, why?"

"Ah, why don't I get the ingredients. And mix them together."

"Well, what can I do chica?"

"I'm sure we'll find something."

* * *

Artie and leech quickly ran out of the girl's room with all their pillows and sheets and loaded them on their wagon.

"Only two rooms left Artie." Leech shouted happily.

Artie smiled and began to pull the wagon behind him while Leech ran into Angelo's room and stripped the bed of its sheets and pillows. He ran back, stuffed them in the wagon, then proceeded to do the same to Everett's.

"That's it!" Exclaimed Leech. Artie nodded.

They walked into the Danger Room. Every pillow and sheet in the entire house was piled high around the room. They unloaded the wagon and began construction on their fort.

* * *

Monet set down her finished book and looked around the room.

"I do believe it's time for some refreshments" she decided, and headed to the kitchen.

Ignoring Angelo and Paige, who were too engrossed in mixing some strange substance that might have been cake batter, she walked over to the fridge, opened it up, and looked inside. Nothing. She reached way into the back and finally emerged, triumphant, with a label-less bottle containing what appeared to lemonade. She opened the bottle.

"It smells like lemonade," she murmured to herself.

She took a small sip.

"It tastes like lemonade, albeit slightly strange tasting. Oh well, it's not like there's anything else to drink around here."

Exiting the room with her drink, she decided to find something else to read that would cater to a superior intellect such as hers. Finally choosing a thick one by some obscure Russian writer, she settled back into her chair and began to sip her drink.

"This really isn't very good lemonade." She thought disgustedly. Mental note: Next time make a grocery list myself. Mr. Cassidy obviously doesn't know quality.

However, in spite of the fact that the drink was one of the most vile things she'd ever tasted, she finished it in all of ten minutes.

"I suppose another can't hurt." She walked back into the kitchen. I had better take a few, so I don't have to watch Angelo's shameless flirting.

She carried three bottles back into the living room.

"I'm feeling a little bit dizzy. Perhaps I shouldn't wake up so early."

She opened the second bottle and quickly polished it off.

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen...

"Do ya wanna help or not?"

"Relax country mouse, I'm getting something to drink."

Angelo dug around the fridge. Where did I put my...aha!

He pulled out a Label-less bottle.

Waitaminute! I could've sworn I had four more bottles yesterday. Damn, what if Cassidy found my vodka lemonade stash? I'm gonna be in so much sh...

"Earth to Angelo! Did you even hear a word I said?" Paige said, giving him an exasperated look.

"Whuh? Oh, ya, sure I did."

"Then come over here and mix this. Mah...my arms are gettin tired."

"Be right there."

Angelo gave one last worried glance at the contents, or rather lack of contents in the fridge and joined Paige at the counter.



A stream of green water splashed all over Ev's face as Jubilee sped around the corner, water gun in hand.

"Ah man, she's killin me." Said Everett, trying without success to pump his water gun without losing his balance.

"Jubes makes it look so easy, while I'm having trouble moving around. I gotta find some way to get an advantage."

Then it came to him as he passed the open living room door.

"I can synch with Monet and fly instead of having to use these things."

In a few seconds he was ready to beat the pants off Jubilee.

"Ready or not, here I come!" He shouted, flying through the hall.

* * *

Jono was lugging his last amp up the stairs.

Why do these things 'ave to be so bloody 'eavy? He thought as he placed it beside the rest of his equipment. Now where to set it up?

He looked around, he decided that the rec. room was the best place. He pulled his amps towards the open door and set them up, he then walked back grabbed his guitar and hooked it up to the amps . He sat down on the couch, picked up his guitar and turned on the amps.

{Well, even if I can't sing I can still make some noise.} He said philosophically, which was rather unlike Jono.

{Time to rock.}

* * *

"Angelo, come over here and stir this, I have to go get some more flour."

"Sure thing chica."

Angelo walked over to the big bowl on the counter, grabbed the spoon and stirred the gooey brown mixture as Paige left the room. Angelo just stood there and mixed. And mixed. And mixed some more.

"Man, how long does it take to get flour? She's been gone at least 5 minutes and my arms are gettin tired! I need to find some way to make this go faster."

Suddenly, an idea hit him.

"Of course! Why didn't I think of this before?"

He yanked open the cupboard door and pulled out the blender.

"Man," he said as he poured the batter into the blender, "I should've thought of this before. I'll be done in no time."

He switched on the blender and leaned back against the counter.

"Now I'll just sit back, relax, and let the machine do the work for me."

* * *

"OK Artie put that pillow there" Leech said pointing to a spot on the left wall of the danger room.

Artie quickly walked over to the wall and set down the pillow.

"The fort is done!" Leech shouted happily.

"So what do we do now?" he asked his friend.

Artie shrugged.

"Lets go find something else to do." Leech said walking towards the door.

Artie followed right behind.

* * *

Monet took the last sip of her fourth bottle of the "lemonade" and set it down. She stood up and, headed towards the door and lurched drunkenly down the hall, bumping into the wall a few times along the way. Then she rammed into the hall table which had Miss Frost's favorite white china vase on it and fell on her butt. The vase teetered on the edge of the table before falling over the edge and smashing into a million tiny pieces. She sat there for a minute and then began to giggle like a 6 year old.


Ev finally found Jubilee in the living room. He flew over her head and attacked, drenching her with bright pink water. Jubilee screamed as the water soaked her hair and clothes.

"You are sooooo dead!" she yelled.

But suddenly Ev ran out of water.

"Oh great" he murmured.

"Hey Jubes, I'm out of water." he yelled.

"Who cares?" Jubilee yelled back squirting him with her green water.

Ev began to fly in the direction of the bathroom with Jubilee hot on his heels squirting him as she followed. He landed in front of the bathroom and Jubilee pulled up behind him, still squirting.

"Stop it! I have to fill up!" He yelled at her.

"OK Ev, geez!"

Ev, still angry, walked over to the tap. "Well next time just don't..."

Forgetting he had synched with M's powers he gave the tap a sharp twist, pulling it completely off. Water gushed out, filling the sink and leaking over the sides. Everett turned and looked at Jubilee.

"Uh oh."

* * *

Jono sat on the couch playing his favorite hard rock song on his electric guitar. Abruptly he stopped.

There's something wrong. he thought, frowning.

I know, volume.

He reached over to his amp and turned up the knob past high to dangerous. He looked down at his guitar, pulled up his hand and let his fingers hit the strings. As soon as the sound of the first note came out the huge picture window at the front of the room exploded. Shards of glass flew everywhere and snow came pouring through the window.

{Bloody ‘ell!} He shouted as he grabbed his guitar and ran out of the room.

* * *

Angelo stood and watched the blender stir the cake mixture. Just as he was congratulating himself for his ingenuity for the fifth or sixth time the lid flew off the blender. Angelo dove behind the counter just as cake batter splattered all over the place. He stretched his arm over the counter and unplugged the machine.

"Oh mah lord!"

Angelo turned around to see Paige standing in the doorway staring wide eyed at the mess. Her eyes slowly shifted to Angelo and narrowed.

"What. Did. You. Do?" She said menacingly.

"Well, you see, my arm got tired, and I, uh, I thought it would go faster if I, well, used the, ah, blender."

Paige stared at him unbelievingly.

"What were ya thinking? How are we ever gonna clean this up before Mister Cassidy gets back?"

"Well, maybe you could husk into a giant sponge." Joked Angelo.

"Angelo, shut up."

"Yes ma'am."

* * *

Artie and Leech walked down the hallway looking for something to do. As they passed the rec. room, they saw something familiar leaking out from under the door. They stopped and Leech slowly opened the door and looked inside.

"Artie look!" He shouted. "The outside is inside!"

Both boys stood and stared at the mountains of snow that now covered the room. Above Artie's head there appeared a picture of a snowman.

"Yes Artie, we can play in the snow. Synch only said we could not go outside. Let's get our coats!"

They ran off excitedly.

* * *

Monet finally stopped giggling and pulled herself up off the floor.

"OOPS!" She said staring at the remains of the vase. "Oh well."

She kept on walking down the hall until she bumped into Jono.

"Hello Ev!" she said cheerfully, throwing her arms around the Englishman.

{What the...Monet gel, are you drunk?}

"I'm not drunk shilly, I’m jusht happy to shee you!"

{Uh huh.} Jono said flatly as he began to walk away.

"Oh no you don't!" She yelled.

Tackling him and pinning him down she bent down and kissed him where his lips would be if he still had a whole face. Jono's eyes shot wide open as he tried to push her off. After a long moment she finally pulled back and Jono gave her a hard shove . Monet jumped up, walked a few steps, and passed out on the floor.

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